Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университетінің Хабаршысы № 1 (77), 2019
IRSTI 27.01.45
, Sh.K. Abueva
Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy),
Master student 6M010900 - Mathematics
Kazakh State Women‘s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
The article presents the results of our research related to some aspects of the formation of mathematical
literacy of students. Providing a working definition of mathematical literacy, the study identifies four components
of mathematical literacy. The formation of each component of mathematical literacy is determined by its structural
features. Signs of the first component are possession of program special and general educational cognitive
knowledge, abilities, skills and ways of educational activity, methods of the doctrine. The second component is
determined by the ability to quickly and broadly generalize mathematical objects, relations, actions, free
adjustment of the thought process, switching from direct to reverse thoughts, consistent, correct, dissected logical
reasoning, formalized perception of mathematical material, the structure of the problem. Features of the third
component - the ability to formulate and write problems in the language of mathematics, the results of solutions
and others. The fourth component is expressed in the implementation of the previous components in life situations.
Key words: literacy, mathematical literacy, educational and cognitive competence, functional literacy,
features, components, ability
Modern society makes new demands on the level of professional training of the future teacher.
In modern education, mathematics is an element of general culture, functional literacy and everyday
use. Mathematical competence in various forms should be enhanced in all categories of the population.
This competence in society can be represented as a pyramid, at the apex of which there is a small group
of professionals involved in the creation of key elements of modern world mathematics, and at the
bottom is the entire mass of the population for whom mathematical literacy is an indispensable element
of culture, social, personal and professional competence [1; 81]. The key participant and factor in the
system of mathematical education is a teacher-mathematician. He must have not only mathematical
knowledge in the form of a set of definitions and proofs reproduced and transmitted to pupils, but first
of all be ready to solve new, previously unseen tasks in relevant areas, transfer to students a
mathematical model of activity. The Review of Secondary Education in Kazakhstan, conducted by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2014, concluded that academic
subjects are taught with a focus on theory, not paying due attention to their possible practical
application, with the result that students are not able to sufficiently effectively apply and use the
knowledge gained in non-standard situations. In terms of ensuring international competitiveness and the
quality of domestic education, the state program has in mind the places that our students will occupy
according to the results of the three most common systems of international testing [2;19]. They assess
the quality of mathematical, natural-scientific training, the ability to read and understand texts, as well
as the functional literacy of schoolchildren, that is, the ability to apply knowledge in extra-curricular
In general, our schoolchildren receive strong subject knowledge, however, often they do not
have the skills to apply them in life situations.
Today, school education in Kazakhstan is at the stage of a new start. Currently, the priorities are
infrastructure development and the transition to updated content. As part of the implementation of the
Plan of the Nation, ―100 concrete steps‖ initiated by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.
Nazarbayev has planned five steps in the field of education, aimed at improving the quality of human
capital based on the standards of OECD countries. Three of them relate to general secondary education:
Step 76: Phased implementation of a 12-year education, updating school standards for the
development of functional literacy. The introduction of per capita
funding in high school,
the creation of
a system of incentives for successful schools.
Step 79: Phased transition to the English language of instruction in the education system - in
high school and universities.
Step 89: Development and implementation of the national project ―Nurly Bolashak‖. The
introduction of values "Mangіlіk el" in the current curriculum of school education.