Why use mini sagas?
We use mini – saga because it’s easy to read, they focus on accuracy, it’s easy for readers
to understand, it’s develop your creative thinking also it has potential to be very motivating.
Structure/ Writing tips
Each mini-saga should have introduction, main body and conclusion. According to
Rajesh Setty’s Blog we listed mainly 6 tips on how to write mini-saga. There are:
1. Start with a message
2. Think of an action or an event to convey this message
3. Build the characters
4. Construct the plot
5. Write the story (without worrying about the length)
6. Adjust and Re-adjust until the story fits within the constraints (50 words)
There are three main benefits according to
Daniel Pink
via his book "A Whole New Mind”;
writing a mini saga develops your creativity, expands your thinking skills, and enhances your
Henry Widdowson suggested that there are two advantages of ESL poetry: awareness
and ability. This is one example of the benefits. A survey recent conducted found that mini saga
writing promoted students' thinking skills (creativity and critical thinking skills). The fact that a
mini saga required them to 'wrap it up' in 50 words encouraged/forced them to be careful about
their language use i.e. the length of sentences and punctuation use. Mini saga writing encourages
self-editing behavior. Students have to read and reread what they have written in order to make
the 50 word mini sagas. Also it has some disadvantages:
Creative writing may have some advantages for some people. It sometimes involves the
use of some 'irrational matters' this may hinder the use of one's rationality and scientificity.
Data Collection
To know the actuality of mini-saga between students and in EFL also ESL, we took survey
from both teachers and students. Moreover, as a case study, we took 3 students of intermediate
level and analyzed their sagas, by asking them to write mini sagas. We divided our research
into 4 steps:
Pre-survey (online survey)
Interview with experienced students and not experienced students
Interview with teachers
Research Findings
First, we wanted to know how many students know what mini-saga is, and how many do
not know. Therefore, our survey included only three questions:
Do you know what mini-saga is?
If yes, do you know techniques of writing mini-saga?
Have you ever written mini-saga?
After that, we published it in social community called ‘SDU life’. 61 students answered to
the first question, 53students to the second and 52 students to the third question, all participants
have different levels, but most of them are intermediate level.
Do you what mini-
saga is?
14= 23%
47 =77%
techniques of writing
17= 32%
36= 68%
written mini-saga?
8 = 15%
44 =85%
Table 1 Number of student’s aware of and using mini-sagas.
According to the results of the first step, most students have not heard about mini-saga
before and just few students knew about it and had an experience. Therefore, among survey
participants we chose four experienced students, who have written it before and four students
who do not know what mini saga is. We asked them whether writing mini-saga was beneficial
or not. Seven of eight found it beneficial.
Figure 1 Number of students who found writing mini-saga beneficial.
Another group was teachers. We interviewed 10 ELT teachers and asked following
Do you know what mini-saga is?
If yes, how useful it is in EFL and ESL?
Have you ever used it in your teaching?
What are the possible results? Positive and negative?
How did you know about this?
Figure 2 Awareness of SDU teachers about mini-sagas
According to teachers’ opinion mini-saga is a short written story, which has complete
idea, whole idea is described within few sentences, and the message is given. Teachers found
mini-saga beneficial if only it is used for the levels upper than pre-intermediate, because for
elementary students it would be a little bit difficult to deliver their ideas in the short amount of
words, as they need to practice vocabulary they have. But for upper level students writing mini-
saga is kind of talent to convey your message with a deeper meaning in a short amount of words.
Some teachers use mini-sagas in the reading and writing course and all of them would
like to use it in the future. However, at first students need good preparation to explain, to show
their idea clearly, for example writer has to know many synonyms of one word or has to know
how to compress information into smaller sentences to deliver the meaning. Teachers, especially
Not beneficial
Has heard, but exactly doesn't know
teachers of foundation courses have used writing mini-saga in teaching, because they organize
essay competition every year, and writing mini-saga is the last task. So their results were positive
to have rich vocabulary and to turn on imagination, and critical thinking. Moreover, writing long
essays every day discourages students. The only problem that students faced: they could not fit
their idea in 50 words. Therefore, paraphrasing, rephrasing and contraction helped them.
