«Дискурс» түсінігінің лингвистикалық категория ретінде анықтау мgселесі
К.К. Ибрагимова – к`сіби бағыттағы тілдер кафедрасының аға оқытушысы,
Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті
Дискурс бүгінгі таңда кең ауқымды ғылымдар ж`не зерттеулік бағытардаң зерттеу объектісі болып табыла-
ды. Мақалада п`наралық зерттеу ж`не лингвистикалық категория объектісі болып табылатын «дискурс» терми-
нінің көпмағаналық м`селесі қарастырылада. Қазіргі тіл білімінде жалпы тақымал нақты дискурс терминіне
оның барлық қолдану аясын қамтитан анықтама жөң. Дискурстің негізгі мағана айырым белгісін анықтау
мақсатында ғалымдардың `р түрлі тұжырымдары келтірілген.
Түйін сөздер: дискурс,филологиялық категория, көпмағаналық термин, м`тін, сөйлеу жанр
The issue definition of "discourse" as a linguistic categories
IbragimovaK – Art. Lecturer, Department of professionally-oriented languages of the Institute of multilingual
education Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
The discourse of today is the object of study of a wide range of sciences and research directions. In the article the
problem of ambiguity of the term discourse as an object of interdisciplinary research and as a linguistic category. In
modern linguistics generally recognized, a clear definition of "discourse" that covers all cases of its use, does not exist.
In order to identify the main features of meaning-discourse are different
Keywords: discourse, philological category, disambiguation, text, speech genre.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
УДК 378.02:372.8
I.V. Kildyushova – Senior teacher, kildyushova-irin@mail.ru,
M.K. Makisheva – Associate Professor of KazNU, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,
This paper deals with the issues related to teaching the language of specialty. The authors consider that language
teaching should be viewed from a broad perspective including individual factors which play a key role in choosing the
methods of teaching. In language teaching it is necessary to take into account the real communicative needs and
psychological peculiarities of the learners. The competently drawn up strategy of the work will enhance their
motivation, initiatives, and acquisition of the managerial cycle; will promote the development of their imagination,
analytical thinking and speech. Besides, it will lay down the foundation for using the Russian language for specific
(professional) purposes of students and for enlarging their special knowledge on the subject.
Creating the optimal psychological conditions, using the effective methods of teaching and taking into account the
individual potential of the learners will enable the teachers to form the basis of communicative competences of students
in their professional sphere by promoting the implementation of their professional motivation.
Key words: the language of specialty, motivation, communicative needs, professional knowledge, individual
(personal) potential, the vision of the world.
Foreign students from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, who get the basic language training at the
Language and General Education Department, should be ready to study for a Master’s Degree program
during a short period of time. The total training period lasts 9 months, out of which 5 months are assigned for
mastering the discipline “Language of Specialty”.
The question is how to make the process of developing communicative competences more effective under
the intensive regime. It is obvious that the efficiency of teaching depends on the competently chosen
methods and methodological approaches to the process of teaching based on the real communicative needs as
well as on individual and language potential of learners. Communicative needs of learners are to acquire
knowledge, competences and skills, which will enable them to use the Russian language as the medium of
professional activities for extending their professional knowledge.
The individual potential and individual characteristics of the members of the academic group are
considered to be decisive in choosing the methods of teaching. This entails the following: a high degree of
awareness of the learners as individuals, methods of organizing and implementing the educational, -
pedagogical activities, controlling of the learners progress and difficulties and methods of stimulating the
academic and cognitive activities.
Now it is essential to get acquainted ‘closer’ with our learners. All of them got a higher education at the
universities of Afghanistan on different specialties, i.e. they have already got a Bachelor Degree. Most of
them speak English, have certain pedagogical experience, the average age of whom is 30. In the group there
are only students from Afghanistan, all of them know Farsi and their mother tongue (Pashtu, Dari, Uzbek).
These students are planning to study for a Master’s Degree Program and perhaps, they will continue their
studies for a PhD degree in other countries where education is conducted in the Russian language. The fact
that the learners know the language of specialty perfectly well is the essential positive point. But it is
necessary for them to be adapted to a new language perception of the world, to plunge into it extending their
professional knowledge in the language space mastered by them.
Thus, it is very important to be aware of the individual potential of learners, which will enable to choose
more effective approach to teaching.
