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Мектептік білім беру мəселесі төңірегіндегі пікірталастар  
мен ұлттық тарих жөніндегі қазақстандық оқулықтар 
Мақаланы  жазудағы  мақсат  жалпы  білім  беретін  мектептердегі  түлектерді  дайындаудың  сапасын 
жақсартуды  маңызды  фактор  ретінде  қарастыра  отырып,  тарихтан  оқу-əдістемелік  əдебиеттің 
мазмұнын  қайта  қарау  қажеттілігін  негіздеу  болып  табылады.  Сол  себепті  соңғы 25 жыл  ішіндегі 
Қазақстан  Республикасындағы  мектеп  реформаларына  қатысты  сұрақтарға  зерттеу  жүргізілді. 
Автордың  көпжылдық  жоғарғы  оқу  орынындағы  жұмысы  жəне  типтік  бағдарламаларға,  мектеп 
оқулықтарына, сандық білім беру ресурстарына сараптама жасау тəжірибесі, мемлекеттік стандарттар 
мен 12 жылдық  эксперименталды  мектептерге  арналған  Қазақстан  тарихы  оқулықтарын  талдауға 
қатысуынан алынған нəтижелерді ой елегінен өткізіп, негізгі тұжырымдарды көрсетуге жəне тəуелсіз 
Қазақстандағы  мектептік  білім  берудің  өзіндік  моделін  тəжірибеде  айқындаудың  проблемалық 
тұстарын  көрсетуге  мүмкіндік  туды.  Бұл  арада  тарихты  оқытудағы  жаңаша  көзқарастарға  жəне  оқу 
материалдарының тəрбиелік сипатына үлкен көңіл бөлінді. 
L.I. Zuyeva 
Debate around school education and Kazakh textbooks on national history
The purpose of writing the article was to study the issuesof school reformin Kazakhstanover the past 25 
years, to substantiate the necessity to reviewthe content of educational-methodical literatureon history,as 
oneof the most important factorsof quality improvement of preparation of secondary schools graduates.Long-
term work of the author in the University and the experience of the examination of standard programs, school 
textbooks, digital educational resources, participation in development of state standards and textbooks on his-
tory of Kazakhstan for experimental 12-year schools allowed to generalize the results obtained, to formulate 
the main conclusions and outline the problem areas in the practice of creating the own model of school educa-
tion of independent Kazakhstan. Of great importance are the new approaches to teaching history and educa-
tional nature of educational material. 
1  Teaching history in school, 1999, 2, p. 9–44. 
2 Nazarbayev 
N.А.  Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan:  
«Kazakhstan on the road to accelerated economic, social and political modernization», Astana, 2005, February, 18, [ER]. Access 
3 Stobart 
Teaching history in school, 1995, 7, р. 65–72. 
4 Kusainov 
Mysl, 2001, 2, р. 54–60. 
5  Masanov N., Savin I. Old and new images in the modern textbooks of history, Moscow, 2003, p. 301. 
6  History education: trends and prospects. The outcome of the international conference // Teaching history at school, 1999, 2, 
p. 41. 
7  Abdugulova B.K. Teaching history at school, 2001, 9, p. 65–70. 
8  Shevyrev A.P. Teaching history at school, 2002, 5, p. 63–69. 
9  Toleubaev A.T., Kasymbaev J.K., Koigeldiev M.K. et al. History of Kazakhstan for the 10th grade of Humanities, Almaty: 
Mektep, 2006, 240 p.  
10  Toleubaev A.T., Kasymbaev J.K., Koigeldiev M.K. et al. History of Kazakhstan for the 11th grade of Humanities, Almaty: 
Mektep, 2007, 296 p. 

Серия «История. Философия». № 4(84)/2016 
UDC 37. 013. 42 
N.V. Karaseva 
Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University 
Information space as a factor of youth socialization  
In this scientific article the problem of influence of information space on socialization of youth is considered. 
The comparative analysis of various researches devoted to this area of knowledge is carried out. Skills of pos-
session and use of modern means of communication and technologies in many respects determine the speed 
and opportunity to achieve a goal to the modern young man. Information space and «gadgets» promote suc-
cessful adaptation and comfortable existence in all fields of activity. The world wide web and 
technologization of the majority of spheres of activity do especially important studying of influence of virtual 
reality on process of socialization of youth. Interaction with information which isn't relating to policy pro-
motes development in youth of the specific knowledge and skills necessary for participation in collective ac-
Key words:
 Information space, media, priming, youth, Media Impacts, Internet, media culture, television, so-
Skills and use of modern means of communication and technologies largely determine the speed and the 
ability to achieve the goal of the modern young man. Information Space and «gadgets» contribute to success-
ful adaptation and comfortable existence in all spheres of activity.  