Case study
So the last step was experiment. We asked three students to write mini-saga on poverty.
We did not tell those students exact tips or structure. Then when we checked them, the first
student wrote 52 words instead of 50, had some grammar mistakes, also her idea was similar to
the story “The gift of the magi”. The peculiarity of mini-saga is to have unexpected or surprising
ending, the problem of second student was ending. The third student had only grammar
mistakes. After checking their mini- sagas, we gave their masterpieces with feedbacks to them
and asked to rewrite it by correcting mistakes. Due to our explanation and their level of English
they wrote mini-sagas perfectly by second chance. So they are convinced that it was kind of
challenging and kind of brainstorming.
As a result we found that it was generally agreed that writing mini-saga is interesting
because you have limitation and the aim, it is not boring. Even though mini-saga is very little,
it has morality, which is related to real life stories and students emphasize that they have not
enough time because of homework, projects and social life, so mini saga is very short to read
briefly and does not take a lot time. It is very clear from these observations that most students
found it beneficial to improve their vocabulary, because in order to express all feelings, emotions
and ideas in 50 words writer needs to know many collocations and special words. When we
asked students who have no idea, about what they thought mini saga is, some of them answered
that it is game, that it is twilight or vampires. After our explanation, they got interested in it and
said that it is a kind of challenge or risk, so they will try doing it. Just one student said that it is
not interesting for him, because he prefers free writing without limitations.
Limitations of the study
As limitation we can mention that the time was not enough to fulfill research, the number
of students, who have heard about mini-saga were not enough and it would be more legible if
we had different levels, not only intermediate.
As teachers mentioned writing mini-saga is beneficial in ESL and EFL, in cases below:
To improve vocabulary, by using shorter synonyms, idioms,
elisions/abbreviations, semi-colons instead of connectives.
To make lessons productive and enjoyable
To organize competition.
УДК 37.02; 371
Ayazhan Beisenaliyeva, Ulbike Rysmaganbet
Suleyman Demirel University
Біз бұл баяндамада музыканың ағылшын тілін игеруге пайдасын тигізетін
артықшылықтарын зерттедік. Музыканың үйрену процесіндегі рөлін анықтауға және оның
жағымды әсерлерін әр түрлі жолмен табуға тырыстық. Және жүргізген тәжірибелереміздің
негізінде жаңа оқыту әдісіне қол жеткізу.
In this research we investigated benefits of music for learning English as a foreign
language. We tried to identify the role of music in learning process and to reveal the positive effects
of music in various ways if there are any. And approach new method of teaching and learning
based on our experiments.
В этом докладе мы исследовали преимущества музыки для изучения английского
как иностранного языка. Мы попытались обнаружить роль музыки в процессе изучения и
найти позитивные эффекты музыки в разных путях. А также достичь нового метода
обучения который основан на наших экспериментах.
Key words
Music, education, learning, tests, effects of music, genres of music, Ron Clark method,
“Jazz Chants” of Carolyn Graham, “Mozart effect”.
"Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents" Ludwig van
Music is the art arranging tones in an orderly sequence so as to produce an unified and
continuous composition. In reality music does not have any concrete meaning. Music has different
meanings for different people. Music is unique in each person’s life. To a musician, music is life.
