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Biyan A., Aktleu A 
Academic supervisor: Shulembayeva K.M., Master of Education, Lecturer 
Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau university, Kokshetau  
Currently, almost the whole world pays special attention to quality education. In this regard, 
one of the components of the UN sustainable development agenda for 2030 is quality education. Its 
goal is to provide inclusive and equitable education. To achieve this goal, digital technologies play a 
major role. Digital technologies seek to reduce or eliminate pollution and waste while increasing 
productivity and efficiency. These technologies have had a powerful impact on the education system. 
During the pandemic, the whole world, including Kazakhstan, used all the necessary digital 
technologies in the field of education. And at this time, these digital technologies have changed the 
paradigm of the entire education system. He is not only a provider of knowledge, but also a co-author 
of information, a mentor and an evaluator. If the traditional method of learning was available to 
everyone, now these methods are moving away. And instead of pen and paper, students now use a 
variety of software and tools to create presentations and projects. Unlike a weighty book, surfing in 
an e-book is easier. These methods contribute to increasing interest in research. This paper briefly 
talks about the need for digital technologies in education and discusses the main applications and 
challenges in education. Video resources also play a special role in English lessons. 
Key words
: digital technologies, quality education, teaching, students. 

Traditional classroom instructions fall short of providing an immediate learning environment, 
faster evaluations, and more engagement. In contrast, digital learning tools and technology fill this 
void. Some of the efficiencies such technologies provide are simply unrivalled by traditional learning 
methodologies. With smartphones and other wireless technology devices becoming popular among 
the general public, it only makes sense that schools and educational institutions make efficient use of 
them by putting technology in the classroom. Indeed, today's technology's adaptability and non-
intrusive character make learning more appealing to the next generation. However, it may be a 
formidable technique to manage initially since traditional instructors are hesitant to include 
contemporary technology and gadgets in school, viewing them as a distraction rather than an 
intelligent learning aid [1, 2]. An online classroom calendar, where we may display class schedules, 
assignment schedules, field excursions, speaker events, examinations schedules, or semester breaks, 
will help students plan accordingly. Student response systems, such as smartphones and clicker 
devices, provide a quick and easy technique for teachers to determine students' learning of the 
presented content quickly and whether more explanation is required [3, 4].
Nowadays, the issue of using technologies in higher educational institutions is being 
discussed. These are not only physical and technical methods, but also forms and methods of teaching. 
The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to develop the student's communicative culture and 
mastery of a foreign language in practice. The task of the teacher is to create a favorable environment 
for students to learn a foreign language. That is, using a teaching method that allows the student to 
show his creative activity. Modern pedagogical methods, i.e. project method and use of information 
technology. The Internet resource helps to determine the individual characteristics of students, taking 
into account their needs. 
Forms of computer use in the English language class: 
1. Vocabulary mastery. 
2. Development of communication skills. 
3. Development of dialogue and monologue. 
4. Training for project work 
5. Doing grammar. 
It is possible to perform various didactic tasks in the English language class with the help of 
the Internet: formation of reading skills, formation of writing skills, expansion of the student's 
vocabulary, increase of the student's interest in learning the Spanish language. Students can 
participate in various Olympiads and competitions through the Internet. In addition, it gives an 
opportunity to make interesting exercises through various games with test works. 
The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to learn how to use a foreign language in 
communication and to develop knowledge of a foreign language. Currently, the level of possibilities 
of foreign language teaching methodology is high. Interactive approach, game, discussion and tools 
such as information technology, internet, computer can be widely used in language teaching. 
It can be seen that new telecommunication equipment is developing day by day in our country. 
For a modern teacher, the use of computer and multimedia tools during the lesson is not only an 
effective method, but has become an important part of the lesson and even education. With the help 
of these tools, new methods and new types of world thinking were introduced into the education 
system. Computer and information technologies in education have become a requirement of the time. 
Educational institutions of the country will be equipped with modern advanced technologies, 
multimedia classrooms. Polish teacher V. Okon classifies educational tools based on the increasing 
possibility of replacing the teacher's actions and automating the students' actions. 
There are two common types of teaching aids, simple and complex. Simple tools include 
dictionaries, textbooks, and texts, while simple visual tools include real objects, models, and pictures. 
And complex tools include audio and audiovisual tools such as overhead projector, slide projector 
and tape recorder, radio, music player, sound film, television, video recorder, which are mechanically 
visual. At the same time, tools such as a multimedia room, computers, information system, and 
telecommunication system can be mentioned, which automate the teaching process. These tools also 
have countless benefits for learning a foreign language. 

