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исследования Молодых уЧеных
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а. М. дюсекова Азиатское направление во внешней политике
Казахстана: тенденции и перспективы развития
óïðàâëåíèå è
развитие торгово-экономического и инвестиционного сотрудничества с ведущими странами
региона, взаимодействие в торгово-экономической, технологической, образовательной и
политической сферах с региональными лидерами Азии и участие в работе региональных
азиатских форумов.
Целый ряд казахстанских инициатив поддержан мировым сообществом, что способствовало
созданию благоприятного международного имиджа республики. Так, республика предложила
создать Фонд миротворческих усилий ООН, принять Глобальную энерго-экологическую
стратегию, выдвинула масштабную экологическую инициативу «Зеленый мост». Эти инициативы
нацелены на укрепление внутрирегионального и межрегионального сотрудничества. Тем
самым, Казахстан выражает намерение содействовать процессу интеграции экологических
стратегий и передовой практики между Европейским и Азиатско-Тихоокеанским регионами.
В ближайшее время Казахстан намерен сделать акцент на двух взаимосвязанных
направлениях: 1) экоэффективное использование водных ресурсов и экосистем; 2)
низкоуглеродное развитие и адаптация к изменению климата. Эти направления будут
осуществляться на добровольной основе с участием правительства Казахстана, государств –
членов ЭСКАТО и ЕЭК и международного сообщества доноров.
Сегодня более важным, чем когда-либо в прошлом является достижение экологически
устойчивого и открытого для всех экономического роста, который обеспечивает устойчивое
развитие. Страны Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона сталкиваются с рядом имеющихся и
возникающих задач: продовольственный, энергетический, финансовый, экономический,
климатический кризисы и бедность, последствия которых не преодолены в полной мере. В
различных докладах содержатся предупреждения о будущих кризисах, которые, возможно,
станут еще более тяжелыми, поскольку они могут приобрести планетарный масштаб.
В основе социально-экономической неустойчивости лежат предполагаемые изменения
окружающей среды, резкое увеличение спроса на ресурсы и все больший дефицит услуг
экосистем, что свидетельствует об углублении существующих в обществе разрывов
и уязвимости в будущем наиболее подверженных стран. Все это имеет огромные и
взаимосвязанные экономические, социальные и экологические последствия.
Сотрудни чество с азиатскими государствами, безусловно, соответствует национальным
интересам Казахстана, объективно усиливает его международные позиции, способствует
успешному прове дению экономических преобразований внутри страны. Важно и то, что наша
страна может послужить мостом между Востоком и Западом, внести существенный вклад в
возрождение Великого шелкового пути.
Анализ качественно новых возможностей сотрудничества со странами АТР позволяет
представить прогноз наиболее вероятных тенденций развития азиатского направления
внешней политики Республики Казахстан на ближайшее будущее, который видится в
укреплении следующих направлений:
- Прежде всего, необходимо активно подключаться к экономическим интеграционным
процессам в регионе, стремиться к увеличению объемов и повышению качества торговли со
странами АТР.
- Долю стран АТР во внешнеторговом обороте Казахстана объективно возможно довести
до сопоставимого уровня доли государств – членов Европейского союза. Сокращая
административные барьеры, снижая стоимость ведения бизнеса, как для отечественных
предпринимателей, так и для иностранных инвесторов, мы можем стать в ближайшем будущем
торговым, логистическим и деловым центром Центрально-Азиатского региона;
- Весьма перспективным направлением является для Казахстана укрепление
энергетического сотрудничества. С учетом роста потребностей АТР в энергетических ресурсах
Казахстан мог бы стать основным экспортером туда углеводородов;
- Казахстан может также предложить черные и цветные металлы, в чем остро нуждается
индустрия многих восточноазиатских государств, продукцию химической и легкой
- Имеется «ниша» для наращивания сельскохозяйственного экспорта Казахстана в регион;
- Важную роль будет играть диверсификация транспортных систем и альтернативных путей
для выхода к мировым рынкам сбыта;
- Расширение интеллектуального экспорта в страны Азии: совместная подготовка
квалифицированных специалистов; участие в информационном обмене с азиатскими
государствами по проблемам научно-технического сотрудничества; укрепление контактов
с главными экономическими и финансовыми институтами региона, стать для многих из них
новым «интеллектуальным партнером»;
- На современном этапе весьма перспективным считается строительство коммуникационных
линий, связывающих Европу с Азиатско-Тихоокеанским регионом через территорию КНР и
Казахстана, а также не менее важное значение придается прокладке газо- и нефтепроводов
между двумя странами.
