Түйін. Мақала көркем педагогика аясында студенттердің коммуникативтік құзыретін құру мәселесін ашады,
оқушылардың төмен сөйлеу мәдениеті туралы айтылады, «құзырет», «құзыреттілік» түсінігіне анықтама беріледі.
Коммуникативті құзыреттілік болашақ суретші-педагогтың кәсіби мәдениетінің ажырамас құрамдасы болып
табылатын жеке қасиеті ретінде қаралады. «Композиция» пәні аясында пәндік коммуникативтік құзыреттілік мазмұ-
ны нақтыланады. Мақалада суретші-педагогтардың көркем білімінің орталық санаты ретінде студенттер әлемінің
құндылықты-мағыналық құраушысы туралы, оның орта білім беру жүйесіндегі рольі туралы айтылады. Коммуника-
тивтік құзыреттілікті құру мәселесі лексиканың бірлескендігі, өз ойын жеткізе алмау, жұрт алдында сөйлеуге қорқу,
сленгті қолданумен сипатталатын жастардың сөйлеу мәдениетінің заманауи ахуалы аясында өзекті болып табылады.
Материалдық құндылықтарды руханидан жоғары қойып, тұтынушы мәдениетін көпшілікке тарататын бұқаралық
ақпарат құралдары, кітап оқуды, әлеуметтік желілерде күн өткізумен тікелей нақты қарым-қатынасты ауыстыру да
өзінің кері әсерін тигізеді. Осының бәрі жалпы адамның мәдениетін қалыптастыруға ықпал етеді.
Басты сөздер және фразалар: көркем білім, әлем бейнесі, композиция, құндылықты-мағыналық құраушы,
коммуникативтік құзыреттілік, суретші-педагог
Summary. The article reveals the problem of communicative competence formation of students in scope of artistic
pedagogy. It tells on low level of speech culture of the students, gives the definitions of "competence", "competency".
Communicative competence is reviewed here as personal feature, which is an integral part of professional culture of a
future artist-teacher. The content of object communicative competence is determined in scope of discipline ‘Composition’.
The article tells on axiological students’ world image making element as the main category for art education of artists-
teachers; as well it tells on its role in the system of secondary education. The problem of communicative competence
formation is urgent on a background of the current state of young people’s speech culture, which is characterized by poor
vocabulary, inability to express their thoughts, fear of public speaking, use of slang. Mass media have negative effect too,
because they promote consumer culture, putting material valuables before spiritual ones; reading books and real life
communication are replaced with surfing the social networks. All these factors affect the formation of general culture of a
Key words and phrases: art education, world image, composition, axiological element, communicative competence,
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(5), 2015 ж.
УДК 940 (420)
N.Serikbay – 3rd year student of the Faculty of History Abay KazNPU, a special group
In the history of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher holds a high and special place. She was British Prime Minister for the
debt in 1979-1990 years time. Margaret Thatcher in the UK held a number of conservative measures, social and economic
reforms. It was called «Iron Lady» for criticism of the Soviet leadership. Today, the life and activities of Margaret Thatcher
was reflected in numerous scientific and political, historical research.
Keywords: Contemporary History, Politics, United Kingdom, politician, political party, economy, social reform,
economic reform, culture
Twentieth century British history was perhaps the most turbulent and rich in historical events. Many prominent
British politicians of the time firmly established in the history of the world, showing the greatness and power of
this country. Elizabeth II, Winston Churchill, Princess Diana and many others - is only a partial list of figures
whose names became common and familiar to everyone now. But the most striking example of a politician of the
twentieth century is, in my opinion, Margaret Thatcher - the first woman in the history of the UK Prime Minister,
which also was in this position longer than any other since the days of Salisbury. It is difficult to overstate the
contribution to the development of not only the UK but the whole history of the world as a whole. As head of the
Conservative Party, this woman was able to change not only their country, but also significantly affect the global
changes in the late twentieth century worldwide. Can not say that Thatcher was the only founder of modern
British conservatism, but its influence on the development of the political legacy of conservative principles and
ideas in this is hard to deny [1].
