Список литературы:
Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации от 14.11.2002 № 138-ФЗ (в действующей
ред.)// Парламентская газета. 2002. - № 220-221.
Семейный кодекс Российской Федерации от 29.12.1995 № 223-ФЗ (в действующей ред.) // Собрание зако-
нодательства РФ, 1996. - № 1. - Ст. 16.
Федеральный закон «Об опеке и попечительстве» от 24.04.2008 года № 48-ФЗ, с изм. от 01.07.2011
№ 169-ФЗ (в действующей ред.) // Собрание законодательства РФ, 2008. – № 17. Ст. 1755.
Федеральный закон от 23 декабря 2010 г. № 386-ФЗ «О внесении изменений в статьи 127 и 146 Семейного
кодекса Российской Федерации», ограничивший круг граждан, имеющих право быть опекунами (попечите-
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2009. - №5. – С. 18-20.
Постановление Правительства РФ от 14.02.2013 № 117 «Об утверждении перечня заболеваний, при нали-
чии которых лицо не может усыновить (удочерить) ребенка, принять его под опеку (попечительство), взять
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– Ст. 4577.
Правила создания приемной семьи и осуществления контроля за условиями жизни и воспитания ребенка
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Постановление Правительства РФ от 14.02.2013 № 117 «Об утверждении перечня заболеваний, при нали-
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Журнал «Интернаука»
№ 2 (6), Часть 2, 2017 г.
Shahnoza Djurayeva
teacher of department “Practical course of English language”, of Faculty “Foreign languages”
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract. In the given article was analyzed three stages of non verbal means. Principle realization of communica-
bility at training to a foreign language demands the complex account of socio cultural components providing authentici-
ty of the certificate of communications. One of such components is the speech behavior. Speech behavior, as is known,
is included:1) verbal reactions of interlocutors; 2) nonverbal reactions of interlocutors; 3) formalizations of speech be-
Keywords: socio cultural components, non verbal means, nonverbal reactions, formalizations of speech behavior,
gestures, mimicry, gestures, elements of spatial conditions of dialogue, components of melody, nonverbal means of
foreign language, mimic and pantomimic signals.
American professor Berdsvil asserts, that verbal
dialogue in conversation occupies 35 %, and more than
65 % of the information are transferred by means of
nonverbal means of dialogue. Really, nonverbal proper-
ties of dialogue help to express the same, as speech to
anticipate that will be told, to express value opposite to
volume that will be told, to accent, emotionally paint
what is told, to fill silence and to explain it, to leave
inconvenient position. They help to understand inward-
ness of the interlocutor, to understand cultural features
of other country, to avoid weariness of the partner in
Principle realization of communicability at training
to a foreign language demands the complex account of
socio cultural components providing authenticity of the
certificate of communications. One of such components
is the speech behavior.
In concept speech behavior, as is known, is includ-
ed:1) verbal reactions of interlocutors; 2) nonverbal
reactions of interlocutors; 3) formalizations of speech
Verbal reactions of interlocutors are the phrases
said at definition socio cultural circumstances and rep-
resenting «speech words», or the speech indicators ex-
pressing various aspects.
Nonverbal reactions of interlocutors are poses,
gesticulation, a mimicry, elements of spatial conditions
of dialogue, components of melody international regis-
tration of speech and a phrase accent;
formalizations of speech behavior, or speech
strategy, are special "habits", stereotypes or, more like-
ly, the tendencies of speech behavior representing itself
as certain organized beginning both uniting the state-
ments and verbal and nonverbal reactions of interlocu-
tors in the complete speech certificate.
Mastering by nonverbal means of dialogue speaking
another language undoubtedly approaches the pupil to
the high-grade communicative certificate on a foreign
language, person cannot talk, remaining motionless, not
gesticulating and not changing a look.
Gestures, mimicry concern nonverbal means, poses,
body movements, cough, a breath, an exhalation, etc.
They are subdivided into vocal, mimic and panto-
mimic signals. These signals bear the certain semantic
and emotional information in the speech certificate, to
read which, not knowing national specificity of lan-
guage, is impossible. As well as verbal they also require
In mastering by nonverbal means distinguish three
1. Comprehension of nonverbal means of dialogue
of the native language and their comparison to similar
means of studied language.
2. Realized imitation of nonverbal means of foreign
3. Activization and using of nonverbal means of
foreign language in dialogue:
At playing various social situation and social
At performance of plays speaking another lan-
guage or films, or fragments from them;
Comparison of nonverbal means of dialogue of
Russian to similar means, for example, English lan-
guage allows to allocate 4 groups conditionally.
