S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
This article focuses on the system of criterial assessment on the stage of formation of a
new educational paradigm. Currently, the main goal of education is the development of a com-
petitive personality, ready to interact with the world, for self-education and self-development.
The most important thing is the assessment activities of the student, i.e. the willingness and
ability to monitor and evaluate its activities, to be able to resolve the causes of the arising dif-
B.K. SHAiHOvA, K. GASiSOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 133-138
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
Keywords: control, criteria, assessment, student activities, to formulate, to state, mo-
Бұл мақала еліміздегі білім беру жүйесінің қазіргі даму кезеңіндегі бағалау
жүйесін өзгертудің мағыздылығын көрсетуге арналған. Жүйенің жұмысы үшін бағалау
үрдісінде оқушылардың қандай маңызды формаларға қатысуы қажетті жағдай болып
табылатыны, критерийлердің оқушыларға алдан ала таратылып берілуінің маңызы
айтылады. енді осы маңызды бастаманы бір қолайлы жүйеге келтіру үшін педагогтерге
әрбір пән мақсаттарына сай критерийлер таңдап, оқушы бағасынын объективті, шынайы
ету міндеті қойылады.
түйін сөздер: бақылау, критерийлер, бағалау, оқушы әрекеті, қалыптастырушы,
нақтылау, мотив.
данная статья посвящена системе критериального оценивания на этапе станов-
ления новой образовательной парадигмы. В настоящее время основной целью образо-
вания является развитие конкурентоспособной личности, готовой к взаимодействию
с окружающим миром, к самообразованию и саморазвитию. Особое значение имеет
контрольно-оценочная деятельность ученика, то есть готовность и способность контро-
лировать и оценивать свою деятельность, уметь устранять причины возникающих труд-
Ключевые слова: контроль, критерии оценивания, деятельность ученика, форми-
рующее, констатирующее, мотив.
Currently, the main goal of education is the development of a competitive per-
sonality, ready to interact with the world, for self-education and self-development. The
most important thing is the assessment activities of the student, i.e. the willingness
and ability to monitor and evaluate its activities, to be able to resolve the causes of the
arising difficulties. This is especially important in the 21st century, when technology is
changing rapidly and we constantly have to learn and relearn.
We are all used to assess the activity of students traditionally, using a five point
evaluation system, but it is not always possible to objectively evaluate the student’s
work. Biased assessment can adversely affect the entire educational process. Getting a
good grade too easy, the student loses the incentive to study. Undeservedly bad mark
may result the same effect: the student will generally stop learning.
The need to upgrade existing systems of a five-point evaluation of study results
no doubt: understanding the importance of solving this problem identified in the public
documents, and in the educational standards of new generation, and in the minds of
teachers and society in general.
Kazakhstan school with a five-point assessment system is existing for a long
time: there was a change of socio-political, historical conditions, the picture of the
world have changed, but school assessment remained unchanged. Moreover, from a
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Выпускается ежеквартально
certain moment it was certainly a factor hindering the development of the education
system. Any participant of the educational process of the traditional system of assess-
ment is not satisfied. Now we have a three point instead of a five-point evaluation:
the mark “1” and “2” does not exist - it is simply a marker of an unsatisfactory result,
which are used only during the current assessment and are not practically used in the
final, which clearly indicates their nominal existence and actual non-use. The grade
“5”: in terms of UNT its image clearly faded, moreover, the double standards that have
arisen in the school final examination at UNT, and “five” deprived of meaning: what’s
the meaning of a great mark in the certificate, if with points for which it is supplied, it
is impossible to enter university?
Successful students should be determined not by the presence of the notorious
“5” and “4” but by the personal dynamics and willingness to learn. if there was an op-
portunity for all adults to agree not to compare children with each other and compare
yesterday’s results with the current results, in the world have been much more happy
To solve this problem it is necessary to radically change the existing “marking”
of the assessment system. And not by mechanical replacement of five-point system by
some other equivalent of “marking” system – by ten or one-hundred point system, or
by the number of earned badges: “suns”, “hearts”, etc.
Objective assessment do not cause stress . Therefore, among a variety of health
keeping developments today there are a lot of interesting things that are trying to
change the evaluation system. Real health keeping factor can be the fact that the evalu-
ation criteria developed jointly by the teacher and students during the open dialogue
between the two sides is a kind of social contract. This possibility appears on the les-
son with criterial assessment of students. it implies a set of principles for teachers:
1. Only specific work of the student is evaluating, but not student himself and not
the level of his abilities, not his personality.
2. The student’s work is comparing with the work of other students, and with the
standard (sample excellent work). The standard known to students in advance.
3. The clear algorithm of awarding marks have already been developed, by which
the student can define their own level of achievement.
4. Actually, criterial mark is regarded as measuring the level of attainment of
skill, material, which has the purpose to adjust the training, and to identify weak spots
with a view to their subsequent elimination.
5. you can evaluate what they are teaching, so assessment criteria is a concrete
expression of the learning objectives.
6. Criterial mark cannot be considered as a means of punishment or impact - it is
the only source of information.
