1. Әбенбаев С. Эстетикалық мәдениет негіздері. – Алматы: Оқу құралы, 2005. – Б.
2. «Мәдени мұра». Қазақ өнерінің тарихы. (Ежелгі дәуір, І том). – Алматы: Өнер,
2007. – Б.199.
Қазақстан ұлттық энциклопедиясы. 1-7 том. – Алматы: 2005. – Б.300.
4. Қалиев С., Оразаев М., Смаилова М. Қазақ халқының салт-дәстүрлерi. – Алматы:
Рауан. 1995. – 170 б.
5. Қарамолдаева Г.Ж., Белғозиева Ұ.Б. Халық композиторлары мұралары арқылы
тұлғаның эстетикалық мәдениетін қалыптастыру. – Алматы: Оқу құралы, 2010. – Б. 25.
6. Камалова Н.К. Мәдени-тынығу жұмысының ұлттық дәстүрлері. – Шымкент: Оқу
құралы. 2009. – Б.64-77.
Акимбаева Г.Т., старший преподаватель
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
В статье рассматривается традиционные методы развития культуры связи с
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №6 (54), 2014 г.
Ключевые слова: культура, традиции, обычаи, представление, взаимосвязь,
культурная взаимосвязь и т.д.
Akimbaeva G.T., senior lecturer
(city Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University)
The article reported to the traditional methods of development of the culture of
communication youth
Keywords: culture, tradition, customs, representation, relationship, cultural bonds
М.R. Aldabergenova, senior lecturer
(Kazakh State Women’s
Teacher Training University)
Abstract: In the proposed article we are making an attempt to investigate the problem and
provide an aswer to the question of what the influence of the core disciplines upon the
formation of a sports ball dance pedagogue is.
Keywords: The core disciplines include: «The history of sports ball dance in the national
and overseas regions», «The heritage of ball choreography», «Ensemble», and also «The
Kazakh dance theory and teaching methods», «The contemporary choreography theory and
teaching methods», «Dances of the nations of the world». All of the above mentioned core
disciplinesconstitutethe complex of significant competencies of a future pedagogue– sports ball
dances choreographer. They are based on theexpertise, knowledge and skills that constitute the
professional profile of this specialization.
The continuing transformation of the arts education system overall, particularly in the
choreography arts area, generates a needforinstruction of highly skilled professionals in this
profile, oriented not only towards the acquisition of certain professional skills and
competencies but towards the formation of characteristics and features of a well-rounded
pedagogue’s personality as well. Exactly this specialist type will always be in demand in the
contemporary educational system in relation to conducting future professional activities and the
full self-actualization in the social and cultural area.
Therefore at the Choreography Pedagogics Department for 5В040900 –Choreography
major, Sports Ball Dance Pedagogue specialization at the T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National
Academy of Arts for the first time there were developed and introduced by Ms. V.V.
Yevseyeva, Honored Professor of the Academy, the typical and curriculum programs.
Whilst considering the importance of the core disciplines for the formation of a sports
ball dance pedagogue, we have studied:
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №6 (54), 2014 ж.
- typical and curriculum programs developed in the sports ball dance area;
- core disciplines, aimed at formation of a future sports ball dance pedagogue.
Prior to investigating each of the core disciplines separately, it would be appropriate to
quote Ms. T.V. Terekhova, a docent of the Choreography Pedagogics Department of the T.
Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts. She writes, «For successful development of the
mass direction it is required, first of all, to increase an amount of those involved in ball dances.
The second required component is availability of well-trained pedagogues-instructors» [1, 56].
In her article «Thoughts about sports ball dances», Ms. T.V. Terekhova emphasizes, «A
pedagogue-instructor engaged in work with beginning performers should possess an expertise
considerably higher than the basic performance techniques only… The teaching methods do not
come down to dry performance technique merely but include a lot of various components
allowing our graduates to adapt to the training process during four years (instruction in
baccalaureate)» [1, 58].
Let us consider the discipline «The history of sports ball dance in the national and
overseas regions». The aim of the discipline is to form the integral system of knowledge on the
evolution of the ball choreography development from the initial stage till today. It is aimed at
the formation of a sports ball dance pedagogue through the system of theoretical knowledge
used as a basis for development of psychological, pedagogical and methodical skills.