Two observations are required here:
The first is that there must be long-term purposes / aims of teaching: for the students of this category
learning the language is of great practical significance in the future. It will be related with their future
material well-being, which creates a powerful impetus in their activities. It is obvious that aims provide only
a general direction while for achieving them it is necessary to involve an effective functioning of the
The second is that there must be the individual self-regulation which is understood as “a high level of
self-consciousness, adequate self-estimation, reflexive thinking and independence of a self-organized,
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
purpose - orientated and strong -willed personality”.[2;25]. In the course of the pedagogic activity the
learners, to more or less extent, have developed these qualities. In the real academic process these qualities
are expressed as:
- the ability to analyze educational tasks, including planning, setting aims and choosing the academic
- comprehension of the significance of personal results (self-estimate, self-correction);
- the ability to organize the independent cognizant activity.
Certainly, not all the students are able to demonstrate these qualities to a full extent. Besides, there are
some factors that complicate the academic process: psychological peculiarities of the age; educational and
pedagogical experience with the stereotypes of the alien culture, adapting to a new perception of the
language world – all of them require a certain period of time. Before the start of learning the language of
specialty the Afghan students study the Russian language only for 3-4 months. The students realize that the
level of knowledge of the Russian language is not sufficient for the effective coverage of the suggested
material, and it may cause some panic and fear among them. Consequently, the teachers are to choose such
strategies of work in order to help the learners avoid any kind of stress and start acquiring the new material
consciously. The teachers must do their best to use effectively the individual potential of students.
In regard with this, the teachers at different stages must use different approaches to teaching. Not
rejecting the traditional role of the teacher who is responsible for presenting the certain amount of
knowledge, for forming and controlling the skills obtained by the learners, it is also desirable to use the
elements of the individual - centered teaching. This approach creates conditions for disclosing the personal -
individual potential of the student and promotes the establishment of partnership relations between the
teacher and the learner, and no doubt, it will lead to a future success. In this case, as it was noted earlier,
teachers have been inclined to assume that it was exclusively, or at least principally, those approaches which
they controlled that had the greatest influence upon learners’ achievement.
Let’s characterize in general the main principles of the above mentioned didactic approach. The
individual -centered language teaching based on the system of mutually connected notions, ideas and
methods of activities promotes and supports the processes of self-assertion and self-realization of a
personality of a student, development of his inimitable individuality. The individual – centered teaching is
solidified by the subjective experience, i.e. it is focused on the emotionally valuable attitude of a learner to
materials under study. The learner obtains not only subject skills but also general education knowledge,
namely: determines the content, aims, forms of teaching/ learning activities: reflects and estimates the results
of the process; gets the opportunities to influence the course of the academic activity by choosing the content
of the teaching program, forms and techniques of teaching processes, etc. The student learns how to acquire
knowledge and to use it independently. No doubt, this approach corresponds to the individual potential of the
learners to a large extent.
Let’s see how the algorithm of organizing the academic process with the elements of the individual -
centered approach to teaching is presented.
The teacher together with the learners determines tasks and objectives of the entire course, jointly
planning their future actions; if it is necessary they introduce some corrections (it depends on the objective
conditions and language level of the group).
The organization of the academic process is carried out in such a way as to make the learners
acknowledge what they are doing and what for. The unity of forms of controlling and criteria of assessment
of all the types of speech activities of students throughout the course is the indisputable rule. It is necessary
to make controlling as a stimulating factor of students for an active independent activity and forming an
adequate self-assessment. The logical continuation of an adequate self-assessment is the ability to correct
your own actions, i.e. to be able to acknowledge what can be changed in these actions in order to make the
results correspond to the requirements.
The competently drawn up strategy of the work will enhance their motivation, initiatives and acquisition
of the managerial cycle; will promote the development of their imagination, analytical thinking and speech.
Besides, it will lay down the foundation for using the Russian language for specific (professional) purposes
of students and for enlarging their special knowledge on the subject.
As it has been mentioned above, in the individual - centered teaching the strongest point of the
educational process of a foreign student is his independent work. The researchers define independent work as
“the purpose - oriented, internally motivated activity, structured by the subject himself through the jointly
fulfilled actions and processes, and the results correlated with them. Its fulfillment requires a sufficient level
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
of self-cognition, reflection, self-discipline, personal responsibility, which make the learner be satisfied with
the process of self-perfection and self-cognition”. [2; 255]
We agree with N.A. Alexeev’s point of view that “internal motivation and possession of creative abilities
are the main components of organizing creatively the process of getting to know”. To possess creative
abilities means to think analytically and independently, to be easily adapted to new settings, to be able to see
and find the problem, matter on his/ her own, and the ability to seek the ways of resolving these problems
through critical thinking”. [1; 38]
While organizing the learner’s independent work, the teacher is facing the following tasks:
- to teach how to work on the textbook for the language of specialty: with speech patterns, types of
assignments, texts, pictures, graphic map manuals (if necessary)
- to teach students how to plan their independent work for out-class time;
- to form skills and abilities for independent reading strategies;
- to teach the main techniques of work on the text;
- to teach how to make brief and rational notes (transcripts, plans, theses, notes, synopsis; abbreviations
of words and phrases);
- to introduce the general ways of seeking information from various sources.
