A.T. Koychieva, master
(Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University)
Relationship of gender issues and social work in Kazakhstan
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №4 (52), 2014 ж.
This article discusses the ratios between of the issues of gender and social work in
Keywords: gender problem, equality, gender policy, social work.
UDK 316.8 811 111
Zh.K. Omarova, master of
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher
Training University
Annotation: The author analyzed the ways of preventing and reasons of dissension in
family, disagreement of spouses, divorce in this article.
Keywords: a family policy, state, a qualitative-quantitative development, the development
of the social state in Kazakhstan, a social situation, ethnoorganic.
Decrease of the role of family’s value, the increase of the number of divorce, which is the
unknown phenomena in the family influence on the development of the country. Nowadays
among the moral crises the divorce of the young families as one of the unpleasant situations can
be specially pointed as «global moral problems». Marriage life is a conferred objective
principle based on the space regularities, whose basic meaning functions as a support of
generations’ interrelatedness and a qualitative-quantitative development, for continuing today’s
humanity existence. Getting divorced by having avoided the responsibility can finally lead to
the global responsibilities in the world [1].
Divorce is an official destruction of the marriage. Nowadays through the world paying
more attention for the problems of family is due to the increase of number of divorce. In the
conditions of society’s changes in our country the following reasons were influenced on the
level of divorce: women’s professional development, the loss of religion’s power, the increase
of people’s knowledge and general culture, as a result the increase of requirements for the
marriage, the weakness of the rights according to the divorce, the change of the intimate moral.
The process of development of large manufacture and accordingly peoples movement from city
to town, and also weakened the nuclearization of relatives’ relations and a social regulation of
couples’ actions. From this point of view, especially, the opportunities of families with the
children going for the kindergarten are limited in relations with their friends [2].
The another reason of controversies in families is the increase of couple’s divorce, the
decrease of birth, the increase of problematic family’s number, the increase of defective and
single parent families. In 90s the decrease of general ratio of marriage, which means the
number of marriage per 1000 people from 9.8% in 1991 decreased till 5.8% in 1999. The
number of annual marriage decreased for 3 times and on contrary the level of divorce has been
saved, each one of the three marriages had divorced. The number of unmarried women’s birth
increased. It is due to the increase of marriages hadn’t been signed or are living together before
the wedding. If in 1990 the number of children from unregistered marriages was 13.2 %, in
1997 this data increased till 21%. This process is noticed equally in both cities, villages [3].
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №4 (52), 2014 г.
We can classify the reasons of divorce into three groups. The first group is household
conditions, it is a house, the inability of one of the couple’s in housing deals, or lack of material
conditions, and from here will began the disputes between them. Precisely, here we can
mention about the disappearance of love feelings, the rudeness in family, one of the couples’
illness, jealousness, distrust to each other. One of the beginner reasons here can be the couples’
rudeness and un respect. Women get divorce according to the following reasons as, when their
husbands get a dipsomaniac, behave themselves bad, beat them, scare them and etc.
For men when woman show a rudeness, it is usually has another meaning. At first, it is
not respect their husband, not to believe to his ability, not pay attention for their interest, not to
show an interest for their achievements and failures in industry or in their professional career,
to dust down, to pretend as helping little, not respect her husband’s friends and etc. The
beginner reasons are directly interconnected with such their different points of view, the
discrepancy of ideas. It is very important for men in comparing with women. The reasons of the
third group are consisted of the external problems, which mean to be unfaithful, having a
thought of remarrying or the existence of a new feeling, and the influence of their parents or
other people.
The reasons of the third group are interconnected with each other. For instance, being
unfaithful can be because of the one of the couple’s little attention, and fighting in family can
be distributed according the above mentioned reasons.
People react to the divorce differently in accordance with their nature. According to the
researches and assessments of scientists, the widely distributed reasons of divorce are the
decrease of the labor division, the increase possibilities of nerve systems, having a
psychological change.
So, an instability of a marriage is a vexed problem for both couples who want to get
marry and divorced couples. We can’t consider the divorce only as a negative process.
Because, each person’s freedom is a way of supporting the social weakness in family-marriage
relationships, and also it is an achievement for saving their moral bases. Of course, it is not
good to overuse the freedom after getting the divorce. Because, if people get divorce because of
the definite reasons, in this situation we shouldn’t blame them.
Each person usually solve their family problems himself. If they want to have a strong
family, the love, understanding each other and patience must be the bases of the family. It is
better to understand each other at first for couples instead of going away because of
unimportant reasons [4].
The next important aspect of the divorce is its aftermaths. In general, The problems of
divorce haven’t investigated enough, yet. But, according to the present, foreign information we
can classify the aftermaths of the divorce into three independent groups: for the spouses,
children and society.
If we consider the divorce’s aftermath for spouses, it has a closely connection with such
kind of society’s disadvantageous phenomena as the hurting impressions of the pre-divorce
time, the different influence of the divorce according to their sex of the spouses, to become
alcoholic, psychological changings, committing a suicide etc.
