front o f cameras so that the audience does not feel bored. Students
can gain self-confidence and self-esteem by shooting their own film and getting positive feedback from their peers
and the teacher.
Another PBL activity that miglit boost interest among students is compiling a mini-dictionary of false
friends. To complete this project, students might need more time than finishing tire other activities mentioned
above. First, smdents need to web-search for false friends, conduct interviews and online questionnaires in order
to find the most common Russian-English false friends. Next step is to consult dictionaries and find the meanings
of interlingual homon^mts. If students find it necessary, they can also classify false friends according to their
types, such as total/partial, graphic/phonetic, idiomatic/non-idiomatic, loan words/pseudo false friends.
Alternatively, students can compile an electronic reference book offalse friends where they can add pictures of
false friends with captions, podcasts, video lessons and definitions. The strong point o f compiling a dictionary or
an electronic reference book is that students leam how to sort data, find necessary and useful material for
publication, make decisions, work in a team, and learn how to work with technology. These skills might be veiy
usefitl in they grow up and get an official job.
The last project that we can recommend is to have students
exercises on Russian-English false
friends. The type o f questions might be o f “True/False”, “multiple choice”, “fill in the gaps”, and “correct tire
mistakes” type. By doing so teachers can reinforce ؛;tudents’ productive skills and vocabulary retention rate, as
students usually remember better when they are involved in the process of creating rather than simply doing the
ready exercises. Student$, however, might find it difficult to construct appropriate, valid and reliable tests, if they
are unaware of reliability and validity concepts. For this reason, it might be more appropriate to assign this project
to university students at philology faculty, who have already taken methodology and language testing and
evaluation courses. Alternatively, the instructor can teach validity and reliability notions to students and
demonstrate good ؟ uality exercises and tests which are valid and reliable.
In th؛$ paper we gave definition to Project-Ba؛^ed Learning approach and ways of how it can be used when
teaching vocabulaty and especially lexical-semantic interference, namely Russian-English false friends. We
believe that the projects described in our work can be successfully used by EFL teachers, boost interest among
their learners and improve vocabulary retention rate. Our further work will be experimental study of the
effectiveness ofthe projects in this paper.
/ Blumenfeld p.
et al. Motivating project-based learning: Sustaining the doing, supporting the learning// Educational
psychologist. - 1991. - T. 26. -№3-4. -
2 Hedge T. Key concept.؟
in ELT//ELTjournal. - 1993. - T. 47.-№ 3. -
3 Moss D. V. D. etal. Project-Based Learning for Adult English Language Learners. ERIC Digest. -1998.
4 Angelo T.A., Cross K.P. Classroom assessment techniques. - 1993.
5 Stoller F.L. Project Work: A Means
؛ Promote Language Content//Forum. - 1997. - T. 35.-№ 4. -
6 Haines S. Projectsfor the EFL classroom: resource materialfor teachers.- Nelson, 1989.
7 Stoller F. Establishing a theoretical foundation for project-based learning in second andforeign language contexts //
Project-based second and foreign language education: Past, present, andfuture. -2006. -
8 Alan B., Stoller F. L. Maximizing
benefits ofproject work inforeign language classrooms //English teachingforum.
2005. - T. 43.-№ 4. -
Derocquigny j. Les faux amis: ou, Les trahisons du vocabulaire anglais (conseils aux traducteurs). -
Vuibert, 1928.
10 Lado, R. linguistics Across Cultures. Ann Arbor, The University o f Michigan Press, 1974.
11 Акуленко в.в. «о ложных друзьях переводчика» //Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь ложных друзей
Бұл м акал ада жоба әдісіне жэне аудармашының жалған достарына, сондай-ак тіларалык омонимдерге аныктама
беруге зрекет жасалынады. Авторлар жоба эдісіне классификация жасап,
баска здістермен салыстырғанда
к е ^ іл ік т е р і мен артыкшылыктарын талкылайды. Сонымен катар, зерттеушілер ағылшын тілі сабагында жоба
колдану тэсілдерін ұсынады. Авторлар агылшын тілі окытушылардың жэне олардың окушыларының қызығушылы-
ғын арттыра алатын біркатар жобаларды ұсынады.
