1 Кравчук А. Троянская война: Миф и история = Wojna Trojanska. Mit i Historia, 1985 /Александр Кравчук/ Пер. с
польск. Д.С. Гальпериной; Послесл. Л.С. Клейна. – М.: Наука, Главная редакция восточной литературы, 1991.
2 Гомер. Илиада. Перевод Н.И. Гнедича. – Ленинград: Наука, 1990.
3 Альтман М.С. Греческая мифология. – Л., 1937.
4 Грейвс Р. Мифы древней Греции. // Пер. К.Лукьяненко. – М., 1992.
5 Лосев А.Ф. Мифология греков и римлян. – М., 1996.
6 Тахо-Годи А.А. Греческая мифология. – М., 1983.
7 Дарет Фригийский. История о разрушении Трои. – СПб.: Алетейя, 1997.
Түйін. Троя соғысы, ежелгі гректердің пікірінше,олардың тарихындағы ең маңызды оқиғалардың бірі. Антикал-
ық тарихшылар бұл соғысты б.э.д. ХІІІ-ХІІ ғғ. шамасында болды деп есептейді, және осыдан жаңа – «троялық»
эраны бастады, қала өміріне байланысты, Балқан түбегіндегі Грецияны мекендеген тайпалардың мәдениеттің жоғар-
ғы деңгейіне жеткендігін көрсетті.
Негізгі сөздер: тарих, соғыс, аңыз, эллиндықтар, құдай, жау, кеме, махаббат, шайқас, қоршау
Резюме. Троянская война, по мнению древних греков, была одним из самых значительных событий их истории.
Античные историки считали, что она произошла примерно на рубеже XIII-XII вв. до н.э., и начинали с неё новую -
"троянскую" эру: восхождение населявших Балканскую Грецию племён к более высокому уровню культуры, связан-
ному с жизнью в городах.
Ключевые слова: история, война, миф, эллины, бог, враг, корабль, любовь, битва, осада
УДК 959 (560)
T.Kamekova – 3rd year student of the Faculty of History Abay KazNPU, a special group
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk; Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha (1881 - 10 November 1938) - Ottoman and Turkish reformer,
politician, statesman and military leader; founder and first leader of the Republican People's Party of Turkey. He was the
founder of the modern Turkish state, the first president of the Turkish Republic. As President of the Republic who is elected to
the post every four years as well as chairman of irremovable they created the Republican People's Party, Mustafa Kemal
Ataturk in Turkey gained unquestioned authority and dictatorial powers. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk is on the list of 100 most
studied figures in history.
Keywords: reformer, politician, statesman, military leader
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the founder of the Turkish Republic, who spent the radical political, economic
and social reforms to transform the Ottoman Empire into a modern secular state. Kemalism was the official
ideology of the Turkish Republic, based on the six principles of the so-called six arrows enshrined in the
constitution of 1937.
Six arrows - it republicanism (ideal constitutional democratic republic as an alternative to the absolute
monarchy of the Ottoman), nationalism as a base mode, nationality (the fight against class inequality and class
privilege), the secular nature of the state and the separation of state and religion, statism, or statism (the
construction of mixed - state market economy under the leadership of the state), reformism (course on
Westernization and the fight against remnants of traditional society) [1].
Formation of the modern state of Turkey not only reflected the social changes in the country (strengthening the
position of the intelligentsia and the bureaucracy), but was the result of global processes (increasing power of the
Western powers) [2]. Vividly expressed this idea, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who thinks that Turkey should follow
"to the West in spite of the West." That was the only way to survive in the world of modern civilization. The
cornerstone of the concept of the modern state is gradually becoming republicanism characterized by Ataturk as a
moral order, promoting the independence of the country's development. Mustafa Kemal was born in Salonika in
Greece, on the territory of Macedonia. At the time the area was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. His father was
a middle-ranking customs official, his mother - a peasant. After a difficult childhood spent because of the early
death of his father in poverty, the boy entered the state military school, then in the Higher Military School in 1889
and finally to the Ottoman Military Academy in Istanbul. Even at school, for their achievements in teaching, his
second name was Kemal (valuable, perfect). In 1905 he graduated from the General Staff Academy in Istanbul,
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(5), 2015 г.
after which he was sent to serve as a captain in Damascus. The Academy, in addition to military discipline, Kemal
independently studied the works of various philosophers and thinkers such as Rousseau, Voltaire, Hobbes.
