Yesenbekova A.N. Prospects of transition to latin graphics for the republic of Kazakhstan Abstract. This article is devoted to the use of Latin graphics in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The point
of view of political figures and specialists in the field of linguistics, who have shown a great impact on the
language sphere, is presented. The article is an analysis of various methods of adaptation of the new version of
writing. The main factors of changing the graphics are described, one of which is the selection of a conditioned
alphabet that takes into account the pronunciation of individual components of the Kazakh pronunciation. In
addition, this article examines the practical experience of other Turkic-speaking countries in this matter and
shows the influence of foreign policy factors on aspects of linguistics. In connection with the requirements of
global cyberspace and the formation of a multilingual environment, proposals are made regarding the effective
implementation of the Latin alphabet, especially among the younger generation. The main objective of the
article is to consider and evaluate the opportunities, prospects and key problems of the process of changing the
direction of language policy.
Keywords: Romanization, Turkic-speaking states, information and communication technologies,
multilingual environment, globalization, language reform.
Автор туралы мәлімет: Есенбекова Айжан Нұрланқызы, «Тұран» университеті «Халықаралық қатынастар» мамандығының
Сведения об авторе: Есенбекова Айжан Нурланкызы, магистрант специальности «Международные отношения»,
Университета «Туран».
About author: Yesenbekova Aizhan Nurlankyzy, Master degree student of the specialty “International Relations”,
University “Turan”.
International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, Special issue, march 2022