лексикалык интерференция, аудармашыныц жалган достары, когнаттар
В статье делается попытка дать определение метолу проектов и ложным друзьям переводчика, также известным
как межъязыковые омонимы. Авторы дают классификации методу проектов, обсуждают его недостатки и преиму-
щества по сравнению с другими методами. Кроме того, исследователи предполагают, каким образом метод проектов
может применяться при обучении лексико-семантической интерференции на уроке английскою языка. Авторы
предлагают ряд '؛анимательных проектов, которые могут представляв интерес как для преподователей иностранно-
го языка так и для их студентов.
Клю чевые слова: метод проектов, лексическая интерференция, ло>кныс друзья переводчика, когнаты
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(45), 2015 г.
Абай атындагы ҚазҮПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика гылымдары» сериясы, №1(45), 2015 г.
УДК: 378.147
. A.Sh. Ubniy azova - PhD, senior teacher
The last years increasingly raised the issue ©fusing modern technologies in the educational process. It is n©t only new
technical means,
also a new forms and methods of teaching, new approach to learning. The main goal that we set for
ourselves, using modem technologies in learning a foreign language i t ‘s to show how technology can he effectively used to
improve the quality of teaching foreign language students, the formation and development of their communicative culture,
practical mastery of a foreign language
This paper aims to highlight the role of using modem technology in teaching £ng>i؛؛h as a second language. It discusses
different approaches and techniques which can assist English language students to ؛mpi-ove their learning skills by using
technology. Among these techniques are online English language learning web sites, computer assisted language learning
programs, presentation software, electronic dictionaries, chatting and email messaging programs, listening CD-players, and
learning video-clips.
A case study has been done to appreciate the response of typical English language classroom students for using
technology in the learning process. Upon this practical study, the paper diagnoses the drawbacks and limitations ofthe current
conventional English language learning tools, and concludes with certain suggestions and recommendations.
The introduction of information and communication technology (1CT) to education creates new learning paradigms. We
are dwelling in a world which technology has reduced to a global village and the breakthrough in technology is underpinning
pedagogical submissions. It may become imperative therefore to have a rethinking on how to ameliorate the constraints of
second language users through the applications of modem technologies. The interactions between new technology and
pedagogical submissions have been found to an extent to be addressing the heterogeneous needs of second language learners
and any global discovery which aims at minimizing learners’ constraints is a welcome development in a rapidly changing
world oftechnology.
This paper therefore is an overview presentation of how modem technologies can be of assistance to both teachers and
students of a second language setting. The rapid growth in 1CT experienced by the technologically advanced nations of the
world has helped them to overcome some of the barriers in teaching and learning. Applications of modem day’s technologies
in foe field of teaching and learning can make it possible for teachers, students and others to join communities of people well
beyond their immediate environment to critically review, analyze, contribute, criticize and organize issues logically and
contextttally having professionalism and the
ofthe entire society in view. Now, new technologies such as foe
reported computer enhancements
new software and networking make it much easier for educators to conquer space and
time, with the motive of ameliorating constraints and academic conflicting issues. We can now bring learning to virtually any
place on earth anytime for the purpose of achieving the desirable learning outcomes.
Key words: a foreign language, technology, modem technology, multimedia, CALL, teaching English
In the past, learning and education sim ply m eant face-to-face lecture.؟, reading books
؛ printed handouts,
taking notes and com pleting
generally in the form o f answ ering questions o r w riting essays. In short;
edttcation, learning and teaching w ere considered im possible w ithout a teacher, books and chalkboards. Today,
education and training ha¥e taken on a w hole new m eaning. C om puters are an essential part o f e v e ty classroom
and teachers are using □ ٧ ٥ $, C D -R O M s and videos to $how pupils how things w ork and operate. Pupils can
interact w ith the subject m atters through the use o f such w eb based tools and C D -R O M s. M oreover, each pupil
can progres$ at his/her ow n pace [1].
Technology allows distance learning:
Perhaps the greatest im pact o fte c h n o lo g y in the field o f learning i$ its
ability to help several people learn sim ultaneously from different locations. Learners are not required to gather at a
predeterm ined fime
ﺎﺋ place in order to learn and receive instructions and inform ation. A ll one needs is a
com puter connected to a m odem (or w ith a C D drive); these tools can literally deliver a ‘classro o m ’ in the hom es
and offices o f people.
