Берілген мақалада кредиттік оқыту технологиясының шешуші доминанты – студентттердің
ҿзіндік жҧмысы қарастырылып, мысалға тҥрлі деңгейлік сипаттағы тапсырмалар келтіріледі.
This article is devoted to the dominant factor of credit technology of education, such as students‘
independent work. Some different tasks are also given here.
С.Т.Тнымбаева –
ст.преподаватель КазНПУ им.Абая
Самостоятельная работа студентов (СРС) по общеобязательной дисциплине «Русский язык»,
читаемой на неязыковых и гуманитарных факультетах педагогического вуза – это многообразие видов
работ; включающих и работу обучающегося с учебным пособием, работу со словарем, написание
рефератов, чтение необходимой по специальности литературы, проведение диспутов, выполнение
лексико-грамматических заданий в виде синтаксического разбора предложений, морфологического
разбора текста, составление разных типов предложений (СПП, ССП) составление простых
предложений, осложненных причастным и деепричастным оборотами, однородными членами
предложения и т.д. В СРС включается также составление различных видов плана к тексту и других
форм работы с ним. Все эти применяемые методы обучения способствуют развитию речевых (устных и
письменных) способностей обучающихся, становлению их коммуникативно-профессиональной
СРС требует от учащихся активной мыслительной деятельности, самостоятельного решения
различных познавательных задач, использование ранее усвоенных знаний по грамматике. Важно иметь
в виду то, что для повышения уровня познавательной активности учащихся необходим быстрый
процесс усвоения знаний, умений и навыков.
К тому же в процессе выполнения СРС познавательная активность учащихся контролируется
временными рамками(1), и СРС должно содержать в себе определенное количество заданий,
выделяемых на самостоятельную работу.
Также нужно отметить эффективность самостоятельной работы зависит от качества
руководства со стороны учителя. Эффективная система заданий для СРС представляет собой порядок
задач; которые решает преподаватель в рамках СРС: каждое задание, выполняемое самостоятельно
обучает учащихся овладевать способом умственного труда; важно также учитывать, чтобы студенты
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (45), 2013 ж.
получили консультацию перед выполнением заданий, преподавателю необходимо следить за ходом
самостоятельной работы, помочь сделать анализ, преодолевать трудности, исправлять ошибки,
подводить итоги, которые способствуют активизации учащихся, - в этом заключается работа
преподавателя в ходе СРС, включая СРСП.
Занятия, посвященные СРСП, должны включать разнообразный спектр интерактивных
методов. По целевой ориентации среди них могут быть выделены: дидактические, позволяющие
сформировать познавательные практические умения, организовать различные виды учебной
деятельности; воспитывающие и направленные на развитие нравственно-этических, волевых и других
качеств обучаемых; контролирующие, ориентированные на реализацию контрольно-оценочной
функции. Методологической основой интерактивных методов является теория познания. Учебная
проблема может быть выражена в форме заданий, которые, прежде всего, активизируют
познавательную деятельность обучающегося, например, тренинг, дискуссия, деловая и дидактическая
игра, презентация, составление кейса, разработка индивидуального и группового проектов и т.д. (2).
Работу по СРС мы практикуем как обязательное выполнение студентами всех видов заданий
по определенному блоку – теме (БТ). Студент должен быть готов к ответу на вопросы по плану БТ,
надежно усваивать основные понятия и категории, ответить на вопросы для самопроверки и письменно
выполнить проблемные задания по теме. Профессиональная учебно-речевая ситуация приравнивается
здесь к проблемной ситуации, ориентирующей на решение профессиональной задачи средствами языка.
Задания проблемного характера рассчитаны на сознательный подход студентов к изучаемому
материалу (3).
Так, к примеру, на практических занятиях по русскому языку, на юридическом факультете
такая работа нами ведется на основе текста, предваряемая словарной работой на базе словаря по
Работа с терминами. Ознакомление с их значением.
Наследственное право - часть гражданского права; совокупность правовых норм,
устанавливающих порядок перехода имущества умершего лица по праву наследования.
Имущество - совокупность вещей и материальных ценностей, состоящих прежде всего в
собственности лица или в управлении организации, сюда входят деньги и ценные бумаги.
Гражданское право - отрасль права, нормы которой регулируют имущественные отношения,
обусловленные использованием товарно-денежной формы, и связанные с ними личные
неимущественные отношения. Например, защита чести и достоинства.
Определение способа образования этих слов.
Наследство, наследие, наследник, наследование, наследовать, унаследовать.
Что означает термин «Право»? Право включает в себя – право использовать, продать,
Составление с данными терминами словосочетаний с типами связи: согласование,
примыкание, управление.
За словарной работой следуют такие виды СРС, проводимые на основе учебного текста:
1. Найдите и выпишите из текста абстрактные существительные, составьте с ними
словосочетания на виды связи: согласование, примыкание, управление.
