Botobekova Aishat Toktonazarovna
System of non-verbal components in Kyrgyz Language
10.02.01 - Dissertation on Kyrgyz Language for an application for a scientific degree
of a candidate of Philological Science.
Key words:
non-verbal components, paralinguistic, kinesis, phonation, proksemics,
mimicry, gestures, speech, different kinds of sounds, poses, information exchange.
The dissertation work is devoted to the research of non-verbal components use in
Kyrgyz speech and its semantic and lexical semantics, and its types.
In the Іntroduction there is theme relevance, goals
and objectives, scientific novelty,
theoretical and practical work significance, approbation and research methods.
In the first chapter of the dissertation considered kinds of non-verbal speech, their
in speech, short history of paralinguistics and its scientific occurrence and
reclaiming, theoretical skills and process of development. Also paralinguistics and its main
parts, as kinesis, phonation, proksemics, their peculiarities
and use in Kyrgyz language,
information of meaning and interrelationship in Kyrgyz language are studied.
Here, the general opinion on problems of mimicry and gestures classification in Turk,
Russian and western linguistics is taken and from the gathered materials they classified
according to somatical peculiarities,
use of speech, goals, sex, age of speakers.
In the second chapter, national and specific peculiarities of mimicry and gestures, ethic
rules and taboo are determined.
Mimicry, gestures, poses and other actions are gathered from kyrgyz speech.
There is a conclusion in every chapter.