The nonverbal means coinciding or similar in exe-
cution concern the first group, spheres of using and
transferring of their sense. Into it enter a considerable
part of nonverbal means that facilitates their mastering
by pupils. These are gestures, greetings, farewells, ac-
quaintances, positive and negative reactions, the affirm-
ative and negative rocking by a head surprised shrug-
Журнал «Интернаука»
№ 2 (6), Часть 2, 2017 г.
ging with shoulders, movement by a head, a hand to-
wards instructions on object of attention, repeated
knocking a finger on a forehead, gestures "sit down",
"rise", «approach more close», the lowered hands speci-
fying in a dejectedness, «shaking off» or "crossing" as a
sign of unwillingness something to do, gesture - an ap-
peal to observance of silence, etc.
The second group is made by nonverbal means co-
inciding or similar in execution, but finding out diver-
gences in their senses and using of sphere. Gesture «to
click fingers», for example, is used in English commu-
nicative environment for attention attraction, and at na-
tive speakers of Russian - for expression of pleasure,
approval, disappointment, desire to recollect and the
For example, the fist lifted upwards for Americans
symbolizes force and the power. The given gesture is
used on demonstrations and protest meetings.
The third group is a group of the nonverbal means
coinciding on sense of the use, but various in execution.
Englishmen stop the passing car the lifted big finger
focused in a direction of the way necessary to it («the
lifted hand»).
When to Russian it is ridiculous, it keeps hands for
a stomach, the Englishman - scratches sides near edges.
Trying to convince the interlocutor in the correct-
ness, Russian will beat itself a breast whereas the Eng-
lishman can use four gestures in such situation: two
brushes of a hand and two head depending on motive of
The fourth group includes nonverbal means which
are absent in communicative behavior of native speak-
ers of Russian. It is a number of the gestures expressing
to difficulty: «to splash on a dirt» (hands are bent in
elbows, almost at level of shoulders, fingers of hands
are moved apart, brushes of hands serially rise and fall,
representing painful advancement on a dirt) to "float"
(palms are directed on a floor, fingers are moved apart,
hands carry out simultaneously some movements of a
breast stroke).
If it is a question of insuperable difficulties it is
used following gestures: «to draw the right hand cross-
section line in the face of from left to right» or to repre-
sent an index finger or all fingers a circle across»
Training of nonverbal means of communication will
allow pupils to communicate. That's why it is necessary
to include in educational process sated linguo country
study information video data which urged to induce
pupils to activity and self-expression, after all the per-
ception of live situational speech promotes development
in them to speech reaction.
Proceeding from the aforesaid, it is possible to allo-
cate 4 stages in the organization of activity of pupils at
training to nonverbal means of dialogue speaking an-
other language.
1. Display of video topic with the subsequent allo-
cation nonverbal dialogue speaking another language
2. Creation of micro situations with using of para-
linguistic means of dialogue speaking another language
(managing micro dialogue)
3. Creation of speech situations with using of para-
linguistic means of dialogue speaking another language
(managing micro dialogue).
4. Role playing game. The best effect is reached in
dramatization of dialogues, playing of sketches from
Ananyeva M.M. Using of nonverbal means of dialogue at lessons of the French language. 1999, p.19-25
Korestelev V. S. Training to dialogue speaking to another language on initial stage.//Foreign languages at school. -
1992. - №1.
Passov E.I. Communicative training method speaking of another language speaking. - М: pedagogic, 1991. - 2nd
Журнал «Интернаука»
№ 2 (6), Часть 2, 2017 г.
Rashid Ibragimov
senior teacher of department “Practical course of English language”, of Faculty “Foreign languages”
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami,
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract. In the given article was analyzed method as a subject in pedagogical educational institutions which
should provide theoretical and practical preparation of students for effective professional work, methods and working
methods of the teacher, i.e. as "technology" of professional practical activities.
Keywords: method, pedagogical science, pedagogical educational institutions, system of exercises, theoretical and
practical preparation, professional practical activities, foreign language.
In the pedagogical plan the term «the technique of
training to a foreign language» basically is used in three
values and designates concepts different in the mainte-
1. Method as a subject in pedagogical educational
institutions which should provide theoretical and practi-
cal preparation of students for effective professional
2. Method as set of forms, methods and working
methods of the teacher, i.e. as "technology" of profes-
sional practical activities;
3. Method as the pedagogical science having the
characteristics, inherent in any science: object of re-
search, categorical device, research methods.
The method as a science has started to develop in
the end of 19th beginning 20th centuries. Process of
formation of method has occupied many decades. And
its way of formation is inconsistent enough. Two ques-
tions were actively discussed: whether the method of
training to a foreign language independent or applied
science, whether is it theoretical or practical discipline.
Some researchers (Sherba L.V., Rit E.M., Bloom-
field L.) considered method of training to a foreign lan-
guage as applied linguistics. E.M. Rit wrote: «the meth-
od of training to a foreign language is the practical ap-
pendix of the general conclusions of linguistics, in par-
ticular comparative linguistics». Recently this theory
revives again in connection with occurrence of the theo-
ry of language contacts and psycholinguistics. It is natu-
ral, that features of subject foreign language should in-
fluence to training process. At the same time some ques-
tion, connected with construction of process of training
to a foreign language (system of exercises, principles of
construction of employment, control problems, etc.), it
is impossible to solve use of visual aids only in linguis-
tics language.
