АКТУАЛЬНЫЕПРОБЛЕМЫ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ГУМАНИТАРНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 75
to all our problems. What really matters is how we
use technology. Computers can/will never substitute
teachers but they offer new opportunities for better
language practice. They may actually make the
process of language learning significantly richer and
play a key role in the reform of a country's
educational system. The next generation of students
will feel a lot more confident with information
technology than we do. As a result, they will also be
able to use the Internet to communicate more
effectively, practice language skills more thoroughly
and solve language learning problems more easily.
In all circumstances, there is no doubt that the
Internet will help teachers to organize any studying
process, at the same time it helps to motivate
students' interests. If foreign language teachers are
competent enough in these conditions and can
apply them to Internet speaking and listening
communication activities, the new technologies will
become optimal tools for enhancing students'
second language learning and acquisition.
References: 1 Opp-Beckman
Instruction for the Teaching of Internet, Language
and Culture Skills from a Distance.
WebNet, 1999
2 Alexander, J., & Tate, M. Evaluating web
resources. Available:
3 Lafford, P. A., and B. A. Lafford.Learning
language and culture with Internet technologies. In
Technology-enhanced language learning, ed. M. D.
Bush and R. M. Terry, Lincolnwood, IL: National
Textbook Company. 1997
4 Chun D. Using computer networking to
facilitate the acquisition of interactive competence.
Systems, 1994
5 Gelatt H. B. Future sense: Creating the
future. The Futurist, 3 (2), 35-43, 1995
6 Murphy T. H., Terry R. Jr., Adoption of
CALL technologies in education: A national Delphi.
Proceedings of the of the Forty-Fourth Annual
Southern Agricultural Education Research Meeting,
112-123, 1998
7 Herschbach, D. Addressing vocational
technology: Policy alternatives. (Information Series
No. 276). Columbus, OH: The National Center for
Research in Vocational Education. 1994.
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