Бұл мақалада АКТ-ны студенттердің білім сапасын арттыру және олардың
шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамыту құралы ретінде пайдалану жайлы айтылған.
Tuimebek A.A., master student
KazUIR&WL named after Ablai Khan
The country has entered the third millennium, which puts forward fundamentally new
requirements for training specialists. They must have market thinking, entrepreneurial spirit, the
ability to make bold decisions, and a high - quality knowledge of three languages – State, Russian
and English.
The processes of globalization, the intensive development of communications, the Internet, and
distance education make language skills the main requirement for modern employees. Therefore,
teaching a foreign language is considered as a necessary link in the General program of humanization
of education[1].
Modern specialists need personal qualities based not only on logic, but also on intuition and
creativity: rational and imaginative thinking, reflection, prompt response to the situation,
purposefulness, ability to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty, competitiveness.
Competitiveness implies that a specialist has such qualities, skills and abilities as health, intelligence,
high performance, organization, creativity, discipline, business connections, communication skills
and communicative abilities. Mastering a foreign language is necessary both in everyday life and at
work: communication with foreign partners, business trips, equipping production with imported
equipment, business correspondence, computers. Everything you do requires a basic knowledge of
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Language, whether native or foreign, serves as a means of communication, allowing people to
interact with each other, to influence each other in the natural conditions of social life. Much of the
success of the work depends on the methods of training. A huge variety of activities of teachers and
students in the classroom – these are the teaching methods.
In recent years, more and more attention of pedagogical science and practice is attracted to
teaching methods, which in their content and methods of implementation are impossible without a
high level of external and internal activity of students. They are usually referred to as "active
learning methods". Among these methods, the most common is didactic games. Didactic games are
a collective, purposeful educational activity, when each participant and the team as a whole are
united by solving the main task and orienting their behavior to win. A game organized for the
purpose of learning can be called a learning game.
In terms of training qualified workers and specialists, business games are widely used. Their
goal is to develop and practice specific skills to act in clearly defined situations. Students are trained
to quickly analyze the specified production conditions, make optimal decisions, solve economic
problems. Active methods include problem-based learning. Students face academic, life and work
Active methods include extracurricular activities: competitions, Olympiads, quizzes, press-
conferences, for example, the week of natural science disciplines. Conducting a competition for the
best reader, which reveals the correct pronunciation and general expressiveness of speech.
Competition for the best simultaneous interpreter, which makes it possible to identify the
understanding of speech by ear. The competition for the best translator-referent reveals the ability to
understand a foreign language text when reading. The competition for the best storyteller makes it
possible to identify the ability to build a coherent statement. The contest for the best interlocutor
reveals the ability to conduct a dialogue, exchange replicas.
The quiz can be conducted at any stage of learning a foreign language. Its subject may be
cross-cultural knowledge. The colloquial speech circle is a huge field of activity of the teacher,
where you can use the techniques inherent in intensive methods. This is also the creation of an
atmosphere conducive to communication. Updating processes in the field of foreign language
teaching in modern schools create a situation in which teachers are given the right and opportunity to
independently choose textbooks and other teaching tools. The modern teacher refuses ready-made
methodological "recipes" that strictly regulate activities within a specific methodological system, in
favor of analyzing the current situation of teaching foreign languages, in favor of effective use of
new technologies in the educational process. The task of the teacher is to create conditions for
practical language acquisition for each student, to choose such teaching methods that would allow
each student to show their activity and creativity. The task of the teacher is to activate the cognitive
activity of the student in the process of teaching foreign languages[2].
Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project methodology, and the
use of new information technologies. Internet resources help to implement a personal-oriented
approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account
the abilities of children, their level of learning, aptitudes, etc. Modern technologies are undoubtedly
computer technologies that have a number of advantages over traditional methods. Computer training
has a huge motivational potential. One of the most revolutionary achievements in recent decades,
which significantly influenced the educational process around the world, was the creation of a
worldwide computer network, called the Internet, which literally means "international network". The
use of cybernetic space for educational purposes is an absolutely new direction of General didactics
and private methods, since the changes that are taking place affect all aspects of the educational
process, from the choice of techniques and working style to changes in the requirements for the
academic level of students[2].
