of ecological terms in the languages of different systems», in its first part the
main principles of terminological nominations are investigated.
The terms of the various languages defining the subjects or the phenomena
and terms formed with the different features of nomination supply each other by
the reflection of objective eventual. The nomination – is not only the process of
definition and communication, but also the process of investigation and it concerns
a method of naming the information defined in the language form. In considering
one of the brightest features of national coloring of language semantics, on the
basis of naming it is possible to present the general features for all language
Investigation of some phenomena and mechanisms of term forming during a
long time was limited by simple fixing and inventory types, methods and ways of
term forming, the basic lead to the concept theory of word formation whereas it is
not absolutely correct: «… from the linguistic pint of view the word and the term –
is a whole problem»
The terminological nomination is performed on the basis of common
language principles. Its originality consists of formation of special type of
nominations - terms. In the process of nomination there is an assimilation of the
language signs on the special concepts that formed as a result of scientific-practical
activities of the person. Undividable relation between the tern and its meaning
form the basis for the scientific term forming, the comprehension of this gives the
chance to consider the term as significant units which reflects the world around and
simultaneously grow the result and the means of precognitive activity of the
In special terms (ecological terms) for forming the nominative units use the
means applied to forming the word in common literary language. In forming the
new terms from the set of all methods of nomination of this or that level are
Зенков Г. С. Аналитический и динамический аспекты дериватологии // Русское общее и терминологическое
словообразование. – Краснодар, 1993. С. 11-12.
selected that effectively serve for the purpose of defining the new meanings in the
special areas, invented again and appeared subjects.
The dictionary system of the ecological terminology of the Uzbek and
Karakalpak languages are enlarged at the expense of development of derivation.
Many words of different structure and semantics, reflecting all aspects of life
of the nation show how the word formation mechanism during the definite period
works, what classes of derived words are replenished actively, and what shows the
Nominative features of terms in the ecological sphere are also based on the
principles of similar to the nomination of ecological lexemes. Nominative activity
directed to some extent aim in the terminological sphere causes the necessity of
concrete expression of the corresponding the information through the special word
that is referred to as the term.
The secondary nomination in the frameworks of the ecological lexical units
shows the original creative process that directed to the formation of new and new
ecological terms.
In expressing the close meaning to each other in the process of nomination it
is possible to use some lexical layers. For example to the lexeme фалокат it is
possible to give the English meaning nuclear, criticality, core disruptive, core
heat-up, core-melt, design basis, prompt-period, thus through the lexical
nomination transfers the information to where and in what degree a catastrophic
crash was happened: core disruptive – актив зонани емирилиши натижасида
авария содир бўлиши – карак.....; core heat-up – актив зонани қизиши
натижасида авария (халокат) содир бўлиши; core-melt – актив зонани
эриши натижасида авария (халокат) содир бўлиши; design basis – максимал
проект аварияси; extreme – экстремал авария; high consequence – оғир
оқибат натижасида юз берган авария; design basis – катта оқим натижасида
юз берган авария; maximum credible – эҳтимолли фалокат; offshore drilling –
денгиз ҳавзасида юз берган фалокат.
The originality of the terminological nomination characterising ecological
sphere is proved by that thus one methods of a nomination can prevail over others,
they can be close to this or that conceptual sphere, certain kinds of a nomination
can be connected with various parts of a language reality. For example: biological
productivity – биологическая продуктивность – биологик махсулдорлик;
biological filter – биологический фильтр, биологик фильтр; biological pollution
– биологическое загрязнение, биалогик ифлосланиш; biological waste –
биологические отходы, биологик чиқинди; biological rhythms – биологические
ритмы, биологик ритмлар; biological diversity – биологическое разнообразие,
биалогик турли – туманлик, resources biological – биологические ресурсы,
биологик ресурслар; biological water testing – биологическое тестирование
воды, сувни биологик текшируви.
