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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

Figure 1 – Technologies of using AI in education 
The goal of research in the area of personalized learning is to manage 
instructional materials and procedures that are customized for each individual learner 
[4]. AI is utilized to encourage personalization and improved learning results; 
investigating how it may enhance teacher support, collaborative environments, and 
educational access. 
Personalized systems are designed to maximize the educational process and 
provide recommendations for a particular student by gathering and analyzing 
educational data. Algorithms in these systems are capable of generating decisions 
Technology of personalized learning. Artificial intelligence finds patterns in 
a huge database and uses its information to select personal educational 
Virtual assistants. Artificial intelligence uses information from the Internet to 
help adjust curriculum. 
Proctoring. Artificial intelligence is used to identify students during distance 
and online learning, monitors atypical elements, opening new tabs. 
Automatic evaluation. Artificial intelligence can evaluate students' 
knowledge and analyze it. 
Chat-bots. Artificial intelligence uses the experience of operators and 
simulates a real conversation with the user 

based on input data. AI technologies allow for the tracking of each student’s progress 
and customization of the training program and learning environment based on the 
student’s preferences and experience [5]. For instance, students utilize the artificial 
intelligence-powered Duolingo program to study different languages in-depth. The 
software builds a personalized learning environment based on an adaptive placement 
test, analyzes user error history, allows for several ways to interact with the 
information, and provides quick feedback through the use of machine learning and 
language processing algorithms. 
Artificial intelligence technologies allow for the creation of customized study 
programs for each topic when educating specialists, as well as the implementation of 
control over students’ activities within the classroom. The creation of techniques by 
educators and psychologists for assessing students’ aptitudes, drive, determination, 
and other characteristics the foundation upon which a customized training plan is 
based makes the use of artificial intelligence in education feasible. The process of 
creating an educational plan and carrying it out in which the student is the focus of 
the learning process while accounting for the unique qualities is known as 
personalized learning. The use of artificial intelligence by both teachers and students 
themselves is required to improve the effectiveness of the educational process from 
the perspective of personalization. 
At the moment, the AI computers integrated within virtual assistants for 
teachers that may currently reply to student inquiries with accuracy and speed. 
Artificial intelligence-based proctoring systems have gained popularity 
recently for evaluating online learners’ skills. With the use of the following 
indicators, such as the frequency with which a student looks away from the monitor, 
attempts to switch tabs in the browser, and the appearance of strangers in the camera 
view, these systems are able to analyze the behavior of a student taking an exam 
remotely without the involvement of a proctor. Exams are typically administered 
remotely when learning distantly. It is imperative to guarantee that the student 
completes the exam on his own, nonetheless. AI-based defense systems are helpful in 
this situation. Proctoring, also known as proctored testing, is a method where a 
proctor who is present throughout the test verifies the test taker’s identity and stops 
them from cheating. 
AI examines a large amount of data and makes it possible to identify issues in 
students while they are still learning. We are able to determine the following target 
areas for the use of learning analytics after analyzing a large number of domestic and 
international studies in the field: 
forecasting student activity during the learning process: using students’ 
model, which includes details about their personal traits, academic performance, and 
the training process, a comparison is made with the behavior patterns of previous 
student clusters to forecast the students’ behavior and the learning outcome; 
the creation of fresh models and methods for expressing subject-matter 
knowledge. Following data analysis, a customized method of instruction is suggested 
based on the language proficiency and learning style of each student; 
study of the “teacher-student” interaction: suggestions are made for how to 
create an efficient channel of interaction between the learning subjects or between the 

student and the environment based on the stylistic traits of the student and the 
teacher, or the stylistic traits of the student and the style of presentation of 
educational content in the electronic learning environment; 
study of the psychology of students and the phenomena of learning itself: 
suggestions to improve learning success are made based on the examination of 
educational data and the unique qualities of each learner [6]. 
The examination and assessment of student work can be automated with the 
use of artificial intelligence, namely natural language processing algorithms. An 
artificial intelligence-based customized computer application that mimics the actions 
of a teacher judging writings submitted in a classroom setting. The AI application is 
able to evaluate students’ knowledge, examine their responses, give feedback, and 
design personalized learning programs. 
One of the current domains in education is a chat-bot. Numerous chat-bots have 
already been developed and are exploited to measure assimilation as well as aid in the 
acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. According to studies on the usefulness of 
chat-bots in education, the majority of trial subjects learned, took in material, and 
interacted with the bots in the same way as they would have with real humans. 
Compared to other resources and software applications, chat-bots have several 
advantages: they are easier to install and use, the do not require the memory of a 
device; connections to the bot are easier to share; they are simpler to design and 
operate [7]. A chat-bot is a very useful tool in organizing educational process, as well 
as interesting and easy to use for both students and teachers. Among other things, it 
meets the needs of the younger generation, gaining knowledge in the context of 
digitalization. However, the widespread usage of instant messengers, or short 
message services, is one of the key elements that defined the active invention and 
successful application of chat-bots. 
There are numerous prospects for establishing and enhancing higher education 
practices through the use of artificial intelligence. But when putting artificial 
intelligence techniques to use, it’s equally important to consider their potential 
advantages and disadvantages. The main benefits of AI are the reduction of errors 
and the removal of the human element, together with the development of data 
processing algorithms. Through the application of learning analytics techniques and 
the prediction of student learning success, services based on AI technologies help to 
improve the personalization and individualization of the learning process. The study 
analyzed the benefits and challenges of implementing artificial intelligence 
technology in the operations of a contemporary higher education institution. The 
author described only key AI technologies in the presented research: personalized 
learning, virtual assistants, proctoring, data collection, analysis and assessment of the 
quality of knowledge, chat-bots. 

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