Technology allows group Learning:
T here are naysayer$ w ho argue that distance learning o f this sort cannot
help pupils receive the support o f fraditional group-based learning. Por proving this theory w rong, technology
helped provide di$tance learners w ith online com m unities, live chat room s and bulletin boards. All these allow
pupils to collaborate and com m unicate even though they are isolated in their ow n space.
Technology allows individual pacing:
M ultim edia tools, on-line and C D -R O M ba$ed training have helped
elim inate the need for an instructor-based lesson plans. Pupils w ho grasp concepts faster proceed and m ove along,
w ithout being held back by ones w ho need m ore tim e and help for learning. Such individual pacing is beneficial
to all.
Technology helps lower training costs and increases productivity:
A nother benefit o f using technology to
reach m any pupils in $horter tim e i$ low ering training costs. C orporate and academ ic lnstitu t؛on$ can reduce their
costs ©f delivering lessons to pupils on a per-pupil basis. Moreover, technology produces quantifiable results dhd
a llo ts pupils to put into practice this information quickly and with better results. Through the use o f technology,
pupils can considerably save time and increase their productivity. Both these points justify the higher costs of
advanced technological tools.
R©adblocks in the use
techn©l©gy in learaing: Naturally, for education technology to have a positive
impact on pupils, it should be designed and prepared well. Tools used for disseminating information must be
developed with pupils in mind. There are also factors like lack o f computer/technology literacy to be considered.
Schools and businesses must bear in mind that education technology is simply a tool and its success depends
largely on the amount o f planning that goes into it. Using education technology can be a right choice as long as all
such factors are
With the development o f technology and the boom o f digital revolution, foreign language teachers find it
necessaty to think about effective new ways to create a better foreign language teaching and learning environment
that is supported by multimedia technologies. As a result. Computer Assisted Language Learning, or CALL, has
become increasingly popular in the foreign language teaching field. Based on the analysis of the features of
CALL, this paper is focused on how multimedia can play an important role in EFL classrooms. The literature
review was conducted on definitions and the development of multimedia. Furthermore, the review ofthe literature
was conducted on multimedia as a teaching method from both theoretical and pedagogical aspects. By analyzing
the weakness and the strength o f CALL, some practical and effective teaching ways, as proposed by professional
educators and qualified teachers, are discussed on how to effectively use multimedia in the classroom [2].
Following the literature review, the writer makes the following conclusions: multimedia Lnglish teaching is a
recent technique with both strengths and weaknesses. Teachers, who are regarded as the most important factor in
insfruction effectiveness, need to make full use of multimedia to create an authentic language teaching and
learning environment where pupils can easily acquire a language naturally and effectively.
Multimedia is a recent and popular term in the field of computer usage. Generally speaking, multimedia is the
combination of text, sound, pictures, animation, and video. Typical set-ups include CD-ROM, CD-ROM player,
sound equipment, and special hardware, which allow the display o f sophisticated graphics. With the rapid
development ofthe imemet, which has become a powerful medium for it provides a number of services including
“e-mail, the World Wide Web (WWW), newsgroups, voice and video conferencing, file transfer and exchange
and numerous corporate services delivered through specialized programs”. In the context of teaching, multimedia
can be called an integrated media, which consists of various media forms such as text, graphic, animation, 'audio,
etc. to browse, queiy, select, link and use information to meet pupils’ requirement. Smith and W©ody defined
multimedia as “the use o f both visual aids and verbal descriptions to illustrate concepts” [3].
Dev،؛l©pment ©f Multimedia Applied in English Teaching
According to Mudge , Multimedia applied in English teaching may include four stages. The original stage can
be dated back to the 1950s when only a few foreign language institutes started to employ phonograph, broadcast,
movie, tape recorder and other current media in foreign language teaching. During that time, audio and video
were once considered a significant revolution to the teaching o f foreign language. Following in the 70s and 80s,
audio and video developed dramatically with the advancement of electronic technology. Electronic taping, slide
projectors, videocassette players, language labs and other electronic devices were included in this era. By the turn
of 90s, multimedia technology was becoming increasing available in foreign language instruction because o f the
development o f computer technology and the coming of the digital revolution. In the early 2000’s, the internet
became a powerfitl medium for the delivety of computer-aided learning materials. The internet provides a world-
wide means to get information, lighten the work load, and communicate with each other at any time and at any
place. CALL which is Computer Assisted Language Learning came into play during the later part o fth e 20th
cenhny. Warschauer divided the histoy o f CALL into three stages: behavioristic CALL, communicative C A fl.,
and integrative CALL. Behavioristic CALL applied in 1960s and 1970s was based on the behaviorist learning and
featured repetitive language drills. The computer was regarded as a mechanical tutor to deliver the materials to the
pupils. An example of a behaviotistic CALL strategy is FLATO [4].