They eat, breath, and live with music. Music is their passion. For others, music is a hobby, a pass
time. Music is something that arouses interest and is pleasurable. The casual fan may learn about
music, how to read music, how to think or how to play a musical instrument, but they do not have
the all encompassing passion a musician possesses. Music is means of relaxation for some, while
others simply enjoy the sounds, melodies and rhythms that music brings to their ears, minds, and
hearts.(1) And it is said that to study it’s necessary to have a quiet environment without
distractions. However, for some, studying in a quiet environment can backfire. This ‘quiet
environment’ can make you end up fighting boredom and succumbing to the allure of sleeping at
your desk. This is why the importance of choosing the right music for studying can’t be
Although some studies say that listening to music while you study isn’t good, for many
people it is vital. It calms them down, which can lead to productive studying. Music can also help
elevate your mood and motivate you to study longer. The real challenge is to select the right music
for studying. The wrong type of study music may end up distracting you from your study. (2) This
research supports what we know from personal experience: music greatly affects and enhances our
learning and living. Research continues to be conducted to provide helpful guidelines for our
intentional use of music, especially in the classroom. This article, based on extensive research and
experience, will provide you with successful and valuable guidelines for incorporating music into
the teaching and learning environment − applicable to all ages and educational settings.
Research questions
Does music have any affects on learning?
What results are we anticipating from these experiments?
Can we add new techniques of teaching with the combination of music?
What can we expect from this investigation in the future?
Main body
The intentional use of music in the classroom will set the scene and learning
atmosphere to enhance our teaching and learning activities. Plus, using music for learning makes
the process much more fun and interesting. Music, one of the joys of life, can be one of the joys
of learning as well. With these techniques, using music in the classroom, we, as the future teachers,
can orchestrate a classroom environment that is rich and resonant − and provide learners with a
symphony of learning opportunities and a sound education. Music helps us learn because it will:
emphasize a positive learning state
create a desired atmosphere
energize learning activities
change mood
focus concentration
increase attention
improve memory
facilitate a multisensory learning experience
release tension
enhance imagination
provide inspiration and motivation
improve language skills(listening, reading, writing, speaking)
enhance pronunciation
Music is the doorway to the inner realms and the use of music during creative and
reflective times facilitates personal expression in writing, art, movement, and a multitude of
projects. Creation of musical compositions offers a pathway to express personal feelings and
beliefs in the language of musical sound. Background music is used to stimulate internal
processing, to facilitate creativity, and encourage personal reflection. Playing reflective music,
such as solo piano in either classical or contemporary styles, as students are writing or journaling
holds attention for longer periods of time than without the music. In one study, students wrote
twice as much with music than without.
In 1983 Howard Gardner, psychology professor at Harvard University, presented his
Multiple Intelligence theory based upon many years of research. Promoting the concept that
intelligence is not one entity but that there are many different forms of intelligence, Gardner has
awakened a revolution in learning. Multiple Intelligence teaching methods recognize eight (though
there may be more) forms of intelligence: visual-spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-
kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, and most recently naturalist. Multiple
Intelligence teachers strive to broaden students’ familiarity and skill levels in each area.
Development of the musical intelligence can be greatly aided by the use of music throughout the
curriculum. In addition to learning about musical elements and how to create music, the musical
intelligence involves developing an ability to respond to musical sound and the ability to use music
effectively in one's life. More students listen and respond to a variety of music, more they will
know about music on a personal, real-experience level, the deeper will be their understanding of
why people throughout time and around the world create music, the greater will be their ability to
use music productively in their lives, and the more eager they will develop their musical skills
because they will understand, appreciate and enjoy music more. (3)
We took multiple intelligence test from 10 students. And their results were: 6 students
are intrapersonal, 2 students interpersonal, 4 students are musical.
Also we took English level test from 10 students. This test showed all students’ level
in written comprehension is the same: effective operational proficiency. 3 students got 80%, 5
students got 85%, and 2 students got 90%.
There are a lot of types of music genres: blues, rock, pop, rap& hip hop, classical
and others. The most popular genres which affect learners are classical and rock music. For
example, rock music affects people negatively, destroy concentration, rap songs often promote
anger, misogyny and violence. Classical music helps for concentration and relaxation. Also many
scientists determined and admitted “Mozart effect”. Its affects are: improves test scores, calms
hyperactive children and adults, reduces errors, improves creativity and clarity, heals the body
faster, integrates both sides of the brain for more efficient learning, raises IQ scores 9 points and
also relieve stress, improve communication and increase efficiency.(3)
We interviewed five students to know their opinions. These questions were:
Do you like listening to music? What type of music?