Throughout the entire time of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister, the degree of personal popularity in the
country is constantly changing. But even in very difficult time’s British remained high opinion of his Prime
Minister. On the results of their efforts as Prime Minister Thatcher herself said: "I tried all the possibilities open to
the people. Yes, I want everyone to become a capitalist, I want each person had his property - whether it is a piece
of land, own house, invested in any enterprise funds. The current level of democracy and prosperity could not be
achieved without broad freedoms, such as freedom to open their own business, even if there is some limitation. It
seems to me we are now with our prospering freedoms, including freedom of the business and start to compete.
As in sports, the main competition is not how fast you run, and how fast your opponent is running."
Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in British history. Her way to the top of the political
was long, but the main factor that Thatcher became prime minister - a distrust of the people to the end of the
current 1970 situation in the government and progressive views Margaret which will surely find sympathy with
the people and provided her majority [2]. Taking the post of prime minister, Margaret Thatcher began to take
active steps to reform the country in order to fully "get rid of the socialist ideas and attitudes." Were conducted for
this social (reducing the role of trade unions and support for the unemployed) as well as economic (privatization,
advanced tax) reform. In foreign policy, led by Margaret tough and demanding negotiations on the EU, and has
established relations with the US and the USSR. Thatcher authority increased after the Falklands conflict with
Argentina, which Britain won. Margaret Thatcher was forced to resign due to the changed situation in the country,
and also because of the increasingly growing distrust of the government and its policies.
After retiring from politics, Margaret wrote several autobiographical books, and also established her own
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(5), 2015 г.
foundation. After retiring from the post of prime minister, Margaret Thatcher for two years was a member of the
House of Commons from Finchley. In 1992, at age 66, she decided to leave the British Parliament that in her
opinion gave her the opportunity to more openly express their opinion on certain events.
After retiring from the House of Commons, Thatcher became the first former Prime Minister of Great Britain
established a fund. In 2005, due to financial difficulties it was closed. Thatcher wrote two volumes of memoirs:
«The Downing Street Years» (1993) and «The Path to Power» (1995). In the period from 1993 to 2000, Thatcher
was honorary rector of the College of William and Mary in the American state of Virginia, and from 1992 to 1999
- Chancellor of the University of Buckingham (UK's first private university established it in 1975). In March
2002, Thatcher released the book " Statecraft: Strategies for a Changing World," which she dedicated to Ronald
Reagan (the book was published also in Russian). It Margaret expressed its position on a number of international
political events and processes [3]. She claimed that the Middle East will be no peace as long as there is no toppled
Saddam Hussein; wrote about the need for Israel to sacrifice territory for peace, utopian European Union.
According to her, Britain needs to renegotiate the terms of its membership in the EU, or even leave the integrative
education, joining NAFTA [4].
June 11, 2004 Thatcher visited the funeral of Ronald Reagan. Due to health problems has been previously
made a video of her funeral oration. Then Thatcher with Reagan's entourage went to California, where they visited
the memorial service and interment ceremony at Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Its 80th anniversary Margaret celebrated October 13, 2005 in a London hotel Mandarin Oriental Hotel among
the guests: Elizabeth II, the Duke of Edinburgh, Alexander Kent and Tony Blair. Geoffrey Howe, who was also
present at the ceremony, said that "it is a triumph transformed not just one, as both parties, so when Labor returned
to power, most of the principles of Thatcherism was accepted as a reality."
Nicknamed the "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher is obliged to Soviet journalists. In January 1976, Thatcher
made a sharp criticism of the USSR: " Russian tuned to world domination ... They chose guns instead of butter,
while for us, almost everything else is more important than guns." Military Observer newspaper "Red Star" Yuri
Gavrilov’s article from December 24, 1976 in response to the opposition leader called the "iron lady", and British
journalists later translated it as iron lady. And it should be noted that throughout her political career Thatcher
proved that nickname was very accurate.
Despite the rigidity in politics, it was she who helped mitigate the West's relationship to the Soviet Union. In
1984, taking in London had not yet general secretary and Politburo member Mikhail Gorbachev, Thatcher saw in
him not only a good company but also a new quality policy [5]. And I was right - a few months later Gorbachev
became General Secretary began restructuring. "Never, with whom I had such a long conversation," - she said in
an interview. First contact allowed her to then begin a trusting relationship with the Soviet leader. And then
transfer it to the trust and the Soviet- American relations. Most accurately the role of "Iron Lady" at the end of the
Cold War has identified no less hard master of world politics, the former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
said: "For the U.S. it was a reliable and strong ally. During the last years of the Cold War, it was the first or one of
the first leaders of the allies, who realized the opportunity the Cold War, recognizing the flexibility that
Gorbachev gave the Soviet policy" [6].