The substantial basis of mass computerization of education, of course, is due to the fact that the
modern computer is an effective means of optimizing the conditions of intellectual labor in general,
in any of its manifestations. R. Williams and K. Mcleay in their article "Computers in school" write:
"There is one feature of the computer that is revealed when you use it as a device for teaching others,
and as an assistant in the acquisition of knowledge, it is its inanimate. The machine can" friendly "
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communicate with the user and at some points "support" him, but it will never show signs of
irritability and will not let you feel that it has become bored. In this sense, the use of computers is
perhaps most useful in individualizing certain aspects of teaching"[2].
The main goal of learning a foreign language is the formation of communicative competence,
all other goals (educational, educational, developmental) are implemented in the process of
implementing this main goal. The communicative approach involves learning to communicate and
developing the ability to inter-cultural interaction, which is the basis for the functioning of the
Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet does not make sense - it is an international,
multinational, cross-cultural society, whose life is based on the electronic communication of millions
of people around the world, speaking simultaneously - the most gigantic in size and number of
participants conversation that has ever occurred. By engaging in it in a foreign language lesson, we
create a model of real communication.
Communicating in a true language environment provided by the Internet, students find
themselves in real life situations. Involved in solving a wide range of significant, realistic, interesting
and achievable tasks, students learn to respond spontaneously and adequately to them, which
encourages the creation of original statements, rather than the template manipulation of language
The primary importance is given to understanding, transmitting content and expressing
meaning, which motivates the study of the structure and vocabulary of a foreign language that serve
this purpose. Thus, students ' attention is focused on the use of forms rather than on themselves, and
grammar instruction is carried out indirectly, in non-mediated communication, excluding the pure
study of grammatical rules[2].
The computer is loyal to the variety of students ' responses, it does not accompany the work of
students with praise or blame comments, which develops their independence and creates a favorable
atmosphere in the classroom, giving them self-confidence, which is an important factor for the
development of individuality. The development of education in our days is closely connected with
the increase in the level of its information potential. This characteristic feature largely determines
both the direction of the evolution of education itself and the future of society as a whole. For the
most successful orientation in the world of information culture, as the priority in the search for
information is increasingly given to the Internet.
As an information system, the Internet offers its users a variety of information and resources.
The basic set of services may include:
- e-mail;
- teleconferences (UseNet);
- video conferences and webinars;
- ability to publish your own information, create your own home page (homepage) and place
it on a Web server;
- access to information resources;
- a reference catalog;
- search engine;
- online conversation (Chat, Twitter)[3].
These resources of communicative and intercultural competence are impossible without the
practice of communication, and the use of Internet resources in a foreign language lesson in this
sense is simply irreplaceable: the virtual environment allows you to go beyond the time and space
limits, giving its users the opportunity to authentic communication with real interlocutors on topics
relevant to both sides. However, we must not forget that the Internet is just an auxiliary technical
means of learning, and to achieve optimal results, it is necessary to correctly integrate its use in the
course of the lesson.
Informatization is a necessary component and condition for the overall modernization of
education, updating the content and forms of educational activities, the entire school system, and
education management. Without Informatization, it is impossible to complete the modernization
program in full. Informatization of education is a priority for the development of the social sphere of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, indicated in the documents Of the government of Kazakhstan. Teaching
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a foreign language as a part of the educational process cannot be left out of these global changes in
schools. Not only the novelty of working with a computer, which in itself increases interest in
learning, but also the ability to adjust learning tasks according to the degree of difficulty,
encouraging the right decisions have a positive impact on motivation.
A computer is a tool used by a teacher who can perform various functions in the process of
teaching foreign languages:
- training tool;
- tool for creating texts in the language you are learning;
- tool for processing and storing statistical information about educational activities;
- a means of communication with a native speaker in an email system[3].
