Вестник КАСУ
2015. Therefore it must assure increase of
salaries of healthcare workers by 28 per cent.
He also pointed out that our way to the
future is associated with creating new possi-
bilities for exposing Kazakhstanis’ potential.
Developed country in the ХХI century implies
active well-educated and healthy citizens. This
is the reason that leads us towards miscellane-
ous development of young specialists. As we
can conclude, in spite of all the obstacles we
have come through and all the drawbacks in
the current educational system as well as
medicine that are still present, contemporary
Kazakhstan has all prerequisites for develop-
ing the sphere of health care, international col-
laboration in medicine and to achieve all the
goals, set by the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, we need to implement major
changes into the educational system.
Let us consider Common Core State
Standard of higher education in Kazakhstan to
understand the main reasons of the problem.
Higher professional education is a professional
curriculum of higher education,
aimed at train-
ing of specialists with certification with accor-
dance to the major with the normative period
of studies not less than four years and compul-
sory mastery of not less than one hundred and
sixty-one credits of theoretical education and
not less than six credits of vocational practice.
It is claimed that the elective component
should take into account the particular charac-
teristics of social and economic development
of the given region and its labor market de-
mands, established scientific schools in the
particular institution of higher education and
individual interests of each student. The elec-
tive component can be formed either by the
decision of the council of the university or by
the suggestions of the departments, students
and university employees. However, as the
experience has shown, the limitation of elec-
tive component choice, which is in turn prede-
termined by the restraints in teaching staff,
does not allow selecting the subjects that
would be really necessary in the students’ fu-
ture career. Standard curriculum of different
majors of higher education must correspond
with the principles of this Common Core State
Standard of higher education and identify all
the claims put towards the structure, extent
and the content of educational programs, nor-
mative period of studies and the students’ cur-
rent degree of training.
“The Vocational Kazakh or the Voca-
tional Russian Language” and “Vocationally-
oriented Foreign Language” have to be in-
cluded into the compulsory component of the
core subjects with the volume no less than two
credits each. The mentioned subjects are set-
tled on linguistics and profiled departments
together. It is indisputable that such insignifi-
cant amount of time if not enough for a proper
acquisition of a foreign language for majors
not connected with languages, for example
medical nurse. The situation is a little bit dif-
ferent for the majors of translation studies.
They have a lot more hours devoted to mas-
tery of a foreign language as well as different
types of translation, including informative
translation subject. However, as we will con-
sider below, the standard curriculum of higher
education for the major of translation studies
also does not meet the demand of contempo-
rary Republic of Kazakhstan in professionals
who could be competitive in medicine due to
their knowledge of the English language.
To understand the nature of the problem
let us examine whether the standard curricu-
lum for the major of translation studies does
empower the students at the end of their edu-
cation to successfully execute translation in
this sphere at all. To do this we have to look
closer at all the disciplines of both compulsory
and elective component of the standard cur-
riculum, affirmed by the Common Core State
Standard of higher education in Kazakhstan.
The complex of general education subjects,
the same as in any other major, includes two
hundred and seventy hours of the foreign lan-
guage. It lasts for three semesters and has an
examination as a final control means. It is of
significance to mention that for grading stu-
dents’ command of language, the contempo-
rary higher education system uses The Com-
mon European Framework of Reference for
Languages, abbreviated as CEFR. It is a
guideline used to describe achievements of
learners of foreign languages across Europe
and, increasingly, in other. It was put together
by the Council of Europe as the main part of
the project "Language Learning for European
Citizenship" between 1989 and 1996. Its main
aim is to provide a method of learning, teach-
ing and assessing which applies to all lan-
guages in Europe. In November 2001 a Euro-