№4(76)/2014 Серия педагогика

Professionally oriented approach to the law students

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Professionally oriented approach to the law students  
language teaching  
The article considered the meaning and essence of professionally oriented approach to teaching a foreign lan-
guage lawyer's specialty. Analyzed occupational characteristics, features of professional thinking and con-
sciousness of a lawyer. Noted that professional foreign language teaching has its own peculiarities, and is 
based on competence and student-centered approach, in which the student is an active participant in the edu-
cational process. The authors pointed out that along with the traditional methods of effective language teach-
ing technologies of e-learning promotes the quality of law students language teaching. 
Key words: foreign language teaching, law students, professionally oriented approach, portrait of professional 
lawyer, teaching methods.  
Globalization of the world economy, integration and internationalization of various spheres of human 
activity are responsible for the new requirements for professionals in the field of international law, whose 
professionalism depends on the level and quality of their communicative readiness to engage in business dia-
logue with other cultures.  Russia's accession to the Bologna process has given a new impetus to the modern-
ization of education, led to the introduction of a new generation of standards, the implementation of compe-
tence-based approach in education.  
Introduction of competence-based approach, according to scientists, the regulatory and practical com-
ponent of education allows to solve the problem that is typical for the Russian education system, where stu-
dents can master the set of theoretical knowledge, but have great difficulty in activities requiring the use of 
this knowledge to solve specific problems or problem situations. There are key competencies in learning a 
foreign language in high school such as: the ability to learn, interest in learning a foreign language and cul-
ture, the desire for self-development, personal qualities and skills to raise the level of intellectual and cultural 
development. Essential aspects of the competence approach includes personal relation of the student to the 

Professionally-oriented approach… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
developing of a particular competence and to his own educational activities, which provides the motivation 
of students and develop their independence [1].
According to the requirements of the Federal State education standards of higher professional education 
of the third generation in Russia, a graduate of law should have, along with professional, general cultural 
competence, which implies fluency in Russian and foreign languages as a means of business communication.  
Thus, foreign communication becomes an essential component of professional activity, and the role of 
discipline «Foreign Language» in the universities increases significantly in their professional activities.  
Aсcording to professionally-oriented approach to teaching a foreign language at universities, which in-
cludes formation of law students the ability of foreign language communication in specific professional
business, academic fields and situations, taking into account the characteristics of professional thinking in 
the organization of motivational and incentive and approximately research activities.  By profession-oriented 
teaching refers to teaching, based on the needs of students in learning a foreign language, dictated by the 
characteristics of their future profession or specialty.  It involves a combination of mastering professional-
oriented foreign language with the development of personal qualities of students, culture knowledge of the 
country of the studied language and the acquisition of specific skills, based on the professional and linguistic 
knowledge.  The essence of professionally-oriented foreign language teaching lies in its integration with sub-
specialties in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally signifi-
cant qualities of the person.  
Portrait professional lawyer consists of the characteristics of the context: professional  thinking and pro-
fessional consciousness.  Russian and French lawyers, psychologists, philosophers who have studied the 
quality of legal thinking, talking and writing about his high consistency, seeing in it the features of formal 
thought — deductive / the output based on the principle of the syllogism.  Thinking lawyer qualifies as a log-
ical-formal.  It requires precision, unambiguous starting positions and relies on the strict regulations set by 
law.  This kind of thinking that correspond to formal logic, rightly attributed to practical thinking lawyer.  At 
the same time representatives of the legal profession must possess the qualities of creative, dialectical think-
ing, manifested in a problematical, agility, speed, latitude, criticality [2].  
In general, professional thinking lawyer allows the subject to realize such activities as proof, reasoning, 
interpretation, commentary, constitute its specific characteristics.  As the considered problem is a problem of 
language (speech) — thinking — activity is assumed that learning a foreign language speech activity, carried 
out in unity with the development of thinking, should be organized on the basis of both voice and mental ac-
Based on this, it is logical to conclude that learning a foreign language professionally oriented speech 
activity causes the simultaneous development of professional thinking.  In other words, correct to assert that 
the formation of a special foreign language communicative competence of any category of workers is inevi-
tably associated with the formation of the corresponding methods of their professional thinking.  