The main directions of using information and communication technologies by foreign language
teachers are: multimedia lessons, which are conducted on the basis of computer training programs,
testing on computers, remote Olympiads, telecommunications projects, lessons based on author's
computer presentations in the form of lectures, seminars, laboratory work, student reports, project
activities, and much more. All these techniques and forms of work, except for telecommunications
projects, I use at various stages of the lesson and in various types of speech activity. Methodically,
the forms of working with a computer in English classes can be different: mastering new material or
fixing it using training programs, writing essays, presentations, dictation, using translation programs
when working with complex texts, checking literacy and spelling in English, using training programs
to expand the vocabulary.
The use of computer presentations in the educational process allows students to intensify the
assimilation of educational material and conduct classes at a qualitatively new level, using instead of
a classroom whiteboard, the design of slide films and reference tables from a computer screen to a
large wall screen. Using a computer presentation can significantly improve the effectiveness of the
lesson. The presentation allows you to influence several types of memory at once: visual, auditory,
emotional, and in some cases motor. The effectiveness of the impact of educational material on
students depends largely on the degree and level of illustrative material. Computer presentations
allow you to focus students ' attention on significant points of the information presented and create
visual and effective images in the form of illustrations, diagrams, diagrams, and graphic
compositions. Computer presentations allow you to effectively adapt the training material to the
characteristics of students. Increased interactivity leads to more intensive participation in the learning
process of the learner, which contributes to improving the efficiency of perception and memorization
of educational material. You can use the presentation in the educational process at various stages of
the lesson, while the essence of it as a visual tool remains unchanged, only its forms change,
depending on the purpose of its use[3].
Is it worth creating presentations for each lesson and does it take too much time? It is not
necessary to constantly use presentations, especially since in some cases it can be harmful or tedious,
however, in cases where the lesson material contains a large amount of illustrative material, the use
of computer presentations can significantly increase the effectiveness of the lesson.
Currently, the introduction of computers, multimedia technology and the global information
computer network affects the education system, causing significant changes in the content and
methods of teaching English. The process of implementing computer technologies is constantly
occurring, it penetrates into all areas of human activity. But most importantly, it leads to accelerated
personal development, thereby increasing the overall level of education.
Learning English using information and communication technologies gives students the
opportunity to participate independently in tests, quizzes, competitions, and Olympiads held over the
network, correspond with peers from other countries, participate in chats, and create blogs. They can
get useful information about the problem they are working on: linguistic and cultural material, news
from the lives of famous people, articles from Newspapers and magazines, necessary literature,
films, etc. Classic and integrated lessons accompanied by multimedia presentations and online tests
allow my students to deepen their knowledge.
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In my work, I actively use electronic textbooks. The advantages of electronic textbooks, in my
opinion, are: first, their mobility, second, the availability of communication with the development of
computer networks, and third, the adequacy of the level of development of modern scientific
knowledge. On the other hand, the creation of electronic textbooks also contributes to the solution of
such a problem as the constant updating of information material. They can also contain a large
number of exercises and examples, and illustrate various types of information in detail. In addition,
with the help of e-books is the control of knowledge computer testing. Electronic dictionaries also
combine the functions of searching for information of interest, demonstrating language laws, and
make it possible to master the educational material using a special system of exercises. All modern
electronic dictionaries use audio tools of multimedia personal computers to reproduce pronunciation.
The use of modern tools such as computer programs and Internet technologies, as well as
training in collaboration and project methodology allow us to solve these problems. The main
purpose of teaching a foreign language in professional educational institutions is to prepare a highly
qualified specialist who is competitive in a market economy, and to educate individuals who are
willing and able to communicate, people who are willing and able to receive self-education.
Participation in various international programs, the opportunity to study abroad presuppose not only
a high level of foreign language proficiency, but also the identification of personality traits:
sociability, lack of language barriers, knowledge of international etiquette, a broad outlook, the
ability to "submit" yourself. As a rule, when performing various tests for admission to a higher
education institution or participating in competitions or Olympiads, a strict time limit is set for each
task, which also requires a special type of training. The use of modern training tools, the introduction
of active and interactive methods and the use of innovative technologies allow us to successfully
solve these problems.
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