Today, the impact on the socialization of information space is regarded as one of the major problems of 
our time. The global information space — «a collection of information resources and infrastructures that 
make up the state and inter-state computer networks, telecommunications systems, and the public network, 
and other cross-border communication channels» [1]. 
Socialization is understood as process of formation of the personality, assimilation of social experience 
during which are formed the most common steady features of the personality. Socialization acts as process 
when the personality forms the personality similar to functioning as the integral element of society. It repro-
duces in herself its signs, broadcasts the saved-up social experience, provides preservation of and a survival 
as member of this society, and also society as collective whole. The new type of information and communi-
cative space — the Internet — forms the new space of socialization bearing in itself both the potential, and 
risks. Really, the Internet is the socialization environment in the globalized information society and, analyz-
ing the Internet as space of social interaction, it is possible to allocate the following backbone factors:  
 audience of a resource which possesses the general valuable orientations; 
 the social importance of information for emergence and development of interpersonal interaction of 
 the technical environment which is meant as the appropriate means supporting process of interaction [2].  
Considering the Internet as a socialization factor, it must be kept in mind that direct object of influence 
of a stream of their soobkshcheniye is not so much the certain individual, how many consciousness and be-
havior of big groups of the people making group of users of these or those computer Networks. 
Influence of the Internet on spontaneous socialization is defined by several circumstances. The Internet 
carries out first of all a role of carrying out free pastime as in many respects, defines a leisure pastime of 

N.V. Karaseva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
people, both group, and individual. This role is realized in relation to all people so far as, because the rest at a 
leisure in online space or behind a computer game distracts them from daily cares and duties. 
Representatives of the «information society» focus on new values, on the role of knowledge and infor-
mation in the new world, the process of information sharing and ensuring access to it. The institute of mass 
media has the capacity to influence the consciousness, to shape behaviors of the individual. Media culture 
has become the dominant culture of the information society, the existence of which is associated with the 
activity of a variety of media, contributing to the formation of cultural space by using verbal, visual and au-
dio images. An informative, communicative, normative (ideological), relaxation, creativity, integration, me-
diation function of media culture characterize all aspects of its importance in human life. It is impossible not 
to note the activities of media culture as a social agent capable of establishing communication between the 
various structures of society. It allows different social groups to communicate with each other, establish con-
tacts. The important is to consider the media culture as an instrument of social control. Media culture is often 
called the «fourth power», given the powerful, multifaceted, and large-scale media power of the senses and 
the consciousness of people. The function of the media, according to Luhmann, is «in the management of 
self-observation of the social system — is meant by this specification is not an object among others, as a way 
to divide the world into a system (and it is society) and the outside world. It is the universal rather than an 
object-specific observation» [3]. 
Nowadays, the media have become a significant force capable of reflecting public opinion and influ-
ence on power. Thus, media culture acts as an intermediary between society and the state, between the state 
and the individual, the state and its citizens, regions and the center, etc. Internet and television, of course, are 
by far the dominant channels of information transmission. They are, on the one hand, essentially transforming 
the contemporary socio-cultural reality, and on the other — form the consumer — the viewer, his way of 
perception, worldview, value system, etc.  
The Internet and television give rise to a special mediareality, whose importance in the lives of people 
all the time growing. The emergence of so-called mediareality can be considered one of the hallmarks of 
modern culture. In the era of the «information society» mediareality «in many forms («formats») the con-
sciousness of modern man, in particular, in such a way that it seems to have more real than the original reali-
ty. Mediareality often characterized as «different» or «second» reality .  
A parallel reality that has generated technical progress, Jean Baudrillard defined as «hyperreality» as a 
picture of the world constructed by the media. The fundamental transformation of global man is immersed in 
a new reality, the new conditions.  
In the twentieth century formed the main areas of research such as the media impacts: study the effect 
of media violence on the rise in crime among different age groups of the population — children, adolescents, 
youth and adults; the emotional impact of the media, causing fear, anxiety and panic mass audience; the im-
pact of mass media on health; the impact of sexually explicit media content on the subconscious and behav-
ior; the impact of the news, information campaigns, advertising, political propaganda, entertainment; the im-
pact of the image of ethnic minorities in the development of ideas about the cultural diversity of the world, 
political and legal setting of spectators; the impact of new communication technologies. 
The «official» history of the scientific study of Media Impacts set forth in W. & J. Severin. Tankard. 
