Б., Маханбетов
Оқушылардың сабағын зерттеу арқылы оқуын дамыту
6 .
Шалгимбекова А. Б., Салыкова Ә. Д
Сабақты зерттеуден оқушылардың білімін
жетілдіруге дейін
Шнарбаева Г.К.
Графические организаторы информации как эффективное средство формирования
критического мышления в процессе чтения на уроках литературы
критического мышления в процессе чтения на уроках литературы
остерна презентаци
Methodical guide
Online service Kahoot as a means of activating cognitive interest of students.
«Zatobol school gymnasium of the Department of education of Kostanay region»
Shushakova Aliya Saymanovna
Sabanova Bakhytgul Amangeldinovna
Сабақты дайындау және өткізу үшін
түрлі интернет
қолданылуы мүмкін. Сондықтан біз оқушылардың
жақты дамуына,
олардың уәждемесін арттыруға және оқытушының жұмысын оңтайландыруға
ықпал ететін "КАХУТ" жаңа онлайн
сервисі туралы айтқымыз келеді.
Various Internet resources can be used during preparing and conducting a
lesson. That’s why, we would like to talk about the new online service "KAHOOT",
which contributes to the comprehensive development of students, increasing their
motivation and optimi
zation of the teacher’s work.
Түйінді сөздер: платформа, викторина, технологиядар
Ключевые слова: платформа, викторина, технологии
Keywords: Platform, Quiz, technologies
Explanatory note
In the modern world, the use of various technologies, including mobile
applications, for learning, both among adults and among children, is becoming
increasingly popular. Today, there is a fairly large set of information technology
tools available to the schoolteacher. Various Internet resources can be used during
preparing and conducting a lesson.
That’s why, we would like to talk about the new
online service "KAHOOT", which contributes to the comprehensive development of
students, increasing their motivation and optimization of the teacher’s work.
This service is very convenient to use, free and full of advantages. It is bright,
very social, extremely simple for the teacher, and so the children from 7 to 16 are
delighted from him. Kahoot was developed as a tool for the rapid creation of
everything interactive that one can imagine: quizzes, polls and discussions.
The program is aimed at students of all ages, this guide is based on the
formation of knowledge acquired by the learner. To check the received knowledge
and get feedback from the student to the teacher. The methodological guide provides
a sequence of studies on the work in the Kahoot service, determines the step-by-step
study of the service necessary for the formation of information and communication
competence of the students. This service was used in computer science lessons with
in-depth study of English in 5
classes during the half-year. The results of this
application showed the activation of students in studying of computer science, as
well as English. Being that the competition within the class motivated all students to
learn new material, replenish the vocabulary of the English language. Experience in
using this service was presented at the regular pedagogical council "Use of innovative
forms of education in the context of the updated content of education."
Mastering of technological information and communication knowledge and the
foundations of information culture;
Development of creative abilities and activation of cognitive interest of students.
- Acquiring skills in the field of information technology;
- Development of independence;
- Formation of general educational skills and skills based on ICT tools and methods.
Kahoot! Is a client-server educational Web- platform (in English) that allows
conduct testing, interviews and discussions in a collaborative learning mode
absolutely free of charge.
Students can respond to tests created by the teacher from tablets, laptops,
smartphones. In part, this program resembles the one described in the
DidactorSocrative and can be effectively used for didactic purposes.
Students can respond to tests created by the teacher from tablets, laptops,
smartphones, from any device that has access to the Internet.
Created in Kahoot tasks allow you to include in them photos and even video
clips. The pace of quizzes and tests is regulated by introducing a time limit for each
If desired, the teacher can enter points for answers to the questions posed: for
the correct answers and for the speed. The scoreboard is displayed on the teacher's
computer monitor. Kahoot has a number of interesting opportunities that help to
motivate and inspire students. Firstly, music. When the question appears on the
screen, music begins to play, it is different for each question, and a ticking sound is
heard reminding that the time for an answer is limited. The faster the students answer
questions, the more points they receive. There is a leader board showing who scored
the most points. When the test is completed, you can download the results of the class
in the form of a table. Errors shown in this table can be worked out in the lesson or
after it, which allows each student to see their own gaps, and what he needs to repeat
and study again. Kahoot has an extensive library of public tests open to all comers.
