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Еримбетова Н. Б- . Шетел тілі екі шетел тілі БББ магистранты

Ғылыми жетекшісі: магистр, оқытушы Есенкулова А.Р.

Түйін. Бұл мақалада коммуникативті технологияларды жандандыруға және оларды білім беру процесінде қолдануға ықпал ететін әдістер қарастырылады.
Резюме. В данной статье рассматриваются методы и приемы, способствующие активизации коммуникативных технологий и их использование в образовательном процессе.

The expansion and change in the nature of our state's international relations make foreign languages in demand in practical and intellectual human activity. The main purpose of a foreign language as a subject area of school education is to master the ability of students to communicate in the foreign language being studied. Communicative-oriented teaching of foreign languages means the formation of students' communicative competence in language, conversational, practical, socio-linguistic and thinking, when the student is ready to use a foreign language as a tool of speech-thinking activity. The communicative orientation of learning determines all aspects of methodological and pedagogical activity. Communication in the learning process involves the creation of a high motivation for learning. It is known that educational activity is most successful where it is most motivated. The purpose of the work: To study the features of communicative learning, to identify conditions that contribute to the activation of communicative skills in learning a foreign language.

The relevance of the study: lies in the fact that communication in the process of teaching foreign languages involves the creation of a high motivation for the student's learning, in this regard, we were interested in the question of the effectiveness of methods for creating motivation, activating the communicative activity of students. Objectives: To study the theoretical literature on the problem of formation of communicative motivation. To conduct a psychological and pedagogical analysis of the development of communication skills of schoolchildren. To identify conditions that contribute to the activation of speech activity skills in foreign language lessons. Subject of research: Effective methods and techniques for activating communication skills. Object of research: Speech activity as a means of creating communicative motivation of a student in the process of learning English. During the research, the following methods were used: collecting information on the research topic, studying advanced pedagogical experience; observation, conversation; comparing the results of activities. Motivation is understood as a system of motivating impulses that guide educational activities, in the case of a positive attitude of the teacher, to a deeper study of a foreign language. The desire for communication often occupies a leading place among the motives of a person that encourage him to practice together.
The main place in the communicative teaching of a foreign language is occupied by game situations, work with a partner, tasks for finding mistakes, which not only allow you to increase your vocabulary, but also teach you to think analytically. Foreign language speaking is a complex integrated skill. He is distinguished by motivation, activity and independence of the speaker, purposefulness, connection with thinking, situational conditioning. Any coherent text carries thematic vocabulary and certain grammatical phenomena, knowledge of the meanings of which is the key to understanding the meaning. Already at the initial stage, it is important to activate educational and cognitive activities, develop independence and creativity, arouse the need and desire to speak out in order to form critical thinking, the ability to express one's point of view and ensure self-realization of the student's personality at an advanced stage. Critical thinking plays an important role in the learning process, as it is the most important component of a developed personality capable of conscious cognitive and practical activity. Comparing traditional and critical reading, it can be noted that traditional reading is based on understanding and acceptance of the information presented in the text, critical reading is aimed at a comprehensive analysis of the idea of the text. The product of such reading is not just memorizing and reproducing the information offered in the text, but an assessment and personal interpretation of the meanings that the author of the text wanted to convey. The structure of teaching critical reading in foreign language lessons is the formulation and organization by the teacher of solving communicative tasks that require the following actions from the student: − search for hidden meanings in the text — reading "between the lines"; − identification of socio−cultural components of the text; - determination of the motivational and motivational side of the text: how does the author want to influence our behavior; − definition of the text style In addition, critical reading implies mastering certain skills of working with texts of various genres based on the processes of critical thinking: − predict the content, anticipate the continuation, completion of the text; − identify the author's attitude to the problem of the text; − analyze and evaluate what he has read, form his attitude based on previous experience and knowledge; − to make a generalization, reasonable conclusions based on what you have read; − to argue your point of view. Reliance on a communicative approach helps to optimize the learning process at almost all stages of the lesson. Take, for example, the stage of introducing a new vocabulary on the topic of "Music". The textbook highlights keywords — evaluative adjectives related to music, performers, concerts. It is necessary for the teacher to pre-set a task for the solution of which it is necessary to use the proposed words, as they become memorable, causing students to recall real cases of interaction with music and the desire to praise one performance and express dissatisfaction with the proposed words. Another example of effective work with vocabulary can be the work on the activation of evaluative adjectives on the topic "Advertising". The introductory lesson offers a long list of adjectives that are quite difficult to remember.
The following tasks are offered: to correlate colorful advertising images, advertising texts with adjectives that most accurately characterize them, highlighted as active vocabulary. You can demonstrate commercials by inviting students to evaluate each advertisement depending on its advantages or disadvantages, arguing the rationale for their choice. Choosing the best or, conversely, the worst advertising, they use keywords — amusing (funny), attractive (attractive), dull (boring), offensive (offensive), ridiculous (ridiculous), weird (strange, incomprehensible), etc. — and do it purposefully, consciously, solving a clearly defined communicative the task. Communicative-oriented learning implies a personality-oriented approach, the emphasis is shifted to the students themselves, they are given more initiative and freedom in the classroom. The communicative approach involves teaching vocabulary, grammatical structures and functions, as well as communication strategies, so that students can successfully solve their tasks in the process of communication. − The presented methodological techniques that activate communicative activity, diagnostic tools will help to create a positive psychological attitude in the child when learning English and make the learning process motivated and purposeful.


  1. Vasilyeva M. M. Conditions for the formation of motivation in learning a foreign language // Inostr. languages at school — 2001. — No. 2.- pp.40-44.

  2. Zakharova E. A. Communicative teaching of a foreign language and its practical significance // Young scientist No. 5(109) — 2016. — pp. 676-679.

  3. Lebedeva A. E. Critical reading as a means of achieving metasubject results of teaching foreign languages in secondary school // Foreign languages at school — 2018. — No. 3. — pp. 52-57.

  4. Passov E. I. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking. — Enlightenment, 1991. — 223 p.

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