Word-for-word translation:
Ups and downs-Подъемы и спуски
What’s new?-Что нового?
Time heals all things.-Время лечит все.
The song is sung.-Песня спета.
The third eye.-Третий глаз.
Punch in the face.-Вляпать пощечину.
Let’s have a chat.-Давай поговорим.
You read my mind.-Ты читаешь мои мысли.
No great loss.-не велика потеря.
He can’t take his eyes off her.-Он не смог отвести глаз от нее.
What’s going on?-В чем дело?
Hang in there-Держись.
I am flat broke.-Я на мели.
Right on.-Не за что.
Live up to my word.-Я сдержу слово.
He’s the salt of the Earth.-Он замечательный человек.
I picked it up for a song.-Я купил его за бесценок.
Get hold of him good.-Держите его крепче.
You didn’t crack a book all semester.-Ты не учился в течении семестра.
Antonymous translation:
No sweat.-Легко выполнимо, не трудно.
Fighting chance.-Хорошая возможность, успех.
A truer word was never spoken, captain!-Правильно сказано,капитан!
Translation with Equivalents:
Better than never.-Лучше поздно чем никогда
Time will show.-Время покажет
Love is blind.-Любовь слепа
All to the good.-Все к лучшему
Eagle eye.-зоркий глаз
Fall into a trap.-попасть в ловушку
Fifty-fifty.-в равных долях
Express anger.-дать волю гневу
Clam up.-замолчать
Man of moods.-Человек настроения!
Generally, analyzing two texts -source and target, it is likely to give positive
appreciation to the translation as a whole. It goes without saying, it is crucial to render target text
adequately, i.e. almost the same as the source text. From the data below we make a conclusion:
110=15,7%,compensation :24=3,8%,modulation:12=1,7%,generalization:12=1,7%,antonymous
translation:8=1%,integration: 8=1% and the last addition:4=0,6%.In the present paper we
attempted to investigate slang as a very complicated linguistic phenomenon. To achieve the
mentioned object we studied the main theoretical aspects of our research: the origin of idiom and
the problem of definition, different kinds and sources of idiom, sociolinguistic aspects of idiom,
American idioms and translation peculiarities of idioms.
Having analyzed translation techniques of American idioms we come to conclusion that
an interpreter, rendering idiomatic expressions from Source text into Target one, uses the
translation(zero translation),translation by analogy, omission, generalization, compensation,
addition, modulation, antonymous translation, partitioning and integration.
Translation by paraphrasing is the most common way of translating idioms. It is often
possible to find an idiom in the TL which has a meaning similar to the source idiom-here an
interpreter uses translation by analogy. Sometimes syntactic structure of the original can be
transformed in absolute similar structure of translating language-in this case translator uses zero
or word-for-word translation. Also source idioms may consist of equivalent lexical items in target
idiomatic expressions – equivalent lexical items in target idiomatic expressions – equivalent
translation is used. And other techniques of translation are possible to use rendering idiomatic
expressions from English into Russian.
Cowie Anthony Phraseology: theory, analysis, and application, 1998-258p.
Gulland Daphne M., David Hinds- Howell The penguin Dictionary of English Idioms, 2001-
Strassler Jurg Idioms in English: pragmatic analysis.-1982, 90p.
Susanne Riehemann A constructional Approach to Idioms and Word Formation.-Stanford,
Nunberg G., Sag Ivan A., T.Wasow. Idioms.-1994,652,653 p.
Stubbs, Michael Words and Phrases.-Oxford, 2001-360p.
Webster’s New World College Dictionary.1999-708p.
Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of English Idioms-1994, 343p.
Dean Curry Illustrated American Idioms. The Materials Branch English Language Programs
Division United States Information Agency-1994, 920p.
Spears Richard A. Essential American Idioms. The materials Branch English Language
Programs Division United States Information Agency-1991, 90p.
Gibbs, R.W. “What do idioms really mean?” Journal of Memory and company.1991, 220p.
УДК: 811.111’25
Alibassova K.M., Maratova G. M.
Suleyman Demirel University, Translation Studies Department
Әлемдегі Жаһандану процесі қарқынды алып, инновациялық технологиялардың
дамуы, “Локализация” ұғымының туындауына әсер етті. Локализация – аударманы белгілі
бір елдердің ұлтына, мәдениетіне, жергілікті мекен етіп отырған жерлерін ескере отырып
бейімдеу, олардың бірдей дәрежеде ақпарат алмасып тұруына жол ашу. Біздің негізгі
мақсатымыз Локализацияның аударма ісіндегі маңызы, міндеті, рөлін баяндап беру.
Globalization and development of innovative technologies led to the form of such notion
as “localization”. Localization is translation and cultural adaptation of a product, taking into
consideration national, cultural and geographical peculiarities of particular country, providing
them with information at the same level . Our main aim is to reveal the importance of localization,
its duty and role in modern world.
Key words: Localization, Internationalization, Globalization.
At over a century old, Coke remains a world leader both in product sales and marketing.
The secret of their success is in localization. Coca-Cola included their company name in their
overall localization strategy for China, because the direct translation for Coca-Cola in this
language is “bite the wax tadpole.” In Iran, for instance, green is highly applauded and evokes joy
and success, but in China this color symbolizes disgrace.
