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2 Devetak S. Minorities, Human Rights, Democracy // Federalism, Regionalism, Local autonomy and minorities. Council of
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Rol' social'nyh faktorov v realizacii konstitucionnyh prav i svobod lichnosti v Rossii: sbornik statej i dokladov. – Stavropol':
Servisshkola, 2007.
12 Grushevickaja T.G., Popkov V.D., Sadohin A.P. Osnovy mezhkul'turnoj kommunikacii. – M.: Junita-Dana, 2003.
13 Majboroda Je.T. Kollektivnye prava kak osnovanie jetnosub#ektnosti / Prava cheloveka i problemy identichnosti v Rossii i v
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Международно-правовые и внутригосударственные основы современной этноязыковой политики
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. № 4
(144). 2013
УДК 81’23
J. S. Smagulova
PhD Assistant, professor of Kazakhstan Institute
of Management, Economics and Strategic Research, Kazakhstan, Almaty
Multiplicity of language ideologies
The notion of language ideology is a useful analytical concept allowing for unified analysis of processes at
different levels of social organization as it affords linking large-scale social change (for example, socio-economic and
demographic change, language and educational policy) with micro-level interactional processes (child parents
interaction at dinnertime or student-teacher classroom interaction). A multidimensional analysis of ideologies shows
that they exist in different interrelated modes of articulation and are linked to different subjectivities that become
activated and essentialized at different moments. The paper also demonstrates how language ideologies of
‘monolingualism’ and ‘multilingualism’ emerging in the form of formal legislative documents and public debates,
explicit beliefs circulating in society, and implicit ideologies structuring language practices co-exist despite being
seemingly contradicting.
Key words: language ideology, mode of articulation, subjectivity
Ж.С. Смагулова
Многообразие языковых идеологий
Понятие языковой идеологии является полезным аналитическим инструментом, дающим возможность
связать процессы разных уровней социальной организации: процессы языковой интеракции на микроуровне
(например, разговор родителя с ребенком во время ужина или диалог учителя и ученика на уроке) с
социальными изменениями на макроуровне (социально-экономические и демогрфические изменения,
языковая и образовательная политика). Подобный многоуровневый анализ позволяет продемонстрировать,
что языковые идеологии существуют в разных формах артикуляции и связаны с разными типами
субъективности, активизирующихся в разные моменты. Именно это свойство языковой идеологии позволяет
двум противоположным идеологиям «монолингвизма» и «мультилингвизма», проявляющихся в официаль-
ных документах и общественных прениях, эксплицитных общественных взглядах, а также в виде имплицит-
ной идеологии, структуриующей языковую практику, сосуществовать в обществе.
Ключевые слова: языковая идеология, способы артикуляции, субъективность
Ж.С. Смагулова
Тілдік идеологиялардың әр алуандығы
Тілдік идеология ұғымы – әлеуметтік ұйымның түрлі деңгейлерінің үдерістерін (микродеңгейдегі тілдік
қатынас үдерістерін, мысалы, ата-ананың баласымен кешкі аста дастархан басындағы әңгімесі немесе
мұғалім мен оқушының диалогы; макродеңгейдегі әлеуметтік өзгерістер; әлеуметтік-экономикалық және
демографиялық өзгерістер, тілдік және білім беру саласының саясаты) байланыстыруға мүмкіндік беретін
пайдалы аналитикалық құрал. Осы тақылеттес көпдеңгейлік талдау тілдік идеологиялардың түрлі
артикуляцияларда болатынын көрсетуге септігін тигізеді және белгілі кей сәттерде белсенденетін
субъективтіліктің түрлі типтерімен байланысты болады. Тілдік идеологияның дәл осы қасиеті екі қарама-
қайшы идеологияға «монолингвизм» мен ресми құжаттар және қоғамдық пікірталастарда көрініс табатын
«мультилингвизмге» эксплицитті қоғамдық көзқарастарда, сонымен қатар тілдік практиканы
құрылымдайтын имплицитті идеологияның қоғамда қатар тірлік етуіне мүмкіндік береді.
Түйін сөздер: тілдік идеология, артикуляция тәсілдері, субъективтілік.
