ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
6 Абай. Слово Назидания. Перевод С. Санбаева. А. : Жалын, 1983, 160 с.
7 Есимов, Г. Хаким Абай. – Алматы : Білім, 1995. – 195 с.
8 Нематова, А. Эссе жанры туралы. //Хабаршы. Филология сериясы.
Әл-Фараби ат.ҚазҰУ. – Алматы, 2000. – 131 б., №7.
9 Салғара, Қ. Қазақтар. Роман-эссе. – Алматы : Өнер, 1995. – 351 б.
10 Исмакова, А. С. Поэтика казахской художственной прозы начала
ХХ века (тематика, жанр, стиль): Автореф. дис...докт. фил. наук. – Алматы,
1998. – 182 с.
11 Бельгер, Г. К. Гете и Абай. Эссе. – Алматы : Жалын, 1989. // «Книга
слов» Абая и ее переводчики. В.кн.: Земные избранники (Гете и Абай).
Литературно-критические очерки-эссе. – Алматы : Жазушы, 1995. – 248 с.
Материал 31.10.14 баспаға түсті.
Р. З. Зайкенова, Н. С. Балтабаева
Развитие жанра романа-эссе в казахской литературе
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет, г. Алматы.
Материал поступил в редакцию 31.10.14.
R. Z. Zaykenova, N. S. Baltabaeva
Development of genre of novel-essay in Kazakh literature
Kazakh state womens teacher
training university,state Almaty.
Material received on 14.11.14.
В статье рассматривается эссе как жанр употреблялся в
национальной литературе, определить и доказать с какого периода.
The article deals with essay as a genre that was used in the national
literature, to define and prove from what period.
UDC 81’373:811
A. B. Ibrayeva
, F. R. Avazbakiyeva
Candidate of philological sciences (PhD), docent, the Chair of English Department
of Kazakh Humanities and Law University, Astana,
Candidate of philological
sciences, senior teacher at the English Department of Kazakh Humanities and
Law University, Astana.
The article discusses the morphemic and morphological peculiarities
of Turkic loanwords in the Polish language. The authors speculate that
the influence of the Kazakh language and Turkic vocabulary on the Polish
language is amplified in regions, heavily populated by Kazakh and Polish
peoples, and tribal classification of loanwords is based on semantic
reinterpretation of borrowed lexical items.
Key words: Polish and Turkic languages, morphological adaptation,
«Kyrgyz», O. Suleymenov, Gustav Zelinski, Adolf Yanushkevich, lexical
The Polish and Turkic languages belong to typologically unrelated language
groups. Nouns in the Turkic languages are deprived of category of gender. In the
Polish language the category of gender is the most characteristic morphological
feature. Every noun in the Slavic languages surely has to belong to one of three
genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. This grammatical law also includes
There are two opposite processes in the use of Turkisms in the works of the
Polish authors. On the one hand, the Turkisms consolidating its positions join a
word-formation model of Polish and develop a word-formation activity. On the
other hand, the Turkisms are used only once in the analyzed texts owing to its
weak positions.
The Turkisms in Polish mainly consist of nouns. Only small number of the
words designating the colors of horses are referred to adjectives.
The following nouns are referred to a feminine gender, 1) the words that end
in vowels -а, -я: ex.: чомга, каравайка, казара, дрофаит.д. 2) the words with
a basis on a soft consonant: лошадь and others.
Let’s give some illustrative examples – the indicators of morphological
adaptation of words:
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
Gościnni jego mieszkańcy kazali
nam zapomnieć o chłodzie i trudach
doznanych w czasie podróży z Om-
ska; lecz oto w tej chwili odbieramy
wiadomość iż konie przypędzone z
aułów kirgizskich, czekają na nas na
drugiej stronie Irtysza; jutro więc czyn-
imy rozbrat z cywylizowanem życiem,
i puszczamy się na wszystkie niewy-
gody, przygody i niebezpieczeństwa
koczowniczej wędrówki, lecz fortes
fortuna iuvat!
But here is a message that the
horses from the nearest Kyrgyz auls
are brought and are waiting for us on
other bank of Irtysh. It means that
tomorrow we give up on the civi-
lization, we foredoom ourselves to
inconveniences, adventures and dan-
gers of nomadic life fortunaiuvat!
Owoz ta pół-poważna, pół-
pocieszna znamienitość stepowa,
z przywązaną czerwoną chustką do
kilkosążniowej włoczni...