Entering of the ball choreography of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the global
community generates an acute need in studying history of sports ball choreography
development not only in Kazakhstan but overall. Definite historical periods and also creative
works of prominent sports ball dance activists and performers were highlighted in the textbook
«The history of sports ball dance» by Mr. A.T. Issaliyev, a senior lecturer of the Choreography
Pedagogics Department of the T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts [2]. Taking into
account the trends in the modern teaching methods, in the well-rounded training of a young
specialist, into development of the training program there were included the following tasks:
To identify the historical processes influencing the ball choreography development;
To determine laws of the ball dance evolution from the initial stage till today;
To identify the influence of new musical rhythms of the 20
century beginning upon
ball choreography;
To study programs of dance schools, clubs from the initial stage till today;
To highlight teaching material available in the sports ball choreography area.
Definitely, from the content of the training program, we can draw a conclusion that this
subject provides for profound and versatile knowledge aimed at developing a student’s world
It is a well-known fact that creative activities of instructors, sports ball dance pedagogues
should provide for conservation and propaganda of the dance heritage as well as for spiritual,
moral and aesthetic upbringing of an individual based on the latest achievements of the world
art in sports ball dance. That is why the continuity and propaganda of the ball heritage is
provided for by the discipline “The heritage of ball choreography”. The best samples of sports
ball dance, accumulated during many years and engrained into the dance heritage contain
aesthetical and spiritual values. The aim of the program: practical acquisition of the 20
century ball choreography, recognizance of the meaning of application of the studied dances in
work of various dance groups and studios at the present time. In the training process future
specialists study characteristics of dances in the 20-ies – 30-ies, 40-ies – 50-ies, 60-ies – 70-ies,
80-ies of the 20
century. At practical classes they acquire dances of «The Golden Fund of Ball
Choreography of the 20
century», dances of the CIS, the Baltic nations, children’s dances,
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №6 (54), 2014 г.
disco-dances. An analysis of dance vocabulary is conducted by recordings of dances and
staging of one’s own versions is made.
Specifics of «The heritage of ball choreography» discipline provide for practical work in
children’s dance groups. The main methodical – practical components of these classes are:
Investigation, consolidation, extension of acquired knowledge;
Formation of students’ independent work skills, of theability to analyze by a
recording and to independently record dances;
Development of students’ creative abilities through the formation of the skill to
create exclusive versions of dances.
From all that has been said it follows that as a result of acquisition of «The heritage of
ball choreography» discipline future pedagogues – choreographers should know the main terms
and distinguishing peculiarities of dances of various epochs, the best choreography samples and
have an ampleamount of knowledge required for independent work.
The next educational choreographic discipline is «Ensemble». The «Ensemble» word
includes a conception of quite many meanings–from a duet to a synchronic dance performance
by a group of people, their interaction, both in the meaningful and the mechanical repetition of
choreography figures. This discipline is oriented at studying the peculiarities and types of
ensemble techniques samples, creating original stagings and forming the ability to find a
staging solution.
Therefore the educational aim of the «Ensemble» discipline is to teach students the skills
of structurising practical and theoretical knowledge.
The «Ensemble» discipline enables formation of students’ expertise, knowledge and
skills in work with a choreographic group, and also stimulates a steady professional growth,
expressed in the ability to perceive new methodical and pedagogical information, the ability to
apply it practically. As the terminal aim of the «Ensemble» discipline is a creation of the stage
image, then in this capability it implies a student’s practical skill of creating a piece,in itself
bearing a meaning through the elements of choreographic plastics on the basis of the drama
laws: «Organization of a concerted number, solution of managerial problems and the training
process are an important ground-forming side of the activity – a basis for development and
achievement of the determined educational, arts and creative aims» [3, 3].
