УДК 004.42
Almakhanova Akmaral
Suleyman Demirel University
Rapid growth of technologies, especially of smartphones are seen everywhere. Nowadays
smartphones can replace anything starting from books, TV till doctors and teachers. Majority of us can’t
even imagine their day without a phone. The reason is obvious; we can do almost all of our daily
activities with a phone. Smartphone producers try to give us, everything we need, like: chats, meetings,
video streaming, reading, diagnosis and etc. The second important thing we adopted to use every day is
mobile applications. Retailor shops, book stores, groceries, cinemas, services almost all of them have
their own mobile applications, as it is the quickest and the easiest way to provide access to all of your
consumers. These two opportunities provide new and innovative ways to improve health care delivery
and diagnosis. All these reasons motivated me to develop mobile application for self-diagnosis, in order
to provide first aid service in quicker and easier way.
Быстрый рост технологий, особенно смартфонов наблюдается повсюду. В настоящее время
смартфоны способны заменить множество вещей, начиная с книг и телевизоров до врачей и
учителей. Большинство из нас не может представить себе свой день без телефона. Причина
очевидна; мы можем выполнять почти все наши ежедневные действия с помощью смартфона.
Производители смартфонов стараются удовлетворить все наши требования от чатов до встреч,
потоковых видео, чтение, диагностики и т.д. Вторая важная вещь, которую мы привыкли
использовать каждый день - мобильные приложения. Магазины розничной торговли, книжные
магазины, бакалея, кинотеатры и прочие услуги почти все из них имеют свои собственные
мобильные приложения, так как это самый быстрый и простой способ обеспечить доступ всем
вашим потребителям. Эти две возможности предоставляют новые и инновационные способы для
улучшения оказания медицинской помощи и диагностики. Все эти причины побудили меня
разработать мобильное приложение для самодиагностики, для обеспечения быстрого и простого
способа службы первой помощи.
Технологиялардың қарқынды өсуі, әсіресе смартфондардың өмірімізге жаппай енуі барлық
жерде көрінеді. Қазіргі таңда смартфондар дәрігерлер мен мұғалімдерден бастап, теледидар мен
кітапқа дейін бүкіл қызметтерді алмастыра алады. Көпшілігіміз, әдеттегі күнімізді телефонсыз
елестете алмаймыз. Себебі айқын болып табылады; біз телефонмен барлық дерлік күнделікті
жұмысымызды атқара аламыз. Смартфон өндірушілері сөйлесулер, кездесулер, тасқынды бейне,
оқу, диагностика және т.б. секілді, бізге қажеттінің барлығын беруге тырысуда. Біз күн сайын
пайдалану үшін қабылдаған екінші басты жаңалық мобильдік қосымшалар болып табылады.
Бөлшек сауда дүкендері, кітап дүкендері, бакалея, кинотеатрлар, олардың көпшілігі өз мобильді
қосымшаларын ұсынады, себебі бұл тұтынушыларыңызға қол жеткізуді қамтамасыз ету үшін тез
әрі ең оңай жол болып табылады. Бұл екі мүмкіндіктер денсаулық сақтау және диагностика
қызметтерін жақсарту үшін жаңа және инновациялық жолдарды қамтамасыз етеді. Барлық осы
себептер мені тез әрі оңай жолмен алғашқы медициналық көмек көрсету қызметін қамтамасыз
ету үшін, диагностиклық мобильдік қосымшаны әзірлеуге талпындырды.
Index terms: heart rate, mobile phone, self-diagnosis application, photoplethysmography
The aim of this research work is to develop mobile application for self-diagnosis, which will
include vision testing, heart rate detection, body basal temperature check, short test to reveal wellness
and advices related to different illnesses. The reason why I choose especially these diagnostics lay
behind statistics of health condition in my country. Vision diseases are widespread among youth, as they
over use TV, computer and other gadgets. According to the latest statistics, every 10
teen in our country
has problem with their eyes. The frequency of myopia among schoolchildren is up to 13.8% and among
high school graduates is 32.2%. /1/ Heart rate problems are the main among older population. By
checking constantly your heart rate, some of the cases and heart problems may be identified earlier, so
that needed actions and cures will be done. Body temperature check is one of the first aid services. And
at last, majority of us sometimes just need an advice when they have headache, flu or others. In the
application proposed in this diploma work, all these needs are brought together into one application
which makes it well suited to different types of users.