2. Найдите в тексте общенаучные слова, составьте с ними словосочетания.
Составьте с этими словами предложения.
3. Найдите в тексте синтаксические конструкции, характерные для научного стиля.
4. Найдите в тексте СПП и ССП, бессоюзные предложения, простые предложения,
осложненные причастными и деепричастными оборотами, однородными членами.
5. Ответьте на данные вопросы?
Что такое право?
Что такое имущество?
Что такое гражданское право?
Что представляет собой наследственное право и как переходит наследство? Какой круг лиц
может быть наследниками?
В каких случаях наследники лишаются прав наследства?
Как регламентируется порядок составления завещаний и отказа от него, или каким способом
и в каких случаях переходит имущество государству?
Что включает объем и порядок ответственности наследников?
Где содержится ряд норм наследственного права?
Способность и умения обучающегося должны прорабатываться при выполнении заданий,
включенных в СРС и СРСП, при котором обучаемому необходимо чтение, осмысление, навыки, чтобы
выполнить задания, которые требуют определенного времени и силы воли, упорства. В ходе СРС мы
самым серьезным образом обращаем на это внимание.
СРС позволяет закрепить то, что начато на практических занятиях, служит для того, чтобы
студенты полностью овладели научным текстом. Определение основной мысли текста, изучение
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (45), 2013 ж.
терминов, составление предложений (СПП и ССП), выполнение заданий на различение СПП и ССП,
составление предложений с причастным и деепричастным оборотами, предложений с однородными
членами; составление вопросительных и номинативных планов к тексту, составление словосочетаний
на разные виды связи (согласование, примыкание, управление), все эти методы изучения и повторения
служат для того, чтобы овладеть студентам устной и письменной речью по избранной специальности.
В своей практике преподавания нами используются различные формы организации
самостоятельной работы: индивидуальные, фронтальные, групповые. В соответствии с уровнем
воспроизводящие, реконструктивно - вариативные, эвристические, творческие.
Функции самостоятельных работ при обучении русскому языку как второму могут быть
следующими, здесь мы солидарны с коллегой В.Е. Абаевым:
- перевод знаний извне во внутреннее достояние студента;
- овладение знаниями;
- осуществление контроля за усвоением знаний;
- развитие мышления студентов;
-формирование самостоятельности и познавательной активности студентов;
- формирование коммуникативной компетенции на основе межпредметных связей;
- привитие навыков учебной деятельности (3).
Таким образом, СРС, осуществляемая в рамках определенной блок - темы и направленная на
обобщение, углубление, расширение изученного на основных практических занятиях по
общеобязатель-ной дисциплине «Русский язык», преподаваемой на неязыковых и гуманитарных
факультетах педагогического вуза, способствует эффективному и системному освоению учебной
информации, успеш-ному становлению коммуникативно- профессиональной компетенции будущих
учителей- предметников.
1. Омельченко О. Н. Организация самостоятельной работы на уроках русского языка как
средство развития познавательной активности учащихся// hhttp://festival.1september.ru/articles/411574/
3. Абаев В.Е. Блочно - модульный подход как средство активизации самостоятельной учебной
деятельности студентов международных отношений и юриспруденции на занятиях по русскому
языку// Хабаршы-Вестник,серия педагогические науки, КазНУ им.аль-Фараби. -2000. - С.42-43.
Мақала орыс тілін оқытуда студенттермен бірігіп орындайтын ҿздік жҧмыстардың тҥрлерін
талдауға арналған.
In given avficle the author shoued some used methods of independent work of students and also the
effektivness of independent work.
K.I.Kadyrbekova -
2 year, masters class scientific supervisor,
G.K. Rysbaeva - c.p.s.
The communicative approach in teaching foreign language could be said to be the product
of educators and linguists who had grown dissatisfied with the audio-lingual and grammar-
translational methods of foreign language instruction. They felt that students were not learning
enough realistic, did not know how to communicate using appropriate social language, gestures or
expressions in brief, they were at a loss to communicate in the culture of the language studied.
Interest in and development of communicative-style teaching appeared in the 1970s, authentic
language use and classroom exchanges where students engaged in real communication with one
another became quite popular.
Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate
The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life. Unlike the
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (45), 2013 ж.
method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills, the communicative approach can leave
students in suspense as to the outcome of a class exercise which will vary according to their reactions and
Margie S. Berns, an expert in the field of communicative language teaching, writes that ― language is
interaction, it is interpersonal activity and has aclear relationship with society. In this light, language study has
to look at the use of language in context, both its linguistic context and its social or situational context ‖
(Berns,1984, p.5).