Can you do anything while listening to music (reading, getting ready for the class,
preparing speeches or presentation)
Which variant do you prefer? Just having off words by reading or having off words
with rhythm?
Their answers for the first question were the same. Three of them answered that they
listen to classical music and two of them listen to pop music. Their answers for the second question
were also the same, all of them preferred to listen to classical music, because it helped concentrate
and avoided from anxiety. Most of students often listen to music while reading because it helps to
isolate from noisy environment. Music gave them a little bit motivation when they were tired from
studies. For the last question just two of them preferred having off words with rhythm. As they
said it remembered in memory quickly and easily, and three of them preferred having off words
by reading.
We interviewed 3 teachers. The questions were:
Do you use music in your classes?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using music in language
Which skills can be developed through music?
First teacher used to use music in her classes but now she doesn’t. Due to lack of
time. Earlier English classes’ duration was much more like 5-6 hours, nowadays English classes’
duration is only 2-3 hours by the way music takes time. Second teacher replied that he also used
music, but now he doesn’t, because his teaching method has changed, also taste between him and
young generation is different now. Third teacher used but only sometimes. For the next question
all teachers answered similarly. The advantages are, first of all, music is interesting, fun, grabs
students’ attention. Then music is easy way to learn slangs, phrases, collocations, words, it teaches
jargons, spoken language. Disadvantages are also jargons, slangs because they are too informal.
For the last question, also, teachers answered same. First of all, it aids to listening skill, enrich
vocabulary, pronunciation, speaking and writing because students should produce after listening,
then reading because if students used to sing a song with lyrics they tend to read faster than others.
We checked students’ grammar by playing 3 different types of music on the same
level (intermediate) and topic (present perfect and past simple). They are rock, pop and classic. In
this experiment 10 students took part. First of all, we played rock music and observed. And their
answering took a long time, 5 minutes, also made maximum 8 mistakes out of 10, they seemed
concerned and tried to concentrate but it took more than 5 minutes for some students to answer.
Then we observed students during pop music, they answered within 3-4 minutes, but made
maximum 5 mistakes. It showed better results than rock music because it is quieter and without
hard beats which annoyed students’ ears and brains. During classical music students seemed
enjoying with rhythm, they wrote, under the rhythm shaking heads like relaxing, faster than the
previous ones, concentrated on writing, it took less time, over 2 minutes, also they could check
again their answers within that time, it gave better results, they made maximum 2-3 mistakes.
In our hypothesis we stated beneficial usage of music in learning languages,
Our anticipation vindicated, in English grammar test we saw good results with the
combination of different types of music. During rock music they couldn’t focus their attention on
the test due to beaten rhythm, they energized, want to move their body, they wandered whether to
remark or do something else. Pop music is funny, merry, also grabbed attention. Under the
monotonous rhythm of classical music, first of all, classical music didn’t grab attention then gentle
sound of the violin relaxed students, like sitting in the clear, crystal air alone without someone’s
By analyzing interview answers of students we came to decision that everyone likes
and listens to music, especially pop. Most students admitted if they would hear a piece of song
they memorize after 2-3 repeating and they accustomed to sing every day before memorizing,
singing another song. By the way we can see one of the positive effects of any kind of music to
memorize easily. Teachers’ answers were also a little bit correlated with students’ answers.
According to their replies music develops skills mostly: listening, speaking, and pronunciation,
also can give friendly, pleasant atmosphere in the class environment.
The findings indicate that music is easy way to learn languages, also music can help
create ideas, motivate, inspire people, concentrate, change mood positively, can close people in
accordance with their tastes in music, provide funny, cheerful atmosphere, and it can develop
bilateral activity of teacher and learners.
