Ключевые слова: творческая задача, программа Maple, математика.
Solving creative math problems using maple Annotation The formation of mathematical knowledge of schoolchildren through solving creative
problems is one of the tasks of our time. In mathematics lessons there are special tasks aimed at
improving the independent creative abilities of students. The main feature of the student's
independent work in general secondary education is that the student independently solves the
task without the help of a teacher. For this reason, the importance of creative tasks for students is
also expressed in the release using the Maple program. With the help of the Maple program, the
possibilities and advantages of technologies for organizing independent work of students are
comprehensively considered.
Keywords : creative tasks, Maple program, mathematics.
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Университеттің 85 жылдығына арналған «Қазіргі заманғы математика: проблемалары және қолданыстары» III халықаралық Тайманов оқуларының материалдар жинағы, 25 қараша, 2022 жыл 102
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