"Iron Lady", Baroness Thatcher, the first female prime minister in British history, held this post more than
anyone in modern Europe (1979 to 1990), marked a whole era, largely determining the direction of the UK for
many years. Unique - almost everything what she was doing in politics. Courage and sometimes bordering on
obstinacy confidence to push it on the actions and decisions that even colleagues seemed madness , but which
gave her the right to have to become a part of world history. It is the first Western politicians could see the young
reformer Mikhail Gorbachev's future and said the West that it can and should be dealt with. She said the first and
the end of the Cold War.
Thatcher, in fact, became the first woman in the politics of the 20th century, which has turned the very idea of
politics as a sphere of total control men. In 1990, Margaret Thatcher received the Order "For Merit", and June 26,
1992 Britain's Queen Elizabeth II granted her the title of Baroness Kentevenskoy (place in her home county of
Lincolnshire). Then Thatcher became a lifelong member of the House of Lords, and remained in force long
enough politician. In recent years, health and age, becoming less Baroness Thatcher allowed to participate in
public life. She has written two volumes of memoirs. Nevertheless, she continued to appear from time to time in
public, always elegant, with its mascot, and who became the hallmark purse. So, in late May 2010, she attended
the inauguration of the new session of the British Parliament with the participation of Queen Elizabeth II. But in
2012, she missed the gala dinner at Downing Street to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen.
Thatcher died in the early morning of April 8, 2013 at the age of 87 at the "Ritz" in central London, where she
lived after the end of 2012 she was discharged from the hospital. Cause of death was a stroke. The funeral service
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(5), 2015 ж.
was held at St Paul's Cathedral in London with military honors. Back in 2005, Thatcher was a detailed plan for
their funerals, but the preparation for it was conducted from 2007 - all activities, which involved the queen
planned in advance. At her funeral, according to plan, "iron lady" wanted to see Queen Elizabeth II, the royal
family, as well as major political figures of the reign of Margaret Thatcher, including former Soviet President
Mikhail Gorbachev. According to the last will of Thatcher Orchestra performed selected works by the English
composer Edward Elgar. After the service cremation and the ashes, according to the will of the deceased, was
buried next to her husband Denis in the cemetery of the military hospital of London's Chelsea [7].
The funeral was held April 17 and cost about £ 6 million. For supporters of Thatcher she remains a political
figure who was able to rebuild the British economy, cause a significant blow to the unions and restore the image
of Britain as a world power. During her premiership from 7 to 25% increase in the number of British citizens who
owned shares; more than one million families have purchased homes, formerly owned by municipal councils,
which increased the number of homeowners with 55 to 67%. Total personal wealth rose by 80%. Victory in the
Falklands War and a close alliance with the United States are also considered one of its major achievements. In
the same time period of Thatcher's premiership was marked by high unemployment, population and regular
strikes. In the matter of unemployment, most critics blame its economic policy, which was strongly influenced by
the ideas of monetarism. This problem, in turn, has led to the spread of drug addiction and family divorce.
Speaking in April 2009 in Scotland, on the eve of her thirty-year anniversary of the election as Prime Minister,
Thatcher insisted that does not regret his actions during the premiership, including the issue of the introduction of
the poll tax and non- subsidizing" outdated industry whose markets were in decline. "Thatcher 's premiership was
the longest in the twentieth century , from the time of Salisbury ( ( 1885,1886-1892 and 1895-1902 ) and the
longest continuous stay in office since the time of Lord Liverpool ( 1812-1827 ) .
Margaret Thatcher's personality is mentioned in a number of artistic works, including literary texts, television
programs, documentaries and feature films, theater, musical compositions. In the docudrama "The Falklands
Play", released in 2002 on the British television channel BBC4, the role of the British prime minister played by
actress Patricia Hodge, and "Margaret Thatcher: The Long Walk to Finchley" - Andrea Riseborough. In addition,
Thatcher became the protagonist in films such as "Margaret" (2009; role performed by Lindsay Duncan and "Iron
Lady" (2011; role performed by Meryl Streep). Thatcher for her role in the last film Meryl Streep became the
owner of the eighth prize figurines "Golden Globe", the second BAFTA Award statuettes and got the third"
Oscar" [8].