Profession international lawyer should be attributed to increased speech professions responsibility.  This 
is one of those professions where the word is a professional tool, from which, in relation to the context of 
this legal specialization depends reality  signing the contract, the success of national firms, protection from 
the risks of business failure. Thus, the activities of a lawyer, as well as any sphere of human activity, can be 
seen through the communication.  In these conditions, it is about learning professional communication, 
which scientists refer to specific types of social communication, as it is carried out, thanks to the special 
knowledge, governed by a set of codified rules and has a value within a particular social group.  
Currently, teaching science to develop sufficient learning models teaching a foreign language at of uni-
versities.  The most significant of these are:  
 Emotional and semantic method of I.Y. Schechter.  The main way of mastering verbal communication 
the author sees in reliance on meaning in a role-playing game.  The main means of the method is the 
system of communicative tasks.  On the basis of this method, developed three cycles of learning a 
foreign language.  The object of the first cycle is the development of students speech skills and oppor-
tunities that provide communication in the most common situations.  Grammar is not taught, there is 
no homework. The second cycle will reach a business communication to deployed monologue speech.  
Introduced  base for the conversion, referencing, developing writing skills, studied grammar.  Stu-
dents' work is held in the form of gaming and specialized problem situations on the material of gen-
eral scientific and socio-political nature.  In the third cycle occurs  further specialization and standard-
ization of speech.  Pictures are special texts, business documents and correspondence related to the 
professional activities of the learner.  

E.R.Koleуeva, I.A.Bobykina 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
 Proposed L. Gegechkori intensive course of learning a foreign language involves the succession of 
cycles of oral speech (voice training) and intermenstrual phases of learning.  
Inter-cycle stage mainly provides training tools and language and communication skills in students.  In-
ter-cycle time is the conscious development of the linguistic material, which was seen in the communicative 
 «Immersion-course» of A.S.Plesnevich is designed for the initial level of proficiency in the amount of 
language high school.  The ultimate goal of «immersion» is to train scientists to communicate with 
their foreign counterparts in terms of the scientific and professional activities.  The course of «immer-
sion» in its aims, content and results in a more consistent cycles carried out on the basis of Lozanovs 
Methodological the model of the law students language teaching has to reproduce the process that real-
ize through the methods aimed at:  
 mastering student substance of the relevant educational and methodological materials, in which the 
methods and techniques found embodied in systems of practicing;  
 adequate technological support for the educational process; 
 the technique of the law students language teaching provides cognitive, procedural and personal de-
velopment of the learner; 
 the integration process of the forming the professional competence and the learning a foreign lan-
guage in high school;  
 the construction of individual learning way and model of teaching a foreign language;  
 the provision of teaching and promoting the ability and readiness to lifelong language self-education;  
 assessing the special foreign language communicative competence of the law students.  
Speaking about the models of teaching a foreign language, it should be noted the increasing role of e-
learning, which in recent years has become an integral part of the educational process in higher education 
and is used in all forms of education.  The use of e-learning to enhance the quality of education through the 
use of quickly replenishing the world's educational resources and due to the fact that while using the e-
learning and distance learning technologies increases the proportion of independent work of students during 
the development of the material.  Particularly relevant e-learning becomes under administration of the federal 
state educational standards of the new generation and the associated decline in classroom work to increase 
and expand forms of independent work of students, for the organization of which e-learning opportunities.  
People's interest in e-learning is so powerful that many high schools began to consider the inclusion of 
on-line courses in their programs as an essential component.  Various theoretical and practical online courses 
are becoming more and more popular among the population.  
E-learning is a major challenge to modern universities, the traditional system of language education.  
