Английский язык для юристов

Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

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2. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
1. Domestic law is another name for national law, isn’t it? 
2. What are the differences between domestic law and international law? 
3. How do countries consider international obligations? 
4. What is the attitude of the Russian Federation to international law? 
5. Which articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation mention international law? What 
exactly do they say? 
3. Определите, справедливы данные высказывания или нет. Исправьте неверные 
1. National law is the body of legal rules that regulate relations between citizens of sovereign states. 
2. Domestic laws are passed by legislative bodies or created by agreements between governments. 
3. Most international agreements are not binding. 
4. Most states consider their domestic laws to be superior to international obligations. 
5. The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains a special clause on the relationship between 
international law and the Russian domestic law. 
6. If legal regulations within Russia contradict the provisions of international treaties the regulations 
of national law must be applied.
7. Human rights in Russia are ensured according to the generally recognised principles and norms of 
international law. 
4. Прочитайте и переведите примеры судебных дел. Как Вы думаете, нормы какой 
отрасли права (согласно российской системе права) будут применены в каждом случае? 

1. A driver has been stopped by the police for driving a car at the excess of speed limit.
2. Citizen N. of the Russian Federation says that the new law violates his basic human rights and 
3. The divorced father has a court order allowing him to see his son once a week, but the mother, who 
has remarried, doesn’t let him contact with the child. 
4. The employee was made redundant. The company didn’t pay him the money he had earned and 
refused to pay compensation. 
5. The relatives of the deceased person don’t agree with the will. They think it is invalid. 
6. A new housing estate has been built on a territory of the national park. The local authorities say 
that they haven’t given permission for the construction.
7. A company promised to deliver new equipment by the end of April. It’s the end of May already, 
but the equipment hasn’t arrived yet.
8. Your neigbours make an excessive noise every night. You can’t endure it any more.
9. One hundred unlicensed copies of discs have been sold.
10. During the fierce argument one man snatched a knife and stabbed it into the other man. Four hours 
later the injured man died in hospital.

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