Now we will state the main aims of teaching the language of specialty on this stage of teaching (the
general language level of acquiring Russian –A2).
1. Development of practical skills and abilities of recognizing and using the structural and semantic
patterns characteristic of the scientific style of different janres in oral and written speech.
2. Formation of the mechanisms of constructing oral monologues, including the abilities of processing
and preserving the obtained language knowledge, and the efficient usage of the language and speech
materials in the given speech situations.
3. Development and perfection of skills of conducting dialogues on the suggested topic.
4. Consolidation of skills of oral speech in written form (by making notes, writing synopses, speeches,
reports, etc.)
The structure and the content of the types of scientific monologues, style and communicative peculiarities
of the exact type of the monologue, and language means characteristic of the oral janre of the scientific
speech are the main objects of the course study of the scientific style of speech.
Teaching the language of specialty to the future Master Degree students is of specific character, as
teaching is conducted not in their mother tongue but in a foreign language which is learnt by them
simultaneously. These learners are put in a certain professional area and have some national specific
experience in the educational and professional activity. The process of acquiring the new language picture of
the world is accompanied by a high level of motivation. The creation of the optimal psychological
conditions, the usage of the appropriate methods of teaching, and taking into account the individual potential
of learners will enable to form the basis of the communicative competences of students in the professional
sphere by promoting the realization of their professional motivation.
1 N.A. Alexeev, 2006. Individual – Centered Teaching: Theory and Practice. Monograph: 332pp. Tynmen.
2 I.A. Zymnyaya. 2000. Pedagogical Psychology. Second Edition: revised. M.,Logos:384pp.
3 Brown, H. Douglas. The Modern Language Journal. pp218-220.
Шетелдіктерді магистратураға дайындаудың тілдік ерекшеліктері
И.В. Кильдюшова – аға оқытушысы, kildyushova-irin@mail.ru
М.К. Макишева – ҚазҰУ-нің доценті, nл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ Ұлттык Университеті,
Мақалада шетелдік студенттерге мамандық тілін оқыту сөз болады. Авторлар топ мүшелерінің тұлғалық
`леуеті мен жеке ерекшеліктері `дістеме таңдауға негіз болатындығын айтады. Тіл оқытуда тыңдармандардың
қарым-қатынас қажеттіліктері мен психологиялық ерекшеліктерін есепке алу аса қажет болып табылады.
Жұмыс стратегиясын сауатты құру н`тижесі студенттердің ішкі у`жін қоздыру, бастама таныту, басқару кезе-
ңін меңгеру, қиялын дамыту, бейнелі ойлау мен сөйлеу болады ж`не де мұнда студенттің мамандығына
қатысты орыс тілінің сапалы базасы қалыптасады, мамандық бойынша арнайы білімі толығады. Ыңғайлы
психологиялық жағдай тудыру, жұмыс барысында с`йкес `дістемені қолдану, тыңдармандардың тұлғалық ерек-
шеліктерін есепке алу студенттердің мамандық саласындағы қарым-қатынастық құзіреттілігін қалыптастыруға
негіз болады, олардың к`сіби у`ждерін іске асыруларына мүмкіндік тудырады.
Түйін сөздер : мамандық тілі, у`ж, қарым-қатынастық қажеттіліктер, к`сіби білім, тұлғалық `леует, `лем
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
Особенности языковой подготовки иностранцев к обучению в магистратуре
Кильдюшова И.В. - старший преподаватель, kildyushova-irin@mail.ru
Макишева М.К. – доцент КазНУ, Казахский Национальный Университет им. аль-Фараби,
В статье речь идет об обучении иностранных студентов языку специальности. Личностный потенциал и
индивидуальные особенности членов группы авторы считают определяющим в выборе методики. При обу-
чении необходимо учитывать реальные коммуникативные потребности и психологические особенности слуша-
телей. При грамотно выстроенной стратегии работы результатом станет обострение внутренней моти-вации
студентов, проявление инициативы, овладение управленческим циклом, развитие воображения, образ-ного
мышления и речи, будет заложена прочная база для использования русского языка в сфере профессио-нальной
деятельности студента, пополнения специальных знаний по предмету. Создание оптимальных психологических
условий, использование адекватной методики в работе, учет личностного потенциала слушателей позволит
сформировать основы коммуникативной компетентности студентов в профессиональной сфере, будет спо-
собствовать реализации их профессиональной мотивации.
Ключевые слова: язык специальности, мотивация, коммуникативные потребности, профессиональные
знания, личностный потенциал, картина мира.