The notion of language ideology is a useful
analytical concept allowing for unified analysis of
social processes at different levels of social
organization. Using a combination of a large-scale
survey and language socialization/interactional
sociolinguistics research tools for studying
language ideology, we can gain insights into:
the circulation of explicit grand language
ideologies across different social levels: official
discourse of language policy, language beliefs
among different social groups, and explicit local
language beliefs;
local implicit language ideologies structu-
ring processes of language socialization at home,
J. S. Smagulova
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 4
(144). 2013
and their link to large-scale social change and
political projects such as nation-building and
ethnic mobilization.
A multi-dimensional analysis of socio linguistic
situation in Kazakhstan [1] presents a layered
view of ideology and provides empirical evidence
supporting a current “sophisticated” view of
ideologies as “complexes that operate in different
shapes and with different modes of articulation at
a variety of levels on a range of objects”
expressed by Blommaert & Rampton [2, 11].
Firstly, there is wide societal support for
seemingly contradicting language ideologies of
multilingualism and monolingualism, “Russifica-
tion” and “Kazakhization”. However, the quanti-
tative and qualitative analyses show that these
ideologies are relevant at different scales of
political organization and have different “reality”
status. Monolingual ideology of “Kazakhization”
is dominant because the state promotes it. This
ideology operates in the form of the explicit
theories of “Kazakh-ness” and “Kazakh nation-
state”. The universal belief in the primordial link
between language and nation (unfailingly recor-
ded by national censuses and our survey) helps to
solidify the highly symbolic status of Kazakh as a
national language. Wide social acceptance of the
symbolic status of Kazakh contributes to what Gal
refers as “legitimation of political arrangements”
[3, 324]. By accepting Kazakh as a state language,
people demonstrate that they accept the idea of
Kazakhstan as a new independent nation-state.
The dominance of Russian, according to
quantitative and qualitative results, resides in the
realm of lived reality: “Some ideas and practices
are “dominant” not because they are produced or
held by dominant groups, but because their
evaluations are recognized and accepted by,
indeed partially substitute, the lived reality of a
much broader range of groups” [3, 321]. Survey
data and ethnographic observations indeed
demonstrate that Russian is a prevailing language
of communication in both private and public
urban domains. The study findings also show that
urban speakers are not aware of the fact that by
using Russian in particular ways, they re-produce
a social order in which Russian is a superior
language of a more influential social group.
Secondly, tracing historical and socio-econo-
mic roots of language ideologies shows that in
urban Kazakhstan Kazakh and Russian have come
to index dichotomies related to:
social identities –urban vs. rural, middle-
class vs. lower class;
group membership – social group vs. nation;
aspects of personhood – independent vs.
dependent (actor), cultured vs. ignorant;
social values – traditional vs. modern,
parochial vs. cosmopolitan;
political values – nationalism vs. linguistic
and minority rights, superiority of one vs. equality
of all;
linguistic values – inferior language vs.
superior, etc.
However, these dichotomies are not absolute
antimonies and even less so they are patterned
worldviews attributed to different social groups.
The quantitative data shows that the boundary
between ideological positioning and social mem-
bership are not clear-cut. The variability of responses
within the social groups, especially within the
Kazakh ethnic group, points at the process of
contestation between different language ideolo-
gies, revealing tension between pro-Russian and
pro-Kazakh interests, group and individual rights,
and between ethnic loyalty and social status. For
example, the survey data and ethnographic obser-
vations suggest that Kazakh revival means dif-
ferent things to different generations. For older
Kazakhs, their native language is an essential part
of ethnic identity, lack of proficiency in one’s
native language is shameful. Failure to transmit
the Kazakh language is viewed as a personal
failure. The middle-aged generation constructs the
proficiency in Kazakh in more instrumental terms,
it is another resource along with Russian and
English that might improve one’s life chances.
The fact that individual respondents shift and
rework their views of languages within a single
survey hints at the complex processes of affiliating
and disaffiliating with a group, depending on the
hypothetical situation described in the question-
naire. For instance, the survey data demonstrates
considerable difference in responses about the role
of Kazakh, depending on whether the question is
hypothetical or has immediate relevance for the
respondents’ everyday lives. Most urban Kazakhs
agree that people occupying highly symbolic
positions representing the state, such as the
President of the country, must speak Kazakh, and
agree that Kazakh must be studied in school. Ho-
wever, at the same time, this group is more likely
to opt for multilingual choices when asked about
their own language use. These fin-dings ratify the
view that ideologies as Kroskrity [4] suggests are
context-bound; different ideological positions are
activated in different social contexts.