The nomination in ecological sphere serves to express the professional actions
of the person within the limits of ecological activity. The main meaning such as
жиҳатдан зарарли ишлаб чиқариш (ecologically harmful activities), атроф
муҳитни бошқариш (environmental management) as a result of it there is
language cover. Earlier available ready lexical values participate in new
ecological names ѐмғир (жаўын, дождь, rain), қиш (қыс, зима, winter), бўрон
(боран, буря, storm), туман (думан, туман, fog, mist ), шамол (самал, ветер,
Ecological lexical units that formed by secondary nomination will transform
language units in the semantic and substantial plan and carry out secondary
function for itself. For example: қуруқ ер (қурғақ жер, суша, dry land), сув
ҳавзаси (суў ҳаўзеси, водоѐм, reservoir), сув ўтлари (суў отлары, водоросли,
water-plant), шаршара (шаршара, водопад, water-fall) and etc.
Directly nomination is widespread method in many languages. Thus the sign
inclined to motivation directly is expressed through a word in a direct sense (or a
word direct sense): сув(ли), водный, watershed; the content of motivated signs
coincides lexical meaning of motivating word.
Part of ecological lexical units in the English, Russian and Karakalpak
languages that formed by the method of direct nomination it is possible to group as
follows: the group defining the names of professions: ecologist – эколог – эколог;
the group expressing the abstract meaning: capacitance – ѐмкость, explicability –
взрываемость; the group expressing an action, process and condition: adjustment
– регулирование.
On the basis of the nomination there is a metaphorical method of transferring.
The main principle of this mechanism consists of associating the general features
of two different objects
. In this the transferring meaning of the word is nominated
and appears the new expression, new meaning. The metaphors and comparison
have the great meaning for the ecological lexical units of the languages, belonging
to different systems and this shows the constant phenomenon for the language
sphere. In the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages: тоғ тизмаси, қўлтиқ, дарѐнинг
қуйилиш жойи; тоғ этаги, ер қобиғи; тупроқнинг кучсизланиши, дарѐларнинг
сувга тўйиниши; нефтўтказгич, сув сақлагич, сув ўтказувчанлик; ер қобиғи,
тупроқ қобиғи.
In frameworks of ecological lexical units in the Russian language the
following metaphorical units of terms are revealed: кровавый дождь; давление
жизни and etc.
It is revealed that the nomination ecological terms in the process of
nominative derivation with color constitutes 0,8 %.
Арутюнова Н.Д. Номинация и текст // Языковая номинация. (Виды наименований). М., 1977; Володина
М.Н. О специфике терминологической номинации // Вестн. Моск. ун-та. Серия 9, Филология. М., 1986. N5.
С. 38-47; Володина М.Н. Теория терминологической номинации. – М.: Изд. Московского Универ.,1997. –
The difficulties arisen in the process of comparison of term forming
activities, carried out in different countries show not only the characteristic
features of the separate language, but also the terms that have special place in the
system of national languages. Thus, it is necessary to recognize a various level in
the development of the language from the terminological viewpoint.
Linguistic research of the ecological term system, definition of the
structural and semantic peculiarities of terminological units used in the given
scientific sphere and also working on the multilingual dictionaries of the ecological
terms will promote the elimination of the difficulties arising during translation of
special literature on ecology.
The terminological derivation is an important factor for the formation of
terms in ecological terminological system and serves as means of its stabilization,
formation and evolution. All derivational process can be interpreted as the result of
reflecting the derivational potential and cognitive quality of ecological terms.
The ecological term – a word and word combination that have semantic
and formal features, covering the denotative, significative, syntagmatic, categorical
and grammatical contents. The ecological term can be related with other terms in
synonymic, polysemy sometimes homonymic relations.
The process of borrowing in its function often coincides with the
derivational process that proves a variety of terms and specificity of their types,
differ them from the structural and semantic features. The process of borrowing
and word-formation can occur simultaneously.
Ecological lexical units in the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages are turned to
the system consisting of terms, accepted for defining the new ecological concepts
from other languages, for example the Arabian, Persian, English and Russian.