Закрепление на региональном рынке потребует усиления казахстанских политических
позиций. Это может быть достигнуто посредством активизации участия нашей страны в
формальных и неформальных механизмах согласования интересов государств АТР рамках
существующих на данном этапе ведущих региональных и трансконтинентальных структур
(АТЭС, АСЕАН, РФА, АСЕМ и др.), в которых Казахстан участвует в качестве наблюдателя.
Прогрессу на данном направлении должно способствовать вступление Казахстана во
Всемирную Торговую Организацию (ВТО).
Только вписавшись таким образом в интеграционные системы АТР, Казахстан сможет
обеспечить себе в XXI веке достойное место в формирующемся многополярном мире.
список литеРатуРы
1 Назарбаев H. A. Стратегия становления и развития Казахстана как суверенного государства. –
Алма-Ата, 1992.
2 Арин О. Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион: мифы, иллюзии и реальность. – Москва: Флинта. Наука,
3 Бажанов Е. Актуальные проблемы международных отношений. Избранные труды в трех томах.
Москва: Научная книга, 2001–2002.
4 Внешняя политика Казахстана: Сборник статей. – Астана: МИД РК, 2002.
5 Аннан К. Доклад Генерального секретаря ООН: Ассамблея Тысячелетия ООН, март 2000 г. //
Текущий архив МИД Республики Казахстан.
6 Казахстан – Китай. 1992–1997 гг. // Сборник документов. – Алматы. – Пекин: Синьхуа, 1997.
7 Лаумулин М. Казахстан в современных международных отношениях: безопасность, геополитика,
политология. – Алматы: ИАЦ «Континент», 2000.
8 Лаумулин М. Азиатская безопасность и СВМДА // Казахстан и мировое сообщество, 1995.
9 Токаев К. Внешняя политика Казахстана в условиях глобализации. – Алматы, 2000.
10 Токаев К. Дипломатия Республики Казахстан. – Астана: Елорда, 2001.
11 Султанов К. Казахстан Китай: стратегическое партнерство будет развиваться. // Дипломатический
курьер. – 1999. – № 4.
Дата поступления статьи в редакцию 17.06.2012
удк 342
s. yevdokimov
the undergraduate of National school of public policy
of the Academy of public administration
under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University
the effectiVeness of Public sector in the usA
At the federAl leVel
The article discusses the effectiveness of the public sector in the United States America at the federal
level. Comparative analysis between SJC and the Kazakhstan system allowed making recommendations for
improving the effectiveness of public administration in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: efficiency, state, system, recommendations.
Мақалада федералды деңгейдегi АҚШ-тағы мемлекеттiк сектордың тиiмдiлiгі қарастырылады. МАҚ
үлгiсімен және Қазақстандық жүйе аралығында салыстырмалы талдау Қазақстан Республикасындағы
мемлекеттiк басқарудың тиiмдiлiгін арттыру бойынша ұсыныстарды жасауға мүмкiндiк бердi.
Тірек сөздер: тиiмдiлiк, мемлекет, жүйе, ұсыныс.
В статье рассматривается эффективность государственного сектора в США на федеральном
уровне. Сравнительный анализ между моделью ГАО и Казахстанской системой позволили сделать
рекомендации по повышению эффективности государственного управления в Республике Казахстан.
Ключевые слова: эффективность, государство, система, рекомендации.
жас ғалыМдаРдың зеРттеулеРі
исследования Молодых уЧеных
younG scientists’ reseArch
s. yevdokimov
The effectiveness of Public Sector in the USA
at the Federal level
óïðàâëåíèå è
In today’s world, developing a democratic country means forming a society that carries out
government for the common welfare and satisfaction the common interests. In this way, the people
exercise their rights and interests through fair and competitive elections of their leaders.
Building a democratic country involves the formation of a public administration that is based on
ensuring the rights and interests, as well as the needs, of society: the people, and therefore many
governments, work on a permanent basis to improve the quality of public services.