Along of time limit we couldn’t check our other experiments precisely, deeply but in
the future we aim to maintain, develop this research by using different experiments and add exactly
explored technique in language learner classes.
УДК 37(094)
Yermekova Rauza
Suleyman Demirel University
Philology faculty: Two foreign Languages PhD Brent Davis
Abstract. This work concerns using popular songs to teach English, especially vocabulary
since learning vocabulary is one of the key elements in learning a foreign language and has always
caused students difficulties. Thornbury quotes the linguist David Wilkins to stress the importance
of learning vocabulary: "Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing
can be conveyed“(2002:13).
Key words: music, education,
Түйіндеме: Бұл зеттеу жұмысы ағылшын тіліндегі танымал әндерін қолдану арқылы
ағылшын тілін, әсіресе тілдің сөздік қорын үйретуді негізге алады. Себебі, тілдің сөздік
қоры шет тілді үйренудегі негізгі қағидаларының бірі болумен қатар оқушыларға қиындық
тудыратын арналардың бірі. Бұл жөнінде Торнбери тілдің сөздік қорын үйрену
маңыздылығын атап өту үшін лингист Давид Вилкинстің сөзіне былай деп пікір қосқан:
«Тілде грамматикасыз аз нәрсе түсіндіріледі, алайда сөздік қорсыз еш нәрсе түсіндірілмес»
Түйінді сөздер: музыка, білім, анализ жасау
“Music is the universal language of mankind.” (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
“When students make a major breakthrough in learning, it is music to a teacher's ears. There is
nothing more rewarding for a teacher, than seeing their students smile and laugh while they learn.
The same can be said for students. Students who are taught in a fun and creative way, love coming
to class. Using music in the classroom is a great way for teachers to achieve success with L2
learners. Oliver Wendall Holmes suggests taking a musical bath once a week, saying that music is
"to the soul what water is to the body."
Language cannot be detached from a person’s life; it almost becomes air to breath. People can do
many things such as sharing their feeling and setting information, knowledge and anything they
want by using language. It can happen because language is a means of communication that
“bridges” one’s mind to others’.
There are five international languages, namely Japanese, Chinese, France, Arabic and English. Of
these international languages, English has become the most widely used in all the world since most
of the sources of information are written in English and due to the process of globalization
communicating in English has become a need in all fields: science, technology, culture, education,
etc. For this reason, teaching in all fields of education, has increased, given that most of the
information needed in different places and situations comes in this language. More and more
universities are aware of these processes, so that, they are interested to prepare their students and
new professionals not only in their specific areas, but also in a target language. Furthermore,
teachers are also interested in improving the English students’ level. That is partially why my
research was focused on vocabulary since it is an essential issue to develop students`
communication competence.
However, I would like tell why I have chosen this exact topic. There are three main reasons. The
first reason is my personal experience and the anecdotes of some of my friends, who had taught
themselves English while studying at school. They would look up the lyrics of their beloved songs
in a dictionary, and listening to their favorite songs made them never forget those words and
enriched their vocabulary stock. Nevertheless, I have had good background knowledge and
experience in this method and that interest led me to this research. I also wanted to find out if this
method would be as successful with other students. Secondly, it is also a very cheap way to
improve your skills. You can even do it for free, by listening to the radio. Moreover, you’ll be able
to listen to how words are pronounced so your ear will get used to English phonetics. Also, if you
sing the songs aloud you’ll be practicing your pronunciation as well. And the third reason is that
there are many students at school and university who love and listen to music most of the time on
their mobile phones and MP3 players. There are usually problems with them on a daily basis
listening to their favorite music on headphones even during lessons. That is why I thought that I
could make use of their habit and listen to music in the lessons - studying the lyrics of those songs
making the lessons more enjoyable and, hopefully, more effective.