Amongst the core disciplines the Kazakh dance, contemporary dance, dances of the
nations of the worldhave a considerable influence upon the formation of a future sports ball
dance pedagogue. The typical and training programsof «The Kazakh dance theory and teaching
methods», «The contemporary choreography theory and teaching methods», «Dances of the
nations of the world» disciplines for theBall Choreography Pedagogue specialization were
developed atthe Choreography Pedagogics Department of the T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National
Academy of Arts. Their authors are Ms. А.А. Tati, a distinguished artist of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, a docent; Ms. G.N.Gabbassova, a senior lecturer; L.V. Kim, a docent, Head of the
Choreography Pedagogics Department.
«The Kazakh dance theory and teaching methods» discipline introduces students to the nation’s
general culture, music, literary creative works, applied types of people’s creative works, the
ethnographic peculiarities, historical and geographical conditions of the Kazakh people’s life
that influenced the formation of the dance art. The Kazakh dance is closely connected with the
development of various dance cultures with their rishest national traditions. The main aim of
the national dance arts development is not the unification of them but the mutual enrichment
with conservation of autonomy and authenticity. Studying the Kazakh dance theory and
teaching methodsallows students to perform transfer of expertise, knowledge and skills in the
process of training them for pedagogical activities. We think that the further development of
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №6 (54), 2014 ж.
this direction will enable intergration of the sports ball dance of the Republic of Kazakhstan
into the world cultural space.
An equally necessary discipline in the sphere of the well-rounded professional
development of future sports ball dance pedagogues is «The contemporary choreography
theory and teaching methods».Thanks to the contemporary choreography, in Ms. A.N.
Shulgina’s opinion, a students develops the body’s steadiness and flexibility, the ability to
dance with the entire body [4, 99]. The contemporary choreography as a core discipline pursues
two aims. The educational aim – creation of conditions for intensificationof the theoretical
preparation in teaching methods. The second aim – a developing one, it provides for the
creation of the conditions for development of the informational, communicative, reflexive and
analytical skills.
A wide use of technical aids: audio-records, video-records rear up students’ musical
ability, performance manner, and develop the style feeling. Introduction to the conceptions of
«space», «atmosphere», verbal and non-verbal communication implies confident application by
students of the newest choreographic vocabulary arsenal. One can’t but agree with the opinion
of the pedagogues of sports ball dance disciplines Ms. V.V. Yevseyeva, T.V. Terekhova and
Mr. A.T.Issaliyev on that that amongst the core disciplines the most considerable influence is
made by «The contemporary choreography theory and teaching methods» subject.
«The dances of the nations of the world» program as a core discipline of the
Choreography Pedagogics Department occupies a particular place in preparation of future
pedagogues – choreographers. Therefore the curriculum plans of the discipline provide for and
provide students with an amount of specific knowledge and skills in the world choreography
area, thus widening their professional outlook, brining up the creative imagination and drama
«In the training process a great amount of attention is paid to profound studying of the dance
forms and genres on the material of dances of the nations of the world taking into account their
regional peculiarities» [5, 47]. Highlighting in the training process the «Dances of the nations
of the world» subject, Ms. G.A. Vikhreva writes that, «It is not allowed to be limited with only
one method as the best one. Only an optimal combination of various methods can provide for
successful achievement of the complex of tasks of teaching the people’s dances» [6, 47].
One of the tasks consituting the complex of teaching the people’s dances is acquiring
knowledge of the music folklore. Acquisition of the technique of this or that dance of the
nations of the world is grounded first of all on understanding its musical basis and is closely
connected with the perception of the national traditions, cultural and everyday life customs of
each nation. Therefore the music and dance folklore of any nation constitue an untapped source
of professional composers and choreographers’ creativity. In the process of creating the stage
choreographic images of dances of the nations of the world the intonational nature should be a
reliable orienting source.
- the curriculum programs of the core disciplines of ball dance have a particular
importance in the formation of a future sports ball dance pedagogue;
- «the optimal combination of various methods», aims and tasks can provide for
successful realization of students’ theoretical and practical skills;
- the core disciplines deliver profound, well-rounded knowledge, aimed at development
of students’ expertise in the world choreographic art sphere; they are «a required condition of
unity of upbringing and education, a means of a complex approach to the subject matter
educational system» in the contemporary education [7, 71-73].
