Н. В. Куркина, Е. И. Горшенина, Л. В. Чегодаева, А. В. Полагимова

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Анемия хронических заболеваний

Принято в печать:
30 апреля 2021 г.
Для переписки: Надежда Викторовна Куркина, канд. мед. наук, 
ул. Ульянова, д. 26А, Саранск, Российская Федерация, 430032; 
тел.: +7(927)172-48-63; e-mail: nadya.kurckina@yandex.ru
Для цитирования: Куркина Н.В., Горшенина Е.И., Чегодаева Л.В., 
Полагимова А.В. Анемия хронических заболеваний. 
Клиническая онкогематология. 2021;14(3):347–54.
DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2021-14-3-347-354
Anemia of Chronic Diseases
NV Kurkina, EI Gorshenina, LV Chegodaeva, 
AV Polagimova
NP Ogarev National Research Mordovia State University, 
68 Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Russian Federation, 430005
Anemia of chronic diseases (ACD) refers to a group of anemi-
as arising in various infl ammatory infections, autoimmune or 
tumor diseases due to acute or chronic immune activation. 
ACD ranks second in incidence after iron defi ciency anemia 
(IDA). Within the variety of pathogenetic mechanisms one of 
the primary ones is hepcidin synthesis in hepatocytes, which 
blocks iron absorption in the intestine and contributes to its 
deposition in cells of the monocyte-macrophage system. 
Besides, excessive cytokines in such diseases and patholo-
gies lead to lower eryth ropoietin production which does not 
correspond to the severity grade of anemia. This results in 
impaired erythropoiesis in the bone marrow. The diff erential 
diagnosis should also specify iron defi ciency type (the abs o-
lute one in IDA and the functional one in ACD). The eff ective 
treatment of the main disease and anemia correction speed 
up the improvement of patient’s status, rehabilitation, and 
quali ty of life.
anemia, chronic diseases, immune sys-
tem, hepcid in, cytokines, erythropoietin, ferritin, se-
rum iron.
January 17, 2021
April 30, 2021
For correspondence: Nadezhda Viktorovna Kurkina, MD, PhD, 
26А Ul’yanova str., Saransk, Russian Federation, 430032; 
Tel.: +7(927)172-48-63; e-mail: nadya.kurckina@yandex.ru
For citation: Kurkina NV, Gorshenina EI, Chegodaeva LV, Polagimova AV. 
Anemia of Chronic Diseases. Clinical oncohematology. 2021;14(3):347–54. 
(In Russ).
DOI: 10.21320/2500-2139-2021-14-3-347-354


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