Часть VIII

«Молодой учёный»  .  № 23 (261)   .  Июнь 2019 г. Филология, лингвистика

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«Молодой учёный»  .  № 23 (261)   .  Июнь 2019 г.

Филология, лингвистика

Филология, лингвистика

Upon completion of the basic course, students should 

be able to also within the most typical communication 


—  make extracts from the text;

—  make and write a plan of the text read or heard;

—  write a short greeting, express a wish;

—  fill in the form in writing (indicate the name, surname, 

gender, age, citizenship, address, etc.);

—  write a personal letter (ask the addressee about his life, 

children, tell the same thing about yourself, express 

gratitude, using material from one or several learned 


Graduates of schools, lyceums of a linguistic profile should 

be able to use the letter in the field of their chosen professional 

and personal interests with a significant variety of situations of 

official and unofficial nature, a high degree of complexity and 

a large amount of text produced in writing.

The basic course implies mastering written language at 

the “level of survival,” that is, the achievement of elementary 

communicative competence.

For a long time, secondary education was attached to 

the teaching of writing in secondary school. It acted, rather, 

as a means of teaching other types of speech activity. The 

only exceptions were language universities and schools with 

in-depth study of a foreign language, where writing was 

considered as the goal of study.

However, if we turn to the data of psychology, then 

involuntarily we come up against the position of the 

inseparable interaction of analyzers of cerebral cortex, which 

determines the relationship of various types of speech activity. 

Then it turns out that the lag of one speech unit inhibits the 

development of other species. So, students of non-linguistic 

universities could not, at the beginning of their studies at the 

university, write down words, draw up plans for working on 

text, etc. This hampered the formation of skills in speaking 

and reading (the same thing was when listening). Teacher 

practitioners have noticed that learning vocabulary is strongest 

with the simultaneous listening of a word, writing it on a 

blackboard and pronouncing it.

Thus, the enhancement of the role of writing proceeded 

both from below — from the mass school, and from above — 

from science. Currently, attitudes toward writing and teaching 

students to express their thoughts in writing have drastically 

changed. Writing as a goal of learning is present in programs 

for all types of educational institutions, at all stages of learning 

a foreign language, since the main didactic rule is interrelated 

and parallel learning of all types of speech activity with a 

differentiated approach to each of them, t. e. all analyzers 

should be involved, educational material should be “passed 

through” in the lesson through all types of speech activity

so we are talking about such a strategy of learning a foreign 

language, when one type of speech activity assimilated by 

other types of speech activity.

What do we mean by the terms “writing” and “written 

speech”? Writing is a broader concept and includes graphics 

(system of signs-grapheme); spelling (spelling); entry — 

written fixation of language units.

Written speech — written fixation of an oral utterance — 

to solve a specific communication problem.

In the practice of teaching, writing means technology 

(procedural aspect), and written speech means complex 

creative activity aimed at expressing thoughts in writing.

The long-standing rejection of writing as a learning goal is 

largely due to the difficulties of learning to write.

We list these difficulties: the discrepancy between the 

sound and graphic plan of speech; a written statement is more 

specific, complete, more strict (for example, the inability to 

intonate one’s speech requires careful selection of syntactic 

means); the presence of graphic-orthographic features in a 

foreign language (unreadable letters, words, homophones); 

mastering written language implies that a student has a 

certain level of sociocultural competence.

Writing is a complex type of speech activity; in teaching 

writing, we have in mind the following aspects:

1) work on writing technique (i. e. forming calligraphic, 

graphic, and spelling skills);

2) the development of skills to transmit semantic 

information with the help of the graphic code of the language 

being studied, that is, a written speech.

Formation of skills of calligraphy is associated with the 

correct inscription of letters and legible writing. Graphic 

skills are due to students mastering a set of basic graphic 

properties of the language being studied, letters, diacritical 

marks (a sign with a letter indicating that it should be read 

differently than without this sign, for example: [ё] Uzbek 

with English. At the heart of spelling skills is a system of 

ways of writing words, adopted in a particular language. 

Difficulties associated with mastering these skills are due to 

the fact that in most cases the alphabets of the native and 

foreign languages do not match. Packages should also be 

taken into account.

Writing is by its nature secondary, but at the same time it 

is an independent material form of the language. Developing 

its own features, it relied on the same semasiological 

categories of time, space, modality, subject, object, predicate, 

cause-effect relationships, etc., which are inherent in speech

but at the same time other means appeared and developed. 

Ways of expressing these categories, which could not but 

affect their semantics (For example, how do we express 

expression in writing? Select it with a font or an exclamation 


From a psychological point of view, thanks to the unification 

of the rumors of internal speech and visual-motor images in 

a letter, the complex assimilation of knowledge and skills, i. 

e., written language, is more complex in structure, since it 

includes oral speech.

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