Gary Dessler, “Human resource management” 8
ed. p. 2
Myrna Gusdorf, MBA, SPHR,” Society for Human Resource Management”, 2008 p.1
Gary Dessler, “Human resource management” 8
ed. p. 2
Myrna Gusdorf, MBA, SPHR,” Society for Human Resource Management”, 2008 p.1
УДК 65.011.1
Chakmak B.S
Abstract of the scientific research:
The main purpose of this article is to show the fact that organizational culture -is a new field of
knowledge, which is part of a series of management sciences. Therefore, organizational culture is
relatively new and insufficiently developed theme. Modern management considers the organizational
culture as a powerful strategic tool to orient all departments and employees on common goals.
Key words: Organizational culture, shaping organizational culture, factor influencing
organizational culture.
Аннотация научной работы:
Основная цель моей статьи является показать тот факт, что организационная культура - это
новое поле знаний, которая является частью серии управленческих наук. Таким образом,
организационная культура является относительно новой и недостаточно развитой темой.
Современный менеджмент рассматривает организационную культуру как мощный
стратегический инструмент, чтобы ориентировать все департаменты организации и сотрудников
на общие цели.
Ключевые слова: организационная культура, формирование организационной культуры,
факторы влияющие на организационную культуру.
Objectives: Based on the above, the aim of this work is to determine the degree of importance of
organizational culture for the organization.
To achieve this goal we need to identify followings:
- External and internal factors affecting the structure of organizational culture
- A general description of the organizational culture and its content;
- To determine the importance of organizational culture for the organization;
- Consider the basic types of organizational cultures;
- Describe the main models of organizational cultures and their impact on the effectiveness of the
Today's world-the world of dynamics and speed and it leads to the fact that companies and
organizations have to constantly evolve, so to stay up in business environment. In order to survive in it,
organizations must be ready for fast change with time passing and constantly acquire new knowledge
and skills. Moreover, organizations must not only possess them, also they should be able to use them
correctly, so then it would bring the greatest benefit to the owner.
Organizational culture is a shell of any enterprise, it helps employees to be more productive in their
performance of duties, so this would lead to improvement of economical efficiency of the organization
as a whole.
When we apply the concept of "culture" to the organization, first of all there are ideas, beliefs,
traditions and values of organization come to our mind. Anyone, who is familiar with the various
organizations, understands that they differ from each other by the atmosphere, methods of performance,
management style, level of activity and individual goal. These factors depend on the organization's
history, background, traditions, present status, production and technology. The organization creates its
own image, which is based on the specific quality of products and services, rules of conduct and ethical
principles of workers, reputation in the business world, and so on. Management and organizational
culture are interrelated. In this case, management is not only consistent culture of the organization, is
heavily dependent on it, but also influences the formation and adaptation to a new culture strategy.
Therefore, managers should be able to manage the culture of their organization. Organizational culture
is still largely unexplored, and does not have specifically one definition. Modern literature provides a
lot of definitions of organizational culture because many authors strive to give their own definition of
this concept. /1, p 15/
What is culture? "The set of the set of beliefs, values, and norms, together with symbols like
dramatized events and personalities that represents the unique character of an organization, and
provides the context for action in it and by it."
says Gareth Morgan /2, p.2/.
In my opinion, author wanted to say that organizational culture can act as an effective tool for
ensuring staff motivation for high performance and high quality work. Creating and maintaining a
culture that would increase the return on people working in the organization to enhance its efficiency
and competitiveness - this is one of the most important strategic objectives of senior management.
Edgar Schein describes organizational culture as: "A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the
group learned as it solved its problems that has worked well enough to be considered valid and is passed
on to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems." /3,
Banks says that culture is “ the behavior, patterns, symbols, institutions, values, and other human
made components of the society”. /4, p.52/.
Finally here is my favorite culture description from Patricia Marshall: “consistent ways in which
people experience, interpret, and respond to the world around”/5, p.8/.
Every enterprise creates their own organizational culture, which consists with its mission, vision
and objectives, and the degree of this correspondence determines the efficiency of the enterprise. It is
therefore necessary to assess the organizational culture of the enterprise, to be able to analyze the factors
that affect it, to carry out the adjustment of its various elements, to define the path of its development,
thereby forming a strong organizational culture.
Factors influencing the formation of organizational culture /6, p195/
Internal factors- those factors that organization can control and change, it is situational factors
within the organization. They are of most interest as controlled by the management. The internal
integration: it focuses on establishing and maintaining effective relationships on a workplace between
the members of the organization. This process of finding ways to work together and co-existence in the
mission and goals of the organization;
strategy of the organization;
the nature and content of the work;
qualifications, education, the overall level of employees;
identity of the head;
External factors- environmental factors where organizations can not influence, but must take into
account in decision making. Organizations must be ready for adaptation to constantly changing external
general economic conditions;
national characteristics;
the business environment in general and industry in particular.
There is a division of organizational culture on objective and subjective levels.