And here this half-serious,
semi-amusing steppe celebrity with
a red scarf attached to a put off spear,
having left on quick cream-colored
in front of our vanguard during per-
formance in a campaign, provided
meteorology and astronomy to ex-
pedition services.
When analyzing these examples it is possible to make an assumption
that a patrimonial classification of borrowings is based generally on semantic
reconsideration of a borrowed lexeme. In our case it is difficult to claim about
gender in Polish as in the Kazakh language there is no category of gender, and in
Polish there are two categories – menskoosobovy and non-menskoosobovy. If to
classify the data of group approximately to Russian, it is possible to assume that the
masculine gender belongs to the menskoosobovy, and feminine and neuter gender
to non-menskoosobovy. As well as in Russian it is possible to define category of
gender on generic features.According to these examples, it is possible to assume
that dżut, kattur, tupałan, ajran, tursuk, auł, step, etc.belong to a masculine gender
as they have a finished form, do not end in a vowel and have a zero inflexion, i.e.
are referred to menskoosobovy category, and czygertke is probably referred to a
neuter gender as the ending -е is peculiar for a neuter gender and is considered
to be non-menskoosobovy.
The Polish authors in their works of art widely use the words and phrases with
the Turkic ethno cultural components that testifies to an interaction of languages of
these ethnos. For example, we will give some fragments from the poem «Kyrgyz»:
Gość!... gość przyjechał!... wieść
ta jak goniec
Z końca aułu na drugi koniec
Leci - i wszystkich umysł zaprząta.
Gość!... gość!... to jedno tak rzad-
kie słowo
Całą siedzibę wstrząsa koczową.
Starzy i młodzi - każdy się krząta
I zaraz baran najtłustszy z stada
Na cześć przybysza pod nożem
W jurcie największej, wkoło
Zebrana cała ludność kirgiska
Tłumnie zajęła miejsce na ziemi.
Bij, głowa rodu, siadł na wojłoku
Szytym starownie wzory różnemi;
Gościa przy swoim umieścił boku;
A dalej kołem obsiedli drudzy,
Rodzina Bija i jego słudzy.
Guest!...guest has come!...this
news is like a staffette
From one end of aul to another
Flies – and absorbs the sense
of everybody,
Guest!... guest!... only this
Shudder the whole nomadic
Old and young– everyone is
And at once the most fat ram
from herd
In honor of the arrived guest put
under a knife …
In the biggest yurta, near the
Gathered all Kyrgyz people.
Crowd having taken all place
Bii, the chief of family sat down
on felt
Embroidered with different
Seated the guest near himslef;
And further seated the friends,
Relatives and his and his at-
(Lineal translation by A. B. Ibraeva)
In this example the lexemes aułu, baran, kirgiz, bij submit not only to the
phonetic features of Polish, but also to morphological, i.e. every noun in pix. in
the Slavic languages surely has to belong to one of three genders: masculine,
feminine and neuter. This grammatical law possibly extends on borrowings auł,
baran, Kirgiz, Bijand finds the proof in the Big Polish-Russian dictionary, where
these lexemes belong to a masculine gender (rodzajmeski). In this example the
lexeme Bij is given with an explanation of głowarodu, i.e. bii – a chief of family.
These assumptions are conditional and do not apply for any statement.
The same can be told about the processes of rapprochement of phonetic and
morphological renewals of some Turkic names of animals. The Turkic word of
buga – «bull» according to a formal sign (final vowel - a) in Russian had to become
a noun of a feminine gender that would contradict to its meaning. Owing to it the
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
Turkic buga, buka penetrates into Russian in new phonetic registration, in one
case, having rejected final vowel «a», and in other, according to some, having
attached to the basis a sound «й» – «bull» and «bull hide». It allowed the word to
enter the category of nouns of a masculine gender that corresponded also to the
meaning of the word. For the same reason Old Turkic teka – «goat», Tatar тәк
ә – «the name of males of small cattle» in the Russian dialects lost a final vowel
and stood in a row with the nouns of a masculine gender (V.Dal: tek – «goat»).
This problem is rather well studied by linguist D. Setarov. The similar process
happened with the Turkic word saryk – «yarka», «sheep». Owing to a final firm
consonant the word saryk is a noun of a masculine gender that conflicts to a
female of a carrier of this lexeme. It led to a sound renewal on the Russian land:
a vowel «a», an indicator of a feminine gender (saryk, saryka) was added to the
word. Further a sound «ы», having appeared in a weak position, dropped out. A
noise consonant «k», in situation between sonorant and consonant, was naturally
vocalized. In Russian the word was fixed in the form «sarga».
