ұстаз да, жұмыссыз да, бизнесмен де 03؛н؛н сұранысын канағаттандырарлықтай жауап ала алса, алға
қойған максаттың орындалганы. Ол үш؛н веб-ресурстармен катар акпараттык нарыкты ж ؛г؛ кадагалау
керек. Себебі, қорды заманауи
с д
мен DVD басылымдарымен камтамасыз ету үшін, олар кітапханалар-
дын бүгінгі бейнесі, ягни электронды акпараттыктехнологиялармен, инновациялармен, жана ақпараттар-
мен оқырмандарға тез жэне сапалы кызмет көрсетудін амалдарын орындау керек [7].
Мысалы, Алматы каласындагы Қазақстан менеджмент, экономика жэне болжау институтынын к؛тап-
ханасы ізденістерге толы,
окырманына сапалы кызмет корсету максатында барлык оку жэне
зер ^еу жүмыстардағы жаңаша өзгерістер енгізілген. Ақпараттану саясатын дамыту'үшін кітапханада
кітапханалық маркетинг саласында атқарған іс-тәжірибесі мол, окырман сұранысын жан- жақты зерттеп,
бойынша барлық ақпарат көздерімен жұмыс ؛стейтіп комитет күрылган. Әрбір оқырманның назарына
ақпарат жеткізу жолдарының жаңаша түрлері қолданылған. Ол: тақырыптык лифлетгер, студенттер
каналдарындагы жүгіртпе жолдар, кітап белгі қағазы, компьютер кластарындағы мониторга қойылған
заставкалар (кітаптың басына салынатын ернек), е-ш^؛، т.б. шаралар. Замапауи кітапхананың электронды
ресурстары мен акпараттарынсыз жұмыс істеуі мүмкш емес.
Қазақстан менеджмент, экономика жэне болжау институтынын кітапханасында толык мэтінді құжат-
тардың орасан 3©Р базасы жүмыс істейді. Қазіргі танда ол кітапхана пайдаланушылары 12 электронды
базага қолжетімді. Олар: EBSCOHost, SSRN, ProQuest, jSTOR, Elibrary Passport GMID, Compustat Global
,Emerald, Sage, LexisNexis, Юрист+ [8].
Көпшілігіне Қазақстан кітапханаларының Аклараттық консорциуму[ арқылы жеңілдіктер қарастырыл-
ган. Ен баетысы осы кор көздері үнемі жұмыс істеп тұруы үшін пайдаланушыларға жүйелі түрде тренинг-
тер өткізіп, жарнамалап түру қажет.
Қорыта айтканда, кітапханалардың кызмет көрсету ауқымы кең. Акпаратлык технологиялардың даму
қарқыны бүгінгі жас үрпақтың дүниетанымдылық аясын кеңейтіп отыр. Бүгінгі оқырман жастардың
талабы да заман талабына сэйкес өте жоғары, олардын сүранысын канағаттандыруға кітапхана қызметі
жаңа деңгейде жауап беруге барлық жагдайды жасай бермек.
XXI гасырдагы қогамдык өзгерістер, ашық ақпараттық кен؛ст؛^ке өтуі, когамның акпараттануы,
демократиялануы, коммерциялык үдерістердің өркендеуі, өркениеттік деңгейге көтерілуі кітапхананың
жаңа бағытта жұмыс істеу؛н талап етеді.
. . . . . .
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(45), 2015 г.
/ Мырзалиева, Р.Е. Оқу орындарында кітапхана саласынан тренингтер өткізудің іс-тәжірибесі // Кітапкана
әлемі. - 2008. - №3. - 26-24 .
2 Республикалық жогары оқуорындары аралық электрондык, кітапхана [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа
3 ІЛелакин, Ю.И. Автоматизированные системы управления библиотекаря [Текст]. -
1998.-455 с.
4 Насырова, А.А. Реформа образования и миссия учебных библиотек [Текст] Казахстана // Библиотековедение,
библиография, книговедение. -Алматы, 2002. -Вы п.з.-С. 19-27.
5 Есіркепова, г.ж. Ақпараттық ңогамды кітапхананы дамыту [Мәтін]. Кітапхана элемі. 2011. -№3. - Б. 38-40.
6 Мүхтанова, М.А., Бектасова, Д.А. Электронды ресурстарды пайдалану тиімдийгі [Мзтін ]. Мир библиотеки. -
2010.-№2.-Б. 45-46.
7 Қосуақова,
. Сапалы кітапханалыц ңызмет-уацыт талабы [Мэтін] // Кітапхана әлемі - 2010. -№4. - 19-17 .