With the rapid development of society, engineering and technology, the changing nature of information cul-
ture, the development of social services, and technology, which make information technologies accessible to 
everyone, and change the nature of communication, modern online education has enormous potential for the 
realization of completely new ideas in the law students language teaching. 
1  Хомякова Н.П. 
международников в условиях контекстного обучения. — М.: Тезаурус, 2008. — 274 с. 
2  Бобыкина И.А. Формирование культуры лингвосамообразования при обучении иностранному языку в высшей шко-
ле: концепция и методика. — Челябинск: Энциклопедия, 2011. — 272 с. 

Professionally-oriented approach… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
Э.Р.Колеева, И.А.Бобыкина  
Болашақ заңгер студенттерді шет тіліне  
кəсіби бағдарланған түрде оқыту 
Мақалада  заң  мамандығы  бойынша  шет  тілін  оқытудағы  кəсіби  бағытталған  көзқарастың  мəні  мен 
табиғаты  қарастырылды.  Заңгердің  кəсіби  қасиеттері,  кəсіби  ойлауы  мен  санасының  ерекшеліктері 
талданған.  Болашақ  заңгерлердің  кəсіби  шет  тіліндегі  тілдесімінің  өзіндік  ерекшеліктері  бар  екені 
жəне  үйренуші  оқу  үдерісінің  белсенді  қатысушысы  болып  табылатын  құзыреттілікті  жəне  жеке 
тұлғаға  бағытталған  көзқарасқа  негізделетіні  айтылған.  Авторлар  мамандық  тілін  үйретудегі  тиімді 
дəстүрлі модельдермен қатар, электронды оқыту технологияларының да енгізілуі кəсіби заңгерлердің 
сапалы дайындығына үлесін қосатынына баса назар аударады. 
Э.Р.Колеева, И.А.Бобыкина  
Профессионально ориентированное обучение иностранному  
языку студентов — будущих юристов 
В статье рассматрены значение и сущность профессионально ориентированного подхода к обучению 
иностранному языку студентов юридических специальностей. Проанализированы профессиональные 
характеристики, особенности профессионального мышления  и сознания юриста. Отмечено, что обу-
чение профессиональному иноязычному общению будущих юристов имеет свою специфику и осно-
вывается  на  компетентностном  и  личностно-ориентированном  подходе,  при  котором  обучающийся 
является активным участником образовательного процесса. Авторами подчеркнуто, что наряду с эф-
фективными  традиционными  моделями  обучения  языку  специальности  внедрение  технологий  элек-
тронного обучения способствует качественной подготовке профессионалов-юристов. 
1  Homyakova N.P. The formation of a special foreign language communicative competence of international lawyers on the ba-
sis of a context approach, Мoscow: Tezaurus, 2008, 274 p. 
2  Bobykina I.A. Developing a culture of self education in foreign language teaching in high school: concept and methodology, 
Chelyabinsk: Enciklopedia, 2011, 272 p. 

Вестник Карагандинского университета 
UDC 378.147.88 
G.N.Akbayeva, N.Ramashov 
Yе.A.Buketov Karaganda State University 
(E-mail: rgul.ksu@mail.ru) 
The main stages of international cooperation development in the sphere  
of higher education in Kazakhstan 
The paper presents an analysis of the current status of international cooperation, historical and pedagogical 
conditions of formation and development of the phenomenon. The authors analyzed the works of foreign and 
domestic scientists, periodization of the development of external relations in the system of higher education 
based on the systematization of archival materials, training documentation of Kazakh universities was pro-
posed, positive experience of Russian universities was generalized. The necessity of a radical revision of the 
organizational, structural and ideological changes, updates the content of education, improve the quality of 
training requirements in accordance with the present stage of development of Kazakh society and global inte-
gration processes in the world educational space. 
Key words: international cooperation, foreign students, training, academic mobility, periodization, the inter-
national education market, education, external relations of universities, training, national education system. 
