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Experiment method 
The experimental method is divided into natural and laboratory experiment types. This 
method allows not only to describe mental states, but also to explain them. 
In contrast to observation, a psychological experiment implies that the researcher 
may be actively involved in the activity being tested. In particular, it creates the 
conditions for the psychological fact to be clearly manifested, to be changed in the 
direction desired by the researcher, to be repeated several times for research in all 
A characteristic feature of a laboratory experiment is that the subject is tested only 
if he or she conducts it in a laboratory setting with the help of special psychological 
equipment and the test subject's behavior is guided (although, as a rule, the test subject 
is the essence of the experiment). even if he does not know what it consists of, what 
exactly it is, and for what purpose) is also determined by the attitude of the 
person. With the help of a laboratory experiment, it is possible to study the properties 
of attention, the peculiarities of perception, memory, and so on. Nowadays, laboratory 
experiments are often conducted in such a way that some psychological aspects of the 
activity that a person can perform under normal conditions are modeled. In particular, 
the experiment simulates a situation of considerable emotional tension, during which 
the test subject, for example, a professional pilot, can make understood decisions. It 
can be set to perform complex actions that require a high level of coordination, react 
to the readings on the instruments, and so on. The natural experiment (first proposed 
by AF Lazursky in 1910) was designed to prevent the stress generated by the subject 
from knowing that the experiment was being conducted, and to allow the study to be 
performed under normal, natural conditions (lesson, conversation, game, homework, 

etc.). For example, the study of whether the effectiveness of memorizing material 
depends on the instruction to store it in memory for a long time is an example of a 
natural experiment. A group of 0 'students are introduced to the material to be studied 
and say that they will be asked about this material the next day. In another group, 
students are asked to take a lesson a week after the course material has been covered 
in the same way. In fact, in both groups, students were asked two weeks later. It is in 
the process of this natural experiment that the advantages of guidance designed to 
preserve material for a long time are identified. 
A natural experiment that performs the functions of psychological-pedagogical 
research is called a psychological-pedagogical experiment. Its role in the study of 
cognitive abilities of students at different ages, in determining the specific ways of 
shaping the personality of the student is enormous. The psychological-pedagogical 
experiment consists of three parts. Determinant, formative, control experiments. In a 
diagnostic (confirming) experiment, the level of development of a mental process in 
the subjects is determined. For example, a child's level of memory development can be 
determined using the "Tendency" test. If the mental process identified in the formative 
experiment is behind the norm, special training is conducted to develop it. Returning 
to the example, there are classes on memory development. In control experiments, the 
diagnostic method is repeated once again to determine the effectiveness of the 
formative effect. The "Tendency" test is repeated to determine the effectiveness of the 
formative effect using special mathematical and statistical methods. 

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