Picture 1. Diagram of main actions of users
Main idea of checking visual acuity using mobile phone is to detect acuteness and clearness of
vision. The detection is made by using Sivcev table /2/; user recognizes letters of different size in a
distance of about 0.5 meters (at arm’s length). Checks should be implemented for each eye separately,
so that, the second eye must be covered with hand or a piece of dense material, for example - cardboard,
plastic. Visual acuity is considered complete if in series with V = 0,3-0,6 (from 1
till 6
questions in
the application) you make when reading no more than one error, and in series with V> 0,7 (from 6
the end) - no more than two. To recognize the sign 2-3 seconds are given. /3/
The second part contains test to define astigmatism. Radiant figure that is used in application serves
to identify the orientation of astigmatism and determine the direction of its main meridians, and answer
the question, if the user has astigmatism or not. If all the rays of visible figure are seen equally clearly,
it is concluded that there is no astigmatism (or there is evenly mixed astigmatism). If two opposite beam
stand black in front of blurred background, it is concluded that the user has astigmatism. The direction
of these beams will indicate the approximate direction of one of the main meridians of the astigmatic
eyes (Picture 2). To clarify the question, whether the subject's spherical ametropia or astigmatism, the
eye lens prepended 0.5 or +1,0 D. In the absence of the patient's astigmatism all rays figures become
more blurred or sharper. If the patient has astigmatism, two opposite beam stand out black. /4/
Picture 2
The last part in vision testing section is color blindness which is defined using Ishihara’s Test. The
original Ishihara color blindness test was introduced in early last century and since then; it is the most
well-known color vision deficiency test all around the world. Dr. Shinobu Ishihara from Japan produced
three different test sets which are widely used and which all based on the same pseudo isochromatic /5/
plates. The user is asked to detect the number, shape or object in the picture and results according to this
are obtained.
Picture 3. One of Ishihara’s pseudo isochromatic plates.
The next section’s main idea is to detect heart rate using mobile phone camera. The detection is
done using photoplethysmography method. Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a simple and low-cost
optical technique that can be used to detect blood volume changes in the microvascular bed of tissue. It
is often used non-invasively to make measurements at the skin surface. The PPG waveform comprises
a pulsatile ('AC') physiological waveform attributed to cardiac synchronous changes in the blood volume
with each heartbeat, and is superimposed on a slowly varying ('DC') baseline with various lower
frequency components attributed to respiration, sympathetic nervous system activity and
thermoregulation. Although the origins of the components of the PPG signal are not fully understood, it
is generally accepted that they can provide valuable information about the cardiovascular system. For
the user measuring heart rate using mobile phone looks very simple. He/she starts the application, places
one’s finger over camera lens and presses a button. After that application turns on camera flash and
starts the measurement. During the measurement application captures frames from the camera, analyzes
them and then, after measurement done, shows the measured user’s heart rate on the screen. Usually
measurement takes 10 seconds.
The process is done by analyzing average red component values of the frames or part of the frames
taken by the camera. Time series of average red component values of the frames is considered as input
signal for heart rate measuring. The signal contains “sharp” local maxima called peaks. Each peak
corresponds to a single heartbeat. Number of heart beats and length of the measurement are all that is
needed to calculate the heart rate. Unfortunately, the original signal is too noisy and may contain fake
peaks or data loss due to movements of the finger above camera lens and changes in surrounding light
level during the measurement. That is why we cannot rely on number of raw signal peaks for heart rate
calculation. We need to use algorithms that receive signal as input and give calculated heart rate on the
output. /6/
Picture 4
In Picture 4 you can see simple processing pipeline to extract the heart rate over time from frames of the
fingertip skin. This algorithm is used to detect heartrate in Matlab program, but similar steps can be
done in mobile application /7/. The application uses the PreviewCallback (Java method for
Android) mechanism to grab the latest image from the preview frame. It then processes
the YUV420SP data and pulls out all the red pixel values. It uses data smoothing in an Integer array to
figure out the average red pixel value in the image. Once it figures out the average it determines a
heartbeat when the average red pixel value in the latest image is greater than the smoothed average. The
App will collect data in ten second chunks and add the beats per minute to another Integer array which
is used to smooth the beats per minute data.
