Ключевые слова: кинема (жест), коммуникация, акт, речь, речевой, илюстративный жест (иллюстратор),
тип, жестовое ударение, основной, вторичный (дополнительный), дейктический, пространственный, временной,
идеографический, маркер, идеограф, кинефонограф, кинетограф, идентификатор, экстерналайзер.
S.Magzhan - A.YasawiInternationalKazakh-TurkishUniversity Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate
Professor, magjan_saule70@mail.ru
P.Adieva - A.YasawiInternationalKazakh-TurkishUniversity Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate
The article deals with the signals sent by the human body and are illustrative gestures. The function of the
illustrative gestures expressed in defining the semantic meaning of the verbal context, the impact on the more precise
and clear expression of thoughts speaker and provide a more rapid achievement of the listener thinking transferred
without any changes. The paper analyzes the illustrative gestures, given the evidence in the case studies and established
a classification.
Key words: kinema (gesture), communication, act, speech, voice, illustrative gesture (illustrator), style, gesture
stress, primary, secondary (optional), deictic, spatial, temporal, ideographic, marker ideography, kinefonograf,
kinetograf, ID eksternalayzer .
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