Music and songs, according to many scholars, are among the best ways of teaching a
foreign language. The authors of Spectrum (Prentice-Hall Regents Publications) state that "Songs
are an important aspect of culture, representing the history, folklore, and current idiom of a
country. Singing can build students’ confidence by allowing them to enjoy a degree of fluency in
English before they have achieved it in speaking." Also, songs can be incorporated in all language
skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking).
Review of Literature:
Almost everyone loves music. It is a part of our language and life from before birth
onwards. As babies, we hear lullabies. As young children we play, sing and dance to a myriad of
nursery rhymes. As adolescents, we are consumed by the beat of popular music artists worldwide.
As adults, every form of advertising we hear, every special event we experience, is in part, music.
Music pervades television, movies, theater, and even the nightly news. When we exercise, when
we work, when we play, when we worship and even when we die, music is there to reinforce or
alter our every mood and emotion. A catchy tune is played, hummed or sung, at times in our head,
as we go about our everyday lives. So, why not include music and songs in language learning as
well? Accordingly, this study is about teaching English vocabulary effectively by using popular
English music and songs in the EFL class.
In fact, there is a lot of information about this research area, and it was hard to review all
of it. However, having read many articles, diploma theses from the books about music and
vocabulary. The last are Tecniques in teaching Vocabulary (Virginia French Allen), Music and
Song (Alan Maley and Tim Murphy) and Language is Music: Over 70 fun & easy tips to learn
Foreign Languages (Suzanna Zaraisk). The second one was very interesting and I have found
much interesting information about using songs in the classroom and some suggestions for popular
songs. I tried out two of the activities in my EFL class; they were setting music as a background
and acting out about PR managers.
Benefits of using Music
Studies have shown that music...
improves concentration
improves memory
brings a sense of community to a group
motivates learning
relaxes people who are overwhelmed or stressed
makes learning fun
helps people absorb matter
"Music stabilizes mental, physical and emotional rhythms to attain a state of deep concentration
and focus in which large amounts of content information can be processed and learned." Chris
Brewer, Music and Learning
Music in the classroom doesn’t always mean listening to a song and using the lyrics in some way.
Music can be used in the classroom in a multitude of ways. Here are just five ways to use music
in your classroom.
Set the scene: If music is playing as students enter the class it can be a nice way to settle
the group. Give the class a few minutes to settle down and then turn the volume down slowly and
use the end of the music as an indicator to the students that the class will begin.
Change the tempo: Music can be used to calm down an over-excited class or to wake up
a sleepy one. If you know that your students have high energy levels and sometimes need to calm
down, try playing some relaxing music to put on as they work. At first they may find it strange but
they will get used to it. With sleepy teenagers, try putting some of their favourite tunes on as they
work. It may help to increase their energy levels.
Time limits: Instead of telling students they have two minutes to finish a task, or with very
young learners a minute to tidy the room up after a craft activity, tell them they have until the end
of the song. Play the music and when the song ends students should be paying attention ready to
listen to the instructions to change tasks.
Feelings: Different types of music will provoke very different reactions within your
students. You can explore this by playing a selection of different types of music for a minute or so
each and asking students to write some adjectives of how they feel when listening to the different
Musical drawings: Give each student a piece of paper and some colored pencils. Tell them
that you are going to play some music and you want them to draw whatever comes into their heads.
As music is playing, all students should be drawing. After 20 or 30 seconds, stop the music.
Students stop drawing and pass their picture to the person to the left of them in the circle. Play the
music again and they continue with the drawing the person next to them had started. Stop the music
again, pass pictures on and this continues until the end of the song. When you have finished each
student will have a picture that several students contributed to. Then it’s up to you what to do with
the pictures. They can be used to describe to the group, to write a story about, or to pretend they
were a dream the student had last night. The rest of the class can try to analyze the meaning of the
Use different types of music to get different types of pictures. I’ve found that reggae and samba
produce happy beach scenes and dance music gets futuristic city scenes.
Beware – with teenagers this activity can be quite an eye-opener as it tends to reveal what is going
on in their brains!