At the heart of some of the early work is the accepted theory, «syringe» or «bullet», i.e. recognition of the 
enormous power of the media over the audience. Mass information was compared with the deadly bullets or 
stronger drugs that are injected into a vein. The theory of «bullets» was the basis of several studies on the 
impact of cinema on children. As a result, it was found that as a means of formation of film can form a cer-
tain relation to objects having social importance, influence on the emotional state both in small and in large 
extent marginally affect health by sleep disorders and have a strong impact on the pattern children's behavior.  
Further study of interpersonal communication has shown that awareness of the individual to belong to a 
specific organization, religious denomination or other social group has a strong influence on the choice of 
information. S. Stauffer stressed the importance of taking into account such variables mediating Media Im-
pacts such as education, age or other differences between the groups tested. 
Complex generalization about the impact of mass communication has made Berelson «Forms Media 
Impacts many and varied. It can be short-term and long-term. It can be obvious or hidden, strong or weak, 
and to determine the various aspects of content. It can be viewed as a psychological, political, economic, or 
sociological. It can change the views, values, awareness, skills, tastes, behavior, etc. Because of the diversity 
and complexity of the topic Media Impacts probably is the least developed region in the research of mass 
communication» [4]. 

Information space as a factor… 
Серия «История. Философия». № 4(84)/2016 
Model limited impact was firmly established in 1960 when George. Clapper reviewed thousands of sci-
entific publications on the study of Media Impacts for the period from the 1920s to the 1950s, and summa-
rized the results of these studies. He proposed a new «phenomenalistic» approach to the study of this prob-
lem, which focuses on the factors limiting the impact of the media on individuals. 
Since the 1960s, there were areas of research Media Impacts. These include socio-cognitive theory, in-
cluding the concept of social learning theory, «cultivation», «priming», «diffusion of innovations», «use and 
satisfaction», a study on the hypothesis of selection of messages, affirming that the media fed the public's 
attention to certain topics; study of the causes of individual members of the audience preferences of certain 
media, as well as many other aspects of media impacts. 
Social learning theory explains how viewers are trained to be borrowed from the media behaviors and 
imitate them on the basis of their susceptibility to environmental factors and cognitive systems. This theory 
was the basis for a set of studies that have investigated the impact of television on children. For example, the 
authors found that the impact of the media can be cognitive (thinking and acting on learning), behavioral, or 
affective (emotional). For example, research scientists have shown that the entertaining and educational TV 
programs (do not include scenes of violence), such as «The Island Gull, Gull», «Sesame Street», «The win-
dow of Allegra» promote intellectual development, develop imagination, problem-solving skills, promote 
socialization. Numerous studies on the harmful effects of human behavior on the consumption of printed 
media, television, video and audio information, identified common trends in American television shows on 
national television: glamorized and intellectualizing of violence (showing physical damage caused by the 
violence and suffering are not the object of violence displayed); It shows many scenes of serious physical 
aggression as the ordinary; little attention is focused on the issue of combating violence; each year about 
60 % of TV programs contain scenes of violence; in a typical transmission containing violence, demonstrat-
ed by six violent scenes per hour; the average American preschooler, who looks mainly cartoons, sees every 
year more than 500 scenes of violence «high-risk» every year. The impact of television has led to social 
changes that affected the whole of society, the members of which simulate the behavior of different styles 
and ideas, seen them on television and learned. 
It was found, that the impact can be direct or indirect, short-term, long-term or delayed. It can be isolated 
or shared. They also paid attention to individual differences, psychological factors, the influence of the envi-
ronment and the characteristics of social groups that control the perception of the media and the reaction to it. 
Theoretical studies have shown that members of the audience to consume mass information selectively, 
depending on their aptitudes, interests, attitudes, social status and other factors. Later, these concepts were 
named electoral impact. 
Cultivation theory to some extent confirms the theory of selective influence of media culture on the per-
son. According to this hypothesis, between the TV and the audience made the dynamic interaction. Cultiva-
tion theory assumes that the television has become the main source of information and general overall under-
standing worldwide. Therefore, the different categories of viewers begin to think similarly under the influ-
ence of television, because receive the same information. The basis of the analysis of cultivation are the con-
cept of «mainstreaming» and «resonance». Mainstreaming means that a systematic and long-term watching 
TV can lead to the weakening and blurring the differences in the perception and behavior of the audience. In 
other words, the differences in the reactions of the different categories of viewers connected to their cultural, 
social and political characteristics, weak or even absent in the reactions of the audience belonging to differ-
ent categories, but consuming large amounts of television information. Researchers studying the phenome-
non of cultivation, evaluated the impact of TV on the amount of time it spends in front of the viewer screen. 