Who and what is behind Kahoot!? Platform and brand of Kahoot! was
developed by a constituent team led by Johan Brand, JamieBrooker, AsmundFuruseth
and MortenVersvik. The technology platform itself is based on a study conducted by
Morten Werswick on the master's degree at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology (NTNU)), and on the
basis of studies conducted by Professor Alf Inge Van and his colleagues at NTNU
At the base of the service Kahoot! there are five main and one auxiliary sites:
1) create.kahoot.it - a site that is designed to create a user (teacher) kahut.
2) play.kahoot.it - a site that serves to launch kahutas by the user (educator).
3) kahoot.it - a site that serves to connect to users' khatchu (students) through various
devices (PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones).
4) test.kahoot.it - a site that allows you to test your Internet connection and determine
the level of its quality to work with the Kahoot service!
5) media.kahoot.it - site for working with media content of the service.
6) getkahoot.com is a support site designed to support users.
Recommendations for use
To participate in testing, students simply need to open the service and enter the
PIN code that the teacher represents from their computer.
The student is comfortable on his device to choose the correct answer. Variants
are represented by geometric figures.
The use of this service can be a good way to get original feedback from students.
One of the features of Kahoot is the ability to duplicate and edit tests, which
allows the teacher to save a lot of time.
Algorithm of work in the program Kahoot. Creating a test
1. Go to the start page of the service (https://getkahoot.com/), click
"GetMyFreeAccount" (if the account is already created - click "SignIn").
2. Next, determine your role (I'm a teacher) and proceed to fill out the questionnaire.
In the appropriate columns we enter information about yourself: Choose:
"SchoolorUniversity" (School or university?) We come up with "Username" (name or
nickname, under which you work to work in the service). Fill in the column "Email"
(email address). We come up with a password (Password ).
3. Then press the "CreateAccount" button. We get to the personal cabinet. To create a
quiz, click "Quiz" (test).
4. In the opened window, enter the name of the future quiz and click "Go!".
5. Then we come up with questions. We put them in the "Question" field. For the
question, you can select an image by downloading it from the computer (the
"Draganddropanimagefromyourdesktophere" field - "Select file") or video (the
"Video" tab). For each question, the time for reflection is set (Timelimit), by default -
30 seconds, as well as the number of points that can be obtained by correctly
answering the question (Pointsquestion).
6. Let's move on to adding answers (Answer), the boxes for adding them are at the
bottom. By default, there are four possible answers, from which participants should
choose only one - the right one, in their opinion. The number of options can be
reduced by clicking the "-" icon on the right. Under each answer, note whether it is
correct (Correct) or not (Incorrect). When the work on the first question and answers
to it is over, click on "Addquestion" and continue to work with the second question.
Once the quiz is finished, click "Save & continue".
Now select additional quiz settings:
- Language: choose from the drop-down list "Russian language".
- Privacysettings (privacy settings): select "Public".
- Primaryaudience (the audience for which the survey is designed): for example from
the list you can select "School".
Here you can add a short description of the quiz (test) - in the "Description"
field, write tags (Tags) and determine the difficulty level of the test (Difficultylevel):
from simple (Beginner) to Advanced (Advanced). To finish the creation of the quiz,
again click "Save & continue".
At the final stage we will be offered to choose the "cover" of the future test
(optional). You can add a video from YouTube, which will be broadcast on the
screen, while the participants will join the game.
Press "Done" - the work on the quiz is over.
The quiz can be viewed by clicking the "Preview" button or again returning to
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