The table below illustrates my point by showing
Multiplicity of language ideologies
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. № 4
(144). 2013
some examples of various modes of ideological
expression at different levels for two widely
distributed ideologies of monolingualism and
Table 1
Language ideology: Levels and modes of articulation
Modes of articulation
Levels of social
Monolingual ideology of “Kazakhization” Multilingual ideology involving mainte-
nance of Russian
- Kazakh as a sole state language
- Candidate for the President must pass the
Kazakh language exam
- Kazakh is a required school subject
- Renaming street names and geographical
- Re-writing history with stress on the
struggle for independence from Russia
- Russian is an official language
- There are no language requirements for
government jobs (yet)
- Russian is a required school subject
- Road signs in three languages: Kazakh,
Russian and English
- Emphasizing common past and future with
Russia, accommodating local Russians e.g.
by granting citizenship automatically
Level of social
beliefs (ideas
of different
ethnic and
other interest
-“Kazakhs should know Kazakh” (e.g.,
teacher talking to a Russian-speaking
parent in Kazakh)
- “Kazakh is a rich and beautiful language”
- Dividing Kazakhs on real Kazakhs
“NagyzQazaq” and half Kazakhs
- “Kazakhs are entitled for better positions”
- Kazakh-language schools are mono-
- Discrimination because of lack of Kazakh
- Power positions are occupied by Kazakhs
- Conducting ceremonies, e.g., weddings in
- “Russian is our second mother tongue”
- “Russian is better suited for academic
- Branding rural Kazakhs as “Mambets”
(derogatory term)
-“Russians are better specialists, more
- Russian-language schools are multiethnic
- Discrimination because of lack of Russian
- Most manual laborers are rural Kazakh
- Publishing classified ads and announce-
ments in Russian
Level of
interaction at
- Enrolling children to Kazakh-medium
- Asking grandparents to speak Kazakh with
- Learning rhymes for school in Kazakh
- Using Kazakh affectives and endearments
- Using Kazakh kinship terminology
- Praising a child for saying something in
- Speaking Russian at home
- Buying books in Russian, playing com-
puter games in English
- Teaching Kazakh through Russian
- Disciplining in Russian
- Labeling the world around baby in Russian
- Stating that child’s pronunciation is Rus-
Thirdly, the distribution of ideologies reminds
us that “different ideologies construct alternate,
even opposing realities; they create differing
views arising from and often constituting different
social positions and subjectivities within a single
social formation” [3, 320]. The quantitative data
indeed suggested that different ideas are linked to
different social positions and subjectivities. Kazakh
and Russian express different yet positively valued
dimensions of the self for urban Kazakhs. Kazakh
is as a marker of Kazakh ethnic identity, and
Russian is a sign of higher status and belonging to
an urban group. It then explains why urban
Kazakhs, who speak primarily in Russian; insist
on using their “native” language during official
ceremonies like weddings (even when the married
couple does not understand a single word during
the whole ceremony); use Kazakh kinship termi-
J. S. Smagulova
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. № 4(144). 2013
nology; and use Kazakh for greetings and leave-
taking while conversing in Russian; or why the
state changes the name of streets and other geo-
graphic places from Russian to Kazakh. Speakers
using Kazakh for these symbolic functions,
establish and re-affirm their ethnic and national
identities. Meanwhile, by using Russian for work
and entertainment, speakers reaffirm their social
status and affiliation with urban Kazakhs.
Likewise, interactional data also shows that
different languages are associated with different
subjectivities. In local family language practices,
the caretaker role is linked to speaking Kazakh,
while being an autonomous social actor is asso-
ciated with Russian; speaking Kazakh co-occurs
with the caretaker’s aligning as a language tutor
while constructing a child as a second language
Fourthly, the situation is further complicated
by the fact that language ideologies interact with
other beliefs such as ideas about personhood and
adulthood, theories of language socialization or
learning, and also with personal experiences of
second language learning. Bilingualism and multi-
lingualism in urban Kazakhstan is a mass phenol-
menon; but many did not grow up bilingual, they
became bilingual as adults. There is a whole
generation of Kazakhs who arrived to cities as
Kazakh-speaking adults in the 1960-1970s and
became successful, balanced Kazakh-Russian
bilinguals. There are younger adults who also
effectively acquired English or Kazakh as a
second language in their 20s. These personal
experiences seem to have had a profound effect
on the way people perceive failure to transmit
Kazakh to children. It is viewed a repairable
matter. Success stories of adults learning second
languages feed the strong faith that children will
be able to learn Kazakh later in life, if strongly
motivated or forced by circumstances. However,
the urban reality is not conducive to the acqui-
sition of Kazakh by individuals, as there are no
real forces that might motivate Kazakh re-acquisi-
tion. This belief contributes to the maintenance of
Russian in urban families.