Resonance takes place when the actual events confirm the distorted image of reality presented on televi-
sion. When the direct experience of the viewer corresponds to the media information that it receives, ampli-
fies its effect — it resonates, promoting cultivation effect. For example, studies have shown that viewers are 
most afraid of becoming victims of crime, living in disadvantaged areas with high crime rates. 
Priming, i.e. preconditioning of the audience media — popular direction of research Media Impacts 
based on the study of the psychological principles of information processing by the cognitive structures. 
Priming can motivate human behavior, causing certain actions, sometimes antisocial. The extreme manifesta-
tion of undesired priming — crime-up, especially murder or other serious crimes, inspired by a certain movie 
or transmission. So, «a few high-profile murders committed in 1980, were committed by young people who 
imitated Rambo, the hero of the film «First Blood» (1982). Several serious crimes were committed under the 
influence of the movie «Natural Born Killers» (1994) [4]. 

N.V. Karaseva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
The crimes committed under the influence of the media can identify individual factors, such as the pro-
pensity to aggression and violence, emotional instability, the heat of passion. Therefore, only some viewers 
exposed to the effect of priming to a greater extent that they begin to imitate and copy action television and 
movie characters. For most consumers of media priming effect is manifested in mild reactions that tend to 
weaken with time and may even go unnoticed. 
Scientists look at the effect of priming as an aspect of broader mental models. These models are a com-
bination of individual knowledge about the world and his memories of the thoughts and feelings experienced 
in the past. These models can be expanded, improved or changed when new information or themselves be-
come factors causing priming effect. 
Mental models define the understanding of human media. Research and scientific observation in the 
field indicate that viewers are fond of movies with romantic overtones, tend to idealize their feelings and 
views on marriage and building a family relationship. 
The theory of use and meeting highlights the motives and behavior media consumers, i.e. how and why 
they use the media. One of the basic tenets of the theory is that people actively choose TV shows and other 
media media information to meet their individual needs. The researchers have identified such motives of 
media consumers’ choice of program as training, habit, maintenance companies, getting excitement, relaxa-
tion, escape from reality, to fill free time. 
In summary, we can say that the most appropriate theoretical and methodological position in determin-
ing the impact of media culture on the human impact of the election is the theory that takes into account in-
dividual differences and environmental factors as an important intermediary between the media and the audi-
ence. This theory is supported by the theories of cultivation, priming, the theory of use and satisfaction. 
The term a social network was entered in 1954 by the sociologist from «The Manchester school» James 
Barnes in work «Classes and meetings in the Norwegian island arrival». It developed and added the approach 
to research of interrelations invented in the 1930th between people by means of visual charts in which indi-
viduals are presented in the form of points, and communications between them — in the form of lines. Thus, 
the social network is a universal system of communications which is urged to satisfy the deep needs of peo-
ple connected with group of participants of social networks on certain interests [5]. 
The Internet borrows more and more place in human life. People actively use all opportunities of a vir-
tual network and carry out a huge number of time in the Internet. It is impossible to stop progress and to de-
ny pluses of new inventions senselessly. On the Internet it is possible to order goods and services, to find a 
lot of useful information, and so on. However, for today the biggest achievement of the Internet is develop-
ment of social networks. Today it is possible to record rather large number of types of social networks which 
differ from each other in functions, directions, age category of users and so on. Initially the purpose of social 
networks was association of people in virtual space, that is, providing to opportunity acquaintance and com-
munication in a network. Over time the main function of social networks didn't change, but it became more 
polyhedral and wide. Today possibilities of social networks extend every day and are updated. On social 
networks users had an opportunity not only to meet new people and to communicate with the friends, but 
also and to listen to favorite music, to watch interesting videos, to enter different communities and so on. The 
youth spends a lot of time in open spaces of the Internet and social networks. And over time also minuses of 
such phenomenon began to be shown. Scientists of the different directions began to sound alarm. After all 
actually we have to understand clearly that we live in consumer society where the purpose of many people 
and the companies is to impose and sell us the services and goods. Also on social networks which are spon-
sored and advanced thousands of companies and the organizations benefiting by means of «the advertizing 
which isn't shouting». 
Researchers of the Internet of space try to reveal the risks connected with a dysfunctionality of social 
networks. Fears of this sort cover as foreign authors and researchers of the former Soviet Union. 
Virtualization of the vital world of modern youth is capable to strengthen distribution of radical dis-
courses of the present. Internet forums, the sites become conductors of radical information, integrating at the 
first stage into the network communities, and then initiating active radicalism in real policy. Efficiency of 
informing on the Internet significantly increases risk of acts of terrorism, radical flash mobs are capable to 
become an essential factor of policy [5]. 