7. The learner evaluates his work by himself.
B.K. SHAiHOvA, K. GASiSOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 133-138
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
The mandatory component of the assessment system is the establishment of cri-
teria. So would be more accurate to call this system criteria, and non-judgment assess-
The criteria applied in items of different educational areas different from each
other, but formed on one principle: basic academic skills, similarity in several crite-
The teacher should use different forms of a specific job and have a clear descrip-
tion of it. it involves students in the assessment process, seeking the transition to self-
esteem. Reflection should be mandatory final stage of more or less large work.
The viability of the new assessment system is its adaptability:
it should not depend on the personality of the individual teacher,
it must be a psycho-pedagogically justified,
it should be described,
it can be learned, it can be implemented in practice,
it should be clear to all participants of the educational process and should an-
swer their queries.
Criterial assessment includes two types of evaluation: formative and ascertain-
Formative assessments performs the function of feedback when the student re-
ceives information about their successes and failures. And he has time before the fi-
nal work to improve something in the interim work. Accordingly, any, even the most
unsatisfactory intermediate results of the work are perceived by the student only as
recommendations to improve their own results, as estimates for them are not taken into
account when setting term (quarter, semi-annual) assessments. Thus, receiving a mark
for the interim work, the student receives a clear direction of what should be done to
improve its assessment for the final work. in criterial assessment system only results
of the final works takes into account.
Today in the same class are studying students with different cultural past, with
different abilities and interests. Formative assessment helps teachers take into account
the individual needs of students through differentiated instruction.
Criteria of formative assessment focused on development of the skills of the
21st century, which is the main priority in the Nazarbayev intellectual schools. They
– the study
– the solution of problems
– the critical thinking
– the independent learning
– the cooperation
– the information processing
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– the creativity and design
– the practical skills The statement is made at the end of the quarter (using the
control or credits). Allows the teacher to make the final judgment about students ‘
achievements, to put the final mark.Description of criteria for subjects as Literature,
Mathematics, Science, Art, Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History of Ka-
zakhstan, world history.
Criteria Description
Knowledge and understanding
Critical thinking and research
Communication and reflection
The evaluation system provides an opportunity to determine how successfully
this or other training material learned and how one or another practical skill formed. it
is reasonable to take for a starting point a required minimum.
Criterial evaluation system is completely transparent in the sense of ways of
placing the current and final grades, as well as the purposes for which achievement
of these check marks. She is also a Troubleshooter training, providing and ensuring
continuous contact between the teacher, student and parents.
Criterial evaluation system is completely transparent in the sense of ways of plac-
ing the current and final grades. it is also a diagnostic means of the learning problem,
providing and ensuring continuous contact between the teacher, student and parents.
One of the advantages of criterial assessment is a health keeping potential, the
potential to save the health of students and teachers.
Criterial assessment performs the function of feedback when the student receives
information about their successes and failures. Thus even the most unsatisfactory in-
termediate results of the work are perceived by the student only as recommendations
to improve their own results. in the criterial assessment describes the levels of achieve-
ment corresponding to each point. it is important that the scale of assessment starts
with zero, and this is obvious, because not the identity of the student is estimated, but
his activities.
As criterial approach to assessment should solve the problem of objective evalu-
ation of students and encourage them to achieve a better result, the range of issues
in order of importance might look as follows. Students will get a positive mark not
immediately, as it is the process of adapting to the new assessment system. Each time
they try to better prepare for ascertaining works, learn how to work with descriptors.
Conducting a questionnaire among the students, we noted the following reviews: we
can assess ourselves, assess the level of our knowledge, understand what we can do
and how we learned the basic material, the evaluation does not depend on the mood
B.K. SHAiHOvA, K. GASiSOvA. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 133-138
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
of the teacher.
Subject to all phases of criterial assessment the complexity and costs of the ad-
aptation period will be compensated by improving the quality of students ‘ knowledge.
in our opinion, criterial assessment system will eliminate unsatisfactory evaluation in
the future.
1. Romanov Ju., Pokushenie na sistemu. Kakie zadachi reshaet kriterial’noe oceni-
vanie. Upravlenie shkoloj 2009, 3 (in Russ).
2. Halpern D., Psihologija kriticheskogo myshlenija. Piter, 2000, 512 (in Russ).
3. Nazarbaev Zijatkerlіk mektepterі DBBU oqushylarynyn oqu zhetіstіkterіn kriterialdy
baqalaudyn zhyjesіn engіzu Tyzhyrymdamasy, 2012 (in Russ).
4. Inside the Black Box, Black & Wiliams, 1998 (in Russ).
5. Krasnoborova A.A., Kriterial’noe ocenivanie v shkole. Perm’, 2010 (in Russ).
УдК 502/504 (574.42)
м.м. елЮБАевА, в.А. СеДелев
Восточно-Казахстанский государственный университет
имени С. Аманжолова, г. Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан
В статье рассмотрены практические работы повышения экологической безопас-
ности по предотвращению радиационного загрязнения г.Усть-Каменогорска.