1 Lewis R. Margaret Thatcher: A personal and political biography. - L., 1975.
2 Жизнь замечательных людей. Маргарэт Тэтчер. – Минск, 1998.
3 Перегрудов С.П. Маргарэт Тэтчер. // Вопросы истории. 1988. - №10.
4 Jenkins P. Mrs. Thatchtr s Revolution. – London, 1987.
5 Kavanagh D. Thatcherism and British Politics. – Oxford, 1987.
6 The British Prime Minister. – London, 1985.
7 The Politics of Thatcherism. – London, 1984.
8 Young H., Sloman A. The Thatcherism Phenomenon. – London, 1986.
Түйін. Маргарет Тэтчер Ұлыбританияның тарихында аса жоғары және маңызды орын алады. Ол 1979-1990 жж.
аралығында ұзақ уақыт Ұлыбританияның премьер-министрі болған. Маргарет Тэтчер Ұлыбританияда бірқатар
консервативтік шаралар, әлеуметтік және экономикалық реформалар жүргізді. Аз уақыт ішінде Кеңес Одағы басшы-
ларына сын айтқаны үшін оны «Темір ханым» деп атады. Қазіргі таңда Маргарет Тэтчердің өмірі мен қызметі көпте-
ген ғылыми, саяси, тарихи зерттеулерде орын алды.
Негізгі сөздер: қазіргі заман тарихы, саясат, Ұлыбритания, саяси қызметкер, саяси партия, экономика, әлеуметтік
реформалар, экономикалық реформалар, мәдениет
Резюме. В истории Великобритании Маргарет Тэтчер занимает высокое и особое место. Она была премьер-
министром Великобритании на протяжении долгового времени в 1979-1990 гг. Маргарет Тэтчер провела в
Великобритании ряд консервативных мер, социальных и экономических реформ. Ее назвали «железной леди» за
резкую критику советского руководства. Сегодня жизнь и деятельность Маргарет Тэтчер получила отражение в
многочисленных научно-политических, исторических исследованиях.
Ключевые слова: новейшая история, политика, Великобритания, политический деятель, политическая партия,
экономика, социальные реформы, экономические реформы, культура
УДК 938
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(5), 2015 г.
U.Pretova – 3rd year student of the Faculty of History Abay KazNPU, a special group
The Trojan War was one of the most significant events in their history according opinions of the ancient Greeks. Ancient
historians believed that it occurred around the turn of XIII-XII centuries BC and started from it a new "Trojan" era: achieving
to a higher level of culture associated with life in the cities of tribes inhabited the Balkan Greece.
Keywords: history, war, the myth, the Greeks, the god, the enemy ship, love, war, siege
Numerous Greek myths, combined later in the cycle of legends - kiklicheskie poem told about the campaign
against the Achaean Greek city of Troy, located in the northwestern part of the peninsula of Asia Minor – Troas
[1]. The epic poem "The Iliad" was the best respected for the Greeks attributed to the great Greek poet Homer
who lived in the VIII century BC. It tells the story of one of the final episodes - the tenth year of the siege of Troy-
Ilion - so named in the poem that the Asia Minor city [2].
What do ancient legends tell of the Trojan War? It began at the will and wine of the gods. At the wedding of
Thessalian hero Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis all the gods were invited except Erid-the goddess of discord.
Angry goddess decided to take revenge and threw a golden apple to feasting gods with the inscription "Beautiful".
Hera, Athena and Aphrodite -three Olympic goddess argued which of them it was intended. Zeus commanded
Paris the young son of the Trojan king Priam to judge goddesses. The goddess appeared before Paris on Mount
Ida, near Troy, where the prince passed herds, and each tried to seduce him gifts. Paris chose the love of Helen
offered by Aphrodite to him, the most beautiful of mortal women, and handed a golden apple to the goddess of
love. Elena, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, was the wife of Spartan King Menelaus. Paris, which was the guest in
the house of Menelaus took advantage of his absence and with the help of Aphrodite persuaded Helen to leave her
husband and go with him to Troy. Fugitives brought with them slaves and treasures of the royal house. The myths
tell us differently about how Paris and Helen having gotten to Troy [3]. According to one version, three days later
they arrived safely in Paris’ hometown. On the other, the goddess Hera, hostelling to Paris, raised a storm at sea,
his ship drifted to the shores of Phoenicia, and only after a long time finally fugitives arrived in Troy. There is
another option: Zeus (or Hera) replaced Elena ghost, who took Paris. The very same Helen was in Egypt during
the Trojan War under the protection of a wise elder Proteus. But this - late version of the myth, the Homeric epic
does not know it.