Priority areas of Kazakhstan Republic education system is a growing and deepening integration into the 
world educational space. A new approach to solving the problems of education in the world has necessitated 
a radical revision of the organizational, structural and ideological changes, updates the content of education, 
improve the quality of training requirements in accordance with the present stage of development of Kazakh 
society and global integration processes in the world educational space. In this regard, problems of interna-
tional educational exchanges, including the training of foreign students in our country are updated. Modern 
science has hitherto insufficiently carried out research into the history of international cooperation of the Re-
public of Kazakhstan in the field of education, where would be found an objective reflection of the state pol-
icy in the field of education, aspects of its development, the analysis of difficulties and mistakes made on the 
stage of international relations in the field of education. In addition, it can be argued that the problem of the 
status of external relations of Kazakhstan in the field of education has not been sufficiently researched in the 
Kazakh historiography, not assessed the origins and dynamics of these processes. Therefore, we attempted to 
determine the historical and educational prerequisites of foreign students study at universities of Kazakhstan. 
In order to identify the historical and pedagogical prerequisites of foreign students training at universities in 
Kazakhstan it is advisable to decide on the periodization of the development of international cooperation in 
the field of education. Periodization of the main stages of development of pedagogical science and education 
has always been problematic: there is still no consensus on the reasons for identification and classification of 
epochs, stages. In December 1958, at a meeting of historians of pedagogy, convened by the Research Insti-
tute of Theory and Pedagogy of the RSFSR Academy to discuss the plan publication history of national 
schools and pedagogy from the earliest times to the present day in 10 volumes, it was formed a committee, 
headed by F.F. Korolev. The periodization, which was adopted in civil history, was taken into consideration, 
reflecting the main points in the development of society, which influenced society in the development of the 
school and pedagogy.  
The Commission determined the periodization, which could be well development stages of secondary 
school; vocational education and pedagogy, as each of these stages have their own specific characteristics. 
As a result, the following periodization scheme of the Soviet school and pedagogy was adopted at the meeting: 
1) the beginning of the radical transformation of the school and the establishment of Soviet pedagogy 
2) fight for the establishment of the socialist school (1921–1930);  
3) the implementation of universal primary education and seven years study, the fight for a strong ab-
sorption of Sciences, for the full restoration of the rights of pedagogy (1931–1940); 
4) School and pedagogy during the war and in the postwar years, the recovery of public education 

The main stages of international… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
5) a new system of school education, a comprehensive restructuring of the secondary polytechnic 
school on the basis of combining education with productive labor and the new challenges of pedagogy (1956 
and onwards).  
Of course, the proposed scheme of periodization of the Soviet school and pedagogy are merely exem-
plary and are not claimed to be a solution of the whole problem. Consensus in its occasion was missing. In-
vestigation of the methodological problems of periodization is continued.  
The rich heritage of historical and cultural, historical and pedagogical past of Kazakhstan, all its peoples 
and the peoples of the USSR, can and should be fully taken into account in the periodization of the stages of 
development of both science and education. This will get rid of all the negative and unproductive things in 
education and use the accumulated valuable experience in working for further improvement of the education 
system of Kazakhstan.  
To identify periods and stages of formation and development of the school and pedagogy in Kazakhstan 
are strongly influenced by the following factors:  
 social-and-economic status and development of the USSR and Kazakhstan;  
 the political and inter-ethnic dialogue, the attitude of the country;  
 historical, cultural and ethnopedagogical heritage, traditions of the Kazakh and other nations of Ka-
 level of literacy, educational and professional skills of the staff;  
 the condition and development of the system of general and vocational education in the country.  
