Item in the test
Correct word
False cognate
студент третьего курса
-year student
-course student
интеллегентный cultured
4 (экзаменационный) билет exam card
(exam) ticket
фрагмент (из фильма) scene
митинг demonstration;
чувствовать симпатию к
like somebody
have sympathy for
Results of the research show that students can
easily be misled by false cognates and make
mistakes that can cause misunderstanding. One of
the items in the test that draws attention is ‘роман’
a novel, which was translated by three students as
‘roman’. This kind of mistake can hamper com-
munication or at least cause predicament and
humorous moments at best.
Another item that has a totally different mea-
ning is ‘интеллегентный’ which means cultured.
73.7% of population translated this item as ‘intel-
ligent, though intelligent people are not necessarily
cultured. Surprisingly, three subjects did not know
the exact meaning of ‘интеллегентный’ in their
mother tongue. They supposed it was ‘wise’ and
The phrase ‘examination card’ was mistaken
for ‘examination ticket’ by 47.3% of the subjects.
Both items exist in the educational society but both
of them have different purpose and usage. If exa-
mination ticket grants access to the exam, exami-
nation card has questions in it to be answered.
15 participants were surprised to learn that
‘neat’ and ‘accurate’ are different words in En-
glish, while 4 students used different equivalents
such as ‘careful, scrupulous’ and ‘responsible’,
though the latter does not fully match the meaning
of ‘neat’.
The Russian word ‘митинг (rally)’ was incur-
rectly translated as ‘meeting’ by 12 subjects. Ho-
wever, six participants used other words, such as
‘demonstration, protest’ and ‘rebel’.
Limitations of the research
Unfortunately, due to time restriction and no
funding, the subjects were not interested in
contribution to the research. As a result, no pre-test
evaluation of participants’ language proficiency
was conducted. The subjects’ word was taken for
granted and they themselves evaluated their lan-
guage proficiency in Russian and Kazakh, which
might not reflect their real language competence.
In addition, young age of the students usually has
its effect on their self-evaluation and they could
have given themselves higher credits than they
Another limitation of the research could be the
limited number of participants. Only 19 students
were involved in the research, thought the ethnic
diversity is believed to meet the minimum re-
quirements, as the sample almost represents the
population proportion in the country. In spite of
this fact, it is believed that more accurate results
could be yielded with a bigger number of subjects
and, thus, it needs further research.
The number of items used in the test could be
another limitation of the present study. Only 15
false cognates and 10 true cognates were used in
the test. Had there been more items in the test, the
results could have been different. Consequently,
the current study cannot claim that it covered the
whole scope of false friends that students use in
their everyday life. As a result, with funding and
more time, further research could shed more light
on this issue.
Age of the participants in the current study
ranged between 20 and 21. A broader range could
be used for further investigation.
The present study showed that both bilingual
and multilingual subjects made mistakes with false
cognates. However, multilingual participants made
fewer mistakes than their bilingual counterparts,
dominant in Russian and Kazakh. Nevertheless, the
results showed that multilingual learners also made
mistakes and could not avoid using false friends, in
Russian-English false cognate interferences in foreign language learners
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. №1-2(141-142). 2013
spite of speaking several languages. As a result, the
current research indicates that the ratio between
mistakes in false cognates and proficiency in the
Russian language is direct. The better participants
speak Russian, the more mistakes they are prone to
1 Chomsky N. Review of B.F. Skinner Verbal Behavior // Language – 1959 – №49, P. 26-58.
2 Krashen S.D. Second language acquisiotion and second language learning. – Pergamon Press, 1981. – 154p.
3 Newmark L. How to interfere with language learning: the individual and the process // International journal of American
linguistics – 1966 – №40, P77-83.
4 Cummns J. Iceberg theory. // Retrieved from – 1981.
5 Cummins J. Second language acquisition theory. // Retrieved from – 1982.
6 Williams N.E. Cross-language transfer of lexical knowledge: Bilingual students’ use of cognates. – 1992 // Retrieved from
7 Williams N.E. & Bhatt H.B. Spanish-English bilingual students use of cognates in English reading. // Journal of reading
behavioor – №25, P.241-259.
8 Schweers W. First language transfer in the writing of Hispanic ESL learners. - 1995 // Retrieved from
A.Zh. Argynbayev
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. №1-2(141-142). 2013
УДК 81´25
D.M. Kabylbekova
PhD student at Suleyman Demirel University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan
The translation of a film discourse as a special type of audiovisual translation
This article is devoted to the discussion of a translation of film discourse in terms of polysemiotic concept. The
special emphasis is made on lingua cultural components of a film discourse; due to the fact that in cinema translation
two or more cultures meet and when translators translate any material they transfer not only linguistics features, but
also cultural aspects of a source nation. The concept a film discourse might be defined through the concept film text.