Trojan prince committed a serious crime - violated the law of hospitality and so incurred the hometown of a
terrible disaster. Outraged Menelaus with his brother, the powerful king of Mycenae Agamemnon, gathered a
large army to return adulterous wife and stolen treasures. All fiances have come on appeal of brothers who wooed
once Elena and gave the oath to defend her honor. Noble Achaean heroes and kings: Odysseus, Diomedes,
Protesilaus, Ajax Telamonid and Ajax Oilid, Philoctetes, wise old Nestor and many others led their squads. And
Achilles participated in the campaign, son of Peleus and Thetis, the most valiant and powerful of heroes.
According to the prediction of the gods the Greeks could not prevail against Troy without his help. As the clever
and cunning Odysseus could to persuade Achilles to take part in the campaign, although that he had been
predicted that he would die under the walls of Troy. Agamemnon was elected as the leader of the whole army as
the most powerful ruler of the Achaean states.
Numbering thousand ships the Greek fleet gathered in Aulile, in Boeotia harbor. To ensure fleet prosperous
voyage to the shores of Asia Minor, Agamemnon sacrificed to the goddess Artemis his daughter Iphigenia.
Reaching Troas, the Greeks tried to get Elena and treasures peacefully. Messengers were gone to Troy tested
diplomat Odysseus and Menelaus - offended spouse. The Trojans were refused and began the long and tragic war
for both sides. Gods took part also into this war. Hera and Athena helped Achaeans, Aphrodite and Apollo -
The Greeks were not immediately available to take Troy, surrounded by powerful fortifications. They built
fortified camp on the beach near their ships, began to ravage the neighborhood of the city and attack the Trojans
allies. In the tenth year of the siege was a dramatic event which entailed serious setbacks Achaeans in battle with
the defenders of Troy. Agamemnon insulted Achilles away from his captive Briseis, and one, being angry, refused
to go out on the battlefield. No amount of persuasion could convince Achilles to leave the anger and take up arms.
The Trojans took advantage of the inaction of the brave and strong enemies and went on the offensive, led by the
eldest son of King Priam, Hector. The king himself was old and could not take part in the war. Helped the Trojans
and general fatigue Achaean troops already ten years unsuccessfully besieged Troy. When Agamemnon, checking
the morale of soldiers pretended proposed to end the war and return home, the Achaeans proposal met with
delight and rushed to their ships. Only decisive action Odysseus stopped soldiers and saved the day.
Trojans broke into the Achaean camp and was almost burned their ships. The closest friend of Achilles,
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(5), 2015 ж.
Patroclus, begged the hero to give him his armor and chariot and rushed to the aid of the Greek army. Patroclus
stopped the onslaught of the Trojans but he died at the hands of Hector. Death of a friend causes Achilles to forget
about the offense. Thirst for revenge inspires him. In a duel with Trojan hero Achilles killed Hector. Amazons
came to the help Trojans. Achilles kills their leader Penfesileyu but he soon died as it was predicted from the
arrow of Paris, directed by the god Apollo. Thetis – Mother’s Achilles, trying to make her son invulnerable,
dipped him in the water of the underground river Styx. She held Achilles by the heel, which remained the only
vulnerable spot on his body. God Apollo knew where to direct the arrow of Paris. This episode poem humanity
obligates an expression "Achilles heel" [4].
After the death of Achilles amongAchaeans began dispute over possession of his armor. They get to the
Odyssey, and insulted with this outcome, Telamonid Ajax committed suicide.
Decisive turning point in the war occurs after arrival in Achaean camp hero Philoctetes from Lemnos Island
and Achilles’ son Neoptolemus. Philoctetes kills Paris, and Neoptolemus - ally Trojans Mysians Evrinila. Left
without leaders, the Trojans do not dare to go to battle in the open field. But the mighty walls of Troy reliably
protect its inhabitants. Then by Proposition Odyssey Achaeans decided to take the city cunning. Was built a huge
wooden horse, hidden inside a select band of soldiers. The rest of the troops to convince the Trojans, if Achaeans
go home, burn their camp and sailed on ships off the coast of Troas. In fact, the Achaean ships took refuge near
the shore, near the island of Tenedos.