There are different points of view on the problem of periodization of the development of pedagogical 
science and thoughts in Kazakhstan. One was based on the era of the Kazakh Khanate (XIV-XV centuries), 
others do not agree with this. Periodization proposed by professor S.K. Kaliyev [1, 2] consists of eight periods:  
1) pedagogy of primitive society era (Stone Age);  
2) pedagogy of Saks and Huns era (military pedagogy, VII century B.C. — V century A.D.);  
3) education of the Great Turkic Khanate era (VI–IX centuries);  
4) pedagogy of the Arab Caliphate era (X–XV centuries);  
5) pedagogy of Kazakh Khanate era (XV–XVIII centuries);  
6) pedagogy of reunification with Russia, Kazakhstan era (18–20 s of the XX century); 
7) pedagogy of Soviet Kazakhstan era (Soviet pedagogy 20–91th year of XX century);  
8) education of Independent Kazakhstan (since 1991).  
The above mentioned periodization reflects ethnopedagogical culture of the people, which in its compo-
sition has a block of folk knowledge and experience of the people's education of children and youth.  
According to Hrapchenkov G.M., Hrapchenkov V.G. [3, 4], especially the development of the historical 
and pedagogical knowledge, a comprehensive school, periodization of historical and pedagogical science in 
Kazakhstan should be designed taking into account the peculiarities of historical periods in the development 
of science, school, teaching science, not only in the USSR but also in Kazakhstan, as each national republic 
has its own specific features of the historical and cultural development.  
Khrapchenkov G.M. believes that the historical period from October 1917 to 1991 can be called the pe-
riod of the existence and functioning of the Soviet Kazakhstan, therefore, the historical period of functioning 
of the Soviet school and pedagogy. In this period, Professor Khrapchenkov G.M. identifies three stages: from 
the early 20's to early 30's; 30–50-ies; 50–90-ies. Also, within each segment, it highlights the peculiar phases 
characterized by specific features of the development and functioning of the Soviet school.  
It should be noted that since the end of the XX century in the education system there is a tendency to-
wards globalization historical and pedagogical heritage based on the integration of national education sys-
tems. Human values are enriched and developed in the variety and interaction of national traditions, cultures, 
educational and educational systems.  
These two types of periodization see the development of the history of education, educational thought, 
the major changes in the system of secondary, vocational, higher education and the independence of the in-
dividual disciplines, acquiring theoretical and practical significance in independent Kazakhstan.  
Analysis of the works of scientists showed that the extensive work done by the definition of the main 
stages of development of pedagogical, ethnopedagogical and national history, therefore, educational science 
in general.  
But taking into consideration the essence of our study (foreign students training), consider it appropriate 
to rely on the development of international cooperation in the field of higher education of the Soviet Union 
and the Independent Kazakhstan.  

G.N.Akbaуeva, N.Ramashov 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
Analysis of archival materials, training documentation Kazakh universities allowed us to distinguish 
three periods of development of external relations in higher education: 
 The first period — the Soviet period, from 1970 to 1980;  
 The second period — the Soviet period, from 1980 to 1990;  
 The third period — the period of independence of Kazakhstan, from 1990 to the present.  