In comparison with a film discourse a film text might be considered as its fragment, whereas a film discourses as a
whole text or a corpus of texts combined by some features. In our opinion a film discourse is the reflection of a
specific type of culture; reflection of reality and modern understanding of traditional values and forming new values.
That is why it is very important to pay attention to national and cultural aspects of a film discourse while transferring
them from the source language to the target language.
Keywords: film discourse, cinema, culture, language, translation, audiovisual translation.
Д.М. Кабылбекова
Перевод кинодискурса как особый вид aудиовизуального перевода
Статья посвящена обсужденю перевода кинодискурса врамках полисемиотического концепта. Особое
внимание удиляется лингвокультурным составляющим кинодискурса, в связи с тем, что в кинопереводе
встречаются две лили более культур и при переводе того или иного материала переводятся не только
лингвистические свойства, но и передаются культурные аспекты исходной нации. Концепт кинодискурс
может быть определён с помощью концепта кинотекст. В сравнении с кинодискурсом кинотекст
рассматривается как его фрагмент, в то время как кинодискурс как целый текст или корпус нескольких
текстов объединённых общими особенностями. Кинодискурс является отражением определенного вида
культуры, отражением действительности и современного понимания традиционных ценностей и формирует
новые ценности. Именно поэтому очень важно обратить внимание на национальные и культурные аспекты
кинодискурса при передаче их из исходного языка на язык перевода.
Ключевые слова: кинодискурс, культура, язык, перевод, аудиовизуальный перевод.
Д.М. Кабылбекова
Кинодискурс аудармасы – аудиовизуалды аударманың ерекше көрінісі
Мақала кинодискурс аудармасын полисемиотикалық концепт шеңберінде талқылауға арналады. Кино-
аудармада бір немесе бірнеше мәдениет тоғысатындықтан, кинодискурстың лингвомәдени ерекшеліктеріне
көңіл бөлінеді. Қандай да бір материалды аудару барысында негізгі ұлттың тек тілдік тұрпаты ғана емес,
сонымен қатар мәдени аспектісі де ескеріледі. Кинодискурс концептін кинотекст концепті арқылы
айқындауға болады. Кинодискурспен салыстырғанда кинотекст оның тек бөлшегі ретінде көрініс алады, ал
кинодискурс болса толық текст немесе ортақ ерекшеліктері бар бірнеше текстін жиынтығы ретінде
қарастырылады. Кинодискурс белгілі бір мәдениеттің көрінісі ғана емес, сонымен қатар ақиқат пен дәстүрлі
құндылықтардың заманауи қабылдануын айқын бір көрінісі болып табылады. Сондықтан кинодискурстың
лингвомәдени аспектлеріне оларды бір тілден екінші тілге аударған кезде ерекше назар аудару керек
Түйін сөздер: кинодискурс, мәдениет, тіл, аударма, аудиовизуалды аударма.
Language and culture have some features in
common: they both formulate and represent the
outlook of the man and nation; they are always in
the constant interrelation, since the subject of
communication is the subject of the definite
culture; they have individual and public forms of
existence; both elements have norms, history and
often overlap. Language is the component of
culture, the main element to attain it, the main tool
with specific features of national mentality. On the
other hand, the culture is included in the language,
since the culture is modeled in the text. Neverthe-
less there are distinct differences between them:
the language is addressed to the wide public as a
means of communication, whereas in culture elite
is valued; unlike the language, culture is not
capable to self organization. When speaking about
culture we refer to two kinds of culture: material
and spiritual. The spiritual culture is the basis of
national mentality.
The language and culture play an accumulative
function, when they collect and reflect in them-
selves the socio-cultural experience of the nation.
Tarlanov Z. K. says the following about this issue:
The translation of a film discourse as a special type of audiovisual translation
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. №1-2(141-142). 2013
“The language within the boundaries of its
speakers is not only the means of communication,
but also memory and history of the nation, culture
and experience of cognitive activity; its world-
view and mentality; the luggage of knowledge that
has been consolidated from generation to gene-
ration about nature and space, diseases and the
ways of treatment, up-bringing and preparation of
new generation of people to life with the interest of
preserving and increasing its ethnic identity.
Thereby the language represents the form of cul-
ture which embodies historically formed national
type of life with all its diversity and dialectical
contradiction”. [1]
These days when globalization has become a
widespread phenomenon the real danger to the
language emerged; and in its turn it caused the
danger to the culture as well, since we can con-
clude from the previously mentioned suggestions
that the language is a culture itself.