Researches conducted by the KISI, allow to tell that the level of mobilization potential of social net-
works in Kazakhstan is too exaggerated [6]. 
Any young man who is carrying out 4–5 hours per day on social networks can't not exchange outlooks 
on life, thinking and speech, and of course valuable orientations. After all, as a rule, the Internet is a place for 

Information space as a factor… 
Серия «История. Философия». № 4(84)/2016 
virtual  free-thinking and freedom of speech, and everyone wants to impose his opinion to other person. Be-
cause of a number of not settled questions on social networks the youth has transformations in thinking and 
speech, in perception of world around and people as at the most active users the consciousness is broken, and 
the accurate side between the real and virtual world is erased. 
The possibilities of social networks which yet aren't investigated fully already now allow to speak about 
their exclusive influence on formation of consciousness of youth, motives of her behavior, valuable orienta-
tions, lifestyle, a choice of the purpose and the ways of its realization accompanying socialization process. 
Kazakhstan young people are turning to the services of the global network, in most cases do not meet 
the cognitive and professional needs, and others, especially recreational purposes. The study «Internet in Ka-
zakhstan», conducted in 2010 by Kazakh journalists A. Nurmakovym, P. Grudnitskii, V. Fomicheva, 
A. Sembai under the direction of A. Jalilov, showed that in the most popular segment of Kazakh forum can 
be considered as youth portal «Zhastar .biz». This resource users download music and video from Youtube, 
Kaztube, etc. Read short stories written by the users to browse and download the files in the photo 
gallery, read scientific and popular articles, and most importantly, communicate in forums. The subjects of 
these forums is: «Movie», «Education», «religion», «Literature and Linguistics», «History», «Computers and 
Internet», «attitude», «Fashion», «Sport», «Health», «Gastronomy», «Cars». The primary audience — school 
and university students. 
Portal «Massagan» also has a great forum, where for three years discussed a variety of topics. Most re-
cent of them: «Music and Cinema», «communicate in foreign languages», «Sport», «Kazakh language: prob-
lems and development», «Computers and Internet», «History, Archaeology», «Islam», «Relationships» «Fic-
tion», «School of Young Poets», «Folklore». Site, «» contains forums in Russian and Kazakh lan-
guages. They are distinguished by their sociality. Forum users — students who speak about their problems. 
The most popular topics in the forum, «» for all time:- Dating (the 6611) — Relationships 
(1270 Topics) — Chronicle (Shezhіre (687 themes) — Religion (700 themes) — Development of the Ka-
zakh language and issues (the 205) — Education (108 themes)The most popular topics on portals and fo-
rums: education, religion, literature, the problems of the Kazakh language, computer and Internet, relation-
ships [7]. Thus, the interaction with the information, unrelated to politics, contributes to the development of 
youth-specific knowledge and skills necessary to participate in collective action. 
The World Wide Web and technologization most spheres of life are doing very important to study the 
impact of virtual reality in the process of political socialization of youth. Facebook, in touch, my world, 
classmates, WhatsApp, viber etc. provide an opportunity to exchange instant messages, quick access to in-
formation, express their opinions and are very common among today's youth. However, this should not be 
seen as a one-way process. Modern networks enabling the selection of information, sooner or later face the 
fact that the user will allocate and «divided» liked the information, messages, news. Thus, the entire flow of 
dropping out «is not interesting», or «do not need» information. The choice is up to the user. How will the 
choice depends largely on the level of education and motivation on how socialization took place and what 
factors were decisive in this long and difficult process. 
1  Гирич В.Л., Чуприна В.Н. Глобальное информационное пространство и проблема доступа к мировым информацион-
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Саратов, 2012. — С. 42–46. 
3  Луман  Н.  Реальность  масс-медиа:  пер.  с  нем.  А.Ю.  Антоновского / Под  ред.  О.В.  Кильдюшова. — [ЭР]. Режим 
доступа: (дата обращения 11.10.2015). 
4  Брайант Дж., Томпсон С. Основы воздействия СМИ. — [ЭР]. Режим доступа:,19,3890-
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5  Юрьева  Е.А.  Разностороннее  влияние  социальных  сетей  интернета  на  социализацию  молодежи / Е.А.  Юрьева, 
С.А. Горошкина // Молодой ученый. — 2010. — № 7. — С. 297–300. 
6  Интернет-коммуникации  в  Казахстане:  степень  мобилизационного  потенциала  (по  результатам  социологического 
исследования). — Алматы КИСИ при Президенте РК. 2014. — [ЭР]. Режим доступа: (дата 
обращения 17.11.2015). 
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— С. 114–139. 

N.V. Karaseva 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
Н.В. Карасева 

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