The Turkizms, acquiring a grammatical gender, are brought under the types
of inducement existing in Russian, get the Russian forms of word change. Having
entered the system of word change, the words are also included in the category of
number, i.e. get the Russian forms of plural form. Some words with an affix – ы,
– also were apprehended in the Russian use as the names in plural form, while in
the Turkic languages they have the meaning of singular form: argali, tazy.
The development of a final part of the word, where action of phonetic and
morphological factors crosses, is the most difficult. New sounds can be added to
the word – the suffixes or the endings, separate sounds that will casually coincide
with the known endings.
As a result of submission of Turkic words to the grammatical system of
Russian the part of a prototype basis can become an ending making out the name,
for isntance, final «a» in the Turkismskarga, kabarga, kapkara (the process of
basis complication).
Coming back to the works under study it is possible to tell that Gustav
Zelinski, Adolf Yanushkevich, Bronislav Zalesski got their literary glory not only
thanks to the creations, which they wrote on the basis of memoirs and experiences
of the period of deportation, but gave valuable material for linguistic research.
Their works were translated into many languages of the world, in particular the
poem «Kyrgyz» by G. Zelinski was translated into the German, Czech, Russian,
French, Italian and English languages. When analyzing this work it is possible
to allocate most often met foreign impregnations: Batyr — the batyr, bogatyr. In
I. I. Ojegov’s explanatory dictionary the following definitions are given: 1. sporty
equestrian, brave man, athlete, hero; 2. historic epithet of national athletes. Dombra
— dombra, a musical string instrument; Bitege — plant, porous feather grass;
Burma — an illness; Kamcza — kamcha, whip; Kurgan — hill, in particular a
sepulchral hill at the ancient people. Ru – 1.The main public organization of a
primitive-communal system united by consanguinity. 2. The lineage, occurring
from one ancestor, and also in general generation; Tamyr – an acquaintance,
friendship between Russians and Kazakhs, etc.
It is possible to tell that the value of the Kazakh impregnations consists not
in its informativeness (it is just unimportant: they are the impregnations that it
is possible to manage the means of the Polish language), and that they help to
understand more deeply the sense of translated units, to inform a reader about
figurativeness and national color of the original. The characteristic of characters,
humour, speech manner of the people, a peculiar vision of the world – the
impregnations and close to it formations play an invaluable role in the solution
of these and other problems.
The writer can display extremely precisely all cases of an interference and
intercalation: any character studies a foreign language and while knows it badly,
uses the words and expressions of the native language when speaking in foreign
language; other character has a low standard of speech, and his speech is laconic,
though he speaks the native language: the third specially uses the foreign units with
a special purpose in any conditions. Thus it is possible to allocate two functions
of impregnations: 1) function, which we generally call coloristic meaning that
the color created by impregnations is in full accordance with definition of this
term; 2) the impregnations reflecting an expression of foreignness. The Turkic
vocabulary in the Polish texts was often used in the author’s speech and dialogues
as the expressional means that brings revival and promoting drawing attention to
the reporter. The exotic vocabulary and foreign impregnations, unlike borrowing
words, do not lose anything or nearly anything from the lines inherent in them
as language units, do not function in it as more or less strongly connected with a
lexical and grammatical system of this language.
First of all, this border is historically changeable. For instance, the foreign
impregnation in the course of its frequent use in speech can turn into the full and
semantic independent loan issued on phonetic-morphological models accepted
in the language.
We agree with the thought of O. O. Suleymenov, who writes in the work
«Turkic Peoples in Prehistory» that it is quite frequent that at early stages of
formation of language norms participating in cross-cultural communication, the
grammatical norms were developed and there was an active interchange not only
by lexical materials, but also by morphological schemes and means, and that there
has to be a new discipline – Turko-Slavistic studies that will help to eliminate
the contradictions of separate studying. Its main result can be the improvement
of general linguistics, on which achievements as on the base, all social sciences
rely [1, p. 249-547].
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
In the back issued book by O. Suleymenov «AZ-i-IA» it was said about
the need of revision of fundamental constructions for linguistics, in particular –
turcology. He writes that after the Indo-European linguistics turcology repeated the
purposes, methods and mistakes, but Indo-Europeanist unlike turcologist refused
the mistakes, whereas the second continued them to develop [2].
