Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары

particular, the Internet), expanding information communication, which provides the

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qazirgi zamangy bilim juiesi tendensialar innovasialar tehnologialar 2024

particular, the Internet), expanding information communication, which provides the

opportunity for almost any member of society to express their own opinion and 
defend their point of view. [1] 

The emergence of an electronic alternative to obtaining information or 
providing services.

Therefore, the universal need for information and communication 
competencies becomes obvious; today they must be developed in literally every 
member of modern society. Computer science tools can simultaneously be used to 
introduce both younger and more mature generations to information culture, which 
becomes especially relevant in connection with the transition to an information 
Stages of transition to the information society. 
The purpose of the first stage of informatization of society is computerization 
of society. The main results of this stage in the educational process include the spread 
of computer technology in schools and universities in Russia. At the same time, at 
this stage, the formation of the foundations of information culture and the transfer of 
existing information funds into electronic form begins in society. 
The second stage of informatization is associated with the introduction of 
computer technology into all areas of human life and activity, with the transfer of 
information funds into electronic form and a sharp increase in computer literacy 
among young people. 
The third stage is characterized by the socialization of information funds, 
which will lead to the emergence of a high level of information culture and the 
creation of electronic information funds with remote access, capable of competing at 
a high level with traditional ones. [2] 
The progressive and progressive nature of the introduction of information 
technology in modern society is ensured by the following factors: 

presentation of the essence of information processes as the most important 
processes of our time; their scientific justification and practical implementation in all 
spheres of human activity;

rapid improvement of new information technologies;

society's need for people who know how to process information using a 
computer. [3]

During the transition to an information society, the problem of adapting the 
elderly population to the modern information environment becomes especially acute. 
Our care for older people should be limited to more than just household, social, 
medical and material assistance. It is necessary to provide the older generation with a 
sense of usefulness and belonging to society, first of all, to change their attitude 
towards their age. It is important to involve older citizens in active activities, learning 
new things for social well-being and satisfaction with their free time. 
The computer provides an elderly person with the need to communicate with 
peers and revives interrupted social ties. Helps you become more adaptive and ready 
for changes in the world around you. The opportunity to obtain information in any 
area of life, to navigate the system of government agencies contributes to independent 
resolution of problems that arise, and also shows possible solutions to the realization 
of their rights and interests. [4] 

Taking computer literacy courses can help solve the growing information needs 
of the elderly population. The goal of which is to optimize the process of information 
adaptation of older people, to integrate the life experience of the older generation into 
the life of society. 

introduction to the possibilities of information technology;

creating platforms for constant dialogue between generations, using the life 
experience of older people to educate young people;

generalization and animation of experience working with older citizens.

So, as part of a computer literacy course, it is possible for older people to 
become acquainted with: 

architecture of a personal computer and a modern mobile phone,

operating system capabilities and programs,

text editor Word,

search capabilities of the Internet,

receiving electronic services using the State Services website,

work in personal accounts of banks and the basics of Internet security,

communication using email, social networks and various instant messengers.

opportunities to conduct and participate in video conferences,

using the advantages of online stores and delivery services.

Despite the obvious convenience of information technology, interest in new 
things and understanding of the importance of using computer technology in modern 
life among older people is met with some conservatism, which is due to many factors, 

long-term focus on knowledge acquired during student years and work, while 
people who have worked for more than 20 years are not taught how to use computer 
technology in their professional activities and everyday life;

stereotype of behavior when, achieving certain results without using 
computers, people are not interested in changing their professional and daily 
activities. [5]

Thus, the tasks of additional education institutions working with older people, 
as part of a computer literacy course, include introducing them to the possibilities of 
digital technologies and overcoming conservatism in relation to the use of 
information technologies in professional and everyday activities. 

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