material In the article the special attention is spared to correlation of word and action in wishes and plot, that is examined as
the special family communicative pragmatic act the subject of that by means of sacral text appeals to the different types
of magic with the purpose of achievement of the desired effect. The specific of wishes and plot among suggestive texts
comes to light taking into account components that come forward the means of creation of effect of suggesting in
wishes and plot.Stereotypes are consciousness’squalificatory the national and cultural standards of behavioral
reactions, most consistently and full fixed in steady texts salient as interpretation linguistic structures. The last design
behavior of man in an ethno- civilized manner-mark situations.The article identifies the leading etiquette speech
formulas and wishes of welcome and farewell, describes the main features of etiquette speech genre of good wishes,
and indicates the main functions of the Orthodox good wishes in a preacher’s speech. The author emphasizes the issues
connected with the linguistic status of wishful thinking, how well it has been studied in modern science, its
communicative role, as well as the peculiarities of its usage in modern orthodox culture. Maximum suggestive among
the folklore genres of texts, of course, have good wishes and plots which are the subject of analysis in this article.