Ключевые слова: окружающая среда, радиационное загрязнение, очаг загрязне-
ния, аномалии, радиоактивность.
Мақалада Өскемен қаласының радиациялық ластануының алдын алу және
экологиялық қауіпсіздікті арттыру мәселелері қарастырылған.
түйін сөздер: қоршаған орта, радиациялық ластану, ластану ошағы, аномалия,
in the article practical works of increase of ecological safety are considered and on pre-
vention of radiation contamination of the city Ust-Kamenogorsk.
Keywords: environment, radiation contamination, hearth of contamination, anomaly,
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Целенаправленные экологические изучения и оценка загрязнения радио-
нуклидами территории г. Усть-Каменогорска начаты с 1990 года и выполнены,
в основном, предприятиями и организациями Министерства (бывшей) геологии
и охраны недр Республики Казахстан, по заданию Управления экологии и био-
ресурсов РК и ВКО, на договорной основе.
По данным Восточно-Казахстанского областного управления окружающей
среды, в 1990-1992 годы при радиоэкологическом исследовании территории и
объектов города был применен наиболее полный комплекс радиометрических
методов: вертолетная, автомобильная, пешеходная и шпуровая гамма-съемки;
лабораторные методы определения содержания урана в почвах и снеговых по-
кровах; анализы проб воды и данных осадков на естественные (уран, радий, ра-
дон) и искусственные (стронций-90, цезий-137) радионуклиды. А также изучены
архивные и фондовые материалы радиологических отделов Облметеостанций,
ОблСЭС, Облветлаборатории и проектно-изыскательной станции химизации
сельского хозяйства Восточного Казахстана (существовавших при Казахской
Радиоэкологические исследования, проведенные ТОО «Геос »за отчетный
период (1994-1997 гг.) выполнены с целью оценки радиационной обстановки в
Северной промышленной зоне г. Усть-Каменогорска, на территории с площадью
равной 15 кв. км. В результате проведенных радиометрических исследований
было выявлено 255 очагов радиоактивного загрязнения (ОРЗ) с мощностью экс-
позиционной дозы (МЭд) гамма-излучения на их поверхности, на высоте 10 см,
от 25 до 3000 и более мкР/час.
Обзор литературы показывает, что радиометрические работы на террито-
рии г. Усть-Каменогорска проводили также управление Санэпиднадзора и ТОО
«Полисертико», по оказанию частных услуг организациям и населению при от-
ведении участков под строительство или других нужд. Однако, в большинстве
случаев, эти работы проводятся на уже обследованных в 1990-2000гг в более
мелком масштабе территориях и на незначительных площадях (до 1 га).
Таким образом, в период 1990-2003гг различными видами пешеходной
гамма-съемки было обследовано около 30 км
территории города, и около 300
предприятий, организаций, учреждений и объектов частного сектора. Была
полностью опоискована центральная жилая зона многоэтажная часть частного
сектора прилегающего к ней с северо-востока. Радиометрические исследования
также были проведены практически на всей территории Северной промышлен-
ной зоны. В результате проведенных работ было выявлено 398 радиоактивных
аномалий различной локализации и происхождения с мощностью экспозицион-
ной дозы (МЭд) от 25 до 7000 мкр/ч.
В 2005 году проводились ревизионные работы на 87 радиоактивных анома-
М.М. елЮБАеВА, В.А. СеделеВ. 1 (65) 2015. С. 138-141
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
лиях, обнаруженных на территориях жилой зоны Усть-Каменогорска в грунтах,
стройматериалах, строительных конструкциях, металлических изделиях. Основ-
ной целью данного вида исследований являются выявление изменений в радиа-
ционной обстановке на территории селитебной зоны города.
Оценочные работы на аномалиях проводились исходя из условий проис-
хождения объекта повышенной радиоактивности.
В основном радиоактивные загрязнения на территории города были выяв-
лены на почвах или грунтах, железных конструкциях и строительных материа-
лах, в связи с чем были определены последовательность и виды радиометриче-
ских работ, необходимых для оценки радиационного объекта в соответствии с
нормативной документацией.
Таким образом, общий анализ радиоактивного загрязнения на территории
Усть-Каменогорска показывает:
– Усть-Каменогорск подвержен радиоактивному загрязнению как от пред-
приятий, функционировавших на его территории в свое время, так и от действу-
ющих в настоящее время.
– Большая часть радиоактивных аномалий, связанных с радиоактивным за-
грязнением почв и грунтов, выявленных за территорией промпредприятий, до
конца не изучена, что не позволяет оценить и предупредить возможные послед-
ствия распространения радиоактивного загрязнения.
– Несмотря на то, что основная часть территории города полностью закры-
та пешеходными гамма-поисками, характер некоторых радиоактивных загрязне-
ний и аномалий, выявленных к настоящему времени, говорит о необходимости
дальнейшего исследования территории в масштабе 1:500.
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zakhstan ot 10 noyabrya 2011 goda, №455 (in Russ).
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
2. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po obespecheniyu radiacionnoi bezopasnosti ot prirodnyh
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ӘОЖ 581.41(510)
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