The basis for the selection of the first period was the fact that in Kazakhstan the first foreign students 
arrived in the 70 years of the twentieth century. Although the history of their training in the Soviet Union has 
its origins in the 20s, when the countries of the East have been recruited the first foreign students began 
training from April 21, 1921 at the Communist University of the Toilers of the East (TAS). This date may 
well be considered the beginning of the history of planning in the Soviet Union national specialists for for-
eign countries. TAS experience has become an important source of improvement of educational work with 
foreign students for the next decade [5]. Prior to its collapse of the USSR was the third country in the world 
with the largest number of foreign students, second only to the United States and France. About 150 coun-
tries send students to study in the Soviet Union, in accordance with inter-state agreements and through the 
Soviet public organizations that provide them with their scholarships. At this time, to determine the list of 
specialties, which was being prepared for working with foreign students. It was rigidly set the scope of edu-
cational institutions that were supposed to carry out this training. The original control system was formed, 
engaged in teaching and training of citizens of foreign countries. The specificity of this system is to imple-
ment the ideas of the communist education of children and students. From the first days of its existence, the 
country of the Soviets defended the principles of proletarian internationalism, pursuing a policy of develop-
ment, support and awakening of the revolution in other countries. Therefore, as a rule, were trained in the 
Soviet Union from developing countries and countries of the socialist countries. The faculty and administra-
tive staff was formed and employed in working with foreign students and professional holding its character-
istics, as well as providing effective assistance in the training of specialists for foreign countries [5, 6]. Fol-
lowing the Communist University of the Toilers of the East on the February 5 th, 1960 in Moscow was 
opened Peoples' Friendship University (PFU) [7]. The main objective of Peoples' Friendship University was 
assisting in the training of highly skilled and educated in the spirit of friendship of national staff in Asia, Af-
rica and Latin America, providing youth with these countries, especially from poor families, opportunities to 
get higher education. Duration of study was set at 4 years for agricultural, engineering, history and philology 
faculty, as well as economics and law faculties, physical and mathematical and natural sciences, and 5 years 
for the Faculty of Medicine. New University has become an integral part of the national high school. The 
government's decision, he was assigned to the educational institutions of the highest category with all the 
rights of public universities in the USSR. UDN founders were Union Central Council of Trade Unions 
(Trade Unions), the Soviet Committee for Solidarity with Asian and African countries, the Union of Soviet 
Societies for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries (USSF). March 24, 1963 by the 
founders of the University Council was established as the supreme organ of the university, that along with 
the Academic Council and the rector was a feature of the University. February 22, 1961 the University was 
named after Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Congo, whose short life was de-
voted to the struggle for the independence of their homeland. In 1992, the University was renamed the Rus-
sian Peoples' Friendship University (University). In the context of the studied issues of particular interest is 
the experience of teachers in the Department of the Russian language, which has developed a unique meth-
odology of teaching Russian language for foreign students. A feature of this technique is that the specificity 
of the phonetics of the native language for foreign students. Development of general and specific problems 
methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language has become one of the directions of research work of the 
department. Note that this experience later, until today, has led to the choice of foreign students the language 
of instruction in higher education institutions of the Union republics. For example, in modern universities of 
Kazakhstan foreign students in the vast majority are taught in Russian. 
From the very beginning of the University, all foreign and Russian students had the opportunity to get 
outside the core, the second degree — the translator of foreign languages. In 1964, the University has been 
accepted into the International Association of Universities (IAU). Throughout its history, the University of 
Peoples' Friendship consistently adhered to the traditions of classical universities in the world: the principle 
of continuity of educational and scientific processes. Its formation as a major research center crucially de-
pended on the selection of qualified faculty members, from setting research and training their own staff. The 
first decade of the Peoples' Friendship University has laid a solid foundation for its subsequent rapid devel-
opment. Ties UDN with universities of foreign countries, expanded international contacts in the field of edu-

The main stages of international… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 4(76)/2014 
cation. This experience of the Soviet system of education laid the foundation for the emergence, develop-
ment, international relations and Kazakh universities. Training of foreign citizens in Kazakhstan mainly took 
place in Almaty universities, carried out only in the direction of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Spe-
cial Education of the USSR (later the State Committee of the USSR) and was under constant and strict con-
trol of the All-Union Council for International Students, Alma-Ata city Council cases of foreign students, 
party, government, agency and law enforcement. First foreign students (56 people) in the 1978–1979 aca-