In any state there is always the problem of increasing public sector efficiency, and public policy
in any country affects the character of the country’s ongoing administrative reform and public sector
However, there are common shortcomings in how governments and state agencies act to improve
their effectiveness, efficiency, productivity and performance.
The present report aims to make policy recommendations for improving the efficiency of state
agencies in Kazakhstan. In this respect I will use the knowledge, policy tools and practical experience
gained at Duke University. I explored the US Federalism system, US system of public administration
and American model of U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in order to analyze its main
functions and to see which features can be adapted to Kazakhstan’s public administration system.
Also I made comparative analysis between the GAO model and the Kazakhstan’s system and
made some recommendations how to increase government effectiveness in Kazakhstan. I think my
recommendations will help to improve the efficiency of the public sector and can help Kazakhstan
fulfill its responsibility as a democratic government to keep careful watch over its own exercise of
Executive Agencies and Inefficiency
The US has a well developed democratic system, but suffers from inefficiency. It has several
safeguards against any part of the government becoming too powerful, but sometimes these
safeguards lead to duplicated efforts.
In the US, the executive branch consists of the President, Vice-President and the US
Federal Government agencies: executive departments, independent agencies, corporations
of federal government (state-owned companies), councils, commissions and committees, as well
as federal advisory committees.
Federal agencies of the executive branch are usually organized in the form of departments.
independent agencies of the US Government, as a rule, are included in the structure of the executive
branch of the US Government, but they are not part of the departments of the US Government, and
heads of independent agencies are not included in the US president’s cabinet. At the same time,
some independent agencies are not part of the executive branch of the US Government.
Independent agencies and US Federal Government corporations are created by the US Congress
to ensure goals that are beyond the scope of ordinary US legislation. These agencies are responsible
for maintaining the stability of the Federal Government and the US economy.
Agencies which are independent from the US Federal Government exist outside of federal
ministries (headed by Cabinet Secretaries).
According to the US Constitution,
independent agencies are the part of the executive branch
that do not depend on the control of the US President, the US President can not fire the head of such
an agency.
At the present time there are large numbers of Federal agencies in the US, and in this case,
many people feel there is a duplication of functions and lack of effectiveness in the system of public
administration in the US at the Federal level.
For example, the President of the US, Barack Obama, in his speech in the US Congress in
February 2012 said, “We shouldn’t just give our people a government that’s more affordable. We
should give them a government that’s more competent and more efficient. We can’t win the future
with a government of the past. We live and do business in the information age, but the last major
reorganization of the government happened in the age of black and white TV. There are 12 different
agencies that deal with exports. There are at least five different agencies that deal with housing
policy. Then there’s my favorite example: The Interior Department is in charge of salmon while
they’re in freshwater, but the Commerce Department handles them when they’re in saltwater. I hear
it gets even more complicated once they’re smoked.”
General information about the structure of the US government can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States.
The US Constitution can be retrieved online at http://www.house.gov/house/Constitution/Constitution.html
Session of congress pursuant to house concurrent resolution 10 to receive a message from the President of the US.
Retrieved from http://capitolwords.org/date/2011/01/25/H457-6_joint-session-of-congress-pursuant-to-house-concur/.
It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, an important aspect of fighting against corruption and
increasing public confidence in the activities of public authorities is improving the quality of the public
sector, to which attention was drawn by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan
Nazarbayev, in his address to the people of Kazakhstan in January 2012.
In this address, the President of Kazakhstan said that “the twenty-first century makes great
demands on the management of a modern country, which is more complicated. Our most important
goal is to prepare a skilled political class managers. They will form the basis of a new managerial
elite, which will adequately maintain our Kazakhstan in the twenty-first century”
Low quality and inefficiency can lead to dissatisfaction of the population, i.e., the electorate, the
reduction business activity and the creation of administrative barriers
The U.S. Government Accountability Office
The main goal of public policy aimed at improving the efficiency of the public sector should be
solving two problems: 1) improving the lives of citizens and 2) creating favorable conditions for
business. In the US, one of the primary independent agencies that focuses on efficiency is the U.S.
Government Accountability Office (GAO).
The GAO is the audit, evaluation, and investigative arm of the United States Congress. It is part of
the legislative branch of the US Government and was established as the General Accounting Office
by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921.
