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How to prepare an effective speech?

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How to prepare an effective speech? 
Dear colleagues
I’m sure that from the table below, it is obvious that in many cases the topic of the 
reflective account coincides with the topic of the presentation. That is why, a reflective 
account, written in accordance with the guidelines from the previous chapter, can serve as 
a basis for the teacher’s presentation speech.
Name of the reflective account
Name of the presentation
А – Reflection on how and why one theme was 
integrated into the lesson sequence 
Presentation on the integration of the ideas of 
one module of the Program into the sequence of 
lessons (the theme of the module in the presen-
tation must differ from the theme chosen for the 
reflective account) 
В1- One medium term planning of the se-
quence of four lessons indicating how the seven 
themes of the Modules were integrated
Presentation on the sequence of lessons within 
a medium-term planning
В2 - One reflective account on a lesson from 
the sequence
Presentation of the reflection of one lesson out 
of sequence 
В3 – Reflection on collaborative presentation 
in relation to the school based tasks
С –One reflective account of the complete les-
son sequence demonstrating how changes to 
teaching and learning were led and managed
Presentation on what changes have been made 
in your teaching practice and how you have 
managed those changes
Perhaps, when working on the presentation speech, the following tips might help you:
• Think about what is the main purpose of your speech? What is the key idea (ideas) 
you want to convey to the audience?
• State very clearly to yourself, what it is you want to convey to the audience as 
part of your speech. Will you agree if I say that each of us has a lot to say, and if 
given an opportunity, we could talk for hours? :) To avoid that, always remember 
and adhere to the theme of your presentation. The desire to «pour water» is not 
welcome, and creates the impression that you have nothing to say on the suggested 
topic, or you are not ready for the presentation.

• Write your speech - from the start to the end. Reread it. Show to your colleague. 
Ask him to ask you questions and give his opinion on the content of the speech. 
Practice the speech. Note the time and make sure that you keep within the time 
• Make sure that your presentation speech includes a beginning, body, and 
conclusion. Make sure that every word of your speech has a meaning - otherwise, 
why is it in your speech?
• Prepare a plan for your speech or cards with key words that will help you to 
gather your thoughts if necessary.
• If necessary, prepare a handout to demonstrate the audience your evidence of 
school practice. 
• Practice your speech - take a marker or a pencil and make notes during the trial 
• Try to write your presentation on video. Watch the video and assess yourself 
critically, paying attention to the voice, tone, and the tempo of speech, sign 
Before the performance, predict what questions the audience might ask. Think 
about whether you can confidently answer them.

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