8 Сексенбаева, н. о.Продвижение электронных информационных ресурсов в вузовской библиотеке: проблемы и
решения [Текст] // Мир библиотеки.- 2010. -№3. - с. 8-10.
В статье рассматриваются возможности библиотек высших учебных заведений в информационной деятельности
с внедрением новых информационных технологий и получения пользователей достаточно широкого спектра
информационных, образовательных и аналитических услуг. Инновационная деятельность библиотеки - один из
ключевых моментов успешного развития интерактивной среды обучения в современном вузе, поскольку библиотеки
в настоящее время организуют оперативный доступ к информации и способствуют самостоятельному получению и
усвоению новых знаний. Результатом инновационной деятельности является качественное улучшение информаци-
онных продуктов и услуг, п р о с та в л я е м ы х пользователям - студентам и ученым вуза.
؛клю чевые слова: инновация, электронные ресурсы, элек^онная библиотека, информационная технологии,
электронное обучение, э л е р о н н ы й каталог
The possibilities of libraries of higher educational institutions in information activities with introduction of new
information technologies and receiving information, educational and analytical services by users of rather wide range are
considered in article. Innovative activities of library - one of the key moments ©؛'successful development of the interactive
environment in fraining of modem higher education institution as libraries will organize quick access to information now and
promote independent receiving and assimilation of new knowledge. High-quality improvement of information products and
the services provided to users — to students and scientists ofhigher education institution is result of innovative active.
Keywords: innovation, electronic resources, electronic library, information technology, electronic training, electronic
УДК 81:372.881
A.Argynbayev - PhD student at Foreign Languages Department, Suleyman Demirel University,
Z.K. Akhmetzhanova - Doctor o f 'Philology Sciences, Professor, Suleyman Demirel University
This paper makes an attempt to give a definition to Project-Based Learning approach and false friends, also known as
interlingual homonyms. The authors discuss the types ofPBL activities, their limitations and advantages over other methods.
Moreover, researchers suggest how PBL activities might be applied when teaching lexical-semantic interference to EFL
learners. The authors also suggest a number of motivating activities that might be of interest to language students.
Keywords: project-based learning, lexical interference, false friends, cognates
First mentioned by William Kilpatrick in 1920-$, project-based learning (PBL) is a comprehensive approach
developed from constructivist theoty which is designed to engage students in the investigation of real life
problems [1]. In other words, the main objective of PBL is having students use the target language
؛ authentic
situations and acquire knowledge through the process of solving practical problems or tasks that require the
integration of knowledge from various domains. Similarly, fledge defines PBL as “an extended task, which
usually integrates language skills work through a number of activities” [2: 276]. Moreover, it is essential that the
language learners use authentic materials and the learning process is student-centred. The teacher in this approach
is merely a coordinator, advisor and facilitator as opposed to the traditional grammar-translation method where the
teacher is an authoritative figure and the only source of information.
In project-based learning tasks students work in a team to solve authentic challenging problems set by the
teacher. At the end, the learners have to come up with a product achieved through infonnation search, intellectual
Абай атындагы Қаз¥ПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика гылымдары» сериясы, №1(45), 2015 г.
work, and cooperation. То illustrate, for writing the teacher can assign tasks such as reports, questionnaires, and
descriptions; for speaking and listening skills development students can conduct interviews or have discussions
with experts, prominent or famous people; reading skill might he improved through searching for information in
libraries, browsing the Internet or working in archives.
According to Lawrence in Moss, .due to the nature o f collaborative work in PBL, even low-level learners have
an opportunity to contribute to the project; thus, making personal progress and gaining necessary life skills for the
future [3]. However, because project-based learning centers on collaborative work, c re a ^ g a friendly atmosphere
within the group is vital. Another difficulty that may occur among the peers in the group is an indifferent attitude
or laziness o f some individuals, who avoid taking responsibility.
Another important point that should be bom in mind is that the learners need to present the finished product,
i.e. their work in class in front o f their peers where they can get feedback from their teacher and peers. As far as
the assessment is concerned, it is quite formative rather than summative [4]. It can be done by teachers, peers or
oneself, While evaluating, teachers can take into consideration the quality ofthe outcome o fth e research and the
way the target language is used during
project. Alternatively, students can reflect on their project and write a
report how the project worked. To make peer-evaluation and self-evaluation easier teachers can arrange a small-
group discussion and provide guiding questions such as “What did your classmates do veiy well in the project?
Was there anything that needed improvement? What? Why?” [3].