The objective level of organizational culture- everything that you can see all that is connected
with the physical environment in the organization.
interior design company;
equipment and furniture;
catering staff;
appearance and clothing of staff.
Subjective level of organizational culture- is the basis for the formation of administrative culture,
that is, leadership styles and the decision of the head problems.
communication system and communication language;
relationships between people;
values and norms;
traditions and rituals;
relation to time;
work ethic and motivation.
Methods of maintaining the organizational culture of the head:
objects and objects of attention, evaluation, monitoring managers;
management response or critical situations and crises;
criteria for determining the remuneration and status;
criteria for recruitment, promotion and dismissal;
Formation of organizational symbols and traditions.
Research methods:
Theoretical and methodological basis of the study was based on the work of author- A.V.
Batrasheva “Methods for determining job satisfaction” /7/
Research methods:
Data Analysis
Qualitative and quantitative data processing.
Experimental research is the basis of TOO"Nedra-Balkhash."
The study involved 14 people.
The study by the method of AV Batrasheva to identify the definition of job satisfaction following
results were obtained:
- Interest in the work – 14 people. (100%);
- Satisfaction with the achievements in the work - 9 people.
- Satisfaction with relationships with colleagues - 14 people.
- Satisfaction with the relationship with the head of -6 people
- The level of claims in professional activities - 8 people
- Preference for working high earnings – 10 people
- Satisfaction with working conditions - 9 people
- Professional liability - 10 persons.
14 respondents were identified the main components such as the difficulty of satisfaction:
Interest in the work - (100%). All respondents believe that showing interest in his work is the main
route to the stability of the organization. When the mind and the soul ready for the work, you will be
already motivated. All managers want their subordinates not only would be proud by the fact of working
in their organization, but were willing to work selflessly for the sake of its prosperity.
Standardized theory of organizational culture which were created in early 60-80 of the last century
for industrial enterprises, doesn’t work now, they could not to explain and predict the behavior of today’s
fast changing industries. Radical restructuring of the theoretical foundations of organizational science is
not possible without the growth of knowledge about organizational changes. The creation of the modern
theory of organizational culture allows understanding from the perspective of a new vision of cumulative
changes occurring in the world of construction organizations in the various "imperfections." Any
progress in the understanding of the new problems can help organizations to respond adequately to the
"challenges" of the future./8, p117/
Nowadays the topic of organizational culture - is the key issue of many studies, seminars and
conferences. It’s role steadily increasing in the overall development strategy of the organization. Every
organization tries to create their own organizational culture, with their own unique management style,
despite the fact each individual has their own beliefs and culture understandings. Organization creates
something that would be meaningful for the whole members of organization. Organizational culture is
something that differs other organizations from each other.
By this work we can understand that organizational culture is important for organization and it
brings only positive impact on the employees and a company as a whole.
Манаков Л.Ф. Современная теория организации: Учеб. пособие / Л. Ф. Манаков, О. В.
Бочарникова. - НГАСУ, 2003. - 15 с.
Morgan G., Images of Organisation//Beverly Hills, Cali: Sage
. –
– P. 2.
Schein E.H., Organizational Culture and Leadership//Jossey-Bass
. – E.2. –
. –P.12
Banks J., Teaching Strategies for Ethnic Studies//Englewood Cliffs.
– E.5. –
. – P.
Marshall P. L., Cultural Diversity in Our Schools//Belmont: Wadsworth.
. –P.8
Грошев И.В. Организационная культура / И.В. Грошев, И.В. Емельянов, В.М. Юрьев: Учеб.
пособие. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2004. - 195 с.
Интегральная удовлетворенность трудом А.В. Батаршев [manaland Территория менеджмента].
– Режим доступа: http lamas–461– 1.html.
Тихомирова О. Г. Организационная культура: формирование, развитие и оценка / О. Г. 9.
Тихомирова. – СПб.: Питер, 2008. – 148 с.
УДК 339.13/338.22
The Marketing planning at the Enterprise
Rassul Botakoz Nurkenkyzy
Suleyman Demirel University
Abstract of the scientific research
The purpose of this paper
is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service
fits him (or her) and sells itself. The main method of the research making a good marketing plan at the
enterprise, which will help you answer key questions about your business: How will you position your
company in the market? How will you differentiate from your competitors? How will you reach your
customers? What are your sales goals? Where will you advertise? All of these are important questions
that as a business owner and entrepreneur, you need to be able to answer.
Аннотация научный работы
Целью данной работы является знать и понять клиента настолько хорошо, продукт или
услуга соответствует ему (или ей), и продает сам себя. Основным методом исследования сделать
хороший маркетинговый план на предприятии, которая поможет вам ответить на ключевые
вопросы о вашем бизнесе: Как вы позиционируете свою компанию на рынке? Как вы будете
дифференцировать от ваших конкурентов? Как вам достичь ваших клиентов? Каковы ваши цели
продаж? Где вы будете рекламировать? Все эти важные вопросы, которые, как владелец бизнеса
и предприниматель, вы должны быть в состоянии ответить.
