Сборник Докладов «Исследование урока: опыт школ Казахстан»

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Holding a quiz. Teacher Participation 
Step 1. The teacher starts (there is an automatic redirect (redirection) from the site 
create.kahoot.it to the site play.kahoot.it) created kahut, for example test, on a 
computer with an interactive whiteboard, TV-panel or other similar device in the 
classroom and Waiting for students to connect. 

To start testing the audience, click on "Playnow". On the opened page, you can 
set additional settings (add background music, show the answers in random order, set 
automatic transitions from question to question, etc.). By default, all these settings are 
disabled (Off). 
After the additional settings are done, press "Launch" and get into the virtual 
room, where the game will take place. To start the game, the teacher displays the 
virtual room image on the big screen through the projector and invites participants to 
the game. 
Step 2. Participants of the game should go to the quiz site from their mobile devices 
at the address: https: //kahoot.it/. 
In the opened window they enter the virtual room number, which the teacher 
will inform(Gamepin) and press "Enter". Further each participant is represented - 
fills in the "Nickname" window and presses "Joingame" (Join the game). 
Step 3. After the required number of students successfully connected to the kahoot, 
the teacher launches the kahoot by clicking on the "Start" button, the students see 
questions, answer options and answer them using their gadgets. 

As you can see from the picture on the student's device, the question is not 
displayed, the text version of the answer is not displayed, the student sees only the 
color and geometric shape of the answer, this is the intentional assumption of the 
developers, being that Kahoot! do not strive for the isolation of the learner, but, on 
the contrary, wants to create an effective environment for learning, discussion, 
expressing one's own opinion of each learner. 
Step 4. When all the test tasks are solved, the students see their results on the 
interactive whiteboard. At this stage, the teacher can conduct a reflection. Students 
are encouraged to evaluate the test on a 5-point scale, express their emotions / 
feelings, assess the conformity of the test with the topics / materials studied and 
decide on recommending this test to their peers (see the figure below). 
Step 5. Then the teacher can save all the results of the students by exporting to Excel-
document and saving it to your computer or to GoogleDisk 
Also in Kahoot! you can use the "Ghostmode" mode, after passing the test you 
can go through it again, but taking into account the results of the first pass, thus 
Kahoot! allows to reveal the level of knowledge of students between the first launch 
and all subsequent. 
Kahoot! fully tested on the last two versions of the following browsers: 





Developers Kahoot! offer to familiarize yourself with the recommended
bandwidth of your service. Based on past usage, the following minimum data rates 
(reception and return) are recommended for the number of users on one Internet 
connection according to Table 1. 
Table 1. Recommendednetworkbandwidth 

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