According to GAO’s current mission statement, the agency exists to support the US Congress
in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance of and ensure the
accountability of the Federal government for the benefit of the American people. [6]
Most other countries have government entities similar to the GAO, but they focus primarily on
conducting financial audits. What makes the GAO unique is that its auditors conduct not only financial
audits but also a wide assortment of performance audits.
The GAO is headed by the Comptroller General of the United States, a professional and non-
partisan position in the U.S. government.
The Comptroller General is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, for a 15-year, non-renewable term. The President selects a nominee from a list of
at least three individuals recommended by an eight member bipartisan, bicameral commission of
congressional leaders.
The Comptroller General may not be removed by the President but only by Congress through
impeachment or joint resolution for specific reasons.
According to the GAO website, “the long tenure of the Comptroller General gives GAO a continuity
of leadership that is rare within government.
Gene L. Dodaro became the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of the
GAO on December 22, 2010, when he was confirmed by the US Senate. He was nominated by
President Obama in September of 2010 and had been serving as Acting Comptroller General since
March of 2008.
GAO provides Congress with timely information that is objective, fact-based, nonpartisan, non-
ideological, fair, and balanced.
The core values of GAO are accountability, integrity, and reliability and it operates under strict
professional standards of review and referencing.
GAO works at the request of congressional committees or subcommittees or is mandated by
public laws or committee reports and also undertakes research under the authority of the Comptroller
GAO supports congressional oversight by:
- auditing agency operations to determine whether federal funds are being spent efficiently and
- investigating allegations of illegal and improper activities;
- reporting on how well government programs and policies are meeting their objectives;
- performing policy analyses and outlining options for congressional consideration; and
- issuing legal decisions and opinions, such as bid protest rulings and reports on agency rules.
Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the People of Kazakhstan 1/27/2012.
Retrieved from http://www.akorda.kz/ru/speeches/addresses_of_the_president_of_kazakhstan/poslanie_prezidenta_
General information about the GAO can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_Accountability_Office.
жас ғалыМдаРдың зеРттеулеРі
исследования Молодых уЧеных
younG scientists’ reseArch
s. yevdokimov
The effectiveness of Public Sector in the USA
at the Federal level
óïðàâëåíèå è
GAO advises Congress and the heads of executive agencies about ways to make government
more efficient, effective, ethical, equitable and responsive.
GAO work leads to laws and acts that improve government operations, saving the government
and taxpayers billions of dollars» [6].
Annually GAO prepares and publishes more than 900 reports with information relating to the
financial statements of the US Government, public debt and other planning and reporting issues, and
many of these can be found at the GAO’s website.
For example, in 2012, the GAO released the second annual report to Congress in response to
the statutory requirement that the GAO identify federal programs, agencies, offices, and initiatives,
either within departments or government wide, which have duplicative goals or activities. In March
2011 GAO identified 81 additional opportunities to reduce potential duplication, save tax dollars, and
enhance revenue.
“This annual report for 2012 presents 51 areas where programs may be able to achieve greater
efficiencies or become more effective in providing government services.
This report describes 32 areas in which GAO found evidence of duplication, overlap, or
fragmentation among federal government programs. GAO have found that agencies can often
realize a range of benefits, such as improved customer service, decreased administrative burdens,
and cost savings from addressing the issues it raise in this report. Cost savings related to reducing
or eliminating duplication, overlap, and fragmentation can be difficult to estimate in some cases
because the portion of agency budgets devoted to certain programs or activities is often not clear.
In addition, the implementation costs that might be associated with consolidating programs,
establishing collaboration mechanisms, or reducing activities, facilities, or personnel, among other
variables, are difficult to estimate, or needed information on program performance or costs is not
readily available. As the “Actions Needed” presented in this report show, addressing GAO’s varied
findings will require careful deliberation and tailored, well-crafted solutions.
This report also summarizes 19 additional opportunities for agencies or Congress to consider
taking action that could either reduce the cost of government operations or enhance revenue
collections for the Treasury.
Collectively, this report shows that, if actions are taken to address the issues raised herein, as well
as those from GAO’s 2011 report, the government could potentially save tens of billions of dollars
annually, depending on the extent of actions taken” [6].
