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Good luck, dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues, 
I hope that the following tips will help you:
• to understand what is meant by a presentation in the context of the level Program;
• to make a good presentation speech;
• to get acquainted with the assessment criteria for presentations developed by the 
trainer and her trainees.
In accordance with the Program of the training courses for the teachers of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan (Handbook for Teacher, p.204), the course participants on the third 
(basic) level must submit the following reflective accounts for going through the assessment 
Name of the file
Name of the presentation
9) Presentation on the sequence of lessons within a medium-term planning
10) Presentation on the integration of the ideas of one module of the 
Program into the sequence of lessons (the theme of the module in 
the presentation must differ from the theme chosen for the reflective 
11) Presentation of the reflection of one lesson out of sequence 
12) Presentation on what changes have been made in your teaching practice 
and how you have managed those changes 
Working with my trainees, I had the opportunity to formatively and summatively 
assess their presentations, and these are the conclusions I came to. I found out that teachers 
tend to make the following errors when making a presentation speech:
1. teachers tend to describe rather than analyze the situation, i.e. speak much 
about how something happened, but do not answer the question why something 
happened (or didn’t happen);
2. teachers present anything but not what was required in the presentation;
3. teachers talk about anything, but not about the topic of the presentation;
4. teachers are not focused, jump from one topic to another;
5. teachers «pour the water», i.e. do not stick to the point or deviate from the subject 
of their account, use vague, not specific phrases;
6. teachers do present valid and relevant evidence of learning outcomes;
7. teachers do not prepare a written text of their presentation speech;
8. teachers do not fit in time;
9. teachers are afraid that they might tell something wrong, demonstrate lack of 
10. teachers speak quietly, not confidently;
11. teachers do not interact with the audience, make the audience bored.
At first, I need to mention that by a presentation I stipulate – speaker’s speech accompanied 
by presentation slides usually made by means of software Microsoft Power Point. In my opinion, 
one should begin preparing for the presentation from writing the presentation speech, because, 
unfortunately, not many of us can relate themselves to efficient speakers. However, using simple 
rules when preparing a speech, as well as systematic training can turn you into a first-class speaker!
In connection with what has already been said, I offer you a number of recommendations 
for the preparation and presentation of your speech, as well as some guidance on how to 
prepare Power Point slides. The guidelines in this chapter were developed by the trainer and 
her trainees when being on the courses of the third basic level, and also based on the books 
of practicing psychologists Steve Allen (1988) «How to make a speech» and Joan Detz 
(2002) «How to write and give a speech» and include answers to the following questions :
• How to prepare an effective speech?
• What to consider when creating presentation slides?
• How to behave during a presentation?

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