demic year in Kazakhstan came from 4 countries: the Democratic Republic of Mongolia — 6 people, Cuba 
— 46 people, Algeria - 3 students and 1 student from Jordan. Students are trained in the following universi-
ties of Almaty: Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after 
V.I.Lenin and the Alma-Ata State Conservatory [8], although by the end of the 80s in Kazakh universities 
were preparing virtually all major specialty groups [9, 10]. By this time there was a solid legal framework for 
admission, training and material support of foreign nationals, which consisted of nearly 100 departmental 
and interdepartmental regulations, instructions and orders. The activities of the Alma-Ata City Council on 
Foreign students focused on the tasks of the next Congress of the CPSU, the All-Union Council of the For-
eign Affairs Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 
«On the training of national human resources in the USSR and skilled workers to foreign countries». An ac-
tion plan reflects these areas of work, as the organization of the educational process, the ideological and edu-
cational work outside normal working hours, selection, placement and professional development. It should 
be noted that Kazakhstan's first experience in the development of external relations in the field of education 
in the 70–80 years was tough governed all-Union regulations designed to achieve ideological and political 
goals of the former superpower. This experience of Kazakhstani universities in the 70–80 years was investi-
gated from the standpoint of the state ideology of the USSR, so today there is an urgent need for its objective 
coverage. The Russian scientists, including Y.P.Kozhaev, who examined this issue and wrote dissertation 
research on the topic of «International activity of the CPSU to assist in the preparation of national expertise 
for developing countries (for example, co-operation between the countries of the Soviet Union and Afghani-
stan in 1920–1980.)» [11]. Among the works of Soviet scientists who have studied the individual areas of 
training of foreign specialists in the universities of the former USSR, it is possible to note theses of 
Dyakova A.P. «Improving the ideological work of the Komsomol organizations with foreign students of 
higher educational institutions of the USSR (1964–1974)» [12], Capitan D.S. «Participation of Belarusian 
SSR in the economic and cultural cooperation of the Soviet Union and the developing countries (1961–
1970)». These works are mainly devoted to the methodology and the specifics of teaching foreigners on edu-
cational and ideological work with them, as well as their conditions of life and cultural activities. In general, 
the problems of international cooperation of universities have not been adequately studied, because in all 
these years to prepare foreign specialists in Soviet universities, as well as international cooperation, had 
closed nature, controlled by public safety agencies. This made it difficult to obtain information, analysis and 
processing. Information on this issue is sometimes found in newspaper articles, brochures and individual in-
tra higher educational institutions’ publications. So for us a source of research material analysis are funds of 
the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK CSA) and the Almaty Central City Archives 
[13]. Of particular interest are documents, certificates, reports the current departments. For example, in the 
current archives department of external relations and international departments of higher education institu-
tions provides data on international relations in the field of education, the number of foreign students, inter-
state and inter-institutional agreements. 
So we marked the first period of the development of international cooperation of the national high 
school led to one of the most important historical and educational prerequisites training foreign students in 
universities in Kazakhstan, namely, developed an original system of education management of foreign citi-
zens with a straight chain of special bodies: All-Union Council of Foreign Affairs Council of the Union and 
the Council of Nationalities of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which controls and coordinates the activi-
ties of the city Soviets for foreign students. The latter, as a rule, are functioning in the capital cities of the 
Union republics. In general, this control system in this period is differed in political orientation. It is about 
the implementation of the principles of proletarian internationalism. Release of the second period in the de-
velopment of international cooperation in the field of education related to the socio-economic and political 
crisis, subsequently contributing to the failure of the official doctrines of Soviet pedagogy, and the useless-
ness of the communist ideology of education. This marked the beginning of the second period of national 
training for foreign countries, which was completed the collapse of the Soviet empire. The nature of changes 
in social relations and the education system as a social sub-structures of society led to the essence of the fol-

G.N.Akbaуeva, N.Ramashov 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
lowing historical and pedagogical background of training foreign students in modern universities in Kazakh-
stan: to strengthen and expand the system of management of international relations in higher education. 
Thus, in the management of higher education institutions under the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh So-
viet Socialist Republic was established Department on work with foreign students and foreign relations; 
since 1985, the Office of management and scientific-pedagogical personnel began his work the department 
of managers and external relations; in 1986 in the educational-methodical management of Higher Education 
created two sectors to work with foreign students. It was dictated by the need to control and regulate the 
growing contingent of foreign students in the universities of the Kazakh SSR (Table).  
T a b l e  

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