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Written feedback 

Effective feedback depends on pupils being clear about what is expected of 
them and what they can expect from the teacher. Pupils should expect the 
feedback they receive to explain what they have done well with reasons, and 
where and how they can improve. Where this is the case they are more likely 
to engage with its content. 

The learning objectives and learning outcomes should be used as the 
benchmark for the teacher’s oral and written feedback. They should be 
shared and made clear to pupils in advance of attempting the task. For 
example, if the learning outcome for the pupil is to be able to write a letter to 
a headteacher persuading him to agree to a school council, it is not 
appropriate for the feedback to concentrate simply on spelling and grammar 
– it should focus more on the use of appropriate conventions for persuasive 
writing in a formal context which will have been taught beforehand. 

Pupils should be given written feedback that provides clear evaluation of 
their strengths and weaknesses, prompts further thought and reasoning, and 
identifies the next step in their learning. 

To be able to identify the next steps in pupils’ learning, teachers need an 
understanding of subject progression and to be able to recognise pupils’ 
misconceptions and difficulties. 
Quality feedback 
• Feedback to any pupil should be about the particular qualities of his or her work, 
with advice on what he or she can do to improve, and should avoid comparisons 
with other pupils. 
• Feedback has been shown to improve learning where it gives each pupil specific 
guidance on strengths and weaknesses, preferably without any overall marks. 
Inside the black box Black and Wiliam (1998) 
Factors to consider in written feedback: 
• pupil expectation 
• teacher expectation 
• shared learning objectives 
• shared learning outcomes 
• ideas of progression 
• recognition of pupil misconceptions and challenges 
Some characteristics of constructive 
written feedback include: 
• focusing on the learning objectives selectively 
• confirming that pupils are on the right track 
• stimulating the correction of errors or improvement of a piece of work 
• scaffolding or supporting pupils’ next steps 
• providing opportunities for pupils to think things through for themselves 
• commenting on progress over a number of attempts 
• avoiding comparisons with other pupils 
• providing pupils with the opportunities to respond 

Questioning and dialogue
Teaching strategies for effective dialogue 
Eavesdropping on group dialogue 
Teacher listens for evidence of learning either 
to transfer ideas from one group to another or 
to feed into later whole-class dialogue. Here 
they can plan the order in which groups feed 
back to orchestrate rich whole-class discussion. 
They may prime pupils in preparation for this. 
Sometimes they may intervene to stimulate 
more effective group discussion. 
Questions linked to resources or tasks 
A resource is used to help open up an issue 
through a specific question – for example, the 
two plants discussed in handout 7.1 (part 2). 
Resources can be powerful aids if they are 
chosen to set up and complement both 
challenging questioning and 
learning through responses to the challenges. 
Wait time after a teacher question 
Pupils are given time to reflect independently 
on a question, to think and formulate ideas 
before being asked to answer. 
Big questions 
A significant question that cannot be answered 
immediately. By its nature, it draws answers 
from many pupils and encourages them to 
come up with a list of smaller questions they 
need to answer before an answer to the big 
question can be formulated. Sometimes the 
‘smaller questions’ are provided by the teacher. 
Rich questions 
Open-ended, higher-order questions which 
require learners either to link or to apply ideas, 
give reasons, summarise or evaluate. 
Sometimes they force pupils to ask themselves 
further questions to qualify what the question 
is actually asking them to explain. The answers 
to such questions generally require extended 
Teacher models prompts and body language 
to encourage continuation 
Use of body language or verbal prompts to 
encourage pupils to develop their answers. For 
example ‘Go on…’ or nodding when the pupil 
stalls. By making these explicit the intention is 
that pupils adopt similar strategies in their 
group dialogue 
No hands-up questioning 
Teacher selects the pupil who will respond to a 
question, i.e. they are conscripts rather than 
volunteers. By watching pupils’ body language 
it is often possible to identify those who have 
ideas to contribute. 
Peer discussion 
Teacher prompts dialogue, often via a 
question, to enable peer interaction to support 
learning. The opportunity to discuss ideas 
within pairs or small groups helps pupils 
articulate and check ideas before they reveal 
their group’s answer to the whole class. 
Answers are better formed through the group 
Cues and prompts 
Teacher uses gestures or short phrases to bring 
pupils into the dialogue, e.g. ‘Does anyone 
disagree?’ or ‘Who can help us to think this 
idea through?’ 
Pausing to scan or survey 
The teacher stands back to take stock of the 
learning across the class. This enables them to 
quickly assess what the pupils can do, can 
partially do or can’t do, and to adjust the 
teaching in response. 
Wait time after a pupil response 
Pupils are given time to reflect on a peer’s 
response to a question. This enables them to 
check whether they understand it and to 
formulate a further response which builds on 
what has been said. 
Using wrong or partially correct answers to 
prompt responses 
Teacher models not being sure about what the 
right answer is, i.e. teacher seen to take risks 
and be vulnerable, or teacher helps pupil 
unpick thinking leading up to partially correct 