6. As in any other language, terms in the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages
master and borrow new words under the influence of other languages and as a
result, there are only it inherent lexical units, the word-formation means, new ways
of the word-formation, the new derivational mechanism. The genetic analysis of
ecological terms in the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages has shown that 65 % part
of such terms consists of the words borrowed from other languages
7. In the formation of ecological terms each source demands special ways of
term formation: semantic way, composition and tracing. Each source and ways of
forming the ecological terms defines semantic structure formed term, in its turn
allows identifying its practical use
8. The most part of ecological terms in the Karakalpak languages consists of
identical to the terms of Turkic languages. In comparative study with the Uzbek
language it is possible to be convinced that big changes have not undergone from
the linguistic point of view.
9. The lexical derivation always means a secondary nomination. And in this
process, in its turn, there is a semantic discrepancy in the form of the non-
productive and derivative structures serving a basis for a derivation.
Our research has demonstrated that ecological terminology as a unique system
that consists of several thematic-meaningful groups.
10. The main ways of term forming as analogy, correlation and definition are
revealed in the work. In expressing the concepts close to each other the process of
repetition of word formation models was observed. The method of analogy is the
most productive and allows uniting in one term expressing the knowledge of
different field. Derived words arisen in the result of one root correlation form that a
number of word formation nests and chains. Their semantic is connected with
various categories of terminological system. The definition method is considered
traditional in term forming and in the result, semantic changes of common literary
word form specialized terms.
11. New ecological lexical units in the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages are
formed by conversion which is as a result of transition of words from one part of
speech into another. This group may include the adjectives that can pass into noun.
Many aspects of the features of formation of ecological lexical units in the
languages of different systems are shown as typological categories. The basic
lexical semantics of ecological units and ecological terms finds the reflection at the
lexical and syntactic level of hierarchy of language through the specific ways of
word formation.
12. The analysis of ecological lexical units in the languages of different
systems shows that to basic importance of ecological lexemes, various lexical
semantic groups can join in addition the connotative emotional estimated
meanings. It is possible to explain that the meanings which are expressed by
ecological units and terms have the negative and positive influence of the person
on nature and environment.
13. The verbs with the positive meaning that express the positive influence of
the person on the nature are much less than the verbs with negative meaning. In
English this micro group contains 300 lexical units, in Russian 400 lexical units, in
Uzbek and Karakalpak 700 lexical units.
14. Ecological lexical units with negative meaning in all compared languages
contain 1800 units. These units are divided in 4 micro groups.
15. The monosyllabic words belonging to ecological sphere make a little
more than third of complex analyzed (342 of 2000 terms), or 34 %. In its turn the
majority of them are related to terminological system as ready language units from
other areas (geology, biology, geography, medicine, law and etc.), among them
there are also borrowed words and semantic derivatives, accordingly, 111 out of
118 units.
16. Actual problem of a terminological derivation–a question, concerning
specificity of the term as a part of speech. The researches of the processes of
terminological derivation show that the formation of terms is carried out according
to the following classification indicator: lexical-semantic, morphological,
syntactic, morphological-syntactic and terminological borrowings.
The terms formed in the syntactic ways make about 74%. Structurally, they
usually consist of basic element (nucleus) and the element defining the nucleus.
17. In the process of nomination of ecological lexical units form the lexical
semantic microsystem in which each new formed nominative unit adapts to the old
one. There are motivational relation between them which promote the reflection of
the basic distinctive features or peculiarities of the forming the name.
The analysis of ecological terms has shown that words concerning the
ecology in the English, Russian, Uzbek and Karakalpak languages, may be divided
into two big groups from the nominative viewpoint. It is revealed that the
nomination of ecological units applying the name of color in the process of
nomination makes 0.8%.