We know that learning a language means getting to know the culture and way of life of an 
entire nation in the age where a new approach to language learning has developed. And it is clear that 
a textbook is not enough to acquire such knowledge. Only by seeing and hearing the culture and 
linguistic features of the language-using people will you have the opportunity to include yourself 
among those who have mastered that language. Currently, there are many advantages of using 
information technologies as a means of increasing students' interest in a foreign language. In the 
introduction and use of information technologies, communication tools are actively used, which are 
very useful in the way of forming an intellectually developed person who is inclined to the 
information environment. 
The penetration of information processes into various spheres of life requires the creation of 
a new model of the educational system based on information technologies. The problem of creating 
conditions for the student to be able to reveal his creative ability, developing his ability, self-
improvement and responsibility education is put forward. 
To increase and stimulate the student's creativity: 
— wide use of visualization and technical tools in the lesson; 
— changing the lesson; 
— use of pictures and diagrams created by students in class; 
— it is possible to show videotapes and films related to the lesson. 
We believe that one of the tools used for the purpose of creativity development is the 
interactive board in group teaching and it is a rational modern tool that helps the teacher to explain 
new material. It can help solve problems such as showing drawings, explaining concepts, and 
memorizing. The use of an interactive whiteboard for the teacher to present his new ideas in an 
effective and accessible way for the child has been very successful. With the help of this board, the 
teacher and the student will have the opportunity to jointly analyze the materials provided. As many 
studies have shown, it was found that the lesson is more successful for both the teacher and the student 
when using the interactive board, increasing the interest and resources. 
Knowledge can be monitored by working properly with an interactive whiteboard. An 
interactive whiteboard can attract the main attention of students. The great features of the interactive 
whiteboard can be used for various purposes of the lesson. For example, using the ActiveBoard 
electronic board, you can actively discuss the material, identify the main issue, clarify it, add 
additional information, change the color and drawing with an electronic marker, translate the topic or 
sentence in full, showing the connection between words and sentences, using flash animations, you 
can memorize the words of poems, make slides with pictures, watch video clips with the voice of 
English speakers. Advantages of working with an interactive whiteboard: 
— suitable for simultaneous work of all groups of students; 
— suitable for explaining and learning new materials using sites and other tools; 
— creates great opportunities to effectively convey the given material and discuss it among 
students in the group. 
The globalisation of education has already necessitated the application of digital technologies. 
Online platforms were available for conducting classes, sharing resources, doing the assessment and 
managing the day to day activities of academic institutions. However, the use of these platforms was 
proactive. The Pandemic has forced the institutes to adopt the online teaching mode to sustain the 
education system. Developed countries were well equipped to deal with this crisis. However, 
developing countries worked hard to meet this requirement. Digital technologies have emerged as the 
saviour of education in this critical time [5, 6]. This global crisis highlights the need to be 
internationally integrated into the education system. Digital technologies assist in developing abilities 
that will require students' professional performance, such as problem-solving, thinking structure 
creation, and process comprehension. They are also preparing for a more unpredictable and changing 
future in which technology will play a critical role. Students' acquired qualities and abilities will be 
essential to their professional success. Educational resources and digital tools help to improve the 
classroom atmosphere and make the teaching-learning process more compelling. Furthermore, they 

give each educational institution greater flexibility and customization of curriculum based on the 
requirements of each student [7, 8, 9]. 
One of the advanced tools used today is an electronic textbook, where you can view pictures, 
videos and listen to music. At the same time, the use of original audio messages from the e-textbook 
in the lesson expands the student's thinking, not only deepens the understanding of vocabulary in a 
foreign language, but also teaches to use it correctly. 
With these tools, it is possible to demonstrate, consolidate and monitor the formation of lexical 
skills using an interactive form in a foreign language lesson. For example, let's focus on the 
presentation made on the topic "Weather" in middle classes. In the first stage, word sequences can be 
displayed using the computer in the introduction of vocabulary on the topic. Students get acquainted 
with the given topic in 1 minute and take a look. 
In the second stage, sounding and lexical confirmation are carried out. Learners go back to 
the first and second slides individually or in pairs and repeat the words and sentences. Working time 
is about 5-10 minutes or varies depending on the amount of words to be transmitted. 
Digital classrooms are defined by using electronic devices or platforms such as social media, 
multimedia, and mobile phones to teach students. With digital technology in education, today's 
educational landscape has altered for the better or improvements. Digital learning is a learning 
strategy that employs technology to fulfil the entire curriculum and allows students to learn quickly 
and rapidly [10, 11]. The digital classroom entirely focuses on teaching via the use of technology. 
Students use technological or internet-connected gadgets like laptops, tablets, Chromebooks, etc. 
Instead of taking notes on what the teacher has taught, most of the curriculum is delivered to students 
online through an engaging and interactive platform. Despite its many facets, education is 
fundamentally a kind of communication. The internet has resulted in the rise of new communication 
channels, which have extended the options for the transmission and access to educational information. 
These media and virtual venues serve as learning facilitators [12, 13]. Various features of a digital 
classroom are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 – Digital classroom. 
Digital technology in the classroom refers to various software and gadgets meant to help 
students with particular accessibility needs. The most effective way to reduce the number of 
repetitive, time-consuming duties a teacher undertake is to use technology in the classroom. Students 
are taught how to use technology responsibly and strategically, which can help them make decisions 
and develop self-discipline. These technologies provide students with a virtual world and the freedom 
to access digital knowledge according to their learning styles. The digital classroom uses electronic 

devices and software to instruct students and incorporates technology into education. A traditional 
classroom is transformed into a digital classroom through computers and the Internet. Students can 
learn more efficiently and track their progress with the help of technology and sophisticated 
equipment. In the upcoming days, these technologies will successfully be implemented in education 
to enhance the students' digital learning environment and performance. Modern technologies have 
been instrumental in complicated data analysis and management to make long-term decisions in areas 
such as climate change, air and water security, biodiversity protection, catastrophe resilience, etc. 
These technologies refer to innovation that considers natural resources while also promoting 
economic and social growth.
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