Ключевые слова: Абаеведение; поэтическая школа; литературная среда; традиция; источники
творчества; устное народное творчество; восточная литература; западная литература.
Literatury environment and Аbay
Erdembekov Bauirzhan Amangeldyuly
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Vice President for Strategic Development and Research of
S.Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University. 070004 Republic of Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk,
55, Kazakhstan str. E-mail: 1_prorector@vkgu.kz
Abstract. The article is devoted to not entirely explored issues of modern Abay studies – the study of
the characteristics of Abay’s literary environment and surroundings, and issues of formation of poetic
school. Theoretical justification of the concept of «Abay school» is given, the actual directions of artistic
search of poets, Abay's students are emphasized.
Keywords: Abay studies; poetic school; literary environment; tradition; sources of creativity; folklore;
oriental literature; Western literature.