FLATO (Frogrammed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations), the best-known tutorial system, is a special
hardware consisting o f extensive drills, grammatical explanations, and translation tests at various intervals. Th،؛
next stage, communicative CALL, appeared in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It focused on the communicative
teaching method and encouraged pupils to generate original utterances through the process o f discovery,
expression and development rather than just repeat the prefabricated language. Pupils were supposed to make use
of the computer or the hardware to assist them in language learning. What they actually work with is not the
computer but their classmates or teachers. In this model, the computer is viewed as stimulus or tool. Popular
CALL software developed in this period included word processors, spelling and grammar checkers. Following
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №1(45), 2015 г.
Абай атындагы ҚазҮПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика гылымдары» сериясы, №1(45), 2015 г.
this stage
؛ the third stage, integrative CALL which ineluded the development ©fnrultimedia eomputers and the
Internet. This model not only integrates various skills (e.g. listening, writing, speaking and reading) but also bonds
different technologies serving as effective and comprehensive tools for language learning and teaching. With
integrative CALL, teachers were moving away from communicative perspective o f teaching to a more social way,
which emphasizes the language use in authentic social environments. Applying this multimedia networked
computer in the language class provides pupils a more effective means to learn English.
instance, pupils can
have rapid access to the background, grammatical or vocabulary explanations, pronunciation information while
the main lesson is in the foreground. Besides, pupils under this model are usually encouraged to engage in their
own language development rather than learn in a passive ■way. The history of CALL suggests that multimedia can
serve a variety o f purposes for language teaching. It can serve as a tutor to offer language drills or a stimulus to
stir pupils to think. With the advent o f the advanced technology and internet, computer usage in language teaching
provides an authentic environment for pupils to communicate with native speakers in an inexpensive means [5].
Nevertheless, the application o f multimedia in English teaching is not as widely used as expected. A reason for
this could be the underdevelopment oftechnology and immature pedagogy about using multimedia in teaching
foreign languages. Tor example, multimedia cost is high and not all educational institutions can make use of this
tool. In addition, many teachers are not trained in using multimedia to teach English. According to Gong
some teachers who have been aware of the applicability of multimedia teaching tend to focus on the flowery and
fancy courseware and neglect the teaching aim, teaching object and teaching content, so the whole English
classroom would become a demonstrating hall of computer functions.
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ной школе. //Иностранныеязыки в школе. - 2001. -№2. - с .
2 Jonassen, D.H. Constructing learning environments on the web: Engaging pupils in meaningful learning. EdTech
Educational Technology Conference andExhibition 1999: Thinking Schools, Learning Nation. - 1999-p. 45-46.
3 DavidNunan. Communicative Language Teaching-2204.
4 Brown, H.D. (2001). Teaching by principles: An attractive approach to language pedagogy. -New York: Longman.
5 Scott, W.A. & Ytreberg, L.H. (2000). Teaching English
؛ children. - New York: Longman.
6 Rodrieguez, R.J
. ه
White, R.N. (2003) From role play to the real world Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, Inc
Horner & McGinley, 2000.
7 Berer, Marge and Frank, Christine and Rinvolucri, Mario. Challenge to think Oxford University Press, 2002.
Бұл макзлада шетел тілін оқытудың жаңа технологиялык эдістері жайлы айтылады. Шетел тілін
окытуда жаңа технологиялык эдістерді пайдалану жөнінде квптеген мәселелер талкылануда. Бұл •тек жаңа техника-
лык кұралдарды пайдалану ғана емес сонымен катар, жаңа окыту эдістері мен формаларын жетік пайдалану
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