Scientist B.V.Belyayev asserted, that the method of
training to a foreign language is applied psychology as
the basic laws of training to a foreign language can be
deduced from psychological laws of mastering foreign
language, main from which is to train in not easier for-
eign language, and thinking on it. As theoretical base
for the given opinion theory Sepira-Uorfa in which he
asserted has served, that structural-semantic distinctions
of different languages correspond to distinctions in
ways of thinking from what the conclusion has been
drawn, that training foreign language is training to
thinking on it. Hence, the method which purpose is
training to thinking speaking another language is ap-
plied psychology. However the inaccuracy of this
I.V.Rakhmanov has shown that quantity of the words
expressing concepts, absent in other language, is rather
insignificant, cases of discrepancies of word meanings
and word-combinations are more frequent.
Now the method of training to a foreign language is
treated as independent theoretical and the applied sci-
ence opening and proving laws of training to foreign
As a result of evolution of methodical concepts
there were two functionally various techniques: the gen-
eral and private techniques.
The general method is engaged in studying of laws
and features of process of training foreign language
irrespective of, about what foreign language there is a
speech. So, principles of selection of a teaching materi-
al, a parity of oral and written speech at various stages
of a lesson etc. will be in equivalent conditions of train-
ing identical to any of the West European languages
studied in comprehensive schools of our country.
But knowledge of the general laws of training for-
eign language appears insufficient when the teacher
faces specific features of a concrete foreign language.
Thus, the private technique investigates training to
those language and speech phenomena which are specif-
ic to a concrete foreign language.
The general and private techniques are intercon-
nected. The general technique is enriched on the basis of
experience of private techniques. On the other hand,
laws of the general technique find reflexion in private -
enriching, thus, its theory.
Prompt development of a methodical science gener-
ates independent branches of the general technique.
The comparative technique studies organization of
training foreign language in the different countries.
The historical technique studies history of methods
of training.
The special technique considers separately taken
aspects of the theory of training (for example, a tech-
nique of application, training foreign language in condi-
tions of monolingual).
Each science has the object and an object of re-
search, and also methods of research and the conceptual
device - set of basic categories.
Object and object of science differentiation is oblig-
atory from the point of view of research methodology.
Журнал «Интернаука»
№ 2 (6), Часть 2, 2017 г.
Anything, the phenomenon, the relation - everything,
that is learnt, represents object of research (as it is not
learnt yet), therefore it is necessary to differentiate ob-
ject and a subject of a method of training to a foreign
language and to distinguish them from objects and sub-
jects of other sciences (pedagogic, psychology, and lin-
The basic objects of a method is first of all pro-
grams, textbooks, the manuals providing training to this
or that subject; process of training to it (teaching and
educational process), including activity of the teacher
and pupils, the basic organizational forms of their inter-
action (set of lessons, out-of-class work, etc.). In other
words, as objects of a technique the real phenomena of
the given sphere of the validity and some results of
knowledge of the given area, fixed in the certain sign
form and acting in objective, a material kind (programs
concern the last, textbooks) act.
All specified objects are in this or that form also ob-
jects of studying of other sciences. So, curricula, pro-
grams, textbooks, manuals, teaching and educational
process, the teacher, the pupil are objects of pedagogic
and didactics in the most generalized kind.
The pupil, the teacher and very indirectly teaching
and educational process on which basis there is a study-
ing of processes of formation of mentality of the
schoolboy, - all it makes in turn object of pedagogical
and social psychology.
The linguistics also has the general object with a
technique of training to foreign languages, namely a
foreign language as a training subject.
However, in the presence of the same objects, each
science carries out their studying from the point of view,
i.e. in own way reflects and models them, accepting for
initial different aspects of the given objects and every-
one has, hence, the «abstract object», the subject of
studying; «set of concrete objects of scientific research
is and there is an object of the given science. The ab-
stract system of objects or set (system) of abstract ob-
jects forms a subject of the given science»
I.L.Bim defines a technique subject as generaliza-
tion of set of possible models of interaction of all phe-
nomena, processes, communications, relations of that
field of activity which is connected with training to for-
eign languages.
Thus, as sciences enter into a technique subject all
ideal subsystems in a subject, i.e. our knowledge of it,
the purposes fixed in categories, the maintenance and
the methods of the training being in close interrelation
with each other and co-operating with a technique as
complete, historically developed system of our
knowledge of given sphere of the validity, reflected by a
subject. Together it generalizes all and models as the
The allocated object and subject of a method of
training foreign language allow defining it as a science
investigating the purposes, the maintenance, methods
and tutorials, and also ways of the doctrine and educa-
tion on a foreign language material.
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