Teachers in communicative classrooms will find themselves talking less and listening more and
becoming active facilitators of their students learning.(Larsen-Freeman,1986).The teacher sets up the exercise
because the students performance is the goal, the teacher must step back and observe, sometimes acting as
referee or monitor. A classroom during a communicative activity is however far from quiet. The students do
most of the speaking and frequently the scene of a classroom during a communicative exercise is active with
students leaving their seats to complete a task.
As an extension of the notional-functional syllabus, communicative language teaching also places
great emphasis on helping students use the target language in a variety of contexts and places great emphasis
on learning language functions. Communicative language teaching is usually characterized as a broad approach
to teaching, rather than as a teaching method with a clearly defined set of classroom practices. As such, it is
most often defined as a list of general principles or features. One of the most recognized of these lists is David
Nunan!s (1991) five features of communicative language teaching:
An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.
The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.
The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the
learning management process.
An enhancement of the learner!s own personal experiences as important contributing
elements to classroom learning.
An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside the
These five features are claimed by practitioners of communicative language teaching to show that
they are very interested in the needs and desires of their learners as well as the connection between the
language as it is taught in their class and as it used outside the classroom. Under this broad definition, any
teaching practice that helps students develop their communicative competence in an authentic context is
deemed an acceptable and beneficial form of instruction.
Thus, in the classroom communicative language teaching often takes the form of pair and group work
requiring negotiation and cooperation between learners, fluency- based activities that encourage learners to
develop their confidence, role-plays in which students practice and develop language functions, as well as
judicious use of grammar and pronunciation focused activities. Classroom example activities used in
communicative language teaching are:
- Role play
Information gap
Language exchange
Pair work
Learning by teaching
However, not all courses that utilize the communicative language approach will restrict their activities
solely to these. Some courses will have the students take occasional grammar quizzes, or prepare at home using
non-communicative drills, for instance.
As for grammar, the goal of grammar instruction is to enable students to carry out their
communication purposes. This goal has three implications:
Students need overt instruction that connects grammar points with larger communication
Students do not need to master every aspect of each grammar point, only those that are
relevant to the immediate communication task.
Error correction is not always the instructor!s first responsibility.
Adult students appreciate and benefit from direct instruction that allows them to apply critical
thinking skills to language learning. Instructors can take advantage of this by providing explanations that give
students a descriptive understanding (declarative knowledge) of each point of grammar. Instructors may teach
the grammar point in the target language or the student!s first language or both. The goal is to facilitate
understanding. Limiting the time is also necessary 10 minutes is enough to devote to grammar explanations,
especially for lower level students whose ability to sustain attention can be limited. Present grammar points in
written and oral ways to address the needs of students with different learning styles.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (45), 2013 ж.
An important part of grammar instruction is providing examples. Teachers need to plan their
examples carefully around two basic principles:
Be sure the examples are accurate and appropriate. They must present the language
appropriately, be carefully appropriately for the setting in which they are used, and be to the point of the lesson.
Use the examples as teaching tools. Focus examples on a particular theme or topic so that
students have more contact with specific information and vocabulary.
In communicative competence model, the purpose of learning grammar is to learn the language of
which the grammar is a part. Instructors therefore teach grammar forms and structures in relation to meaning
and use for the specific communication tasks that students need to complete. Compare the traditional model
and the communicative competence model for teaching the English past tense:
Traditional: grammar for grammar!s sake:
Teach the regular –ed form with its two pronunciation variants
Teach the doubling rule for verbs that end in d (for example, wed-wedded)
Hand out a list of irregular verbs that students must memorize
Do pattern practice drills for –ed
Do substitution drills for irregular verbs
Communicative competence: grammar for communications sake:
Distribute two short narratives about recent experiences or events, each one to half of the
Teach the regular –ed form, using verbs that occur in the texts as examples. Teach the
pronunciation and doubling rules if those forms occur in the texts.
Teach the irregular verbs that occur in the texts.
Students read the narratives, ask questions about points they don‘t understand.
Students work in pairs in which one member has read Story A and the other Story B.
Students interview one another, using the information from the interview, they then write up or orally repeat
the story they have not read.
1.Oxford, R.L., et al., 1989. Language learning strategies, the communicative approach, and their
classroom implications. ―Foreign language annals,‖ 22(1),29-39
2.Clark, J.L.1987 Classroom assessment in a communicative approach.
3.Littlewood, W.T., 1983. ― Communicative approach to language teaching methodology‖. EDRS
NO.ED235690, 23pages.
4.Larsen- Freeman, D.1986.‖Techniques and principles in language teaching.‖ Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
5.Littlewood, W. 1981.‖Language teaching. An introduction.‖ Cambridge: Cambridge University
Мақалада шет тілін оқытудағы коммуникативті ҽдіс жайында айтылады. Сондай-ақ шет тілі
мҧғалімдеріне нҧсқаулар беріледі.