The next parts are body basal temperature check, health test and advice from a doctor. At the
moment I haven’t done these parts, they are at searching steps.
All the services that were discussed and presented in this paper are now being implemented in
application named “Dr. Smartphone”. The application will be done for Android OS version 4.0 and
D. Laure, I. Paramonov “Improved Algorithm for Heart Rate Measurement using Mobile Phone
УДК 004.896
Batarayev Rassim
Suleyman Demirel University
Annotation. This work introduces the development of cup, which is able to count calories of liquids,
which you drink from it, able to synchronize all collected information about liquids with your
smartphone based on Android OS. People are not muse about calorific amount of liquids which they
drink. Some liquids can significantly increase amount of calories which people receive from daily
products. Spectrophotometric methods of liquid determination, which is available today due to our
advanced science, help to do this in very fast and cheap way. The goal of this work was to provide a
working prototype of smart cup, which will precisely determine liquids and show calories of that liquid
at the real time.
Аннотация. Данный доклад описывает разработку кружки, которая способна считать
количество калорий в жидкостях, которые будут выпиты из неё, которая также имеет
возможность синхронизировать полученные данные со смартфоном под управлением мобильной
операционной системы Android. Люди не задумываются о калорийности жидкостей, которые они
потребляют. Хотя некоторые жидкости могут значительно увеличить количество калорий,
которые человек получает из обычного рациона. Спектрофотометрические методы определения
жидкостей, которые доступны сегодня благодаря высокоразвитой науке, позволяют делать это
быстро и дешево. Цель данной работы предоставить рабочий прототип умной кружки, которая с
точностью будет определять жидкости, налитые в неё и показывать калорийность данной
жидкости в реальном времени.
Аннотация. Ғылыми жобаның негізгі мақсаты – сұйықтықтың калориясын есептеуге
арналған саптыаяқ жасаудың барысын, сонымен қатар осыдан алынған қорытындыны Android
операциялық жүйесіндегі смартфонға синхронды жіберудің үрдісін сипаттауға арналған. Кейбір
жағдайда сұйықтықтың құнарлылығы коп болып,сол себепті ағзаға күнделікті қабылданатын
калория шамасы асып кетуі мүмкін екендігі жайында адамдар көп ойлана бермейді. Бұл
жұмыстың басты мақсаты іске асырылған ақылды саптыаяқтың дайын үлгісін және оның осы
жерде-ақ ішіне құйылған сұйықтықтың құнарлылығын көрсете алатынын байқату.
Many people, in our daily life, try keeping a diet. Some people doing this cause of their illnesses,
others – to keep themselves fit. Everyone knows, that eating of big amount of calories leads to
overweight, overweight leads to problems with heart, buds, liver, stomach etc. So, people are trying to
limit their calories income through eating more healthy food, or by decreasing portions of each ingestion,
but very high percent of people doesn’t think about “liquid calories”, which are coming through liquids
like coffee, tea, juices etc. Although from liquids, we can receive more calories than from food. [1]
Average person has requirement to receive 2100kcal daily. One typical mug of “coca cola” drink
(0,5l) contains 210kcal, at the same time same amount of water contains 0kcal. This shows importance
of counting calories, which you receive from liquids, because liquids can contain more calories even
than food.
A smart cup is a cup with several features, which are not available in simple cups. For example
– showing liquids temperature using cup’s color, or showing type of liquid using small LCD on cup.
First smart cup developed at 2014. It is name “Vessyl” and developers of this cup are using
modern technologies to empower their cup with incredible features like determination of liquid type,
name, temperature, and even its calories. All collected information is showing at the small LCD on cup.
The main idea comes from “Vessyl” cup, which promoted in social media, magazines. Developers of
that cup are using chemical technologies to determine which type of liquid is inside mug. This is the
reason of big size of that cup. Our modern science allows us to use different technologies for any
purposes. We have very small sensors, which are doing work of very big machines with the same result.