At age 20, Mustafa Kemal was sent to the Higher Military School of the General Staff. Selected Kemal
military profession was of great importance for its overall political development. Economic stagnation, political
powerlessness, the dominance of foreign capital in expansion mode engendered progressive youth, especially
students of military schools, the desire to find a way out of the situation. Penetrated in schools in the West if not
revolutionary, then, in any case, liberal ideas in conjunction with the huge influence of Turkish educators of the
nineteenth century. Progressive writers and poets Ibrahim Shinas, Namik Kemal, Ziya Pasha, Tevfik Fikret and
others developed among student youth patriotism and national identity. Important role in this process was played
by the fact that in feudal Turkish army was the only consistently central part of the state body. Military
intellectuals first entered as exponent of interests’ still nascent national bourgeoisie. Military representatives of the
intelligentsia were the first participants in underground circles, subsequently merged with young Turkish secret
organization "Union and Progress".
During training Kemal and his friends founded a secret society "Watan". "Watan" - a Turkish word of Arabic
origin which can be translated as "homeland", "place of birth" or "place of residence". Society characterized by a
revolutionary direction.
Kemal, failing to reach an understanding with other members of society, left the "Watan" and joined the
Committee of Union and Progress, who has collaborated with the movement of the Young Turks (Turkish
bourgeois revolutionary movement, puts the problem of replacing the constitutional order of the sultan's
autocracy). Kemal was personally acquainted with many of the key figures in the Young Turks movement, but
did not participate in a coup in 1908. Independent position Kemal and his popularity in the army harassed top
Young Turks. In an effort to somehow alienate him from the government and at the same time reward for their
help in the restoration of the Young Turk government, government seconded his summer 1909 in France. France
made a huge impression on the young officer, contributed to his desire to adopt the best achievements of the West
During Tripolitanian and the Balkan wars (1911-1913), Kemal finds impossible to maintain a multi-ethnic
Ottoman Empire in its present form, and at the same time convinced of the effectiveness of the guerrilla
movement. April 23, 1920 with the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) was made the
next and very important step towards the establishment of the Turkish Republic. As Speaker of Parliament and the
Prime Minister Mustafa Kemal was elected, the Great National Assembly adopted and started to implement laws
aimed at the successful completion of the National Liberation War. August 5, 1921 GNAT Kemal appointed
supreme commander with unlimited powers.But November 1, 1922 Great National Assembly passed a law on the
separation of secular and religious power from the liquidation of the sultanate. Mehmed VI fled abroad. It was a
historic victory over the feudal reaction. Kemal publicly claimed that objective events have led the people to
understand the need for deposition of the sultanate. But now we must go further, to turn Turkey into a modern
country and move in step with civilization. [4, pp. 70]. Subsequent legislation that fully completed the
transformation of the state system, has fallen to the share of the second Majlis, where the right-wing opposition
was much weaker. October 29, 1923 following the ratification of the Treaty of Lausanne, Turkey Majlis
proclaimed republic, and March 3, 1924 was abolished the caliphate.
Understanding the principle of national sovereignty Kemal included and a new interpretation of the Turkish
national idea. Kemal nationalism was more progressive than the general Muslim Ottaman and "new Ottoman"
Young Turks or Turkism. Kemal clearly limited Turkism from close to it in its social roots, but in fact, anti-
national doctrine of pan-Turkism. In understanding Kemal Turkism is - it is nothing like Turkish nationalism
within the borders of Turkey, but it was purely Turkish different from Ottoman or Islamic. "Nation, - he said -
changed the age-old forms and even there is a relationship established between the people belonging to it ... A
nation united their sons bonds not religious doctrine , and belonging to the Turkish nationality" [5, pp. 19].
Turkey in the 20-30-ies of XX century embarked on a renovation. There have been significant bourgeois
reforms: the establishment of a republican system, the elimination of the Caliphate, the abolition of sharia courts,
cancellation ashara reform alphabet. In 1924, there was the adoption of the Constitution of the Turkish Republic.
These reforms have largely determined the further development of the Turkish state. But the question arises: can
we call a change in Turkey in the 20-30s of the modernization of the country? If so, how this upgrade was
correlated with the ideology of Kemalism and what this relationship is manifested? The question is posed in the
historiography of attention has not been paid that causes the relevance of the chosen topic. Often, however, these
works examine various aspects of the modernization process in Turkey. Such works are distinguished by the fact
that their authors have considered a particular problem, but apart from modernization in other spheres of life of
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(5), 2015 ж.
Turkish society and the state. As an example, you can highlight the work of N.G. Kireyev [6]. In this paper, the
author analyzes the formation of policy statism and its impact on the course and character of Turkish
modernization in the economy. But, as mentioned above, the author in his analysis only affects economic policy,
leaving outside of issues of national cultural and political reform. These issues have been addressed to some
extent by other researchers. So Salih Polat [7] examines in detail the processes of modernization in the cultural
sphere, the establishment and development of secularism in Turkey. In Soviet historiography is also singled out
the work of E.Y. Gasanov [8], in which we study the ideology of nationalism and its impact on the development
of Turkey.