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №6 (54), 2014 г.
1. Terekhova T.V. Reflections on sports ballroom dances. – Almaty, No. 1 (2)/2013
«Search» scientific magazine of MES RK
2. Isaliyev A.T. History of sports ballroom dance: Textbook. – Almaty: «Goodprint»,
2012. – 151 p.
3. Educational and methodical complex of 071301. 65 «Amateur and folk
arts.Choreography» specialty, «Art director of choreographic collective, lecturer» qualification.
– Tyumen, 2010 – 15 p.
4. Shulgina A.N. Ballroom dances since the end of the XIX century up to now. – M.:
Russian university of theater – GITIS, 2012. - 303 p.
5. Mutaliyeva M.S. Preservation of choreographic heritage in teaching and educational
process at universities //The interuniversity collection of articles. – Almaty: Polygraphy –
Service K, 2010. – 92p.
6. Vikhreva G.A. National and scenic dance as a traditions preservation factor. - M, 1998
7. Gomeleva O.V. Intersubject ties in communicative abilities formation //Foreign
languages at school. -1987 .№6. – P. 71-73
Алдабергенова М.Р., старший преподаватель
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
В статье исследуется проблема влияния профилирующих дисциплин на
формирование педагога спортивного бального танца. Для получения достоверной
информации о предмете исследования применялись эмпирические методы: интервью с
ведущими специалистами в области педагогики спортивного бального танца;
наблюдение за студентами в процессе обучения на кафедре «Педагогика хореографии»
в Казахской национальной академии искусств им. Т. Жургенова. Для достижения
разностороннего освещения предмета, выявлена и обоснована концепция
необходимости изучения таких дисциплин как: «История спортивного бального танца в
отечественном и зарубежном регионах», «Наследие бальной хореографии», «Ансамбль»,
«Теория и методика преподавания казахского танца», «Теория и методика преподавания
современной хореографии», «Танцы народов мира». Изучение профилирующих
дисциплин – эффективный путь в подготовке педагога-хореографа спортивного бального
Ключевые слова: Основные дисциплины включают: «История спортивного
мячного танца в национальных и заграничных регионах», «Наследие хореографии»,
«Ансамбль», а также «Теория казахского танца и преподавательские методы»,
современной хореографии и преподавательские методы», «Танцы всего наций мира».
Все выше упомянутые основные дисциплины назначают комплекс существенной
компетентности будущего. Они основаны на компетенции, знании и навыках, которые
назначают профессиональный профиль этой специализации.
Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №6 (54), 2014 ж.
Алдабергенова М.Р., аға оқытушы
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Мақалада спорттық-бал биі оқытушысын қалыптастырудағы кәсіби пәндердің
ықпалы жөніндегі мәселе қарастырылған. Тақырыпты зерттеу барысында нақты ақпарат
алу үшін тәжірибеге ғана негізделген эмпирикалық әдістер қолданылды: спорттық-бал
биі педагогикасы бойынша белгілі мамандармен сұхбат; Т.Жүргенов атындағы Қазақ
Ұлттық өнер академиясының «Хореография педагогикасы» кафедрасы студенттерін
сабақ кезінде бақылау. Пәнді жан-жақты көрсету үшін төмендегі пәндерді оқып-білу
керектігінің концепциясы белгіленді: «Отандық және шет ел аймақтарының балдық би
тарихы», «Балдық би мұрасы», «Ансамбль», «Қазақ биін оқытудың теориясы мен
әдістемесі», «Заманауи хореографияны оқытудың теориясы мен әдістемесі», «Әлем
халықтарының биі». Кәсіби пәндерді оқу – спорттық-бал биінің оқытушы-
хореографтарын дайындаудың нәтижелі жолы болады.
Түйін сөздер: Негізгі тәртіптерге: Ұлттық және шекаралық аймақтардағы спорттық
доппен ойнау биінің тарихы, хореография, ансамбль және де көптеген қазақ биінің
теориясы мен оқытушылық әдісі, заманауи хореографияның теориясы мен оқытушылық
әдісі, әлемдегі ұлттар биі.
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