18. Derivational ways of terminological system are a unique language
phenomenon which is not studied yet deeply enough in linguistics. Studying the
ecological terminology is the important factor in increasing of ecological culture of
people. Working out the lexicographic explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek and
Karakalpak ecological terms is one of important problems. For its realization the
close cooperation between ecologists and linguists is required.
I бўлим (1 часть, 1 part)
Палуанова Х.Д Экологик терминларнинг деривацион хусусиятлари.
Монография.– Тошкент: «Fan va texnologiya», 2016. – 140 Б.
Палуанова Х.Д Изучение экологических единиц в английском
языке: монография.– Новосибирск: Издательство ЦРНС, 2016. – 72 с.
Палуанова Х.Д. Ўзбек ва коракалпок тилларидаги эколексика ва
унинг тарихий этимологик қатламлари // Таълим тизимида ижтимоий
гуманитар фанлар, Тошкент
2009, №1.
Б. 185- 187. (10.00.00 №18.
Палуанова Х.Д. Турли системалы тиллерде экологиялык лексиканын
озине тан озгешеликлери // Амиударья,
Нокис – 2011, №4.
Б. 115-119.
(10.00.00 №13 01.07.2011)
Палуанова Х.Д. Functional and semantic typology of eco – lexicon in the
languages of various systems // PUFS Foreign Language Studies. Korea.: Jin
KwangHo. 2012.
Volume 26. Р.57 – 67. (10.00.00 №7)
Палуанова Х.Д. Термин как специальное понятие // Таълим тизимида
ижтимоий гуманитар фанлар, Тошкент
2012, №3. –Б. 119-121. (10.00.00
№16 01.07.2011)
Палуанова Х.Д. Экологик терминларнинг когнитив хусусиятлари //
Таълим тизимида ижтимоий гуманитар фанлар, Тошкент
2012, №4. –Б. 146-
149. (10.00.00 №16 01.07.2009)
Палуанова Х.Д. Словообразовательная система экологических
терминов в разносистемных языках // Алтаистика жане туркология.
Б. 102-109. (10.00.00 №1 01.07.2011)
Paluanova Kh. The use of ecological units in the EFL class // Филология
Тошкент – 2014 №3.
Б. 160-165 (10.00.00 №18)
Paluanova Kh. The problems of adjectives with the meaning of “Ecology”
in the languages of different system // Филология масалалари.
Тошкент – 2015
Б. 91-97 (10.00.00 №18)
Paluanova Kh. Semantic derivational features of ecological terms in the
languages of different system // Филология масалалари.
Тошкент – 2015 №3.
Б. 82-88 (10.00.00 №18)
Paluanova H.
The new trends in contemporary linguistics//
LangLit: An
International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal (ISSN 2349-5189), IBI Factor
2015 – Indexed – 2.4. India, 2016, Vol-2, Issue
II бўлим (2 часть, part 2)
Палуанова Х.Д. Тилшуносликда экологияга оид лексиканинг пайдо
бўлиш сабаблари ва уларнинг ўрганилиши // Экология хабарномаси, –
Тошкент – 2010 № 11. – Б. 32- 33.
Палуанова Х.Д. Ўзбек ва қорақалпоқ тиллардаги эколексиканинг
ўзига хос хусусиятлари // Муғаллим хам узликсиз билимлендириу, Нокис –
2010 № 4. – Б. 42- 49.
Палуанова Х.Д. Туркологияда эколексиканинг тарихи талқинидан //
Муғаллим хам узликсиз билимлендириу, – Нокис – 2011 № 1. – Б. 40-44.
озгешеликлери // Муғаллим хам узликсиз билимлендириу, Нокис – 2013 № 5.
– Б. 36-39.
разносистемных языках // Қиѐсий тилшунослик ва таржима назарияси
муаммолари// Республика илмий анжуманининг мақолалар тўплами. -
Тошкент – 2007.
Б. 143 -146.
Палуанова Х.Д. Вопросы номинации экологической лексики
английского языка // Чет тилларни ўқитиш замонваий технологияси
масалалари// Республика илмий услубий конференцияси материаллари,
Тошкент – 2007.