The second group is not the exact influence of the parents on their children, but continues
disagreements between spouses before or after the divorce and also, its type and duration is an
important factor. In exception with this, the readiness of the children for their divorce,
children’s age, sex, the sex of the parents after their divorce and many other factors can be
important, too.
For society the aftermath of the divorce is connected with two important functions such
as reproductive and upbringing. The divorced spouses don’t get marry again [5].
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №4 (52), 2014 ж.
Measuring the basic reasons of the divorce can lead for preventing this kind of situations.
Because, it is hard even to remember what kind of great disaster can it bring to us. Only one
example: you can predict future country’s description of moral ability, if the number of boys
and girls without a father or mother, from the divorced family and who had survived from
depressions form psychological point of view, and were up brought aggressively for somebody.
Their ways of upbringing their generation, their unmind depression transformed to second,
third generation can influence badly on their organic unit and on ethnoorganic units [6].
In conclusion, if the disagreements in the family, the spouses’ disagreement can find a
support from spiritual, moral, social- economic support part, the social situation of Kazakh
families will be good. We can prevent the disagreements, if we make good conditions for
young families, for families who work for public government. We should develop young
families’ general potential culture. So, the financial, cultural pedagogic, psychological help,
and also making a condition for improving parent’s responsibility in upbringing the children
are the main important state deals. That is why, protection of the children and mother, the law
about family in Kazakhstan should be improved. If we want to create a national state, a strong
society, we should put the role of the family in the first place.
1. Аtash B.М. To young People, that divorced, to get used. //Class Time.24 april, 2013.
2. Baimukhanova М.T. Socio-pedagogical working with family: Educational book.
Аstana: «World Parasat» printing-house, 2005. 105 p.
3. Asylbekov M.Kh., Kozina В.В. Demographic development to Republic of Kazakhstan
in the conditions of sovereignty. – Аlmaty, 2011. – Р. 34-37.
4. Absattarov Р. Motherland begins from family //Akikat. 1996. №3. – Р 22.
5. Baimukhanova М.Т. Socio-pedagogical working with family: Educational book.
Аstana: «World Parasat» printing-house, 2005. – Р 106-107.
6. Аtash М. To young People, that divorced, to get used //Class Time. 24 april, 2013.
Омарова Ж. К., 2 курс магистранты
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Неке-отбасы қатынастарындағы қайшылықтар: шығу себептері, салдары мен
алдын алу жолдары
Автор бұл мақалада отбасында туындаған қайшылықтар, жұбайлардың
келіспеушілігі, ажырасу себептері мен алдын алу жолдарын талдаған.
Түйін сөздер: отбасы саясаты, мемлекет, отбасылық-демографиялық саясат,
әлеуметтік мемлекет, әлеуметтік жағдай, ажырасу, этноорганика, жанұялық өмір.
Омарова Ж. К., магистрант 2 курса
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
Разногласия между супругами: развод, причины разногласии, профилактика и
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №4 (52), 2014 г.
Автор в этой статье рассматривает проблемы, которые зарождаются в современной
семье, предложил обсудить причины разногласии, разводов, показать профилактику и
преодоление указанных проблем.
Ключевые слова: семейная политика, государства, семейно-демографическая
политика, социальная государства, социальные проблемы, развод, этноорганика,
семейная жизнь.
UDK 301.085
С 94
S.M. Syzdykova, master of
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher
Training University
Annotation: Author investigated fully a social state as a main mechanism of the social
policy in the article. Also, there is paid more attention for the formation and development of a
social state in Kazakhstan.
Keywords: state, a social policy, the development of the social state in Kazakhstan, a
social situation.
It is better to mention about the content and meaning of the state, before investigating a
social state as a main mechanism of the social policy. The word state is a complex and ancient
terminology as the state itself. The word state is used in two meanings: in widely meaning it
corresponds to the words «people», «society», «nation» by meaning the organization of a big
social group, in a limited meaning it matches with the words «government», «authority» by
meaning managing structure, the collection of the state apparatus.
It is necessary to distinguish the indications of the social state in order to define the
meaning of it. The first indication consists of a juridical nature implementing the social policy,
state’s obligation to control and direct the social processes, the second is a formation of a social
insurance system, the third is budget –social payments, the fourth is a presence of a state
system providing social ensure, job and state protect, the fifth is a state’s support of every
citizen, the sixth is to increase a responsibility for high degree of their citizens’ position [1].
In the mid of XIX century the role of state’s social functions were high, that the theory of
social regulations of the state’s social importance and state development were not enough and it
was necessary to appoint the new qualification of the social attributive state. This appointment
in the science was a terminology «a social state» entered by Lorenz von Shtein in 1850 [2]. He
pointed that «the basic meaning of the social state is that, the social state must teach their
citizens for economic and social development, because the development of the first should be a
condition for the second» [1]. In 80
of XIX century in Germany was appeared another word
«a state benefit» being explained as the state policy was directed to the improvement of
citizen’s living level along with the word «a social state». At that time both those words had the
same meaning and didn’t compete with each other. Their main purpose was to give a social
right to the people and a social responsibility to the state [2].