В статье говорится о коммуникативной методике при обучении иностранному языку. А также
даются рекомендации преподавателям иностранных языков
Л.М.Махажанова –
ст.преподаватель кафедры практического английского языка
КазНПУ им.Абая
Getting students to read in English is vitally important for a number of reasons: firstly,
reading is a necessary skill for many, if not all, foreign language learners. Whether they are faced
with tourist brochures, instruction manuals, medical textbooks or even fiction, many students will
have to be able to read effectively. But reading in the foreign language is also important because it
shows the written language in action. And on top of that, frequent reading exposes students to the
language in a way that, if successful, helps them to acquire language itself, either consciously or
subconsciously. Not all reading texts or activities are necessarily good for students, however. We
need to consider both what they read and how they read it.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (45), 2013 ж.
Most teachers would not give beginner students a novel by Ernest Hemingway or even a
‗blockbuster‘ by Jilly Cooper to read. There would simply be too many words which the students
could not understand and they would give up disheartened. On the other hand, some of the reading
passages which those students do have put in front of them are so simple and so unlike real written
English that they may not be very useful either, because they are so obviously not authentic, not like
the real thing [1].
The reading texts which we give students to work with, then, must appear to some degree
authentic, even if they are specially written for students can cope with, even if they do not
understand every single word.
Just about any kind of reading material is usable in the English teaching classroom. Students
can be shown menus and timetables, application forms and E-mails. They can read poems and
narratives, newspaper articles and advertisements, letters and postcards.
What the teacher chooses to show the students will depend on four things: the students‘
future needs, the students‘ interests, the teacher‘s interests and the textbook they are using.
There are many different kinds of reading. We can scan an article or a timetable for the
particular piece of information we want. We can skim a play review to get a ‗general picture‘ of the
reviewer‘s opinion. We can read in a leisurely way for pleasure, or we can read a set of instruction
in order to perform a task. We can also read aloud for others. All of these reading activities are
valid, of course; the job of the materials designer and the teacher is to match the activity style to the
type of reading[2].
Matching text and task is a vital skill for teachers. Except in surreal comedy you would not
expect someone to read a train timetable for pleasure, just as you would be unhappy if students
insisted on skim-reading a poem by Keats which they were supposed to be studying.
As a rule we can say that students benefit by reading for general comprehension first, and
looking for details later (though of course this would not be the case for an airport announcement
board, for example). If the first task the students have to deal with is relatively simple, then their
anxiety is decreased, and they can approach the more difficult tasks that follow with confidence [3].
Understanding the message of the text is not the only use for reading material, however. We
also want our students to see how texts are constructed. What language is used to give examples or
make generalizations? What language devices do writers use to refer backwards and forwards? How
are humour and irony conveyed and what kind of lexis signals conditions and contrasts, for
When students understand paragraph and text construction they have a better chance of
understanding text meaning. In order to make the reading experience a success for their students
teachers need to do a number of things: they need to choose the right kind of text (as we have said),
but they also have to get students engaged with the topic/task and allow them, even provoke them, to
predict what they are going to read[4].
Teachers have the ability to make potentially boring texts interesting (and vice-versa!) by
the way they introduce the task. They will probably not do this by saying ‗Open your books at the
page 26 and answer the question 1 by reading the text‘. It is much more likely that students will be
engaged if the teacher has aroused their curiosity about what they are going to see through
provocative statements or questions, looking at pictures or predicting.
One way of getting students to predict is to let them look at the text but not read it. Does it
have a headline? Then it‘s probably from a newspaper/magazine. Is there a picture? What does that
tell you about the subject matter? The subject is ‗Sleep‘: what would you except to find in the
article? Then, when the students start reading, curious to see if their predictions are right, they are
engaged at least at some level.
At the end, and most importantly, teachers have to tell students how to read. Explain that
‗you don‘t have to understand every word; just try to get a general picture of what the writer is
saying‘, if that is what you want the students to do. Tell them to only look for the specific
information they need if you want to give them scanning practice [5]. Reading texts contain a great
deal of language, topic information and lots of other information (in accompanying photos or maps,
and through the layout of the text). It would not be sensible, therefore, to get students to read and
then forget the text and move on to something else. On the contrary, reading practice should be part
of an integrated teaching, learning sequence.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Филология» сериясы, №3 (45), 2013 ж.
The reading text might be preceded by a discussion and then, after the reading has taken
place, used perhaps as a stimulus for a role play or letter-writing. If the reading text contains (the
possibility for) dialogue students can be used as a model for student writing. In conclusion, the
teachers should make sure that:
the reading text is the right level for the students.
the reading topic has some chance of engaging the students‘ interest
the students know what kind of reading they are going to do
the tasks suit the text and vise versa
the students are involved with the topic, the language of the text and, where
appropriate, the text construction.
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