Theoretical and methodological basis of morality in the regulation of psychological climate in the collective The strength and longevity of any team depends on the manifestation of such important standards
as the relationship between team members, their emotional connections, the level of conflict situations,
the manager’s management style, and so on. The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical and
methodological substantiation of the importance of the formation of morality in the regulation of the
psychological state of the collective.
The theoretical part describes the research of scientists about the significant socio-psychological
qualities of the team, the emotional potential of team members, career values and psychological char-
acteristics. In the practical part, the results of 103 respondents from various professional spheres are
presented in order to check the psychological state of the team in which the respondent works, the role
of values in the harmonious development of the team.
The study showed that in the modern market space, the predominance of human moral qualities,
along with the formation of psychological harmony of the team, has a positive effect on their productiv-
ity. Therefore, 72.8% of respondents chose morality, which affects the psychological state of the team
in priority areas, 42.7% – corporate (collective) culture, 43.6% – respect, 60.1% – justice. The results
allowed us to conclude that morality is a cultural value characterized by ideas of goodness, decency,
justice in a person, and in relation to labor force, it is reliability, business acumen, loyalty, and tolerance.
Key words: collective,
, morality, psychologicalclimate, relationships, value.
Ұжымдағы психологиялық ахуалды ретке келтірудегі адамгершіліктің теориялық-әдіснамалық негіздері
Ж.Т. Сарыбекова, Ш.Т. Турдалиева
, И.Е. Сағындық
Таразский региональный университет им. М.Х. Дулати, Казахстан, г. Тараз,