Concerning the characteristics o f project work, Stoller [5:4] defines six points below:
1) Project work should focus on real world subject, rather than specific language features or targets. In
addition, it should be interesting for the learners.
2) The teacher is only a facilitator and a guide; thus, the project work is student centred.
3) Students can work in groups or pairs, if they wish to do so, but the nature of this work is cooperative rather
than competitive. As a result, students need to share ideas, materials and resources throughout the project in order
to achieve good results.
4) Students will acquire and develop different real-life skills due to the authentic nature o fth e project work.
More importantly, they will learn how to process different types of information and how to select the most
5) At the end o fth e project students have to present their product to class in a form o f an oral presentation, a
poster session, a report, a bulletin board display, etc.
6) Stimulation, motivation and challenge are one ofth e milestones ofthe project work which enable students
to work autonomously and improve their language skills due to gaining confidence and self-esteem through the
real-life tasks and setting.
Project-based activities have been variously classified according to their firnctions and properties. Por example,
Haines [6] classifies them into four categories according to the way of reporting gathered information and the
procedures of data collection: information and research projects, survey projects, product؛o،n projects, and
performance and organizational projects.
Legutke and Thomas [7] classified projects, taking into consideration the resource base, such as encounter
projects, text projects, and class correspondence projects. In encounter projects the learners need to interview,
survey, discuss, contact only native speakers o f English. Por text projects, students have to use written texts
English. In class correspondence projects, the learners have to contact representatives of others cultures through.e-
mails, video-messages or pictures in order to find peculiarities o fa foreign culture. At the end of the project work
the students need to demonstrate their findings to their class.
Another classification that deserves attention was made by North [8], who categorized PBL activities into four
types: community projects, case studies, practical projects, and library projects. When completing
ﺲ ﺴﻫ
projects, students prepare questions for surveys and questionnaires, conduct interviews and collect data from the
local community. For finding solutions to a certain problem students can carry out a case study. For practical
projects students have to complete some sort of practical work such as doing an experiment, building a model,
and so on. Library projects are carried out through collecting data from written texts and the main source of
information here is the library.
Numerous benefits of PBL have been mentioned in academic literature. One o fth e benefits of PBL is the
development of stttdents’ language skills. The learners improve their speaking and listening skills through
meaningfitl interactions when collecting data, conducting interviews and surveys. Moreover, students improve
their reading and writing skills when searching for information in libraries and writing reports. According to
Stoller [7], this development is due to the nature o f authentic tasks that makes students use these skills in an
integrated way and recycle vocabulary and grammar forms.
Another advantage of using PBL activities is that students are immersed into authentic environment and
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(45), 2015 г.
experience; thus, they have to use authentic language and are exposed to ؛t
؛ the natural setting while beihg
engaged in the project. As a result, students acquire life skills that are necessity in their future academic and
everyday lives [8]. With this in mind, the purpose of this paper is to suggest several PBL activities, that can be
applied in teaching vocabulaty, especially Russian-English false friends, which are belied to cause difficulty for
even advanced-level learners and hamper communication.
False friends [9] or deceptive cognates, as defined by Lado [10], are the words in two languages that hfive
similar phonetic and/or orthographic form but different meanings. Akulenko, however, rebutted Lado’s coining
and stated that the term false cognates is not quite appropriate, as cognates in linguistics are traditionally referred
to the words o f the common origin in related languages, wh\\
false friends are identified and studied regardless 0؛’
their etymology [11]. For example, the word pair magazine - магазин is not only false friends, where магазин in
Russian means a shop not a periodical as in English, but also true cognates as they have the same origin from
Arabic makhazin (store, depot, store-house). A good example o f false cognates and false friends at the same time
could be a word pair ghost - гость, where both words come from different origin and have different semantics.
The English word ghost originates from Old English gast (soul, spirit, life, breath; good or bad spirit, angel,
demon), while Russian гость takes its origin from Latin hostis (alien, hostile).
Jn this line, when practicing PBL approach, teachers can successful!}' use etymology search activity with
upper-level EFL learners. The teacher writes several false friends pairs on the board and assigns the task, to web-
search the origin o f the words and their modem meanings. Students are firstly encouraged to Google for good
quality online etymology dictionaries that they can consult or visit public libraries. Alternatively, teachers can
recommend some so that the results are reliable and valid and the task does not seem too challenging. As an
example, teacher can demonstrate the etymology of one false friend pair in order to ignite the interest among the
learners. Por example, the false friend pair “meeting - митинг” in Table 1 below, can be explained through
illusfration o f their origin and old meanings. By doing so teachers can lead students to understanding of how
semantics changes over the centuries or how words are borrowed from other languages. An important
recommendation that should be mentioned for this activity is that false friends should be selected carefully, so that
students find intriguingly interesting facts about borrowing and semantic shift in words.
