Жас ғалымдар жаршысы Вестник молодых ученых

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Жас ғалымдар жаршысы Вестник молодых ученых Messenger of young scientist

The official language is widely used in relations with foreign countries and 
international organizations. In our time, in international relations, actual use the terms. 
Unlike the usual words, the term refers to a special concept that reflects the reality named 
object in its entirety. 

№№4-6(71-73), сəуір-маусым, апрель-июнь, April-June, 2013
ISSN 2307-0250
Žas āalymdar žaršysy – Vestnik molodyh učenyh – Messenger of young scientist 
So in Kazakhstan is constantly evolving principles of terminological concept, which 
became the basis of term system of Kazakh language. Currently, the issue of 
terminological different areas has a prominent place in the work of Kazakh linguists. 
Replacement of scientific vocabulary terms is not only by borrowing from other languages, 
but also from its own resources literary language. With the increase in the pace of 
integration of Kazakhstan into the world economy, the financial activity is the most rapidly 
growing and important sector of the state economy. In connection with the status of the 
Kazakh as the state language, an extension of the operation of the Kazakh language in all 
sectors of society particularly the role grows terms and the emergence of modern 
accounting terminology in Kazakhstan. 
Therefore, from year to year the exchange of scientific information between 
countries, which requires a significant replenishment of previously published dictionary of 
terms popular new terms and on this basis a new compilation the dictionary of the Kazakh 
national accounting terms with the interpretation of the official language of a new start. 
дарынды балаларға арналған үш тілде оқытатын 

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