In the process of intercultural communication it
is essential to take into account the cultural com-
ponent in the types of communication such as film.
Prior to speaking about film and film discourse we
should characterize the discourse itself.
Ferdinand Saussure in the very beginning of
“Course of General Linguistics” pointed on the
fundamental feature of his approach to the lan-
guage with his phrase, that served as initial point
for many generations of structuralists: “Language
is a structure”, that is thoroughly organized system
of expressive means. [2]
The interpretation of discourse is based on this
definition, which in its turn is understood as
system of systems [3] that is system of the second
order, based on the language system. Each definite
discourse takes elements of language system
necessary for him.
The concept of discourse is a polysemantic
concept. A.J. Greimas in “Semantique Structu-
rale”, interprets discourse as a semiotic process,
which exists in various types of discourse practi-
ces[4]. Despite some contradictions in the define-
tion of discourse, the majority of scholars when
speaking about discourse, take it as a specific
medium or specific rules of organizing speech
activity (written or oral).
The concept film discourse appeared due to the
expansion of the subject of linguistics of film text.
Extra linguistic factors dominate in a film dis-
course over linguistic ones. Not only have the
factors of communicative situation belonged to the
extra linguistic factors but also the factors of
cultural and ideological environment in which the
communication takes place. It is extra linguistic
factors that A.N. Zaretskaya studies in her re-
search, claims that “film discourse is a coherent
text, which is a verbal component of a film, in
constellation of with non verbal components as
audiovisual order of this film and other meaningful
extra linguistic factors. As extra linguistics factors
we might consider various cultural and historical
background knowledge of addressee, extra-lin-
guistic context – surroundings, time and place,
some non verbal devices: pictures, gestures and
mime that are of great importance in the process of
creating and perceiving film [5, 8].
According to A. N. Zaretskaya the main featu-
res of a film discourse are audio-visual aspects,
intertextuality, integrity, modality, self-descriptive-
ness, prospection and retrospection, pragmatic
One more definition of film discourse belong to
S. S. Nazmutdinova: “film discourse is a semiotic-
cally complex and dynamic process of interaction
of an author and a recipient, which occurs in
intercultural and interlanguage space with the help
of cinema language, which possesses features of
syntax, verbal and visual combination of elements,
plurality of addressees, context of meaning, iconic
accuracy and synthetic character” [6, 7].
Having analyzed a number of opinions about
the nature of a film discourse we come to conclu-
sion that a film discourse is a wider concept, which
includes a film text, a film itself, the interpretation
of the film by the spectator and the meaning that
was put by the creators of the film. In addition the
film discourse includes various types of correlation
with different kinds of arts, for instance, literature,
theatre and interactive systems as television series,
computer games.
So the concept a film discourse might be defi-
ned through the concept film text. In comparison
with a film discourse a film text might be con-
sidered as its fragment, whereas a film discourses
as a whole text or a corpus of texts combined by
some features.
In our opinion as the components of a film text
can be represented as only narrow extra linguistic
factors (factors of communicative situation),
whereas the structure of a film discourse copes
with wide extra linguistic factors (factors of
cultural and ideological environment, where the
communication takes place).
Thereby for a contemporary linguistics it turns
out to be more productive to study a film discourse
as a linguistic foundation which has broadened
structure and characterized by a number of features
D.M. Kabylbekova
Вестник КазНУ. Серия филологическая. №1-2(141-142). 2013
such as relatedness, integrity,
modality and so on and has a wider sphere of
activity for contemporary researchers.
For instance, Oscar Wilde’s very popular play,
The Importance of Being Earnest, evokes a number
of dramatic elements which fall under one of the
major modes as a comedy. From the beginning to
the end of the play there are many miscommuni-
cations, mistaken judgment, and failures by the
characters which are represented in a humorous
way. With this excellent play available as text or a
film version, one may wonder whether a text or a
film truly expresses Wilde’s witty characters and
genuine comedic satire more precisely. By the
means of thorough analysis and in depth research,
it has become obvious that the film version
surpasses the text by expressing the play more
accurately and embracing the spectators from the
very beginning till the end with its lively visual
effects, powerful sound additions, and credible
The plentiful similarities between the text and
film present a complex decision in selecting one
over the other. Both the text and film version give
strong dialogue presented by multi-sided
characters. Both versions a text and a film use
cheerful personages to assist in transferring the
general meaning of the play [7].
However the trump of a film over a text is
arguable as the audience sees the film in the
perspective of film creators, how they see the
message given in a literary work or a screenplay,
whereas a text gives an opportunity for a reader to
create individual images in one’s mind which are
unique only to him or her. And when we come to a
translated version of the film, we must take into
consideration the translator’s outlook as well.