Using songs
Songs provide a valuable source of authentic language and there are hundreds of ways to exploit
them in the classroom. The internet has made it very easy to find the lyrics of songs. A search on
Google with the name of the band, the song title and the word ‘lyrics’ will bring up a selection of
sites you can use. Once you have copied and pasted the lyrics into a word document it is quick and
easy to make an effective worksheet. Here is a selection of ideas for you to try.
Classic gap-fill: Every language student at some point has been given a song to listen to
and the lyrics with gaps in for them to fill in as they listen. This activity is not as simple as it
sounds and before making one yourself think about why you’re taking out certain words. It may
be better to take out all the words in one group, such as prepositions or verbs, and tell students
what they should be listening out for. Another option is to take out rhyming words. Don’t be
tempted to take out too many words, eight or ten is normally enough. To make the task easier you
could provide the missing words in a box at the side for the students to select, or you could number
the gaps and provide clues for each number.
Spot the mistakes: Change some of the words in the lyrics and as students listen they have
to spot and correct the mistakes. As with the gap-fill limit the mistakes to a maximum of eight or
ten and if possible choose a word set. You could make all the adjectives opposites for example.
Another example of this for higher levels is to show the students the real lyrics and you correct the
English and make it proper! E.g. ‘gonna’ change to ‘going to’ ‘we was’ change to ‘we were’ etc.
This is a good way to focus on song language.
The method of teaching vocabulary through music led to excellent results when students were
tested on vocabulary of their favorite songs. As mentioned earlier, there were other positive aspects
of this method. The atmosphere during the lessons was better than during “ordinary” lessons. The
students were more focused and more interested. Some pupils expressed their interest in searching
and working on more lyrics of their favorite songs.
To sum up, this method is highly effective if the song used is the students’ favorite and appropriate
to students’ language level.
This research is valid just for a couple of years because songs are updated all the time, but good
songs stay in our hearts forever. Also the study could have different results with other nationalities
due to various reasons (cultural, religious, economic, etc) and is mainly based on answers of
students of Kazakh school-universities.
4/1 - СЕКЦИЯ
УДК 376
Агадил Алмагуль Нуржановна
Университет имени Сулеймана Демиреля
Бұл мақалада Қазақстанда жетім балалардың саны көбеюінің себептері
қарастырылады, сонымен қатар осы мәселені шешу жолдары зерттеледі.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматриваются причины возрастания числа детей-
сирот в Республике Казахстан и пути решения данной проблемы.
Abstract.This article discusses the reasons for the growing number of orphans in the
Republic of. Kazakhstan and the ways to solve this problem. Bu makalede Kazakistan Cumhuriyeti
yetim giderek artan sayıda ve bu sorunu çözmek için yollar nedenlerini tartışır.
Ущемление прав ребенка в Республике Казахстан продолжает оставаться одной из
острейших социальных проблем общества. Дети являются наименее способной к
самозащите своих прав частью нашего общества, а потому в большей степени подвержены
ущемлениям своих прав, нежели иные категории населения нашей страны.
Защита детей от насилия, эксплуатации и злоупотреблений является основной частью
защиты их права на жизнь, здоровый рост и развитие, и, следовательно, способствует
достижению многих целей в области развития. Обеспечение такой защиты представляет
собой сложный и болезненный процесс. В связи с тем, что на протяжении последнего
десятилетия во всем мире ярко проявились настоятельный характер и острота вопросов
защиты детей, правительства разных государств подписали международные конвенции в
области прав человека и утвердили новые правила, сформулированные в таких документах
как протоколы к Конвенции о правах ребенка(от 1989 года), касающиеся торговли детьми,
детского насилия, детской проституции, детской порнографии и участия детей в
вооруженных конфликтах. Однако сотни миллионов детей во всем мире по-прежнему
живут в условиях эксплуатации, жестокого обращения, насилия и безнадзорности, что еще
раз доказывает всю серьезность сохраняющихся трудностей.