First we need to consider the term "modernization" and explain its understanding of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,
the main initiator of reforms. Importantly, Mustafa Kemal was based on the thoughts and ideas of Ziya Huck Alp,
a Turkish sociologist, former at the time of the Young Turk movement ideologue, and in fact the creator of the
period of Atatürk principles of Kemalism. So, modernization, according to "SES" [9], this change, improvement,
meets modern requirements. Need to find out whether this is the understanding of the term was in Turkey, in
particular Ataturk.
Mustafa Kemal emphasized in an interview with the newspaper "Le Matin" in 1922 that "the Turkish
democracy, although following the path initiated by the French Revolution, with its developed, its inherent
characteristics. For every nation conducts its reformation according to the requirements of the laws and
corresponding own society, according to the domestic situation and the situation, according to the requirements of
Turkey, which is still in the beginning of the century, was the medieval Ottoman sultan with authority and
caste system, the ideal of modern society was undoubtedly the Europe and European society. If we consider the
reforms in Turkey, particularly in the areas of culture and life, religion, then we can talk about their pro-European
orientation. And as modernization - this improvement, meeting modern requirements, the processes of
Europeanization, which took place in the Turkish Republic, and can be called modernization.
Despite some identity transformations in Turkey still sees some correlation with the ideas of Ataturk Great
French Revolution. Undoubtedly, Ataturk understood that the processes of modernization in Europe unfolded
fully only after the proclamation of the Declaration of 1789 Recognition of public rights and freedoms and served
as the starting point for the development of Europe, so the first serious step towards the modernization of the
country, undertaken by Kemal was the adoption of the constitution in 1924. This document included 105 articles.
Article 70 established such public rights and freedoms that are typical of bourgeois law as the right and freedom
of contract, transportation, employment, acquisition and possession.
The definition of "Kemalism" in various research sounds differently, however, in most of the work is
considered as Kemalism system principles. Basic principles of Kemalism were enshrined in the Constitution of
the Turkish Republic in the 2nd article. Later, in 1931, at the III Congress of the NPF, they have turned to the six
principles of the existence and activities of the ruling Republican People's Party. She was proclaimed a republic,
ethnic, folk, statist, secular and revolutionary. Under each principle implies a certain theoretical position. Mustafa
Kemal also considered it necessary to translate the Koran into Turkish." Turks believe in the book - he said - but
did not understand what it refers. He must be aware that he is looking at it".
Mustafa Kemal put forward and carried out in 1924 the radical policy of secularism. This policy has reduced to
zero the influence of religion on the state and largely reduced its public role.
In 1925 the Council of Ministers decided to close the tekke (dervish monastery) and the tomb of (tomb) as well
as to ban the wearing of the fez and other medieval hats and clothes and enter the European hats and clothing. In
1926, the Turkish Grand National Assembly adopted a civil code (№743). In March of the same year he passed
the law on the abolition of Sharia (religious) courts and introduced secular justice , and also approved the Criminal
Code (developed on the basis of Italian). In 1934, the Great National Assembly passed a law on the introduction
of surnames. Before the Turks had only names. This law also abolished the old titles and forms of address: Pasha
Bey Effendi. November 24, 1934, Mustafa Kemal Pasha received from GNAT name Ataturk ("Father of the
Turks"). According to another law passed by the Majlis December 17, 1934, the name of Ataturk, except Mustafa
Kemal Pasha, nobody had the right to wear. Introduction names facilitated the implementation of the civil office,
eliminates confusion with similar names.
In early December 1934 the Majlis passed a law granting women the right to elect and be elected to the Majlis.
Thus, Turkish women were formally equal rights with men. As a result of these changes on the Great National
Assembly elections in February 1935, 17 women were elected (of 399 members).The next step was to be the
consolidation of the Turkish nation as a modern state should be established on a national basis.
Thus, the main factor in consolidating the Turkish Republic was to be the introduction of the Turkish language
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(5), 2015 г.
based on Latin script. Issued a decree that in the Turkish Republic will be replaced by the Arabic alphabet based
on Latin Turkish; will develop a new grammar of Turkish language, based on this alphabet; organized
commission on the drafting of the alphabet and grammar and given fifteen deadline for the final transition to the
Turkish font.
Has been conducted gradually but steadily replacing "Ottoman" Turkish language in all spheres of state and
public life. Moreover, the Turkish language has been subjected to "cleaning" of many Arabic and Persian words;
instead introduced the ancient Turkic words of ancient texts - Orkhon, Uighur - or artificially created new ones,
based on Turkic roots. This movement was headed by Kemal Atatürk. On his initiative, was established the
Turkish Linguistic Society as a scientific center for the study and improvement of the Turkish language. The
result was, in fact, the new Turkish sharply differing from the language even 20's - early 30-ies in which Arabisms
-Persian and accounted for up to half of the vocabulary. The new language was introduced into the hard public
education, higher education. On it were written by school and college textbooks. Broadcasting, most journalists
have moved into a new language. Finally cemented it as a Turkish national literature, made a great success in the
30's and 40's, when the Turkish emerged and developed critical realism.
