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· The flexibility of the process of changing both the initial data and the problem statement.
The development of multimedia textbooks has become an urgent task in the context of the
development of the modern education system and the widespread introduction of new IT in the
educational process.
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2. Velikanova A.V. Competence-oriented approach to education / graduation 2, Samara: Profi-
3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: a manual for
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Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseyev, A.E.Petrov.-M .: Academy, 2004-272с.
4. Kopylov V.V.Metodika design work on the lessons of the English language. M: Globus,
5. 5.Polat E.S. Method of projects in foreign language lessons / E.S. Polat // Foreign languages
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textbook for universities.M .: Higher School, 2004-200c.
6. Informatics: problems, methodology, technologies: materials of the XI International
Scientific and Methodological Conference, Voronezh, 2011. : in 3 t. - Voronezh: VSU, 2011.- 480s.
В этой статье говорится об использование ИКТ на занятиях для повышения качества
знаний учащихся, развитие их творческих способностей.
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