Aim: reflect the knowledge at the end of the lesson and analyze the lesson.
Efficiency: revise the lesson to build correct thoughts.
Tree of success
Green apple - I totally understand
Yellow apple - I understand the lesson but I need some helps
Red apple- I don't understand
Additional information
DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Health and safety rules
During the lesson some tasks differentiated by outcomes of the students and by their abilities.
All learners point the basic information of personal learning objectives.
Most learners elaborate the most specific information on curricular topics
Some learners determine the correct answers of the basic questions clearly
Reflection at the end of the lesson and teacher summary provides support for progress and achievement, and challenge to thinking and setting future objectives.
During the activity teacher after each right answer gives feedback with the method: During the activity teacher after each right answer gives feedback with the method: “The Praise”.
“You are right”
“Two stars, a wish”
Well done, you predict the lesson, but can’t define, try to think deeply.
Tree of success
Green apple - I totally understand
Yellow apple - I understand the lesson but I need some helps
Red apple- I don't understand
Provide some physical exercises for learners
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?