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языков : сб. статей по мат-лам межрегион., с междунар. участием, интернет-конф. 23–25
марта 2016 г. Москва. С.149–152.
Сдобников В. В. Инвариант перевода:
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Дубских А. И. DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia Abstract. The article considers general tendencies in world and Russian
education, and also both principles and methods of forming professional, commu-
nicative, intercultural competences and in the process of teaching foreign lan-
guage for professional purposes in the conditions of engineering, economic and
other non-linguistic specialties at technical university.
The article views some es-
sential issues of this competence including awareness of pedagogical values, the
construction of the pedagogical process, pedagogical communication and behav-
ior; pedagogical technology, its essence, structural components, understanding of
innovative components of professional activity, requirements for the design and
engineering of pedagogical technologies.