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №4 (52), 2014 ж.
One of the basic purposes of reforms of Republic of Kazakhstan is to form a social state.
It is stated in the law of Republic of Kazakhstan that «it was developed as a democratic,
secular, legal and social state, its main wealth is the people and their life, rights and freedom»
[3]. Of course, the main principle of the social state is to keep a social policy and the main
function is to protect a social save, too. As was appointed in the Constitution, a social state
should lead a social policy in order to support the citizen’s or family’s benefit if they are
unemployed, invalid, old and alone. Theoretically, our country’s declaration as a social state,
paying more attention for the social-economic development define that, there is paid more
attention for the support of peoples’ high standard of living. Also, there is not less opinion
about that, the direction of the state’s social policy to the peoples living level is lead through
citizens’ action, how do they behave themselves.
So, the formation of the social state is a complex process. Famous scientist
R.A.Absattarov by stating in the following way «the main idea of the social state is to develop
the social life from the political and legal part on the basis of humanism principals, to activate a
complex function, to make good conditions for the development of the citizen society»
classified the functions of the social state in the following way: «a social insurance; supporting
the opportunities of protecting an education and health; supporting the human’s rights; a social
welfare; decreasing the social inequality, supporting with labor; to show a social function, to
hold a state policy» [1].
The purposes of the social state are to make condition for the peace and friendship in a
society, to develop the social partnership institutions, to give a guarantee to protect from life
threatening and for paying the fitting salary for the workers. The main purpose in the formation
of a such social state is a divisibility of political and economic power. Of course, it will be
connected with the possession’s variety.
Social state is a democratic state holding an active and strong policy directed to increase
of peoples’ living level and reclining to a wide social basis, to the protection of peoples’ rights
and freedom, to provide with modern health conditions, to the formation of the educational
system, to support the weak groups of the society, to prevent the social strike, to a peaceful
There was formed the main institutions of a social state government system in
Kazakhstan. They can be divided into three groups according to N.K. Kaliev: the first are the
institutions regulating the social problems along with the unsocial obligations with their general
competitiveness (Ministries, agencies, local authorities); the second are the state institutions as
Parliament( social-cultural development Commitees), Government(labor and peoples’ social
protection, Education, Health and other Ministries and agencies), local authorities, whose
functions specialized in a specific social sphere, the third are the organizations and social-
political groups: labor unions, political parties, different social unions and arbitrary
organizations. They are called «the third sector» in western countries. Developing namely the
functions of this sector, to increase their role in solving the social problems is one of the main
social factors in strengthening the position of the social state [4].
Kazakhstan reached a lot of achievements in the sphere of social policy at the beginning
of the independence. Here we can point to that, the salary were increased each year, pensions
and scholarships were increased, the level of unemployment were declined, the social support
of the people with low living level, the increase of the health insurance and etc. President of the
Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev pays a special attention for a social policy in his
annual Message. The evidence of it can be the Message of the president in 2014, too. For
instance, the sayings «The main program of developing the social sphere till 2050 is shown in
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №4 (52), 2014 г.
exact indicative numbers. We should increase the volume of the IGP till 4.5 times per person,
which is from 13 thousand dollars till 60 thousand dollars. The people with average level of
living must be the most part of the total calculations. According to the global process of the
urbanization the number of people living in towns should be increased from 55 per cent till 70
per cent… The stabilization of healthy lifestyle, the development of the medicine will increase
Kazakhstan peoples living duration» are the main conditions in the formation of the social state
[5]. The problem of the social policy in Kazakhstan is the positions of the people and
individuals, social positions. The person whose social situation is bad can’t be free. if they can
find a social support from the authority, they will have a good social condition. Among them if
the positions of the pensioners, students’ society, budget workers are increased, in this way the
role of the social policy will be increased [6].
In conclusion, a social state is a state where is made a condition for getting a necessary
education, for using a free qualitative medicine, for ensuring all ability people with work, for
keeping an environment ecologically clean, in other words where the policy is directed for the
solving of the social problems. Its social policy is to satisfy the needs of the weak group of the
society, older people, invalids, mothers, children, youths, families with many children and
disadvantaged. If the problem of improving peoples’ position is high, only in this way the
efficiency of a social state will be increased.
1. Absattarov R.B. Social republic: value and rule // Аkikat. - 2004. - №5. – 41 p.
2. Akhinov G.A.,. Kalashnikov S.B. Social politic: Educational book. - М.: Infra-М,
2009. – p.54.– 272 p.
3. Constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan. – Аlmaty, 2007. – 40 p.
4. Kaliyev N.K. // Management problems are in the social state: resources and real
politics / under redaction Serikbayev А.С. – Аstana, 2002. – Р.49.
5. Message to the Kazakh people of president of Republic of Kazakhstan. 2014, 17
6. Syzdykova C.M. Some problems of social politics in Republic of Kazakhstan.
//Bulletin named after Abay «Series of sociology and political scientists». 2013. №1 (41). –
Р.92 –119.
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