Russian linguist U. M. Bakhtikireev in the article «Origin and Interrelation
of Languages: New Linguistic Hypotheses (on a material of books by
O. O. Suleymenov)» writes: «O. Suleymenov’s philological intuition, his word
causing a constant linguistic interest of researchers speaks about special verbal
and cogitative activity of the creative person, whose consciousness advancing the
ordinary not always happens clear to the contemporary» [3, p. 61].
«O. O. Suleymenov’s thought that «the XXI century will begin with a
breakthrough, a gallop in the development of humanitarian knowledge» (that will
be promoted, certainly, by its linguistic works) finds the analogy in conclusion
of the known philosopher and thinker F. Nitsshe, which essence is reduced
to the following: «a surprising family likeness of all Indian, Greek, German
philosophizing can be explained quite simply. Namely there, where there is a
relationship of languages, thanks to the general philosophy of grammar (i.e. thanks
to the unconscious power and management of identical grammatical functions),
everything inevitably and in advance is prepared for uniform development and
sequence of philosophical systems; in the same way, as for some other explanations
of the world the way is as though closed» [4, p. 66].
During many millennia every people has its vital way, language, spiritual and
material culture. «Every people marry, give birth, get sick and die in their own
way; treat, work, manage and have a rest in their own way; smile, joke and laugh in
their own way; observe, behold and create painting in their own way; pray and act
heroically in their own way … Every people have a special sense of justice, other
character, other discipline, other idea of moral way, other family way. In a word,
every people have a special sincere way and the spiritual and creative act», – these
words belong to the known Russian sociologist and jurist I. A. Ilyin [5, p. 280].
A language image of any culture is formed throughout long historical
development. At the same time the formation process of an image of national
culture is accompanied by the process of internationalization, interaction of
different lingua cultures. Every language is reflection of the originality of culture of
the concrete people, identity of national character of native speakers and the general
universal component of universal culture. According to G. S. Akhmetzhanova
and A. A. Kairbayeva «every person can be considered as a carrier of not only
one, two and more languages, but also of several cultures: cultures of that social
group, to which they belong, national culture with which they are connected by
native language, way of life, world culture – through learning of foreign language,
reading foreign literature, and also thanks to mass media» [6, p. 273-275].
It is known that the process of generalization underlies the language
development, therefore any nomination is synthesis of experience of knowledge
of the objective world. «However, – marks out N. A. Shestakov, – this expression
of the general and private in one lexical unit is enough for the language. At a
certain stage of development of human thinking there are generic relations of
the concepts – they (as a higher step of communication) lead to emergence in
the lexical system of the separate nominations of the general and private... Thus,
the general and private can be expressed, on the one hand, in one lexical unit
(the same form at distinction of the contents), on the other hand – the various
nominations (distinction of a form at distinction of the contents)… The words of
foreign origin included in the lexical system of adopting language do not make
an exception in this regard» [7, p. 4]. As a result of such process of generalization
the words designating the objects of nomination close to each other on these or
those features, form the lexical microsystems based on their semantic similarity.
Lack of accurate theoretical installations leads to that in linguistic practice these
lexical microsystems are designated by various terms: «lexico-semantic group»,
«theme group», «leksiko-eidetic group», «semantic field».
1 Сулейменов, О. О. Тюрки в доистории // Ас Алан. – М. : Мир дому
твоему, 2002. – №3(8). – С. 249-547.
2 Сулейменов, О. О. АЗиЯ. Книга благонамеренного читателя. – Алма-
Ата: Жазушы, 1975. – С. 304.
3 Бахтикиреева, У. М. Происхождение и взаимосвязь языков: новые
лингвистические гипотезы (на материале книг О. О. Сулейменова) // Сб.
научных трудов «Славянские и тюркские языки: грани взаимодействия». –
Астана, 2008. – С. 61.
4 Бахтикиреева, У. М. Происхождение и взаимосвязь языков: новые
лингвистические гипотезы (на материале книг О. О. Сулейменова) // Сб.
научных трудов «Славянские и тюркские языки: грани взаимодействия». –
Астана, 2008. – С. 66
5 Ильин, И. А. Наши задачи. Историческая судьба и будущее России.
Статьи 1948-1954 гг.: в 2-х т. – М., 1992. – Т1. – С. 280.
6 Ахметжанова, Г. С., Каирбаева, А. А. Русско-казахские цветовые
параллели//Русистика в Казахстане: проблемы, традиции, перспективы:
Доклады междунар. Научно-прак.конф. – Алматы,1999. – С. 273-275.