Finally, the analysis also revealed that lan-
guage practices are contingent not only on ideo-
logical positions but also on pressure of multiple
parental jobs. Obviously, reviving language requi-
res constant attention to one’s language use as it
presupposes changes in habitual language practi-
ces. Yet, even the caretakers most committed to
the idea of language revival face multiple pressing
parental tasks that need to be done in the here and
now. Putting a child who just recovered from
illness to bed seems to be a more urgent task than
learning with him Kazakh rhymes for the school
In summary, ideologies exist in different inter-
related modes of articulation: formal legislative
documents and public debates, explicit beliefs
circulating in society, and implicit ideologies
structuring language practices. I maintain that it
would be erroneous to present two popular
ideologies of monolingualism and multilingualism
as opposing; they are rather co-existing. Their
existence reflects the linguistic reality of modern
urban Kazakhstan where different ideologies are
linked to different subjectivities that become
activated and essentialized at different moments.
Such interpretation then might explain how in the
context of wide-ranging ideological contestation,
people manage to live their everyday lives largely
avoiding conflict and confrontation.
1 Smagulova J. Language shift and revival in Kazakhstan: A multi-level analysis. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. UK: King’s
College London, 2011.
2 Blommaert J. & Rampton B. Language and superdiversity // Diversities 13, (2): 1-22. –
3 Gal S. Multiplicity and contention among language ideologies: A commentary // Language Ideologies: Practice and theory /
B. Schieffelin, K. Woolard & P. Kroskrity (eds.). – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. – С. 317-331.
4 Kroskrity P. Language ideologies // A companion to linguistic anthropology / A. Duranti (ed.). – Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. – С. 496-517.
1 Smagulova J. Language shift and revival in Kazakhstan: A multi-level analysis. Unpublished PhD. dissertation. UK: King’s
College London, 2011.
2 Blommaert J. & Rampton B. Language and superdiversity // Diversities 13, (2): 1-22. –
3 Gal S. Multiplicity and contention among language ideologies: A commentary // Language Ideologies: Practice and theory / B.
Schieffelin, K. Woolard & P. Kroskrity (eds.). – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. – S. 317-331.
4 Kroskrity P. Language ideologies // A companion to linguistic anthropology / A. Duranti (ed.). – Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. – S.
Multiplicity of language ideologies
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. № 4
(144). 2013
ӘОЖ 81'37; 003; 81'22
Ғ.Қ. Хасанов
М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті,
ф.ғ.д., профессор, Қазақстан, Орал қ.
Көркем мәтіндегі денотаттық семаларды талдау ерекшелігі
Тілдік семантика ғылымында лексикалық мағынаның құрылымындағы кіші мағыналық бөліктер көптеген
ғалымдардың зерттеу назарында жүр. Алдымен, шетелдік және Ресей тілшілері қарастырған бұл көкейкесті
мәселе соңғы кезде қазақ тіл білімінде де жүйелі зерттелу үстінде. Лексикалық семантика ғылымында
лексикалық мағынаның сема деп аталатын микрокомпоненттерінің өзіндік түрленімін нақты көркем мәтіннен
талдау мағынаның әртүрлі өзгерісін көрсетеді. Мақалада көркем мәтіндегі лексикалық мағынаның
денотаттық семаларының ерекшеліктері семантиканы зерттеп жүрген белгілі ғалымдардың пікірлері арқылы
кеңінен талданады.
Түйін сөздер: лексикалық мағына, денотаттық мағына бөлігі, сигнификаттық компонент, денотаттық
семалар, архисема, узуалды, окказионалды сема, категориалды-лексикалық сема, жекелік, топтық семалар,
мәтін, айыруышы сема, өзектену, актуалдану, көркем мәтін.
G. K. Khassanov
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