Кілт сөздер: суггестия, суггестиялық лингвистика, алғыс айту, қарғыс айту, әсер ету.
Mashimbaeva Aynur - Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, candidate of philological
sciences, Associate Professor , mashimbaeva81mail.ru
Absattarova Gulsara - Kazakh National Conservatory named
after Kurmangazy, MA, Senior Lecturer,
Dzhanseitova Svetlana - Kazakh National Conservatory
named after Kurmangazy, PhD, Professor, bntb@mail.ru
Universal texts suggestive ofgood wishes, conspiracy.
The article discusses the direction of linguistics - suggestive linguistics , genre, good wishes and
conspiracies, some language methods are analyzed in the texts of good wishes and conspiracies. The main attention to
the relation of speech and action in the good wishes and conspiracy , which are considered as a special kind of
pragmatic communicative act , the subject of which with the help of the sacred text appeals to different types of magic
in order to achieve the desired effect. The fact that the language can be carried out by means of suggestive influence ,
served as the basis for the emergence of promising emerging trends in linguistics - suggestive of linguistics that studies
the phenomenon of suggestion using words, linking the ancient knowledge and modern techniques. Good wishes
accompany the person throughout life: from small sentences, "good night", "grow big", "bless you" to deployed wish a
happy life greeting cards, toast, etc. In folk tradition, content of good wishes are different. They come in family ritual
and folklore, lullabies, incantations, divination, etc. However, the question of the status of good wishes in the folklore
of the system remains open: good wishes and plots are considered "microtexts" as an independent genre, as part of the
Keywords: suggestion , suggestive linguistics, good wishes, conspiracy , influence.
Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Филологические науки», № 1(55), 2016 г.
УДК 811.161
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