In order to succeed in today’s
increasingly global business environment, enterprises have to do more than export their existing
products worldwide—companies must become truly globalized. Globalization is not simply
having a world-wide presence, but rather the incorporation of a global perspective into all aspects
of a company. A company’s products, services, documentation, customer support and maintenance
procedures, marketing, etc. must all reflect the needs of the local market in terms of culture,
language and business requirements. As you have already understood, the only localization, which
is closely connected with translation industry, helps to succeed. Since there is no enough
information about this aspect of translation industry and universities today do not pay attention to
learning this exact sphere, we would like to elucidate the issue of localization in this project and
prove its importance.
The aim of our report is to show the importance of being aware of young and dynamic notion as
localization in translation industry.
According to the aim the objectives of our report are:
1)Give definition and describe the history of localization’s development;
2)Reveal the role of translator while localization in modern world;
3)Describe the aspects and cycles of localization.
While the research we have used only theoretical methods, based on literature survey of Russian
and English scholars.
What is localization?
Localization is the process of adapting and manufacturing a product so that it has the look and feel
of a nationally-manufactured piece of goods. It`s the adaptation of a product/concept/process to
the particular physical, technical, linguistic, cultural, ethic, religious, philosophical, commercial,
marketing, etc. conditions and requirements of an audience or users belonging to a specific ‘locale’
defined as a the delimitation of a geographical cultural area and the particular variety of language
that the people concerned use. /1, p.11/
History of localization:
In order to understand this notion properly, let’s come back to it’s history. The growth of Internet
has made software publishers market and distribute products in other countries since the early
1990s. Business reasons aside, many companies are localizing their products for legal reason. For
example, in some Baltic countries, It`s prohibited to use products which are not in the country`s
native language. That led to the fact that in the mid 1980s the first multi language vendors (MLVs)
were formed. New companies such as INC (now Lionbridge) or IDOC (now Bowne) specialized
in the translation of technical documentations. Nowadays, MLVs has worked with well
service providers and has nearly 80 language providers in the market.
in the second half
of the 1990s , the Localization Industry Association ( LISA)was founded, in order to bring together
the IT industry and localization service providers. The association existed
from 1990 till February
2011 /
//3, p.4//
The Importance of Localization:
Localization allows the benefits of globalization to accrue not only to large companies and
powerful nations—localization allows people from different parts of the world to enjoy the same
products which are used in major market. In addition localization allows the flow of products and
information to be two-way, as dominant countries receive goods and services from smaller
countries that have traditionally had no access to their markets. When companies localize their
products and services they help to “level the playing field” and redress economic inequalities,
helping to create a better world where all the people have equal opportunities. In order to prove it,
we want to provide some basic facts which were mentioned by different scholars, which reveal the
importance of localization:
A sizeable majority of all Web documents are in English , (62 – 87%depending on the
survey). However, only one in four of the world’s population speaks English to some level
of competence and over 90% of the world’s population needs or prefers a language other
than English for business purposes. /3/
The top ten languages of the world account for approximately 50% of the world’s
population, and over 2000 languages account for the remaining 50%. /3/
Baidu does better than Google because it looks and feels fully native to the Chinese-
speaking audience. Urdu speakers can’t get many games in their own language, so they
turn to racing games, which are easy to understand. CNN knows that there are 55 million
Latinos in the U.S. who want their own language shows. /4/
56.2 percent of consumers say that the ability to obtain information in their own language
is more important than price. /4/
However, localization is preceded by the process which is called internationalization.
Internationalization – is creating site, application, program
so that it
can potentially be adapted to
various languages and regions.
While globalization can be defined as “making all the necessary
technical, financial, managerial, personnel, marketing, and other enterprise decisions necessary to
facilitate localization”, internationalization is specifically enabling a product at a technical level
for localization. Internationalization primarily consists of abstracting the functionality of a product
away from any particular language so that language support can be added back in simply, without
worry that language-specific features will pose a problem when the product is localized. A good
rule of thumb to follow is that it takes twice as long and costs twice as much to localize a product
if it was not properly internationalized to start with because internationalization can be created
only once. Procedures for ensuring internationalized product design must be written, approved,
and implemented consistently. So-called universal method leads to the localization, where
translator’s/localizer’s work begins.
The role of translator:
The obvious answer is that translators do the translating. ‘Localizers’ thus come somewhere
between the ordinary translator and the webmaster. What is for sure is that they translate all of the
accompanying documentation, transfer and adapt the linguistic components of Web sites, software
packages, and video games. As a matter of fact more and more translators are in charge of creating
or ‘localizing’ multilingual Web sites on their own – without the help of any other operator.
Similarly, translators involved in videogame localization will translate all of the material
accompanying the videogame (packaging, helps, Web site contents, guides, etc.) and the ingames.