Kazakhstan’s Accounts Committee
In Kazakhstan’s central level of public administration, the Accounts Committee for Control over
Execution of Republican Budget (Accounts Committee), which is the supreme body of the state
financial control (supreme audit institution), carries out the external control over execution of the
republican budget. It serves in some ways that are similar the US GAO.
The Accounts Committee of Kazakhstan is not completely independent as the GAO, it directly
subordinated and accountable to the President of Kazakhstan and prepared report to the Parliament
of Kazakhstan.
“Primary goals of the Accounts Committee are:
- the compliance of control of the budgetary legislation requirements and other normative legal
acts regulating issues of execution of the republican budget;
- carrying out of orders of the President of Kazakhstan concerning the issues connected with
execution of the republican budget;
- the control over completeness and timeliness of revenues in the republican budget, and
also reimbursements of the amounts from the republican budget, efficiency of tax and customs
- the compliance control of use of funds of the republican budget to the legislation of Kazakhstan
including target transfers and the credits, the connected grants, the state loans and the ones
guaranteed by the state, co-financing of concessive projects from the budget, and also guarantees
and assets of the state” [7].
In many countries the system of public administration includes the system of public service which
has direct impact on the effectiveness of public sector.
“The main feature of the US public service is that it is not based on legislation and it is based
on the political habit. This is explained by the peculiar socio-political history of the US, primarily
because the government sector was formed at a time when the leading communities, trying to create
a strong central government couldn’t directly confront to any power in favor of strengthening the state
governments, nor the mass of the American people, requiring a consistent implementation of the
achievements of the bourgeois-democratic revolution” [8].
Guaranteed Duplication
Despite the scope of the GAO in the US, analyzing the experience of the public sector in the US
and Kazakhstan and their established systems of public administration, I find that the improvement
and development of public administration, as in the US so in Kazakhstan, is carried out by various
government agencies, and therefore, there is prerequisite duplication of functions and no clear
delineation of them, which, as a result, can lead to inefficiency of the public sector. Below is a brief
overview of this complexity.
American public service is greatly influenced by the US federal, presidential system of government,
the constitutional principles of separation of authorities and the “checks and balances” and other
features of the political organization of US society.
Due to the fact that the US Constitution does not provide standards for the construction of public
service at the local level, the organization of public administration of states and local authorities
became the prerogative of state and local governments.
As a result, from a juridical point of view, there is no common public service in the US.
US public sector has structural features due to the country’s federal structure. All public employees
are classified as:
- federal workers – those who work in institutions of the federal government;
- States workers – those who employed in government agencies of state governments;
- Local workers – working in factories and local administration (in the counties, municipalities).
There are several specialized agencies of Public Service Management in the US, such as:
Department of Civil Service, the Council for “merit system”, the Special Commission.
In Kazakhstan, the development of measures to improve the efficiency of public administration is
the responsibility of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.
Development of measures to improve the efficiency of public service are initiated by the Agency
for Civil Service Affairs.
In addition, Kazakhstan was one of the first CIS countries where a system of evaluation government
agencies was implemented, so today, there are several government agencies in Kazakhstan which
evaluate the effectiveness of government agencies: the Administration of Kazakhstan’s President, the
Office of Prime Minister, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Finance,
the Ministry of Communications and Information, the Agency for Civil Service Affairs.
The system of evaluating the effectiveness of government agencies includes 6 areas:
- the achievement and realization of strategic goals and objectives in assigned industry/area/
- the implementation of regulations and orders of the country’s leadership;
- management of budget money;
- provision of public services;
- human resource management;
- Use of Information Technologies.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade provides a methodology and an overall
assessment of the effectiveness of government agencies in all 6 areas of assessment, in this case,
the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is not an independent agency because it is a part
of the Kazakhstan’s Government.
Given the different systems of government and public administration in the US and Kazakhstan,
I have listed below the changes that I think are possible and that would increase government
effectiveness in Kazakhstan:
1. Expanding the authority of the Audit Committee
As noted above, the GAO in the US has proven to be very effective. The GAO has a range of
authorities and functions that objectively and accurately allow it to evaluate government agencies.
I think it would be possible to duplicate this experience in Kazakhstan if the government expanded
the authority of the Audit Committee of Kazakhstan and concentrated all the functions of evaluation
of government agencies in one agency, the Audit Committee.
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