In our life, everything has its own color. Sky is blue, sea is also blue, and ink of our pens is blue
too. However, this blue color is different in all cases. Our eyes see only complete color, without dividing
it to sub-colors: Red, Green and Blue. In addition, our eyes cannot see infrared light and ultraviolet light,
which are also exist in our world. These things prompted me the idea to use spectral analysis for
determination of liquids color. On the assumption of everything has its own unique color we can
determine what is inside cup by scanning its spectrum.Rather than make analysis every time when liquid
is in cup, I decided to create a database of liquids with their colors, which will allow to determine liquids
name and calorific value at several seconds. With the development of special algorithm, which will use
color determining sensors only several seconds I will not care about big power consumption, and it will
allow cup to work months without charge.
For the development of the liquid determining mechanism I choose Arduino platform. For the
Arduino programming I will use pureC which will allow me to fully use power of Arduino. Since there
is no any ready libraries for liquid color determination I will use libraries for solid color determination
and change them for liquids. For the synchronizing with smartphone I choose Bluetooth technology,
which is not very energy consuming and is easy to send small packets of data. Mobile application I will
develop for Android OS using java language with Android libraries. I choose android, because in other
mobile operating systems you need to become certified developer for using Bluetooth on their devices.
If we will try to sum all together in the end there will be:
Smart cup with Arduino, Bluetooth and Color sensors which will determine liquid, count calories
and send to smartphone
Android application
I will make this cup using the most commonly available Arduino model - Arduino UNO. The major
difference between the Uno and other versions is the simplicity of using it in prototyping area. The
ATmega8U2, on which Arduino UNO is built, can be programmed so that Arduino look like another
USB device, such as a mouse, joystick or keyboard. Second difference is that it has a more reliable
onboard 3.3 volts, which helps with the stability of some shields that have caused problems in the past.
Arduino is just a board with some electronic components. To make it useful we need to give it
instruction, which is why we need the Arduino software IDE. The Arduino software IDE provides all
we need to program the Arduino and has many examples of how to use given sensor an other components
of Arduino. Like the hardware, the software for Arduino is open source and can be downloaded free
from official web site. A block of code is called “sketch”, to upload sketch to board computer must be
connected with USB.
To determine liquid’s color I will use spectrophotometric method. Spectrophotometry is the
physical and chemical quantitative method of measurement of research solutions and solids based on
the study of the absorption spectra in the UV, visible and infrared regions of the spectrum. This method
uses photo sensors, which are used to measure power of light beam as a function of its color, also known
as a spectrophotometers.
Important features of spectrophotometers are spectral bandwidth, (the range of
colors it can transmit through the test sample), and the percentage of sample-transmission, and the
logarithmic range of sample-absorption and sometimes a percentage of reflectance measurement.
A spectrophotometer is commonly used for the measurement of transmittance or reflectance of
solutions, transparent or opaque solids, such as polished glass, or gases. However they can also be
designed to measure the
on any of the listed light ranges that usually cover around 200 nm -
2500 nm using different controls and
. Within these ranges of light, calibrations are needed
on the machine using standards that vary in type depending on the
of the photometric
Spectrophotometers use a monochromator containing a diffraction grating to produce the
analytical spectrum. This diffraction grating can either be movable or fixed. If a single detector, such as
a photomultiplier tube or photodiode is used, the grating can be scanned stepwise so that the detector
can measure the light intensity at each wavelength (which will correspond to each "step"). Arrays of
detectors, such as charge coupled devices (CCD) or photodiode arrays (PDA) can also be used. In such
systems, the grating is fixed and the intensity of each wavelength of light is measured by a different
detector in the array.
Figure 1. Single beam spectrophotometer
For information sending I will use Bluetooth.
Bluetooth is a
technology standard for
exchanging data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices. It can connect several devices,
overcoming problems of synchronization. Bluetooth is a packet-based protocol with a master-slave
structure. One master may communicate with up to seven slaves in a piconet; all devices share the
master's clock. Packet exchange is based on the basic clock, defined by the master, which ticks at
312.5 µs intervals. Two clock ticks make up a slot of 625 µs; two slots make up a slot pair of 1250 µs.
In the simple case of single-slot packets the master transmits in even slots and receives in odd slots; the
slave, conversely, receives in even slots and transmits in odd slots. Packets may be 1, 3 or 5 slots long,
but in all cases the master transmit will begin in even slots and the slave transmit in odd slots. [3]
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