Surprised Trojans gathered around abandoned wooden monster. Some began offering to import horse into the
city. Priest Laocoon, warning about the treachery of the enemy, he exclaimed: "Beware of danaicess (Greek)
bearing gifts!" (This phrase eventually became airborne too). But a speece of priest did not convince his
countrymen and they have imported wooden horse into the city as a gift from the goddess Athena. At night hiding
in the belly of the horse soldiers went outside and opened the gates. Secretly returned Achaeans rushed into town
and started beating caught unawares residents. Menelaus with a sword in hand looked for his unfaithful wife but
seeing the beautiful Helen was not able to kill her. The entire male population of Troy died, except Aeneas, son of
Anchises and Aphrodite, received from the gods commanded to flee from the captured city and revive his fame
elsewhere. Women of Troy waited at least woeful fate: they all became captives and slaves of winners. The town
was destroyed in a fire.
After the death of Troy in the Achaean camp conflicts began. Ajax Oilid incurred on the Greek fleet the wrath
of the goddess Athena, and she sent a terrible storm, during which many ships sunk. Storm brought Menelaus and
Odysseus in distant countries. Wanderings of Odysseus after the Trojan War were sung in the second poem of
Homer - "Odyssey". It also described the return of Menelaus and Helen in Sparta. Epic favorably refers to this
beautiful woman as everything that happened to her was the will of the gods, she could not resist. The leader of
the Achaean Agamemnon after returning home was killed with his satellites by his wife Clytemnestra, not just her
husband the death of daughter Iphigenia. So, campaign against Troy for the Achaeans did not triumphantly end.
As already mentioned, the ancient Greeks had no doubt the historical reality of the Trojan War. Even such
critical thinking and take nothing for granted Greek historian as Thucydides , was convinced that described in the
poem ten-year siege of Troy - a historical fact, only embellished poet. Indeed, the poem is very little fairy-tale
fantasy [5]. If you isolate it from the scenes involving the gods, and that makes Thucydides, the story would look
quite authentic. Individual parts of the poem, such as "catalog of ships" or list of Achaean troops under the walls
of Troy were written like a true chronicle.
European historiography of modern times otherwise reacted to the Greek myths. It saw in them only legends
and fairy tales, not enclosing the real information. Historians XVIII-XIX centuries were convinced that no
campaign Greeks against Troy was not and that the heroes of the poem - the mythical rather than historical
figures. Heinrich Schliemann was the only Europeans who believed epic proved. He was not a professional
scientist, and for his Achilles, Agamemnon, Odysseus and Helen were wonderful human beings, and the drama
that has been unfolding under the walls of Troy, he experienced the events of his own life. Schliemann many
years dreamed of finding the legendary city.
Becoming a very rich man, in 1871, he starts digging Hissarlik hill in the north- western part of Asia Minor,
defining it as the location of ancient Troy. While Schliemann guided by descriptions of the city of Priam, the data
in the poem. Luck awaited him: hill hid the ruins, not one, and the whole nine urban settlements, successive for at
least twenty centuries - two or three millennia.
Described in the poem Troy Schliemann found in a settlement located in the second layer from the bottom.
Here he found, in his opinion, Skeyskie gate, tower, from which Elena with Trojan elders observed the battles, the
palace of Priam and even treasures - "Treasure of Priam": gorgeous gold and silver jewelry.
Then, following the poem, Heinrich Schliemann conducted excavations in the "gold - heavy" Mykonos. In one
Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Молодой ученый. Поиски. Проблемы. Исследования», №1(5), 2015 г.
of the royal graves found there rested - Schliemann for this there was no doubt - the remains of Agamemnon and
his companions , studded with golden ornaments; face covered golden mask of Agamemnon. Among the many
and rich burial offerings excellent weapon was found worthy of mighty heroes.