The advantage o f this project is that it teaches students how to work autonomously, conduct research, and
make reports.
. False friends etymology activity
meeting (n.)
"action of coming together," ©Id English
verbal noun from
(v.). Meaning "gathering of people for
discussion, etc." is from }510s. In 17c., it was applied generally to worship assemblies o f nonconformists, but this now is
re ta in e d
mostly by ©uakers.
dem onstration (n.)
late 14c., "proof that something is tiue," from Old French
or directly from Latin
noun o f action from past participle stem
of demonstrare
"to point out, indicate, demonstrate."
figuratively, "to prove, establish," from
"entirely" (see
"to point out, show," from
omen, wonder" (see
). Meaning "public show o f feeling," usually' with a mass meeting and a procession, is from
Another PBL activity tliat can be used with upper-level students is conducting a survey, questionnaire or
interview. Sftrdents are assigned to work in pairs or groups, write the definition of false friends and make up a
number o f questions about the topic. As an example, the teacher can suggest a few questions such as:
- Have you ever used Russian-English false friends in your speech that cause misunderstanding? Can you
name these words?
- Has anyone you know ever used Russian-English false friends in their speech? Which words did they use?
- Did false friends, that you used, cause awkward, funny or uneasy situations?
After illustrating a few sample questions, the teacher encourages the learners to interview their peers l'roni
other schools or classes, language school, EFL teachers, native speakers o f English, and even their friends and
On the following week students have to demonstrate their project by giving to their peers a report of the
completed work. The advantage of the project is that it encourages shy students to work with strangers, i.e. other
people from their class, the way the real world is, when one has to talk to strangers in the street when asking
questions. Another benefit o f the project is that it shows how the research should be conducted, its steps, its
difficulties and the pleasure o f obtaining the results. These research skills are vety important when students go to
pursue their education in college and graduate school.
Абай атындагы ҚазҮПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика гылымдары» сериясы, №1(45), 2015 г.
Writing a song/poem/story/fairytale is a type of activity that creative students might like. The learners are
given a set o f false friends that they have to use when producing the writing task. On the following lesson students
demonstrate their work to their peers by displaying them on the classroom walls or read them aloud. Peers have to
walk around the classroom, read the stories / songs / poems / fairy tales and choose the best three by voting. As an
alternative, students can choose any false friends they like when completing the writing
ﻪ ﺷ
A make this project
more challenging and amusing, students can write a stoty or fairytale by using false friends incorrectly. Students
have to read the stories or fairytales o f their classmates, identify mistakes and correct them.
By having students write a story / fairy tale teachers can improve their learners’ writing skills, boost their
imagination, develop critical writing skills and prepare them fof the future life in college when students have to
think critically when they write.
Web-searching for pictures o f false friends might be also employed by the instructors when teaching
interlingual homonyms. The learners are given a number of false friends, consult dictionaries and find their
meanings. Next the students have to Google for the pictures and write captions on them. The example is given in
Picture 1 below.
Picture 1. Web-searching for pictures offalse friends
As we see here, shidents can write the correct English version on the picture and cross out the Russian-English
false friend so that it is clear which version should be used in speech. Alternatively, students can take their own
pictures and write captions on them.
Recording a video lesson is another but more complicated PBE activity which can be utilized by language
teachers. First o f all, the teacher has to demonstrate a sample video lesson recorded by BBC or any other language
teaching service. Students watch carefolly and make an attempt to understand how the video lesson works and
how it must be filmed. After watching a 3-minute sequence, students ask detailed questions that the teacher needs
to answer in order to enhance students’ work. At the next lesson students
d e m o n s t r a t e
their videos in class and the
teacher checks ؛؛'the sfttdents did their work properly
Alternatively, shy students can record a podcast instead of tire video lesson. The advantage of recording a
podcast is that students don’t have to find the appropriate setting and props. Another advantage of podcast over
the video lesson is the privacy aspect in some cultures according to which girls cannot be filmed without the
permission of tlieir parents or relatives.
The advantage o f these projects is that they teach students how to work in a team, how to co-operate, negotiate,
compromise, and find the best
W 'ay
to work together in order to achieve the result. In addition, students can leam
how to use technology when recording a video or a podcast, as well as how to give a positive image to the camera
how to speak clearly and fluently enough
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