Great marketing is great business; the marketing plan is the basis for executing your marketing
strategy. The marketing planning at the enterprise demonstrates your business goals and the steps needed
to accomplish them. A marketing plan incorporates points of interest on your clients, how to attract &
hold them and how to position yourself against competitors. A marketing plan will not guarantee sales,
but a well-researched marketing plan will give you a much better chance of a building long-term &
beneficial business. There are numerous samples of marketing plans accessible and they typically start
with the executive summary; a brief overview of the plan and should be written after the full plan is
To write an effective marketing plan you'll need teach time and core interest. The process can appear
to be testing, but on the other hand it’s remunerating, imaginative and even fun! You don't need to begin
with a clear sheet of paper. Our Marketing plan format and guide was created by specialists to help you
attain to your objectives and addition control of your business future. It gives you a clear process to
follow as you develop your marketing plan. It helps you identify who your customers are, how you'll
meet their needs and how you'll separate yourself from the opposition.
Why do we need marketing planning at the enterprise?
It takes cautious planning and a complete comprehension of the commercial center request to add to a
business technique that will guarantee achievement. The best organizations have without a doubt begun
with a marketing plan.
Promoting satisfies a key capacity. An entrepreneur must be acquainted with the business' client base,
and strengths and weaknesses the of the business' rivals. These components, and others, ought to be
distinguished in a decently well-prepared marketing plan.
A good plan will outline how a business can attract hold clients, how it will go up against its rivals, and
the monetary allowance expected to accomplish positive results. It should include market research,
business area, the target client bunch, rivalry, the item or administration being sold, plan, and promoting
and advancement.
Marketing is the process of developing and implementing a plan to identify, anticipate and satisfy
consumer demand, in such a way as to make a profit. The two main elements of this plan are market
research to identify and anticipate customer requirements and the planning of an appropriate marketing
mix to meet these requirements.
Marketing planning helps you create items and administrations in your business that addresses the issues
of your target market. Great marketing helps your clients comprehend why your item or administration
is superior to, or not quite the same as, the opposition.
A good marketing can help you achieve your intended interest group, support your client base, and at
last, expand your primary concern. It's regularly obliged when looking for financing and helps you set
clear, reasonable and measurable destinations for your business.
Developing a marketing plan requires research, time and duty, yet is an extremely important procedure
that can significantly add to your business achievement.
Marketing is for all, business-big or small
Without customers, business would not survive. To attract and retain customers, your business needs to
understand the value of marketing. People are unlikely to simply walk into business and buy something
from company if they don't know who them, what are they selling and why they should choose them
over the competition.
Many smaller businesses don't place enough importance on marketing. They often see it as something
that requires a lot of money and fancy advertising campaigns. However, marketing is about much more
than advertising and sales.
Helps to find out business unique
Building your brand is a critical piece of building your business. Questions you have to consider to
fabricate the establishment of both your business and brand include:
what are the needs of target customers?
how do competitors meet the needs of your target customers?
how can you help your target customers understand why your product or service is better than, or
different from, the competition?
You've likely thought to be some of these inquiries when setting up your strategy for success; however
numerous organizations don't understand that these inquiries are marketing essentials. So in the event
that you've officially tended to these discriminating focuses, you've made the initial phases in building
a fruitful business and brand!
One of the best advantages of building up a promoting arrangement is that it helps you to center your
assets and plan for your business development.
The planning process helps you to comprehend the distinctive variables that may influence your
prosperity. Instead of worrying about the future, you can really have a feeling of control over your
business and job.
Composing and exploring for marketing plan gives chance to:
identify your target market and understand how your product or service meets their needs
identify your competitors and what your target customers think about your competitors' strengths and
position your brand, products and services so that your target market sees your business as better than,
or different from, the competition
set specific, measurable goals and timeframes for your marketing activities
map out a strategy to reach your target audience, including the messages, channels and tools you will
It gives you control of your business:
Marketing planning helps the day-to-day running of your business. When you develop your plan, you'll
set targets and milestones which help you to:
allocate resources and budget
motivate your team
manage performance of your staff members and marketing efforts.
To write an effective marketing plan you'll need teach, time and core interest. The process can appear
to be testing, but on the other hand its remunerating, imaginative and even fun!
You don't need to begin with a clear sheet of paper. Our Marketing plan format and guide was created
by specialists to help you attain to your objectives and addition control of your business future.
It gives you a clear process to follow as you develop your marketing plan. It helps you identify who
your customers are, how you'll meet their needs and how you'll separate yourself from the opposition.
Marketing planning is for big business, and for all size. Certainly true that marketing planning and
strategy are far more a part of business life for blue chip companies than for smaller ones. . Anyway that
is no motivation behind why a small business can't profit from a comparative methodology. True, also,
those expansive organizations with the in-house assets to create marketing planning are more likely to
do as such. Nevertheless, the aim of marketing plan is to guide out the choices you have made to focus
the future accomplishment of your business. Furthermore, any business, of any size, will find that
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