Government agencies had to move to a new alphabet to October 1, 1928, forcing officials to engage
intensively; that many of them did not like. The same decree comes into force from 1 November 1928 and to the
press. Another problem was related to the dominance of foreign schools in Turkey's secular education. For the
independent nation-state, this situation was extremely unacceptable, and in the mid 20s begin to form Turkish
schools appear their textbooks, introduced national education students. Thus, we can say that the ideology of
Kemalism was the banner and the theoretical foundation for modernization of the country and showing the way
for its modernization. However, Turkey's way to the modern European society proved long and arduous, in fact, is
not completed today.
1 Karpat K.H. Social change and politics in Turkey. Leiden.: Brill, 1973.
2 Миллер А.Ф. Турция: актуальные проблемы новой и новейшей истории. - М.: Наука, 1983.
3 Исазаде А.Р. Государственный строй и правовая система Турции. – Баку: Азербайджан, 2005. – 345 с.
4 Розалиев Ю.Н. Мустафа Кемаль Ататюрк // Вопросы истории. 1995.
5 Миллер А.Ф. Становление Турецкой республики // Народы Азии и Африки. 1973.
6 Киреев Н.Г. История этатизма в Турции. – М.: Наука, 1991. – 340 с.
7 Полат Салих. Процесс развития светского государства в Турции // Религия и право. – 2001, №2. – С. 122-167.
8 Гасанова Э.Ю. Идеология буржуазного национализма в Турции. – Баку, 1966.
9 Розалиев Ю.Н. Мустафа Кемаль Ататюрк: Очерк жизни и деятельности. – М.: Восточная литература, 1995.
Түйін. Мұстафа Кемал Ататүрк Ғази Мұстафа Кемал-паша 1881 – 10 қараша 1938 Осман және Түркия мемле-
кетінің реформаторы, саясаткері, мемлекет қайраткері және әскери қолбасшысы. Тұркия Республикалық Халық
партиясының негізін салушы және оның лидері болған. Түркия Республикасының негізін қалаушысы және оның
тұңғыш президенті болып табылады. Әр төрт жылдықтың ішінде қайта сайлаудан өткен президент ретінде, өзі
құрған халық партиясының өзгермейтін төрағасы Мұстафа Кемал Ататүрк Түркияда шүбәйсіз абырой мен диктатор-
дың өкілдіктерге ие болды. Мұстафа Кемал Ататүрк тарихтағы 100 ең таныс тұлғалар тізбегіне кіреді.
Негізгі сөздер: реформатор, саясаткер, мемлекет қайраткері, әскери қолбасшы
Резюме. Мустафа Кема ль Ататю рк; Гази Мустафа Кемаль-паша (1881 - 10 ноября 1938) - османский и турец-
кий реформатор, политик, государственный деятель и военачальник; основатель и первый лидер Республиканской
народной партии Турции. Он был основателем современного турецкого государства, первым президентом Турецкой
Республики. Как президент республики, переизбиравшийся на этот пост каждое четырёхлетие, а также как несменяе-
мый председатель им созданной Народно-республиканской партии, Мустафа Кема ль Ататю рк приобрёл в Турции
непререкаемый авторитет и диктаторские полномочия. Мустафа Кема ль Ататю рк входит в список 100 самых
изученных личностей в истории.
Ключевые слова: реформатор, политик, государственный деятель, военачальник
УДК 304.2
А.К. Себеш – 1 курс, ИПиП КазНПУ им. Абая,
Руководитель: доцент В.Е. Абаев
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(5), 2015 ж.
В статье мы рассмотрели вопросы: что такое полиязычная компетенция и поликультурная личность, а также были
определены положительные стороны данных понятий в процессе образования. Данные вопросы представляют значи-
тельный интерес, особенно в настоящее время, поскольку история общества показывает, что процветание общества
зависит не только от экономики и техники и даже не от общей культуры, а от культуры слова. Авторы считают, что
подготовка разностороннего специалиста, обладающего высоким уровнем культуры (в том числе и культурой сло-
ва) – главная проблема образования сегодня. Утверждается, что важнейшей стратегической задачей образования
Казахстана является, с одной стороны, сохранение лучших казахстанских образовательных традиций, с другой,
обеспечение выпускников школ международными квалификационными качествами, развитие их лингвистического
сознания, в основе которого – овладение государственным, родным и иностранными языками.
Как уже отмечалось, компетенция полиязычия может рассматриваться не только как владение несколькими
иностранными языками, но и как способность к изучению иностранных языков, владение «чувством языка»,
желание и умение самостоятельно изучать иностранные языки.
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