It should be stressed that non verbal compo-
nents of a film has a great importance, therefore
they should be thoroughly studied, the actors’ play
is closely connected with verbal components, the
peculiarities of the filming, editing and sound
effects, which concentrate the attention of the
spectators on the film text and not observed while
reading screenplay or subtitles.
In our opinion a film discourse is the reflection
of a specific type of culture; reflection of reality
and modern understanding of traditional values and
forming new values. That is why it is very impor-
tant to pay attention to national and cultural aspects
of a film discourse while transferring them from
the source language to the target language.
Having understood a film discourse as a
semiotic complex foundation in which the impact
on an addressee is made by the means of verbal and
iconic cohesion we refer to N. B. Meschkovskaya
talking about the role of integrated character of
signs which secure communication: “a success of
communication depends on its semiotic framing –
on to what extent it was possible to express the ne-
cessary information in concentrated sign appea-
rance – on ritual, symbol, formula, geographic
map, scheme, terminology, slogan or aphorism,
traffic sign, poster, symphony, poem, film….” [6,
3]. From this statement we can conclude that as a
film discourse represents concentration of two
types of signs – verbal and iconic, it should be
studied from the angle how this unity takes part in
the process of successful realization in inter and
cross cultural communication. Our interest in a
film discourse is connected with a latter one.
In correlation to the above mentioned issues we
outline the aim of the work as the study of a film
discourse in cross-cultural aspect, which first-hand
objective is the study of harmonicity of national
and cultural contents by verbal, non verbal and
iconic means in the process of translation.
S. S. Nazmutdinova outlines three layers of
harmonicity. Each layer has its own fields. The
first layer consists of content field, where a
interlanguage translation takes place, the aim of
which is to transfer the message from one language
into another. The translator transfers only factual
content, giving thematic and thematic sequence of
events in a cinema phrase.
The second layer represents both translations
interlingual and intralingual. In this layer the fol-
lowing cinema scopes are translated: factual, irra-
diative, reflective, polymodal, individually figure-
ative. It is supposed that in translation space the
activity is organized in such way, that a translator
transfers not only content of communication but
also emotions of personages, intention of an author
and tonality of in the frame real communication.
The third layer is the layer of harmonious trans-
lation. It should be considered as a cross cultural
and proves synergy of translation. The translation
of all units is impossible. On that level a phatic
field becomes a priority, which forms a cultural
cinema scope.
The synergy of the following scopes such as
factual, content, audio visual, cultural and iconic
makes a harmonious translation.
Translating from one culture to another is com-
plicated and demands great responsibility. In order
to translate either a text or a film, a translator
should know both cultures very well, otherwise it
might cause misunderstanding through the trans-
The translation of a film discourse as a special type of audiovisual translation
ISSN 1563-0223 Bulletin KazNU. Filology series. №1-2(141-142). 2013
lated work. Transferring culture from one language
into another demands that translators make a
choice between conservation and replacement of
an item.
After its national release a film should not only
reach an international audience but also gain
success. In this process of reaching a broader
audience sociolinguistic differences play the main
barrier, therefore audio-visual translation has taken
important social and economic importance.
Language and culture are deeply interconnected
and when translators translate the material they do
not translate only linguistic features but also trans-
fer cultural aspects, thus these moments might lead
to some difficulties in translation. Since in cinema
translation two or more cultures meet it might raise
significant cross-cultural issues. If these issues are
not treated properly it might end up with unin-
telligible translation for target audiences.
These issues regarding cultural transfer of films
are diverse ranging from the selection of films
which should be distributed to the marketing
strategies applied and techniques used to render
culture-specific items. Rendering culture-specific
items is considered to be one of the most difficult
spheres of intercultural transfer, to the extent that
culture-specific items are regarded to in the
literature as being “untranslatable”.
In present it has become very popular to broad-
cast Turkish television series on Kazakhstan tele-
vision channels both in Kazakh and Russian lan-
guages. The popularity of Turkish television series
might be conditioned by the fact that Kazakh and
Turkish nations belong to akin ethnic Turkic group
and have some common traditions and rituals. The
translator should be aware of the interpretation of
Turkish traditions in order to convey their meaning
in the target language; in addition he should take
into consideration the mentality of the audience. In
our case the audience is multinational; despite the
fact that the majority of the Republic is Kazakhs,
there are many other ethnic groups.
Thanks to the films the audience has an
opportunity not only to embrace the atmosphere of
modern life of this or that country but also to get
acquainted with its cultural features and traditions.
The acquaintance with the discourse of another
nation helps compare various social and cultural
contexts in which communicators take part; and
understand in deep their own discourse.
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