7 Шестакова, Н. А. «К вопросу о семантической ассимиляции
заимствованных слов в русском языке». В сб. Вопросы современного русского
языка. Челябинск, 1974. – №8. – С. 85-95.
ISSN 1811-1823. Вестник ПГУ
Material received on 19.10.14
А. Б. Ибраева, Ф. Р. Авазбакиева
Түркі кірме сөздерінің морфемдік-морфологиялық ерекшеліктері
Қазақ гуманитарлық заң университеті, Астана қ.
Материал 19.10.14 баспаға түсті.
А. Б. Ибраева, Ф. Р. Авазбакиева
Морфемно-морфологические особенности тюркских заимствований
Казахский гуманитарно-юридический университет, г. Астана.
Материал поступил в редакцию 19.10.14.
Мақалада поляк тіліндегі түркі кірме сөздерінің морфемдік-
морфологиялық ерекшеліктері қарастырылады. Авторлар қазақ тілі
мен жалпы түркі лексикасының поляк тіліне әсері қазақ және поляк
халықтары тығыз тұратын өңірлерде күшті байқалатындығы және
кірме сөздердің тек жағынан жіктелісі осы кірме лексиканы жаңа
мағыналық тұрғыдан түсіндіруге негізделетіндігі туралы болжам
В данной статье рассматриваются морфемно-морфологические
особенности тюркских заимствований в польском языке. Авторы
высказывают предположение о том, что влияние казахского языка
и в целом тюркской лексики на польский язык усиливается в регионах
компактного проживания казахского и польского народов и родовая
классификация заимствованных слов основывается на смысловом
переосмыслении заимствованной лексемы.
ӘОЖ 81’1
Б. М. Қадырова
, А. Ербол
ф.ғ.к., доцент,
магистрант, С. Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік
университеті, Павлодар қ.
Берілген мақалада қазіргі қазақ терминология саласының өзекті
мәселелері талқыланып, терминжасамдағы негізгі қағидаттары
Кілтті сөздер: термин, дәлдік, қысқалық, жүйелілік, символ-сөз,
сан, географиялық таңба, жұрнақ, жалғау, буын, шумақ, тармақ,
рай, мүше, әдіс.
«Терминология» терминінің қандай мағына білдіретінін білмей тұрып,
ол туралы ғылымда жүйелі ой айту қиын. Сондықтан да мәселенің басын
терминологиядан бастау керек.
А. В. Суперанскаяның айтуынша, терминология жеке ғылым ретінде
XIX ғасырдың I жартысында қалыптасса, оның дамуы, жан-жақты зерттелуі
Батыс Еуропа мемлекеттерінде қарастырылып, кейінірек отандық тіл білімінде
жал- ғасын тапты деп айтуға болады. Профессор Ғ. Қалиев «Терминология
(лат. terminus, грек. logos ) - ғылым, техника, өндіріс, өнер, білім саласындағы
терминдердің жиынтығы» [3,322] десе, академик Ө. Айтбайұлы: «Терминология
— тілдің арнайы лексикасының даму заңдылықтарын тексеретін ғылым
саласы, сонымен бірге ол ғылым мен техниканың жеке салалары терминдерінің
жиынтығы» [1,27] дейді. Ш. Құрманбайұлы: «Терминология кең мағынасында
«адамның кәсіптік қызмет саласындағы қолданылатын арнаулы лексиканы
қамтитын, тілдің сөздік құрамының бөлігі». Терминология – арнаулы сала
ұғымдарының жүйелік ерекшелігін көрсете отырып, оның коммуникативтік
қажеттілігін өтеуге қызмет ететін атаулар жиынтығы» [5,13] деген анықтамалар
айтқан. Осы терминологияға берілген анықтамалар әртүрлі болғанымен, негізгі
берер ғылыми тұжырымдамасы бірдей екенін байқауға болады.
Академик Ө. Айтбайұлы терминдердің негізгі белгілері дәлдік,
қысқалық, жүйелілік [1,26] дейді. Ал, профессор Ш. Құрманбайұлы
төмендегіше саралайды:
1. терминдер негізінен сөз немесе сөз тіркестері болады (кейде сөйлем
түрінде де кездеседі);
2. терминдер негізінен тілдік бірліктер (символ-сөз, сан, географиялық
таңба түріндегі терминдер де бар. Бірақ терминологиядағы олардың үлес
салмағы термин сөздерге қарағанда әлдеқайда төмен);