They will also normally be called on to do the testing, which is particularly critical with
videogames, but they will normally not have the technical skills required for any further
component of the localization process. So far, there is nothing new to their activity. Except that
their translations are ‘instrumental’, meaning they are obviously designed as (documentary) ‘tools’
in their own right or as parts of products in which they are embedded) and must therefore be fully
functional. Hence the importance of testing [which is turning out to become a full-blown job in
itself] and the stringency of functional quality requirements: any shortcoming or defect soon
becomes blatant. But there is more to it than translating. Given the skills required, translators may
go for a bigger share of the cake by providing a bigger share of the total localization service. All
of that shows that as every professional localizer has their own duties and requirements, which
Adapting graphics to target markets
Modifying content to suit the tastes and consumption habits of other markets
Adapting design and layout to fit translated text
Converting to local requirements (such as currencies and units of measure)
Using proper local formats for dates, addresses, and phone numbers
Addressing local regulations and legal requirements
Native speakers of the target language
Advanced knowledge of computer application
Experience using computer aided translation tools, translation memory
Subject matter knowledge, expertise in the financial or medical field
Professional approach to schedules, budgets and quality of deliverables
Basic knowledge of terminology management
The aim of localization is to give a product the look and feel of having been created for the target
market and to eliminate, or at least minimize, local sensitivities.
For instance, localizer should take into account the following:
In the first case, the product is designed to support features such as international character
sets, keyboard layouts, date and time formats, currencies. The online help and
documentation should be clear, and not contain any jargon or slang.
In some languages, such as Hebrew and Farsi, texts are read from the right to the left,
therefore translators have to adapt text, and text input settings. Fortunately, functions of
Unicode help translators to provide bidirectional texts.
In western countries the red color symbolizes love and passion, in China, it means
luckiness, and in South Africa red color means mourning. You must also ensure that the
image or animation will not insult audience.
1/6/2001 in the United States and 1.6.2001 in German, the order is also important. For
example, 6/10/2001 means 10 June 2001 in United States and 6 October 2001 in European
The most important thing in written text is that text must be understood by nonnative readers. The
terminology and style used should be basic and uniform. So, professional translators/localizers
have to be aware with aspects and cycles of localization. Here is a classification of aspects, by
Linguistic issues. These relate to the translation of a product’s user interface and documentation
and may also extend to the translation and re-engineering of any underlying linguistic functionality
such as applications programming interfaces (APIs), search engines or wizards.
Cultural issues. In many cases, the information and functionality contained in products need to
be adapted for local audiences. Cars sold in Britain cannot have the steering wheel on the left,
while accounting software will have to comply with local generally accepted accounting
principles, to give just two examples. Cultural issues concerning the presentation of information
(icons, graphics, colors, forms of address, etc.) may also need to be taken into account.
Technical issues Supporting local languages and content may require redesign and re-engineering.
For example, Arabic scripts are bi-directional (i.e., they generally run from right to left, except for
numbers and foreign-language words, which run from left to right). Equally, Far Eastern languages
require twice the disk space of English for each character (which is why their alphabets are known
as “double byte character sets”, or DBCSs). Adapting products to these scripts therefore requires
changes to the code (in the case of software) and/or product design, packaging, etc. Ideally, the
localization process follows on from product globalization (see below) and should not be confused
with it.
Daniel Gouadec, in his turn, provide us with cycles of localization, such as:
Software localization,
Web site localization,
Videogame localization
Technically speaking, software localization refers to all the operations required to produce specific
national or regional versions of an application (including Readme files, CD covers, on-line helps,
user instructions, installation instructions, etc.) so that the product will be just as effective in other
languages and contexts as the original version is or was in its home market. Software localization
usually includes a dozen or so different stages requiring several different types of professional
skills, involving one or more operators, depending on the techniques used (and the tools available),
the degree of specialization required for the particular product and the range of professional skills
available. The localization team generally includes a software engineer.
Web site localization involves cloning or pseudo-cloning after translation. Cloning means re-
building the Web site using the software originally used to design the site, so that the target version
has exactly the same functional and structural features as the original version (i.e. the same
components and internal hierarchy). Pseudocloning entails either designing new components or
redesigning certain components, using different software from the one used originally and
recreating a number of functional features required in the local environment, or restructuring the
components to make the site more user-friendly for the target environment. As a fact, more and
more translators are in charge of creating or ‘localizing’ multilingual Web sites on their own –
without the help of any other operator.
Videogame localization involves:
a) Game design all starts with a game concept and a possible scenario the design team will turn
into a playable demo so as to have a faint idea of what the actual game will look like.
b) Localization used to start once the game actually existed in the design language – usually
English as a way of broadening the commercial prospects. Today, localization tends to be carried
out in parallel with the development of the ingames, scripts, and packaging in the design language,
each component or element being sent for localization as soon as it is ready and no longer
according to a preset schedule. Frequent updates are necessary since the original version undergoes
various changes in the course of development and all changes then have to be applied across the
boar /2, p. 57 - 60/
Concerning the universities, where localization is studied as an independent course the list from
where we can chose one is too short and unfortunately, they can be found only abroad. Some
universities such as University of Limerick in Ireland offer postgraduate courses in localization,
covering projects such as engineering, localization process, computer programming. The Kent
State in Ohio, Monterey Institute of International Studies (Monterey, USA) are training translation
students in the sphere of localization and project management.
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