Б. 141-142.
Палуанова Х.Д. Прилагательные со значением «экологии» // Ёш
олим – 2007, илмий – амалий анжумани материаллари, Тошкент – 2007.
Палуанова Х.Д. Глаголы со значением «экологии» // Ёш олим – 2008,
илмий Амалий анжумани материаллари, Тошкент – 2008.
Б. 213 – 216.
Палуанова Х.Д. Структура сложных экологических лексики
английского языка // Замонавий тилшунослик ва хорижий тиллар
ўқитишнинг долзарб масалалари // Халқаро илмий амалий анжуман
материаллари - Тошкент
Б.540 – 542.
Палуанова Х.Д. Экологическое образование, воспитание и культура
// Маданиятлараро мулокот: назария ва амалиѐт // Республика илмий амалий
конференцияси материаллари, Тошкент
Б. 310- 312.
Палуанова Х.Д. Экологический термин как знак // Хорижий тиллар
мутахассисларини тайѐрлаш жараѐнини такомиллаштириш муаммолари.
Илмий амалий анжуман материаллари, Тошкент – 2009.
Б.154 – 156.
Палуанова Х.Д. Современное состояние английской и русской
экологической терминологии // Роман ва герман тилшунослигининг долзарб
муаммолари.Илмий амалий конференция материаллари, Тошкент – 2009.
65- 66.
Палуанова Х.Д. The Environment and EFL // Хорижий тилларни
ўргатишда янги педагогик технологияларни қўллаш. Республика илмий –
амалий конференцияси материаллари, Тошкент – 2012. – Б. 235 – 237.
Палуанова Х.Д. Суффиксальное словообразования экологических
лексики // Ежегодная научная конференция в лингвистике. Краснодар – 2012.
– Б. 46-49.
Палуанова Х.Д. Современные процессы в научном экологическом
знании // Хорижий тил таълимини модернизация килиш муаммолари ва
истикболлари // Республика илмий амалий конференция. Тошкент
2014. –Б.
Палуанова Х.Д. Системный прогресс сложного комплекса
экологических наук и его терминологии // Хорижий тил таълимини
модернизация килиш муаммолари ва истикболлари // Республика илмий
амалий конференция. Тошкент
Б. 287-289.
Палуанова Х.Д. Преобразование систем комплекса научных
экологических знаний // Хорижий тил таълимини модернизация килиш
муаммолари ва истикболлари. Республика илмий амалий конференция.
Б. 75-77
Палуанова Х.Д. Different methods of teaching ESL to University
students // хорижий тиллар бўйича талабалар билим даражасини аниқлашнинг
замонавий масалалари //Халқаро илмий амалий конференция, Тошкент
Б. 483-485.
Paluanova Kh. The inclusion of ecological issues in EFL course books //
Content-based learning in Uzbekistan: opportunities and challenges. International
conference. Tashkent., 2015 – pp. 194-196
Палуанова Х. Основные типы словарей английского языка и
параметры их классификаций // Материалы научно- практический
конференции. Тошкент – 2014.
С. 81-83
Палуанова Х.Д. Из истории развития экологической терминологии //
Язык и культура. Сборник материалов XV Международной научно-
практической конференции. Новосибирск
2014. С. 54-59
Paluanova H. The ways of teaching environmental topics in EFL classes //
Приоритетные научные направления: от теории к практике сборник
материалов XXV Международной научно-практической конференции
Новосибирск, 2016.
С. 55-60
Paluanova Kh. Reading comprehension and its development in teaching
foreign languages // Психология и педагогика: методика и проблемы
практического применения сборник материалов L международной научно-
практической конференции – Часть 2 – Новосибирск, 2016. – С. 67-72
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гарнитурада рақамли босма усулида босилди.
Шартли босма табоғи 5. Адади: 100. Буюртма: № _____.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси ИИВ Академияси,
100197, Тошкент, Интизор кўчаси, 68
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