Одним из самых явных доказательств присутствия детского насилия и ущемления прав
детей в Казахстане является доклад «Насилие в отношении детей в интернатных
учреждениях Казахстана: оценка положения» который провела Международный
консультант ЮНИСЕФ доктор Робин Хаарр. По итогам ее исследования были опрошены
997 детей и 630 сотрудников из 30 разных детских домов, приютов, специальных
организация для детей с девиантным поведением. Исследование проводилось в
Карагандинской, Алматинской и Восточно-Казахстанской областях. «Большинство детей,
подростков, подвергшихся физическому нападению, получили небольшие кровоподтеки,
царапины или порезы. В приютах (22,2 процента) и организациях для детей-сирот и детей,
оставшихся без попечения родителей (14,3 процента), значительное число детей также
сказали, что их избивали или били до потери сознания», – сказано в отчете.
процентов детей в приютах, 35 процентов в организациях для
детей-сирот и детей, оставшихся без попечения родителей, и 41 процент в учреждениях для
детей с девиантным поведением рассказали, что видели, как персонал применял насилие в
отношении детей, живущих в учреждениях», – говорится в отчете. Насилие в отношении
детей вызывает эмоциональный стресс, считают эксперты, и провоцирует их нанести себе
вред, и даже совершить попытки самоубийства.
В Казахстане 90-95% детей-сирот в детских домах нуждаются в лечении у
психотерапевта объявила Генеральная прокуратура в итоге своего доклада, который
является результатами комплексной проверки учреждений интернатного типа, детских
домов. И заключение было следующее: в Казахстане осуществляется, практически,
повсеместно, нарушение прав детей-сирот. Это включает в себя и нарушение условий
содержания, и нарушение имущественных прав, и также, конечно, к сожалению, факты
насилия и жестокого обращения. Это подтверждают и сводки новостей, которые мы
каждый день видим, и последние исследования Министерства образования и науки в РК по
проблемам насилия в этих учреждениях.
«По результатам проверки органами прокуратуры внесено 166 актов прокурорского
надзора, защищены права свыше 800 детей, к различным видам ответственности
привлечено 162 лица, в том числе 8 - к уголовной», - отметил начальник департамента
Генпрокуратуры РК Канат Сейдгапбаров.. Для решения всех возникших проблем,
связанных с ущемлением прав детей-сирот в Казахстане есть ряд законов, которые
направлены на решение этих проблем, они берут начало с 1994 года, когда Казахстан
подписал Конвенцию о правах ребенка.
На сегодня в Казахстане действует ряд национальных законодательных документов,
действие которых должно гарантировать обществу обеспечение защиты прав детей:
Конституция Республики Казахстан
Гражданский кодекс Республики Казахстан
Закон «О правах ребенка в Республике Казахстан»
Закон Республики Казахстан «О браке и семье»
Закон «О труде в Республике Казахстан»
Закон Республики Казахстан «Об образовании»
Закон Республики Казахстан «О детских деревнях домашнего типа и домов
Закон Республики Казахстан «О государственной молодежной политике в
Республике Казахстан»
Закон Республики Казахстан «О профилактике правонарушений среди
несовершеннолетних и предупреждении детской безнадзорности и беспризорности
Закон Республики Казахстан «Об охране здоровья граждан в Республике Казахстан»
и другие.
Проанализируем некоторые законы, в которых освещены вопросы прав детей в Казахстане.
Права и интересы ребенка закреплены в первую очередь Конституцией Республики
Казахстан, где в статье 27 указано, что брак и семья, материнство, отцовство и детство
находятся под защитой государства, а забота о детях и их воспитание являются
естественным правом и обязанностью родителей.
Несмотря на то, что Конвенция о правах ребенка была ратифицирована Казахстаном
довольно быстро, Закон о правах ребенка N 345 был принят только в 2002 году, спустя
восемь лет. Достарыңызбен бөлісу: |