Opening of Heinrich Schliemann shocked world public. There was no doubt that the poem of Homer contains
information about the events taking place and did their real heroes. Myths do not lie they have the truth about the
distant past. Schliemann's success inspired many archaeologists. Englishman Arthur Evans went to Crete to search
the residence of the mythical King Minos and found a beautiful palace of the Minotaur. In 1939, American
archaeologist Carl Blegen opened a "gritty" Pylos, the habitat of the wise old man Nestor on the west coast of the
Peloponnese. Again triumphed correct geographical indications poem. But the strange thing: the number of
discoveries increased, and the situation with the Trojan War and Troy itself becoming incomprehensible. Already
Schliemann during the excavation began experiencing some anxiety [6]. When Gissarlyksky on the hill and came
to Mycenae archaeological professionals, they found that the city accepted Schliemann in Troy, existed for a
thousand years before the Trojan War. Graves at Mycenae is stored the remains of people who lived a few
centuries earlier heroes of the poem. After the initial enthusiasm and excitement was the turn of a new, even more
turmoil. It turned out that Schliemann discovered a new world, a previously unknown civilization, about which
nothing is known even by the ancient Greeks. This world was completely different to what was told myths and
heroic epics.
Rejecting the unconditional trust in the mythological basis, some historians nevertheless continue to believe
that because it is still possible to extract the seeds of truth. Indeed, the author of the poem was really knows the
location of the most important political centers of Achaean Greece II millennium BC. Many of those described in
the poem of domestic and military realities in detail coincide with archaeological finds. For example , found by
Schliemann at Mycenae "Cup of Nestor"; "Helm of the Boar Tusk" owned, as stated in the "Iliad", the Cretan hero
Merion; tower-like shield covering the whole body of the hero; Finally, the chariots, which were unknown to
classical Greece. So, in the oral tradition of the people preserved the memory of times past and events, and
recorded her poem. Obviously, pre- stigshie prosperity at the turn of XIII-XII centuries BC. State - Achaean
Greeks sought to make the combined forces of large military expeditions to the area of Asia Minor. One of them
was the siege of Troy. Firmly secure its influence in Troas Achaeans could not even destroy Troy. Their own
world was threatened with invasion of the barbarians, and had to think about is safety, not about conquest [7].
But skeptics argue that these examples do not prove anything. Realities of Mycenaean culture are part of the
culture Achaean Greece, present in the poems as a distant echo of the poet and completely unfamiliar era. He has
no idea how to act chariots, the main striking force in the battle of the Mycenaean Greece. For the author it is just
a vehicle: the hero rides in a chariot to the place of the fight, and then fight on foot. Description of the royal
palaces in the poem "The Odyssey" shows that the author knows nothing about the water supply, nor of the
frescoes decorating the walls of the Mycenaean palaces, nor about writing, disappeared with the death of the
Achaean culture. Create epic poems separated from the real events four or five centuries. Until that time, the tales
of the Trojan War - aedami singers were passed from generation to generation by orally. Each storyteller and each
new generation have made them their understanding of the events and the characters' actions. Thus, the
accumulated error, there were new plot details, significantly distorts the original meaning. One event, absorbing
and acquiring other poetic details gradually could turn into a grand march Greek Achaeans against Troy, which
could not be had. Moreover, archaeological finds made on the hill Hissarlik, do not prove that a settlement is
found exactly Troy.
However, to deny the existence of the city of Troy, somewhere in the north- western district of Asia Minor
impossible. Documents from the archives of the Hittite kings suggest that the Hittites knew and the city of Troy,
and the city of Ilion (in Hittite version "Truisa" and "Wilusa"), but, apparently, as two different, located in the
neighborhood of the city, and not one under the double name, as in the poem. The Hittites also knew Ahhiyawa
country, a powerful state with to which they competed for dominance over these cities. Scientists believe that
Ahhiyawa - a country of the Achaeans, but it is not clear where it was. Maybe it is the western part of Asia Minor,
or next to her islands, or the entire Balkan Greece. Between the Hittite power and Ahhiyawa conflict was over the
city of Ilion, but it was settled by peaceful way. Documents do not tell about any large-scale military conflict
between the Achaeans and Troy Hittite.
What conclusion can be drawn by comparing the data from the archives of the Hittite kings and poetic
narrative of the expedition against Troy? Some connection between them can be traced, but it is very unclear as
there is no exact match. Apparently, oral folklore underlying the poem, together events from different times were
pressed: a failed attempt Greek Achaeans to subdue Troas region (it is traced through the tragic fate of the heroes
of the Achaeans after the capture of Troy) and the destruction of the city of Ilion and Troy as a result of invasions
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Жас ғалым. Ізденістер. Мәселелер. Зерттеулер» сериясы, №1(5), 2015 ж.
of so-called "sea Peoples" which shook the entire ancient Mediterranean world at the end of the XII century BC.
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