response and asks others to challenge or 
support each step. 
Using group discussion strategies 
Teacher employs strategies such as envoying, 
rainbow groups, jigsawing and snowballing to 
structure group work so that dialogue remains 
focused and ideas from pupils are effectively 
shared across the groups. 
Acknowledge when pupils demonstrate 
effective dialogue 
Teacher explicitly comments on the features of 
effective dialogue where they occur. 
Models interest and enthusiasm 
Teacher models respect for others’ points of 
view by reflecting on them and exploring 
them, or models a positive response to sincere 
‘off the wall’ comments, or is excited about a 
good response. 
Varying length of wait time. 
The length of wait time is adjusted according 
the importance and level of challenge in the 
question – for example, from a few seconds for 
thought to longer pauses of a few minutes for 
reflection or discussion. 
Negotiating whether answers are right or 
wrong and why 
Teacher invites a vote on a reasoned response, 
or crystalises the views of two camps to help 
focus further discussion, or constructively 
challenges points raised by providing an 
alternative argument 
or perspective. 
The formative use of summative tests 
• Pupils should be engaged in a reflective review of the work they have done to enable them to 
plan their revision effectively. 
• Pupils should be encouraged to set questions and mark answers to help them, both to 
understand the assessment process and to focus further efforts for improvement. 
• Pupils should be encouraged through peer and self-assessment to apply criteria to help them 
understand how their work might be improved. 
• Summative tests should be, and should be seen to be, a positive part of the learning process. 

Cole,  G.  (2006)  101  Essentials  Lists  for  using  ICT  in  the  classroom.  Continuum  International 
Publishing Group.  
Biggs JB (1987), Student Approaches to Learning and Study, Melbourne: Australian Council for 
Educational Research
Bloom B.S. et al. (1956) Taxonomy of Educational goals: Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain, New 
York: David McKey 
Blogger in the Classroom. Online at: 
  Accessed 18.06.2012 
Bragham  G.  (2006)  How  to  survive  and  succeed  with  interactive  whiteboard.  LDA  (Learning 
Development Aids) 
Brookfield S. (1987) Developing critical thinking: challenging adults to explore Alternative 
Ways of thinking and Acting. New York: Teachers College Press. 
Fisher R. (2005) Teaching children to think. Nelson Thornes LTD. 
Fontichiaro K. (2008) Podcasting at school, London. Libraries unlimited Key Stage 3 National 
Strategy. Crown copyright 2005 Introduction DfES 1099-2005 G 
Gibbs G (1981), Teaching Students to Learn: a student-centred approach, Milton Keynes: Open 
University Press 
Goodhew, G. (2009) Meeting the needs of Gifted and Talented students, Continuum International 
Publishing Group.
Honey P and Mumford A (1992), The Manual of Learning Styles
revised edition, obtainable from Peter Honey, Maidenhead SL6 6HB
Hymer, B. (2002) Gifted and Talented learners, David Fulton Publishers LTD. 
Kent, G. (1996) Teaching the Able Pupil, Pearson Publishing. 
Leicester M. (2010) Teaching critical thinking skills. Continuum International Publishing group 
Stephen E. Toulmin (1958) The uses of Argument, Cambridge University Press.  
Top Tips 50 podcasting ideas for the  classroom. A helpful guide to get you  started with 
podcasting. Online at: 
Using Blogs to Integrate Technology in the Classroom. Online at: 

Watkins et al. (2000)
Learning about Learning. Resources for supporting effective learning. 
Routledge, London
5  Strategies  for  Using  Wikis  in  the  Classroom.  Online  at:
 Accessed 18.06.2012 
6 Strategies for Using a Smart Board in  Class. Online at: 
 Accessed 18.06.2012
11 advantages of using a blog for teaching. Online at:
 Accessed 18.06.2012 

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