Ninomiya Takashi – Ph.D. (Japan), Bekebassova Assel – M.A., Shadayeva Madina – M.A.,
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
В данной статье, основываясь на проекте Cross-Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP), основной
целью которого является, исследование коммуникативного акта в межкультурном общении Blum-Kulka et al.
(1989). Были рассмотрены примеры коммуникативных актов просьбы в межкультурном общении в казахском
языке. В ходе исследования, были выявленны различные категории казахской речи в рамках дифференциации
структурных компонентов речи: Alerters, Supportive moves, Head acts.
Ключевые слова: проект по исследованию межкультурного речвого акта CCSARP, Alerters, Supportive
moves, Head acts.
Searle 1969
Illocutionary act
“to get the hearer to do an act which speaker wants hearer to do, and
which is not obvious that the hearer will do in normal course of events or hearer's own accord” Searle
1969: 66
2009: 17
Indirect speech act
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Coding Manual
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Blum-Kulka et al.
Request strategy
DCT Discourse completion test
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989:
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
Supportive move
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989: 14-15
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989: 17-18
John, get me a beer, please. I'm terribly thirsty
get me a beer, please
I'm terribly thirsty
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Coding Manual
I'm terribly thirsty
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989: 227
Professor, waiter
құрметті студенттер
First name
Endearment term
Offensive term
Stupid cow
Attention Getter
Hey, excuse me, listen
кешірім өтінем
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Locution derivable
Obligation statements
Blum-Kulka et al. 1989
Mood derivable
“The grammatical mood ofthe locution conventionally
determines its illocutionary force as a Request. The ptorotypical form is the imperative. However, functional
equivalents such as infinite forms and elliptical sentence structures express the same directness level.”
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
Leave me alone / Clean up kitchen / Please move your car / No smoking in the lavatories please / The
menu please
Дереу машинаңызды алып кетіңіз
тағы уақыт беріңізші
Explicit performatives
“The illocutionary intent is explicitly named by the
speaker by using a relevant illocutionary verb. ”
I am asking you to move your car
сізден уақытты ұзартуыңызды өтінем ...
Түсіністікпен қарауларыңызды сұраймын
Hedged performatives
“The illocutionary verb denoting the requestive
intent is modified, e.g., by modal verbs or verbs expressing intention.”
I must/have to ask you to clean
the kitchen right now
… сол жұмыс жайында толық сұрайын деп едім ...
Locution derivable
“The illocutinary intent is directly derivable from
the semantic meaning of the locution. ”
Madam you’ll have to/ should/ must/ ought to move your car
Кешіріңіз, бірақ сізге бұл жерден машинаңызды алып тастау керек
Want statement
“The utterance expresses the speaker's desire that the
eventdenoted in the proposition come about.”
I’d like to borrow your notes for a little while
Жұмыс ж`йлі(жайлы
)білейін деп едім
Бүгін сенімен үйге
... емтихан(,)бір апта ертерек бастағым
Suggestory formulae
“The illocutionary intent is phrased as a suggestion by
means of a framing routine formula.”
How about cleaning up the kitchen / Why don’t you get lost?
… емтиханды уақытынан бұрын тапсыруға қалай қарайсыздар? ...
Сол күннен бір апта алға
жылжытсақ, қалай қарайсыздар?
“The utterance contatins reference to a preparatory condition for the
feasibility of the Request, typically one of ability, willingness, or possibilty, as conventionalized in the given
language. Very often, but not necessarily so, the speaker questions rather than states the presence of the
chosen preparatory condition (query preparatory).”
Can I borrow your notes? / Could you possibly
get your assignment done this week? / I was wondering if you would give me a lift
емтихан уақытын ұзартуға бола ма? ...
Strong hints
“The illocutionary intent is not immediately derivable
from the locution; however, the locution refers to relevant elements of the intended illocutionar and/or
propositonal act. Such elements oftgen relate to preconditions for the feasibility of the Request. Unlike the
Preparatory strategy, hints are not conventionalized and thus require more inferencing activity on the part of
the hearer.”
Will you be going hone now? (Intent: getting a lift home), I wasn’t at the lecturer
… асхананы қолдану т`ртібі бойыншаасханада тазалық сақталуы қажет ...
Mild hints
“The locution contains not elements which are of immediate
relevance to the intended illocution or propositon, thus putting increased demand for context analysis and
knowledge activation on the interlocutor.”
You've been busy here, haven't you? (Intent* getting
hearder to clean the kitchen), I didn’t expect the meeting to end this late. (Intent: getting a lift home)
Locution derivable
Bella 2012: 3
The kitichen needs some cleaning
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
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